(A/N this is ti guys... leave reviews)

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Chapter 6: True Love

Draco had done it. He had put his heart on the line and in a magazine. Harry was a real genius that much was for sure. He couldn't have been more grateful that he had bought Ginny's magazine. Without Harry he wouldn't have been able to do anything. Who would have thought that Harry would have been so important to him in his life?

So, now all he could do was wait. And he did wait, in the bookstore, with his book. He was reading the book, it just wasn't his first time reading it. Funny, how he really had needed to learn to cope with love. It was an emotion that had been foreign to him before. But, not anymore, he was really ready for her.

He looked up as he heard footsteps approaching and his heart started to beat faster. She had come. He looked at her, without saying a word.

She had been crying, she looked upset. She sat down across from him, without saying a word. Instead she looked at the book he was reading. He started flipping through the pages, looking for a specific passage. After finding it he handed her the book and pointed.

"Being in love, obsessed, consumed, and irrationality all go hand in hand and can even be synonymous." Ginny started to read. "True love is not being in love for two reasons. 1-it requires none, not any effort to be in love. 2-you cant control falling in love or out of love either just happens because it is an emotion not a choice. However true loves greatest expression is self sacrifice. When it is the real thing you will know. True love is scary and often time it hurts. To love someone is to completely trust them. With complete trust comes the power to hurt someone so bad they think they are dying. The trick is to never have them feel that way. True love is a natural and wonderful thing. Never take true love for granted, it only comes along once in a life time."

Ginny looked up at Draco as he started to speak along with her, without looking at the book.

"True love is a gift most people don't realize is there until it is gone. They forget to trust and forget to be honest. True love is ruined by the weak and killed off by the scared. The best advice this book could give is to close it right now and go find your loved one and be in love. Books are logical, love is not. Love is crazy and unpredictable. It is something that should be experienced every day, not read about."

Draco took the book back from her and closed it as he continued to recite. "Love is what makes a person complete. True love is what makes the immortal. True love is known to save a soul from the deepest dimension of hell and bring it back to life. True love is life. Without love a person is better off dead. The secret to life is love. Love is what brings life into the world. It's the act of two people in love, joining together in union, creating a life. And for the lucky souls out there, love is how they leave this world. Without love, life isn't worth living."

"Why did you write the article?" Ginny asked quietly.

"I waned you to know how I feel." Draco replied. "And that seemed like the best way to do it."

Ginny nodded. "Fifteen years?"

Draco chuckled softly. "Yeah. Fifteen years."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared." Draco replied.

"So was I." Ginny replied.

"Are you scared now?" Draco asked.

"Never been more afraid." Ginny replied.

"I think that is a good thing." Draco told her. "I think that means that it's worth it."

"So do I." GInny nodded.


Harry beamed at Ginny, "Congratulations."

"Thanks Harry." Ginny replied, giving him a peck on his check as he danced her across the floor.

"Your brother is still grumbling about the whole affair." Harry replied.

"I know." Ginny laughed. "He still hasn't gotten use to the idea."

"What idea?" Draco asked.

"The idea," Ginny replied as Harry passed her off to Draco, "that his sister is a Malfoy."

"Well his wife is Looney Luna, so I think you definitely did better than him."

Ginny laughed as she buried her face in his shoulder. "You're awful."

"You love me though." Draco whispered into her hair.

"Merlin help me, I do." Ginny replied. She looked up at him. "I love you."

"Good." Draco replied as he bent down and hissed her, pulling her against him.

"Do you think we have been to this reception long enough?" Ginny asked as they parted. "I mean, it is our wedding night."

"I think so." Draco replied. "We better say good bye before we leave though. We wouldn't want your brother to think I'm kidnapping you."

"You can't kidnap me." Ginny replied. "Where ever you are, I want to be."

"Come on, let's go tell them goodnight." Draco said as he led her off the dance floor and towards her parents.

It was a quick goodbye and an even quicker departure as they apparated to some island in the Keyes to have their honey moon.


(Thanks to:

amethyst-rose, meeaz, Dracosbaby7, A Silver Secret, Inkish Quill, Calla-ForEvEa, Asaake, Apple-Shampoo182, TheFrozenCow, leafsgurl999, samsam-aka-sam, pinayAko, SAnger, devil's poodle, Lily Evans0, jrotcchic, the littlest weasley, ToXiC-SeOuL-FiRe, Embellished, Draco-Ginny-forever, Kasoula, Wizzabee, seeker17, Heba Star, princess cythera, maegboriel, Kiayla Johnson, Yochy, blissfulxsin, 1x1pEngUIn89, OffWhite

No thanks to Viking1337, apparently this was a bit predictable (WTF?) and she didn't like the fact that Harry and Draco were friends (and I ask once again WTF?))