Draknal: Well, I sorta kept my word. It wasn't months since my last update…

Karla: You promised you wouldn't take as long.

Raven: So since you lied we get to maim you.

Karla: I wouldn't go that far, but if he does it again than you can.

Guy: Awesome.

Draknal: Anyway, its time now for another chapter of my fic! Disclaimer!

Raven: Draknal does not own Fire Emblem or any of its characters, just the ones that he made up and the story plot.

Draknal: Role it! Oh yeah! IF you like Jaffar and stories about him, you should check out K-GForever's "A New Past". It's a great story.

Christmas Insanity!

By: Draknal

Chapter 5: Culinary Combat and a Tactician's Flight

'Keep running! Keep running!' This was the only thought running through Jordan's mind as he ran down the hallways of the Davros.

He never bothered to look behind him to see if Jaffar was on his trail or not. Why do you need to look when you already know…

'Wow. You sure know how to get on this guy's bad side.'

'…You again.'

The voice from earlier was going through his mind again.

'Aww, aren't you happy to see me?' the voice asked in mock pain.

'No. I have no idea how you got in my head, but I want you gone…'

A dagger whizzed by the tactician's head. He could tell Jaffar was gaining on him. If he kept running, he would be caught, and who knows what Jaffar would do to him…

He ducked into a room further down the hallway and slammed the door shut. Then he locked it and leaned against it to brace it in case Jaffar tried to break it down.

Two dagger blades came through the door, one on either side of his head.

"WATCH IT! What are you trying to do kill me!" Jordan screamed through the door.


"Jaffar I said I was sorry! I didn't mean to say it! It slipped out!"

Jaffar was still unmoved. "…"

"Come on, it's not like I really meant it!"

"…" Still nothing.

The tactician pleaded for his life. "Can't I make it up to you!"


"Jaffar? Hello? Are you there? Are you even listening to me?"

'Eh, I guess he gave up.'

The tactician flopped onto the bed that was in the room and took a breather.

'Why did I have to piss off Jaffar… why couldn't it have been someone like Canas, or Kent. They are reasonable people, and Jaffar most certainly is not.'

He closed his eyes for a minute to reflect on all that had happened that day so far.

'At least he stopped trying to kill me…' he said inwardly.

'Don't be so suuuuuuure…' the inner voice taunted.

'What are you talking about!' he questioned, right as a piece of saw dust fell on to his face.

"What the?" He looked up at the ceiling.


A pair of daggers were cutting out a piece of the ceiling.

"Come out and play…" Jaffar hissed in an eerie and just plain freaky voice.

'What to do! What to do!'

He ran to the door and practically ripped it off of its hinges, just as Jaffar came through the ceiling.

He took off at full speed through the halls, heading for one place he figured he'd be safe.

"Ah, my meal is almost ready." Lowen couldn't wait to enjoy his food that he had taken so much effort to prepare.

He set his plate of fresh, made from scratch muffins on the counter. The kitchen, was without a doubt his favorite place to be. Nothing made him happier than being able to cook and then enjoy his work.

He went to get a beverage to go with his food. As he turned his back, Jordan came racing through the kitchen, and dove over the counter to hide from Jaffar.

Jaffar also flew into the kitchen, but he ran past the counter. Unfortunately, he knocked Lowen's plate of muffins off of the counter, right as Lowen was turning around with his drink in hand.

He watched as his painstakingly made muffins fell to their doom on the floor.


Jaffar looked around wildly for the tactician, and suddenly a spatula flew past him.

He turned to see an enraged Lowen, whose eyes were ablaze.


At this point, even Jaffar was scared.

"OUT NOW!" Lowen commanded, as he reached for a steak knife.

Jaffar ran for his life, forgetting about the tactician, for now…

"Thank you so much Lowen!" Jordan grabbed the cavalier and hugged him.

"You saved my life!"

Lowen looked at his poor destroyed muffins. "But at what cost, young tactician?"

"The muffins have fallen!" asked Karel, who popped up out of nowhere.

"Then French toast shall rule this domain!" he proclaimed as he slammed down a plate of French toast.

"NEVER!" Lowen shrieked as he flung a pot at the French toast.

The pot collided with the French toast, sending it to the floor.

"FIEND!" Karel yelled. "This means war!"

Jordan ran out of the kitchen as pots, pans, utensils, and various other objects started flying.

