A/N: The time has come...for the last chapter. I'm actually sad to end this fic, but it needs to be ended. And the 42 reviews I have right now are more than I've ever gotten for a story. So thanks everyone.

Paige was a little bored. Ellie was in the shower, and she was sitting there with nothing to do. She decided to get out a blank pad of paper and a pencil. She began drawing. Random things, things that just magically popped out of her head. She must have lost track of time because Ellie came into the living room, towel drying her hair a bewildered expression on her face.

"Wow, I never knew you could draw." Ellie said, sitting down, amazement in her voice.
"Me neither." Paige replied, looking down at the pad in surprise. She thought back to a few months ago...when she was desperate. When she was desperate to find out who she was. She smiled to herself. She'd definitely come a long way. Paige the artist. Had a nice ring to it. Sounded even better than Paige the lesbian. Chuckling, she put her arm around her girlfriend. "What do you say we go to the movies?" Paige proposed, batting her eyelashes in mock adoration.

Ellie laughed, nodding. "I say let's go for it."

They ended up going to see some horror movie. Paige walked into the theater, clutching a large tub of popcorn and a bag of M&Ms in her hands. Ellie pulled her into a seat, and they stared intently at the screen as the movie began. It started off alright, but just got scarier and scarier. Paige grabbed Ellie's hand, burying her face in her shoulder. Ellie took one look at Paige with a smile on her face, and then returned her gaze to the movie screen at the wrong time. She let out a loud scream, and then covered her mouth with her free hand. Ellie felt like an idiot for screaming. She squeezed Paige's hand, who in turn, peeked out from her spot in the girl's shoulder.

"Scary much?" Paige asked nervously, trying not to look at the screen.
"Uh, yeah. Not our best idea, considering we live alone." Ellie answered, panic in her voice. There was no way she wanted to stay alone in the apartment tonight.
"Screw this movie, let's get out of here and go home. We can invite all our friends over to spend the night. What do you say?" Paige questioned, pulling Ellie up from her seat. They agreed, and returned home.

It wasn't long until their friends arrived. There wasn't going to be a party, just a fun little sleep over. After all, that was how this whole relationship began.

First came Ashley. She pulled her friends into a hug, smiling uncontrollably.
"I can't believe you two are still together. I guess you owe me, huh?"

Ellie and Paige laughed as Marco arrived, tailed by Dylan, Jimmy, and Hazel. Hazel hadn't been talking to Paige in awhile actually. The whole dating Ellie thing threw her into a state of shock. The girl walked up to her blond friend and pasted a smile to her face. "Paige, can I talk to you?"

Hazel and her friend went into the other room, and the dark girl shut the door behind them. "So are you like a lesbian now?" Hazel accused, a dark glint in her eye.

"I don't know. Maybe. I think I might be. Hazel, I don't give a shit what you think because I love Ellie, and if that's not enough for you...then you're not a real friend." Paige snapped back, glaring.
"It's just too much to handle, that's all. Actually, I can't stay here long. I've got some baby-sitting I need to do. Sorry. You understand." Hazel said, shrugging her shoulders effortlessly. They joined their friends back in the living room.

About an hour later, Hazel left, and the group of friends decided to order some pizza.
"Paige, don't worry about Hazel. I'm sure she'll get over it." Jimmy consoled, not understanding why Hazel would be upset.
"Yeah I mean, Spinner got over me coming out." Marco put in, taking Paige's hand in his with a mischievous grin.

"God, don't talk about Spinner right now. I don't ever want to see him again."

"Well that makes two of us." Jimmy agreed. They all raised their glasses of coke and cheered.

Marco stole Ellie away from the rest of the gang, leading her into the kitchen.
"How are things?" Marco asked, concern bubbling in his eyes.
"Things are alright. I mean, they aren't perfect or anything, but nothing ever is. I don't know, I guess these antidepressants I'm taking were making me a little wacky. I'm used to them now though, and so I'm pretty normal. As normal as I ever was to begin with anyway." Ellie answered, leaning against the counter.

"You never were an ordinary girl." Marco admitted, running a hand through his hair.

"I never got to thank you." Ellie began, looking at her friend.
"For what?" Marco asked, a little confused.
"Being gay. If you hadn't rejected me, I wouldn't be this happy right now. Well I might be happy with you; I'm not trying to say I wouldn't be. But I'm glad I'm happy with Paige. It just seems...right." Ellie finished, sniffling a little. It made her get all teared up. Paige was someone special, that was for sure.
"Ha. No problem, sweetie." He planted a kiss on his best friend's forehead.

The rest of the night went well. Everyone who wasn't staying left. The only people left were Ashley, Marco, and Dylan.

Dylan pulled Marco close to him, cuddling him on the couch. Paige smiled, pointing at them in jealousy.

"Aw, look at them!" She practically squealed. Ellie came up behind her, wrapping her arms around her and kissing her neck softly.
"We can be just like them." She whispered.
Paige turned around, locking eyes with her girlfriend.
"I don't think you realize just how much I love you."

"Oh I don't know, I am pretty great." Ellie joked, pulling Paige in for a kiss. They kissed briefly, and Paige ended it, turning to Ashley. She blushed, knowing her friend probably felt left out.
"Do you mind sleeping in here on the love seat? Or do you just wanna go home? I mean, this must totally suck for you." Paige sympathized.
"No, it's cool. No suckage. I'm going to go to sleep if you two don't mind." Ashley considered, hopping onto the love seat and grabbing a blanket.

Paige and Ellie headed into their bedroom. They changed into pajamas, and got into bed. Paige looked at her girlfriend carefully, pushing a strand of hair out of her stormy eyes.

"You're great." She said.
"You're greater." Ellie replied, cuddling the girl.
They fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
It was almost poetic.