(A/N) Yes, it is here! The sequel to Awake and Dreaming is here! I've decided to set this story in 7th year, not 6th. More Lily/James action for you action lovers! Heh…well, better get on with the story before I forget what I'm going to write…

Date Started: June 29, 2005

Date Finished: June 30, 2005

Date Posted: June 30, 2005

Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter.

Give Me A Kiss

Chapter 1- The Anniversary

Just a little more cover-up…and that should do it!

Lily Evans put the last bit of cover-up over her black eye. She was sure her mother, Abbie Evans, was doing the same in the room next to hers. It wasn't that Henry was a violent man…well, Lily took that back. Henry was a violent man, and the only girl in this house that he did not pick on was Petunia. Even his own baby girl, whom Lily's mother had given birth to a year ago, had bruises from him. Lily felt so sorry for her half sister, Beth. Getting abused when you were one wasn't the greatest way to start of life.

Just as she was putting the cap on her makeup, Lily's sister Petunia walked into her room. Lily glowered at her; she hated it when she invaded her personal space.

"Hello, Lily. How's life?" Petunia asked with a smirk on her face. In return, Lily did her best to cover up her left eye, without looking like she wanted to cover it. Petunia knew what she was doing in a second.

"What are you covering? Your eye?" Lily backed away, not wanting her 18-year-old sister making snide remarks about how pretty she was, and how ugly Lily was. In her mind, that was the reason Lily got beaten by Henry, and Petunia didn't.

The truth was, Lily was 16, had gorgeous, long, straight, red hair, and stunning green eyes. She wasn't like the other girls; in some ways she still looked like she was 5. She had gotten rid of her freckles, but the red hair seemed to stand out. Petunia, on the other hand, and curly, brown hair. She had grey eyes, and a long neck. Lily didn't know why, but this annoyed her greatly.

Petunia reached for Lily's hand, which was covering her eye, and grabbed hold of it. Lily's sister dug her nails into Lily's hand, and pulled her hand away from her eye. Lily kicked Petunia in the shins as a reflex. Petunia howled and tears filled her eyes. She wasn't always the strongest one.

"Father! Henry! Lily kicked me!" She screamed as she ran down the hall to her room. Lily winced as she heard Petunia slam her bedroom door, and as she heard Henry climbing the stairs. Assumedly coming to her room, not Petunia's or his. Lily ran to her door and locked it.

She ran to her bed and got out her wand from underneath it. She was 16, and on her next birthday she could legally use magic. Henry still had no clue that she was a witch, or that she attended a school called Hogwarts. Her mother had started dating Henry when Lily was 11, and had just ended her first year at Hogwarts. In all this time, he still had no clue that she was a witch.

Lily's heart started pounding when she saw the doorknob rattle. She heard a soft knock on her door, and she instinctively looked at her window. Even though she was on the second floor, it wasn't that far down to the pavement below. The worse that could happen was a broken leg or arm…but Lily wouldn't take the chance. All she did to defend herself was back up to the far wall, farthest away from the door.

Now, the doorknob rattled more forcibly and the knock was harder. Lily knew Henry could easily break the door down.

"Lily, darling, let me come in. I won't hurt you, I just want to give you a lesson on why you shouldn't hurt your sister in any way."

Of course, Lily didn't let him in. She knew this was a flat out lie. He was probably drunk or on drugs. He had most likely been smoking, and if Lily let him in he would beat her again…just like he did last night.

"N-no, thanks, Henry. I've learned my lesson." Lily answered, hoping he would just go away.

"No, I don't think you have, Lily dearest." Henry growled back. He started pounding on the door.

Lily looked frantically around to see if there was anything that she could use to defend herself. All she could think of was her chair, and her wand.

Would Hogwarts get mad if I used magic? It is to defend myself… Lily wanted to take that chance, sure, but she also didn't want to take it. Hogwarts was her home…and if she got expelled from it, she would have to live here all year. She just couldn't take that.

"Lily, let me in," Henry said.

"No," she firmly answered. Lily knew she was just getting him madder, but she didn't care. If worse came to worse, she could use magic.

Down the hall, Beth started crying. She heard her mom coming out of her room to go and try and calm her. Lily heard a gasp, and she knew that her mom saw Henry outside of Lily's bedroom, tapping on the locked door.

From inside her room, Lily heard her mother say:

"No, Henry. Leave her alone."

Lily winced as she heard Henry slap her mother.

"Don't tell me what to do, woman." He said.

Everything that happened in the next 5 minutes went by as a blur to Lily. Henry smashed the door down, and went to her. Lily was whimpering in the corner, and her mother was sitting by the door with a red mark on her face.

"A little stick isn't going to help you, Lily." Henry said, looking at Lily's wand. He bent down to her eye level and blew in her face. Lily could smell alcohol. It was a strong smell, so he had been just drinking.

"It isn't a stick…" Lily replied softly. Her mother's eyes widening and she shook her head frantically. Henry looked at Abbie to Lily, and back to Abbie again.

"Is there something I don't know?" He asked. Lily's mother shook her head again, but Lily was going to tell him.

"I'm a witch." She said. Henry looked confused for a moment, but then started to laugh.

"Are you serious? You don't believe in that crap, do you? You were supposed to pretend you were a witch when you were 5, not 16!" And with that, he passed out in front of Lily.

"That was almost too close, Lily…" Her mother said silently.

Lily shook her head at her mom. "Report him, mom. Or break up with him. Don't take this shit anymore." Lily pushed past her mom and went out the front door.


Today was a very important day for Lily. She was speeding towards their old house, which had gotten burned down several years before. Today was the anniversary of her father's death. She was going to his grave, just like she had done every year since he had died.

She stopped in front of her old house. It had been re-built, and a new family had been living there for some time now. The light was on in the kitchen, and Lily could hear them talking and laughing with some guests. She swallowed the lump in her throat and headed towards the graveyard.

When Lily got there, she picked some flowers from the front gate. She went towards her dad's grave slowly. When she got there, she bent down and placed the fresh flowers on the grave, and removed the old, decaying ones.

"I miss you, Daddy…" She mumbled. She sat like that until it got dark. When the streetlights flickered on, Lily got up, climbed back on her bike, and started the long ride home back to her abusive family.


(A/N) Well, first chapter of my sequel DONE! Wow, it seems like all my first chapters are sad or abusive in some way…oh well dramatic way to start off a story!

Love, Ritz