He walked out on to the main deck of the ship, figuring some fresh air would do him good.

'Alright where are you? I know you're still in there somewhere…' he thought to some other entity in his mind.

'Oh, it's you… just kidding. Why is it so convenient to tell me to get lost when you don't want to talk to me, but when you need to talk to me, I have to come running?' asked the other being.

'Because it's my mind' the tactician replied dryly.

'Well, where did you come from, and why are you in my mind?'

There was silence for a minute, almost as though the other being was contemplating this as well.

'Huh, never gave much thought to that. As to why I'm here, I don't know. But, I do know how I got here. That magic shaman dude with the monocle made me come here. He used his magic and stuff. I was just minding my own business in Sain's mind when the shaman dude forced me into your mind.'

'That's it, I'm gonna kill him. I want you out, and Canas is going to tell me how to get you out. Now let me lay down some rules. First of all, you do NOT compliment every girl that I see. I am not Sain, so I do not act that way. Second, what I do or think is my own business, so you mind yours. Just go to sleep or something, leave me be.'

'I can see why people don't like you too much, you're bossy.'

'What are you talking about! My troops respect me. They would fall apart without me. And I'm not bossy, I am a tactician, so giving orders comes naturally.'

'Someone's in denial.'

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" screamed a flustered tactician.

Jordan looked around to see that other people had come onto the main deck and were now staring at him strangely. Many of them took several steps away from him and others just went back into the ship.

'I hate you…'

'Hate is such a strong word. You know you don't mean that.'

At the Dragon's Gate in Nergal's chambers.

"Limstella! Where are you? I summon you forth," called out Nergal.

A rune circle appeared in the middle of the room and Limstella teleported in.

"What is it master Nergal?" asked the morph, wondering why Nergal seemed to be acting in such an irritated manner.

Nergal looked to his prize creation. "I, er… I have a problem."

"Yes master?"

Nergal began fidgeting with his hands. "I um… I don't know what the next step in my evil plan is…"

"What!" Limstella almost fell over laughing.

"Stop it! Eliwood and his group are on their way here, and I don't know what to do."

"But my lord, aren't you an evil mastermind who has plans to take over the world?"

"Well, I didn't…"

Limstella cocked an eyebrow. "You didn't what?"

Nergal looked like he was about to explode. "I said I didn't think Eliwood and his group would get this far! What am I going to do!"

Limstella nearly fell over. 'I can't believe I was created by this guy…'

"Well, might I suggest that you seek some assistance?"

Nergal cringed at the thought of outside help in planning an evil takeover of the world. "But I want all the credit for taking over the world!"

Limstella shrugged her shoulders. "Well, I guess you can just give up on taking over the world then."

"But, I don't wanna!" Nergal whined.

'If Athos were here he would tell me that I have to think this through and take it a step at a time. Or he would try to use Foreblaze on me…'

"That's it!" Nergal shouted, suddenly struck by a bright idea.

"What is it Lord Nergal?"

Nergal began cackling evilly. "I'll ask Santa for world domination plans!"

Limstella was utterly confused. "Santa? Who is that?"

"Oh right. I never explained that to you. Well, he's Athos' half brother. All three of us studied magic together. Instead of being a good guy or a bad guy, he decided to be a symbol of peace. He gives out gifts to good people all over the world on Christmas. I can ask him for plans!"

Limstella took a moment to think over what Nergal had said. "Um, if he gives out gifts to good people, how are you going to get something?"

Nergal began to laugh his evil laugh again. "I never said I was going to earn it. I am going to demand it. I will go to the North Pole and take care of this personally!"

He then created a rune circle and teleported away.

Back on the Davros.

Seeing how Christmas was soon to be coming, everyone on the ship started to put up decorations in the spirit of the season.

Pent and Louise supervised the decorating.

"Wil, the red tablecloth goes on the other table. The green one goes there!" corrected Pent.

Wil hurriedly ripped of the cloth and ran over to the specified table. However on his way he got his feet tangled up in the cloth and he collapsed onto another table, knocking it over and sending the contents of the table flying.

Eliwood happened to be walking into the room when several glass ornament balls came flying at him.


Several ornaments pelted him so he fell to the ground and got into the fetal position as several other ornament balls fell upon him.

