My brothers kept coming in while I was writing this, so I kept having to close this and rewrite it. So this first chapter isn't any good. But read it anyways! Whee!
Computer Fun!

It was a bright, cheery morning in the boring building of Central! But hey, that doesn't matter, what matters is that everyone in Central was buzzing with excitement upon hearing that a new invention called "The Computer" had been invented. Yes, it seems common since finally kicked in when realizing if you could do alchemy, then why the hell hadn't a computer been invented? Because it was a plot hole, duh!

Not really. The real reason is because Alchemy is better then technology. And it's cheaper. And less annoying.

Anyways, let's skip the boring shit and go to Ed's dorm, where he is currently installing his computer!

Being short actually came with an advantage as Ed had to crawl under the computer desk to put cords in the outlets. Ed plugged in the final cord and crawled out from under the desk, looking at his new computer. "Finally!" Ed said. "It's finally ready!" He then smirked.

He stood there for moments wondering why nothing was happening. "Why the hell isn't this thing turning on?" He said, frowning. Poor Ed, for someone who is so smart, he can't figure out what buttons are for. Tsk Tsk. After giving the author a death glare, Ed finally realized a big button on the modem. He gently pushed it, and heard the whirling of the computer, making him back away.

After a little bit, the computer flashed up a blue screen that read "WELCOME TO YOUR NEW WINDOWS COMPUTER!" Ed sat down in the chair and read the directions on how to use the computer. "God damn it, I thought computers were supposed to be easy!" Ed cursed after trying to get the computer to work for the past hour. Ed clicked the final button and success, he now had the internet, the main reason he got the computer. "Alright, bout time!"

Ed went to the popular search site, Google. Roy had told him to go there to search for what ever he wanted to find. It flashed up the screen, and Ed sat there for a minute thinking of what he wanted to know first. Then it came to him.

Philosopher's stone, he typed in. After a few seconds it loaded a new page that said:

PHILOSOPHERS STONE: 900,123,432 websites found.

Ed blinked. "WOW!" Ed yelled. "This is great!" Ed scanned the summaries of the lists of the sites.

"Let's see here…hey what's this?" Ed said, hovering the mouse over a certain link. The link said
Edward Elric searches for the Philosopher's Stone, He find's Roy Mustang instead. RoyXEd.

"What the hell?" Ed exclaimed. "Who made a site about ME? How do they know me? What the hell does 'RoyXEd' mean?" Curious, Ed clicked the link. The page loaded, and was in story format.

Like lol! Hi, welcome to my story! lol! It's my first one, lmao! It's about Roy and Ed, lol! Well, enjoy, lol!

Ed frowned. What the hell did 'lol' and 'lmao' mean? Ed sighed and decided to read on.

It was a dark day in the building of Central. Despite that, Ed was in the library, doing research on the Philosopher's Stone. As he continued to read, he heard on coming foot steps. He turned around to see Roy standing there, with a smug expression.

Ed stopped reading a moment to frown. "Damn, even on the internet that bastard won't leave me alone!" He growled.

"What do you want?" Ed said bitterly. Roy just smirked and sat beside the young blond. "How's the research going, midjit?" Roy said, making Ed frown. "Who the hell are you calling so short that he falls in the cracks of the floor?" Ed exclaimed. Roy just chuckled, and then grabbed the young blond by the wrist. "Hey! What are you doing?" Ed said, trying to break free of his grasp.

Roy said nothing and just pulled Ed to the back of the library. "Hey!" Ed complained, squirming. Roy then pushed Ed roughly up against the wall, and stared deep into his golden eyes.

"What the hell!" Ed said out loud. "I wouldn't just let Roy push me! This story is so out of character!"

Ed opened his mouth to protest but was quickly silenced when Roy crushed his lips onto his.

Ed stopped reading. Then re-read the sentence. Then read it again. And again, until he was sure his eyes weren't lying to him.

"WHAT THE HELLLLL!" Ed screamed loud enough to be heard through out Central. His eyes were wide as his brain kept re-playing the message. "Ok," Ed said out loud, trying to calm down. "Maybe, I'll punch him. Yea…"

Ed went back to reading in hopes that he would find something good out of it.

Ed tried to push Roy away, but Roy was much stronger then him, so that didn't work! Roy's tongue explored Ed's mouth, making him moan and…

Ed stopped in the middle of reading and looked down. His pants had suddenly become painfully tighter. "Shit…" Ed breathed out loud.

This fiction deserves flames. Lots of them, because I'm such an evil thing. Ah well, when ever I update, we'll get to see more stuff, because I had to write this while my brothers were in the room, so that meant less details. Next chapter will have Roy using the computer!