Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed! Sad but true.
Summary: Twelve years after season 7s end. Chris and Wyatt grew up without their knowledge about magic. But suddenly strange things are happening. Which new threat wants Chris on his side? (Okay: bad summary… but I didn't want to reveal to much already. Just try it.)
A/N: I know I am starting to many new stories, while I should better finish one….But - no it's not the inspiration problem – I have so many ideas at the moment, so I thought that I first show you all my ideas first and then I can always choose between them. I promise that I will update soon: One week left and I finally have holidays, so be patient. And as information: At the moment there is only one story left, which I haven't updated yet.
I know that this beginning may not sound so interesting, but I ask you to give me a chance to show you what it's about (which actually could take a few chapters). I also have to say that this story hardy contains Invented Character – the Charmed Ones, Leo and Chris and Wyatt will be the main characters, so don't worry.
It also is a pretty short chapter, because I have no time for more today: again sorry. But it introduces everybody I need - I think.
Let's start reading!
Chapter 1:
He was thirteen years old. Thirteen.
And his parents were treating him like a six year old child. It wasn't fair… especially because they didn't treat his brother like that.
Okay… he had to admit that he had brought himself into a lot of troubles the last two years…. But he was a boy and a teenager: his friends weren't that much different. And they surely didn't get so many penalties
One week "house arrest" – typical … and it was the second time this week… because he actually never listens to his parents. Like today. It was 24 o'clock and he was just waiting for his parents to fall asleep, so he could sneak out again.
He just couldn't miss today. The rumors said that this was supposed to be THE party… and even Wyatt was going.
He and Wyatt - that was a special subject. They were brothers – they actually only had each other… but they were also totally different. He, Chris was always the trouble child. He used every occasion to cause troubles… he knew that his parents were already desperate – but they weren't even his parents. Maybe that was the reason why he was acting like that – only god knew. Wyatt acted towards this subject totally different. He wasn't somebody who only learned the whole time. He had fun and he loved sport too. But nevertheless he had never caused so many troubles as Chris had. They both loved their parents … but since Chris and Wyatt had found the adopting papers by accident and their parents had finally admitted that they weren't their real parents, Chris had acted strange. It was like a shock for him, while Wyatt still loved his parents. Chris had asked for some answers about his real parents and he wanted to see some pictures of them, but they had only told that they had been very good friends and they died at an accident. And strangely they had only one photo of them… and you couldn't even see them clearly. But Chris nevertheless had kept the picture under his pillow.
Chris just wanted to leave his room. His hand was already at the door knob. As he suddenly felt a hard/rough breeze and he heard a whistle. He turned around, but there was nothing… and then it was as if he was pulled into something and the next second his surrounding was black and white. He couldn't move. He saw three women standing in a … basement. They were reading a piece of paper… and there was standing somebody. A man… and suddenly the man was jerkingas if he was in pain. And then … Chris saw in shock that the man was exploding and he took with him the three women.
Chris cried in shock. And he was pushed back into reality. "NO!" and he collapsed on the floor.
Maria and Andy Perry woke up as they heard the voice of their youngest son crying. "Chris!" Maria immediately said and ran into his room, followed by her husband. They both were shocked as they saw him lying unconscious on the floor. "Chris!" Maria immediately kneeled next to him. She touched his forehead and she began to panic as she felt him burning up. "He is burning." Andy immediately took him in his arm and laid him on his bed and Maria rushed to the bathroom to search for medicine and to get/fetch some cold towels.
"Maybe we should call the ambulance." Andy said as she came back.
"It's just a fever." Maria said confidently.
"From one second to another? Maria… he is unconscious!" Andy said.
"You are a doctor… do something." She said annoyed.
"I already checked him… that's not normal… really." He said and looked seriously to his wife.
She got pale…. "Oh god." She whispered and immediately ran to the phone.
It was six in the morning as Chris woke up again. He was lying in the infirmary. As he opened his eyes he saw his family in the room – sleeping.
His mother was sitting on a chair next to his bed - her head was lying on his sheet. His father and his brother were sitting next to each other on the two chairs, which were standing at the wall. But the second he tried to move an inch his mother immediately awoke.
"Chris? "She asked half sleeping.
As Andy and Wyatt heard Maria's voice they immediately awoke.
"Chris... thank god." Chris father immediately said and rushed over to his son.
"That's the punishment for sneaking out everyday, even when you have house arrest." Wyatt said with a smile.
"Not funny." Chris said ironically and rolled with his eyes at Wyatt.
"I am fine... when can I go?" Chris asked fast. After his parents had finally let him go.
"The doctor still has to do some checks, I guess." Andy answered.
"Do you remember what happened?" his mother asked him.
Chris thought for a while, but then he said: "No."
He wasn't really sure why he had lied to her at that moment, but somehow he had the feeling that it was better that way. And besides… it was just a dream.
Meanwhile in San Francisco Joanna Warren Montana was working in the kitchen to prepare a breakfast for herself and her husband. Thankfully her fife year old daughter spent the week with her uncle.
"Joanna!" Richard said as he stepped into the kitchen.
Joanna immediately turned around. She knew exactly why her husband was yelling, but she played the innocent. "Yes honey?" she asked.
"What the hell have you done with my chocolate? I brought fife packages yesterday and now I can't find any of them." Richard said half smiling half honest.
"You know exactly that it's not healthy to eat chocolate before breakfast." She needled him.
"Let me guess you ate it on your own yesterday." He said back with a smile and kissed her passionately.
"Well…maybe." She said and grinned.
Suddenly Joanna heard a quiet whispering which she couldn't understand.
"What?" she asked confused. But her husband looked back at her confused.
"Is everything okay?" he asked softly.
"Didn't you hear somebody whisper?" she asked, but Richard only looked at her confused and shook his head.
Joanna began to panic for a second … somehow she knew what it could mean and she also knew that Richard knew it too, but she just ignored it … it just couldn't be, not after all those years.
In another part of San Francisco in a penthouse apartment Kira Warren was working on the newest issue of her magazine, as her daughter and some of her friends came running in. "Mom... Jimmy said that there is a new film in the cinema which we just can't miss… Can you lend us some money? Please… we will be back for dinner, I promise." Melinda asked with the sweet look, which her mother just couldn't resist.
So Kira just rolled her eyes and smiled at Melinda. "As long as your friends parents are okay with it too." She asked, which the other children answered with a nod. "Okay… you find the money in my pocket." Kira told her 8 year old daughter. With these words the children immediately ran out of the room. "Thanks mom." Melinda fast added.
Kira smiled happily. Melinda was just perfect… actually the only reason why she could still laugh. Of course Jason was perfect too. But she missed her… she missed her so much. She was happy that she at least didn't lose both.
But the whole hiding, it had caused a lot of strength and she was happy that she had her job as advice columnist back - well actually she now owned her own magazine.
Suddenly the door bell rang.
-to be continued-