Pent walked over to Eliwood, with a stern look on his face. "Nice going Lord Eliwood. You just had to move in front of the ornaments didn't you! Now they have all been broken because you! I hope you are happy!"

Then he turned on his heel and walked back over to his wife, who trying to stifle her laughs.

Lyn walked into the room and looked down at Eliwood.

"What are you doing?" she questioned.

"Ornaments, flying, whacking me…EVIL!" he screamed.


Pent looked up at Lyn. "Oh, Lady Lyndis! I am glad to see that you have come. We are decorating the main hall right now. How does it look!"

She looked around to see that the usual demeanor of the room had indeed changed. The wooden support columns in the room had been wrapped in tinsel, and garland had been hung from the ceiling. Even the tables and furniture had been lined or covered with very festive looking colored cloth.

Not wanting to disappoint Pent, she responded with "It looks great! Fabulous job Lord Pent."

Pent jumped up and down in a giddy schoolgirl kind of way.

Louise had to calm him down. "Dearest, it is indeed a very good job, but you must relax, there is still more to do."

Pent returned to his normal attitude. "Yes of course."

'You know what?'


'You shouldn't take this from your troops. They are to look to you for their strength. You should just leave and let them deal with this stuff themselves.'

'You know what?'



'But seriously, what?'

'I hate to say it, but you are absolutely right.'

'Go me! Woot!'

'Anyway… I am going to request that we dock somewhere. While we are stopped, I will take flight from this ship.'

Jordan decided to get something to eat before he requested that they dock the ship somewhere.

'You can't convince a pirate captain to listen to you on an empty stomach!'

He walked into the kitchen, where Lowen and Karel were still fighting over what was better, French toast or Muffins.

Dodging various utensils and cooking objects, he grabbed a sandwich and ran out just as Lowen hurled a bottle of vinegar over onto Karel's side.

"NOOOOOOO!" shouted Karel, watching as the bottle headed for a large store of baking soda.

As Jordan exited the kitchen a loud explosion was heard, followed by white foam billowing out of the kitchen.

The last thing heard from the kitchen after that was, "VICTORY TO THE MUFFINS!"

'How have I managed to put up with these people for so long…'

'Because you are on the brink of insanity?'

'That was a rhetorical question…'

At the North Pole.

Nergal arrived at the north pole in front of Santa's house. It was an extremely large wood cabin covered in a thick layer of snow. There were various wreaths and garland strips hanging from it.

'I should have brought a coat…' Nergal thought to himself, as the piercing cold finally got to him.

He approached the door and knocked on it.

A little eye slot opened up at about the middle of the door.

A pair of eyes glanced up at Nergal's dark form.

The eyes were accompanied by a questioning voice. "Who is it?"

"I am Nergal, evil mastermind extraordinaire. I wish to see Nick."

A small gasp could be heard form behind the door. "Evil people are not allowed in here! Go away and wait for Santa to deliver your coal!"

With that the eye slot closed and little foot steps could be heard leading away from the door.

'Of all the insolent creatures! I will not stand for this!'

"I will not be denied!" Nergal shouted as he drew his dark tome. Gathering energy, he focused on the door and released his powerful attack.

"ERISHKEGAL!" he called out. The door disintegrated.

Nergal stepped inside and looked around to see tiny elves going from place to place with various items. The elves were adorned with green pointed hats and curled green shoes with bells on the ends. Their socks were red and white stripped. And they wore a green shirt overlapped by a red vest.

The inhabitants of the house stopped what they were doing and looked at the intruder.

Nergal screamed in fright. "AAAHHH! MIDGETS!" However his fear was short lived as he remembered his purpose for being there.

One of the elves began to twitch, and a second later… "Santa's defenses have been breached! Attack formation! We must protect Santa!"

They elves all jumped from where they were and drew random tomes. They encircled Nergal and prepared to attack.

Nergal sweatdropped as he realized he was in quite a fix.

One elf stepped forward from the crowd with his hands behind his back. His name tag read 'Bob'.

"We knew it was only a matter of time before you would come here, Nergal" he started. "I am the chief of security here at the North Pole. It was my job to prepare for an attack by you. We know what you are capable of and we are ready for you."

Nergal let out an evil cackle. "I will not be stopped buy beings of such, 'short' stature!"

Bob's right eye twitched slightly. "I'll bet you think that's real clever don't you Mr. Googley Eye."

"Don't diss the eye!" Nergal retorted.

