And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None

By: Hotaru

Disclaimers: I don't own Dragonball, or its characters and I don't own the book "And then there were none" either. I'm just writing and rubbing my hands together to keep warm. Nothing to do with Db at all, and taks place back in the 50's or so.




It was a hot and dreary day to be on a train jam-packed full of people—but it was well worth it, I assure you. Miss Videl Satan sighed and waved herself with a fan. It was so dreadful on that train. /Sometimes I forget why I'm even here./ She pulled out the note, with her name scrawled in scarlet ink on the front. She opened it and read it again:

Dear Miss Satan,

You may not remember me, although I could never forget you. We met several years ago, in a health seminar. But this invite is certainly cordial, and for your entertainment only. There is a private beach house that I recently purchased—perhaps you have heard of it. It is called Indian Island and it is simply marvelous. Enclosed is enough money for your train ticket to the harbor. There you will meet Mr. And Mrs. Briefs, my butlers. Looking forward to seeing you,


U. N. Owen

It was strange that the letter was signed only 'U. N. Owen'. Videl glanced upward. The name didn't sound very familiar but then again, who pays attention to people you'll only meet once?


Son Goten screeched to a halt in front of the harbor. /Why take a train when I can drive and keep the cash for myself?/ He pulled his sunglasses off momentarily to scan the area. There was a old couple—well not old but certainly older than he, who were holding a sign with 'Indian Island' written on it. "That must be them." Goten put his sunglasses back on and grabbed his bag. The letter he had received fell onto the floor. /Oh yeah…who is this 'U.N. Owen' person anyway? Aw hell, if they want to take me to an island, with a huge house and a bar no doubt, I'm there!/

Dear Mr. Son Goten,

A man of your stature deserves a vacation every now and then, correct? Well now is the time my friend! I'm inviting you to come to my home, on Indian Island for a short vacation. You might not recognize my name right away, but we met at a night lounge some time ago. The only thing you need to do is show up, so please join me this weekend.


U.N. Owen

Goten walked up to the couple and said, "I guess this is my stop huh?" he said, tossing his bag onto one shoulder. He showed them the note and grinned. "Yes, sir. We're just waiting for the others to arrive. Please sit over there." The woman said, gesturing to a bench. Goten sat down next to a pretty young lady with blone pigtails. "Are you going to Indian Island too?" Goten asked, pulling out a cigarette.

@|~~~ @|~~~ @|~~~

Marron Kuririn smiled and nodded. "Oh yes, and I'm so excited! I've never been anywhere but here—so an island is certainly a change!" she said to the gentleman sitting next to her. "I'm a school teacher, and I wanted to go some where special this summer. Then, one day this letter shows up in my mail box!" she said, showing the man the letter. "So…you're name is Marron huh? I'm Goten, Son Goten. Nice to meet you." Goten said, sticking out his hand.

Marron shook it daintly and smiled. "Hm..U.N. Owen huh? I guess you know 'em too." Goten said, folding the letter and handing it back to Marron. "I honestly don't remember anyone by that name. But it's exciting. It's also a great way to make friends!" She said, adjusting her sun hat. Several more people were showing up. Some older, and some maybe younger. The older couple came to the group.


Trunks Vegeta smoothed his coat and joined the group of people. He presumed they were all going to Indian Island. Were they all friends of this 'U.N. Owen' person? He was a busy man, but a vacation was a great way to relax. "Are we all here?" the old woman asked. They were about to go board a boat when a screaming girl ran up behind them. "Waaaaiiittt!! Please! Stop! I'm going too!!" she screamed. Trunks snorted.

/Too young to be of my interest—but she is a cutie nonetheless. Maybe she'll want later./ Trunks was sort of a ladies man, and every girl caught his eye. Even this one. She seemed small and clumsy but she was so darn cute!


"Please don't go without me!" Pan stopped when she finally reached the group. "Who are you?" An old man asked. "My name is Pan. U.N. Owen asked me to come…gosh I'm so glad I got here." Pan replied breathlessly. A man in a tan suit moseyed on over and grabbed her bag. "Here, let me help you with that. My name's Trunks Vegeta. It's a pleasure." Trunks said, flashing a pearly white smile. Pan smiled and sighed. "Thank you. I was so worried that I would be late. I know I was supposed to get the nine o'clock train but I missed that one so I had to wait."

Trunks helped Pan climb into the small boat that was carrying, including the butlers, ten people. Pan looked around, taking in everyone's faces. A girl with blue hair was staring at the water, and a man with long blonde hair was staring into a mirror. "This is the only way to get to Indian Island. Boats leave every morning at nine o'clock so if there is a reason you need to leave, that is the only time you can." The male butler said.


Gohan Son looked down at his briefcase. This was supposed to be a vacation and he brought a briefcase?! "Hey old man, what's with that? Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?" Gohan looked over at a girl with blue hair. She looked sort of young to be on vacation all alone, but…what ever! "And what buisness is it of yours miss?" Gohan asked. "Oi—no reason to bite my head off. My name's Bra, nice to meet you." She held out her hand and shook Gohan's softly.

Trunks and Pan were chatting softly to each other, while everyone else was keeping an eye out for this 'Indian Island'. "Hey! There it is!" All eyes looked up to see a huge house looming in the distance. The island was fairly large and covered in beautiful palms and beaches. There was even a mountain on the opposite side! "There it is. Please hang on to your belongings and be careful when getting off the boat." The female butler said.


Sharpener (who has no last name) tossed his hair back and sighed. "Well…it's nice. I suppose." He said, stepping out of the boat and onto the deck. The others followed suit and headed inside. "Welcome to Indian Island. Please follow us upstairs to your rooms." The female butler, who was known as Mrs. Briefs said. Everyone followed her up the stairs. "All of the bedrooms have marvelous views. "Ooh this room is pretty!" Pan said, looking into a room.

She stepped inside and sat on the bed. "Wow…can I have this one?" she asked, touching the comforter softly. Mrs. Briefs turned to the group. "No objections?…It's yours then. Please feel free to unpack and get comfortable." She said. Sharpener eyed the tiny girl and purred. She was cute…very cute.


Bra snorted. She liked that room. It had a pretty bed and a nice view of the ocean. But the house was on an island so all the rooms had to have one! One by one, they began to choose their rooms. Bra chose the blue room since it matched her hair. There was a large armoire in the center of the room and a closet too. She started un-packing her clothes, hanging up dresses in the closet and finally, her cosmetics.

She started arranging them on the armoire. Lotion, soap, hair accessories, powder…She glanced up at a poem on the wall. There were pictures of little indian boys dancing around a fire on the bottom. Quietly, she read it outloud:

"Ten little Indian boys went out to dine,

One choked his little self and then there were nine.

Nine little Indian boys sat up very late

One overslept himself and then there were eight.

Seven little Indian boys chopping up sticks

One chopped himself in half and then there were six.

Six little Indian boys playing with a hive

A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.

Four little Indian boys going out to sea

A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.

Three little Indian boys walking in the zoo

A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun

One got frizzled up and then there was one.

One little Indian boy left all alone

He went and hanged himself and then there were none."

She smiled and procceeded downstairs.



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