"Enough of these formalities. I think its time we dealt with you Nergal."

Nergal narrowed his eye. "Bring it on shrimp."

"CHARGE!" called Bob. All the elves ran or jumped at Nergal.

Unprepared for such large numbers of elves, Nergal was tackled by them and knocked to the ground where they swarmed over him.

He tried to rid himself of them but to no avail. "NOOOO! A SWARM OF MIDGETS! AAAAAAHHHH!"

"That's quite enough. Leave him alone this instant" ordered a new voice.

The elves all got off of Nergal and stood at attention.

"So Milton, I have been expecting you."

Nergal jumped up and stared at the new arrival. 'Hmm… fuzzy red hat, red coat, fat stomach, red pants, beard…'

"Yes, yes. Nice to see you and all Nick. And by the way, don't call me Milton! My name is Nergal now."

Nick laughed at the remark. "So, you finally changed that dorky name? Ha ha ha!"

Nergal frowned. "Look, I'm not here to chat, I am in need of something."

Santa looked at him suspiciously. "And that might be?"

"Plans to dominate the world" he replied coolly.

Santa let out a laugh. "Is that all? I thought it was something worse. I think we can arrange that."

Bob looked at Santa as if he were crazy. "Santa are you nuts! You're going to give him plans to take over the world!"

"Well sure. He's done enough good to deserve it."

The elf's jaw fell to the floor. "WHAT! HE'S DONE NOTHING BUT EVIL THINGS!"

Santa smiled at the elf security chief. "Actually, although his deeds are evil, they have done a great deal of good. He has given Eliwood and his group a reason to fight; to save the world and protect the ones they love. This seems like a great deal of good to me. If 'Nergal' hadn't done this they would all be going about their normal lives living as they had done every other day."

Santa turned his attention back to Nergal. "Now Nergal, Bob will accompany you and help you find the perfect evil plan."

Bob much to his disliking escorted Nergal to their planning room.

"Alright. Now what do you want in this perfect plan of yours."

Nergal took a minute to consider. "Well, I want it to be something unique, something no one has ever done before."

"Well why don't you just wait for them and blast them when they come to you?"

Nergal looked shocked. "No no no. That's much to simple. People would expect much more evil things form me. I want people to remember me as the most evil person ever!"

"Well, how about this one?" asked Bob.

Nergal read the parchment and his eyes began to light up. "Yes…yes… YES!... NO!"

"What's wrong with it?" Bob figured it was the perfect plan for him.

"I'll tell you what's wrong! There's no long winded speech at the beginning of their entry. I have to bore them to sleep with talk first! Every great villain does it! NEXT!"

Bob sighed in agitation. "This is going to take a while."

Nergal read another one. "This is good but… how are they going to defeat me?"

Bob looked up at the supposedly evil mastermind. "What? Defeat you? I thought you wanted to rule the world."

Nergal grinned sheepishly. "Well, I don't really want to rule the world. It's just that since I'm playing the role of evil villain mastermind, I have to say that that's what I want. Besides, if I enslave the world and kill everyone, how are they going to remember me as the most evil person ever?"

"Well, how about this one then." Bob handed Nergal a plan that fit his description.

Nergal examined it closely. "Let's see… ooh… bring back dragons… I like that. A good speech at the beginning of our meeting… create morphs of previous enemies… die due to lust for power… release dragons upon the world with last breath…YES! I'll take it!"

"Yeah, yeah. Be on your way now and…" he shuddered violently before finishing, "have a Merry Christmas…"


Then he teleported away.

"Evil mastermind my a-"

Now back to our heroes.

The tactician had indeed managed to convince Captain Fargus to dock the ship. His excuse was that he had to use the bathroom badly. And he kept asking Fargus if they were there yet.

They docked at the port city of Hrichen, which was the last port available to stop at before reaching Valor.

Upon reaching the dock, Jordan decided to sneak off of the ship, rather than just walk off of it, so as not to arouse suspicion.

However, the other members of the troop were all curious as to why the ship had stopped and docked. They figured that this was a non-stop trip.

Eliwood went to the captain's quarters to talk with Captain Fargus.

He knocked once and waited for a response.

"Aye, who be there?" came a gruff reply from the room.

"Uh, Captain Fargus its me, Eliwood. I'd like to ask you a few questions."

Fargus opened the door and let him in. "What is it laddie? What do you need to know from this old sea dog?"

"Well, why have we docked? I thought we were supposed to go directly to Valor."

Fargus thought back to the tactician's excuses. "Your tactician said he 'ad to use the bathroom. And he said he was gon' pick up some last minute supplies."

"Alright, that makes perfect sense. Thank you Captain Fargus." Eliwood then exited the room to relay the message to the other lords.

After conveying this, he didn't get quite the response he was hoping for. Lyn just stood there wide eyed, and Hector was bashing Eliwood over the head with the blunt side of his axe, until the axe head eventually flew off.

Eliwood now had a serious of lumps on his head and was unconscious from the beating.


It wasn't until Hector had been restrained by Oswin and Marcus that he calmed down.

But just when you thought the fun was over, a rune circle appeared in the middle of the ship's deck. Everyone on the ship was expecting Nergal or a morph to appear, but instead a tiny elf appeared.

He looked around for a second just to make sure he was in the right place. Then he cleared his throat before screaming, "MERRY CHRISTMAS! Now, my name is Ferguson, and it is my job to take Christmas orders! You just tell me what you want for Christmas and I'll make sure it gets delivered to you."

After hearing this, everyone swarmed around the elf to give their orders for their presents. Somehow, Eliwood regained consciousness so that he could give his order.

"Hold on! One at a time! I need to write this all down!" yelled the elf.

Hector went first. "Can I get a really big axe. Like, a legendary one if you can get it? Oh, and can it have the power of thunder?"

"Absolutely lord Hector! I will make sure Santa gets on that. Next!"

Lyn came up next. She pulled out her Mani Katti and held it in front of the elf. "Can you get me a sword like this, only sort of different, but still the same? And can it be just a bit larger, without being too large?"

The elf was a little confused. "Um… sure?"

Eliwood was the last lord to make a request. He went up to the elf and whispered, "Can I have a huge sword that looks almost impossible to hold and weighs almost a ton, with the power of fire and can slay dragons by moving on its own?"

The elf nodded.

"Oh, and can you… make it bigger than Hector's axe that he's getting? You know, a few feet bigger?"

The elf grinned, knowing what Eliwood was getting at. "Can do lord Eliwood!"

With the lord's orders out of the way, he took orders from the rest of the troops.

When he was all finished, he turned to Eliwood and the other lords. "Alright, now if I can just get the signature of your tactician then we'll be all set."

"Why do you need his signature?" Hector questioned.

"Well, we need to make sure that these requests are okay with him, since he's the one who will be commanding you and how you use the things you have asked for. It's simple protocol for us elves."

Hector looked at the group on the main deck of the ship. "Hey guys, go get Jordan so he can sign for this."

Everyone went into the ship to look for the tactician. The group reassembled fifteen minutes later to report that the tactician was nowhere to be found on the ship.

"He hasn't come back yet?" asked Eliwood. "I didn't think it took this long to get a few supplies."

Hector was about to begin bashing Eliwood over the head again, but instead decided to yell to release his anger. "ELIWOOD HE HAD NO INTENTION OF COMING BACK! OUR TACTICIAN HAS GONE A-WOL!"

"You mean, he abandoned us?" Eliwood innocently asked.

A frown appeared on the elf's face. "Well, without proper authorization from your group's tactician, I can't give these orders yet."

Hector was fuming, but then came up with an idea. "Merlinus will be our new tactician!"

Ferguson laughed, "Sorry lord Hector but it doesn't work that way. It has to be your original tactician."

Hector then addressed his assembled group. "Get out there and find that tactician! I don't care if you have to beat him over the head with something or just pound him, get him back here! We'll break into groups."

Eliwood was the one to choose the groups. "Harken and Isadora, you are a group. Wil and Rebecca will be another group. Oswin and Wallace; Vaida and Heath; Kent and Sain; Legault and Matthew; Lyn and Rath; Raven and Priscilla; Canas, Erk, and Serra; Dart and Geitz; Marcus and Lowen; Guy, Karla, and Karel; Dorcas and Bartre; Jaffar and Nino (so Nino could keep an eye on Jaffar in case they found the tactician); Florina, Farina, and Fiora; Hawkeye, Lord Pent, and Lady Louise; Hector and I will be the last group. Let's go find that tactician!"

With groups now assigned, the members of Eliwood's elite took off in search of their runaway tactician.

'Phew, I think this is far enough from the ship. I don't need them taking me back there, so I'll head to a place where they'll never search, another country! I'll head back home to Etruria.'

Jordan was now walking through the market in Hrichen, which was at about the center of the city. The marketplace was overly crowded, so it was hard to avoid bumping into people. In this case, the tactician ran into a passing Sage clad in a black cloak.

"Oh, sorry about… that…" He hesitated before going on his way again.

The Sage turned around and grabbed the tactician's arm. "Wait a minute, I believe I know you."

Jordan wrenched his arm free. "I'm sorry! I think you're mistaken!" Then he ran further into the massive crowd.

'I'm almost positive I recognize him from somewhere…' Then the Sage continued on his way.

'Oh smooth, I'm sure that guy suspects nothing…'

'Shut up you. I… I don't know him.'

'Do I have to probe you?' the voice in his head taunted.

'You are so damn lucky I can't grab you right now or I would strangle you…'

"Anyone found him yet?" Hector questioned. The group had been searching the port city for over three hours, and the tactician had yet to be found.

"We got him!" Eliwood yelled.

Everyone rushed to where the lord had called out from. When they arrived, they found him sitting on the back of a black cloaked figure.

Hector's expression dropped. "Um… Eliwood you realize that's not Jordan don't you."

"Sure it is!" Eliwood beamed.

Hector smacked his forehead. "His cloak is black. The person we're looking for has a green cloak. Now get off of him and let him up."

"But, when I confronted him he ran!" Eliwood protested.

"I would run too if you started running at me and tried to tackle me…" Hector remarked.

Eliwood stood up and helped the young man up. Wouldn't you know it, it was the same Sage that everyone's favorite tactician happened to run into earlier.

The Sage stood up and pulled back his hood to reveal his facial features. He had green eyes and long blonde hair that had been tied back into a ponytail.

"Serra quit ogling him! You don't even know him" Farina reprimanded.

"But, he's hawt! How can I not! And besides, you were ogling him too."

"No I wasn't! Don't be ridiculous…"

Hector had to smack them both over the head with his axe. "Who cares who's ogling who. Anyway, sorry about that. We're looking for someone who's missing."

The Sage brushed himself off. "Yes, so I heard. I was mistaken to be this person."

"Yes, again I am sorry for friend's rash behavior Mr?..."

"The name's Sharn" the Sage replied. "And I believe I have seen the person you are seeking. I fact, I believe he is actually a former acquaintance of mine. He went this way, come."

Sharn began walking in the direction that he last saw the tactician heading.

"How do you know him?" Hector asked.

Sharn waved a dismissing hand. "There will be time for that later. We have to get to him before he gets too far for us to track."

The group then followed Sharn to "retrieve" their tactician.

Draknal: Wow. I have added a new character as many have guessed. And the groups that were assigned for searching had nothing to do with the pairings!

Guy: Review his work please!

"Reviewer Responses"

Windrider Sylvanon: Thank you so much for the hug! And thanks for trying to save me from Jaffar. XD I'll make it out alive somehow I'm sure.

Rio Hitzamure: Yes, that speech made me feel the same way about French toast, ha ha. And yes, DOWN WITH NILS!

Nightmare3: Yes, this chapter introduced the newest character in this fic! I hope you enjoy the way that he has been portrayed so far. This was just an introduction to him!

K-GForever: Good to hear you like this fic. I also hope you like the "Advertising" done at the beginning of my fic. I am enjoying your fic immensely.

Gingy Mittens: Not to worry, Jaffar's just very very angry… Everything will work out alright! At least I hope so… heh.

Northernsword: Ah, tis true. Random can be a good thing, so we'll just have to watch this develop a bit more! And yes… Nils is very shady… because he's evil!

Narakusnoone: A new reviewer! Awesome. Yes, I managed to include the other missing characters in this chapter, if only a little. They will all play larger roles as this fic progresses.

Aramin RVN: A hot tub and some jello? Sounds like Bill Cosby's idea of a romantic setting. XD Sorry, couldn't resist. And people say my writing is random? Hahahahaha! Interesting review. I need to see more of these.

Draknal: Thank you all for reviewing and Happy Holidays to you all! I will get to work on my next chapter as soon as I see some reviews come in!

Karla: You know what that means people! So get to it!