Chapter 5: An Illusion

永遠の花: Eternal Flowers

By Ruby-chan

A/N: Hey, does anyone really read these? Personally, I try to skim over these and get to the good stuff, which is the story. I mean the Author's Notes are important but personally, I want to read the story and then review and yes, this is my desperate attempt to babble so to distract you from the fact I have not wrote anything for the past five months. Anyway, honestly I was thinking about discontinuing this and Weak because I was unsure of how to go because I was thinking of how to add what is happening in the manga in here. The thought is still in my mind but I am thinking I can pull this story through. I am hoping to at least.

Disclaimer: I wish I could skip this but I do not feel like being sued, at least this week. I do not own Naruto, like every Narutard (man these fans are coming up with everything) I wish I did though.

Well enjoy the story! Sorry for the delay!

"You're a lot stronger Ino. I was surprised at your speed. Then again I think I'm more surprised at the young ones over there. Shikamaru has a great team over there but Kouji and Nakabe are good though Hana looks bored." Sakura commented as she leaned against the large trunk of the overshadowing tree. It shielded them from the hot sun and allowed a cool, dry breeze to ruffle past them. Her and Ino sat comfortably under the tree with the other instructors a few meters away under there own trees. Kakashi and Shikamaru were holding small talk. Clinks of metal and grunts came from the dirt field as young shinobi fought against each other.

"No, not really. I haven't gotten that much stronger at least compared to you. I'm strong enough to know when someone is holding back and when they are stronger then me." Ino replied watching as her own younger cousin Hoshi threw Nakabe to the ground for the umpteenth time. Hoshi was a spitting image of her when she was younger. She had the same blond hair but in a bun with the same gorgeous blue eyes. She wore a purple sleeveless shirt that stopped above her belly button with blue shorts. To add effect she wore bandages from her knees down until they disappeared into her purple ankle boots. However, unlike her Hoshi trained hard and prided herself on being the best kunochi in her grade.

"No, you've definitely gotten stronger. Most people wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between a person holding back and a person at their same level. Whose the blond girl who looks like you?" Sakura questioned as she crossed her arms and watched as a young boy with messy brown hair and dark black eyes lazily dodged Kouji's kicks.

"The blond is Hoshi-chan. You remember my little cousin? She's all grown up know. That boy with brown hair who Kouji is trying to fight is Shikamaru's little brother Myouji. Then the chubby boy who is trying to fight with Hana is Chouji's relative though I don't know how. His name is Daijou." Ino replied as she pointed at each respective person. Myouji was a tall lanky boy who wore a loose sleeveless brown shirt with a fishnet over it. For pants he wore green trousers and brown boots. He easily dodged the punches and kicks Kouji was sending him causing the black haired boy to become more and more irritated.

Hana was casually dodging the slow attacks from the chubby boy she was facing. In fact they were holding a conversation as they fought. From what the wind carried over they pieced together they were talking about the new restaurant that was opening over near the Hokage Tower. She was a rather versatile youth and was easily dodging the slow attacks but not pushing to take the fight any further content with being attacked and dodging. The chubby youth was dark haired with slightly squinty eyes. He wore a band around his head and a loose green Gi. Underneath was a white shirt and white trousers. He was ordinary looking but his punches indicated by the deep cracks in the ground were powerful.

"Eh? Hoshi-chan! That's really surprising! Last time I saw her, she was just a stuck up mirror image of her elder cousin in a ten year old form!" Sakura joked playfully as she watched Hana do an impressive back flip right into the middle of Hoshi and Nakabe's sparring.

"Oh be quite, big forehead." Ino said staring off into the distance her eyes seemed unfocused as she stared at the sparring fields. Sakura looked over at her from the corner of her eye and wondered at the difference of two years. Ino was now taller, a little over her own height. She was a gorgeous woman with gold locks put up in a high ponytail. Thick lashes surrounded clear blue eyes and a sleeveless turtleneck purple shirt accented her body. The sleeves were fish nets that traveled to her fingertips into fingerless gloves. Her bottom consisted of a dark purple skort with knee length boots on. In two years, she had jumped from an awakening woman into a full-fledged woman. In the past five years, she had grown up perfectly. Sakura could tell from just sparring with her for a little bit that she was stronger.

"A-a-ano, H-h-haruno-san, Y-y-amanaka-san. Kurenai-sensei wants to see if you want to watch us spare." squeaked a voice near them. The last part was rushed whilst the first was stuttered horribly. For a second Sakura was expecting to see the always anxious Hyuuga Heiress. Instead she met the stare of a cute young girl with similar eye features. The girl was short with black hair in two pigtails. She wore large glasses that slightly overshadowed her lavender eyes. Her clothes consisted of a large white sweater over matching white shorts. She twitched as under the gazes of the two women.

"Eh, you're Hyuuga Kakade?" Ino said as she straightened up and stared at the young girl. She nodded in a nervous manner. Sakura raised her gaze and looked over to see two young boys standing near the still beautiful and young looking Kurenai. They gazed over interested at Sakura who gave the elder shinobi a wide smile. The illusionist answered with a small smile of her own and an acknowledgment nod.

"That's so cool. Let's watch Ino!" Sakura said cheerfully as she unfolded her arms and placed a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. The younger girl smiled shyly up.

"It's been a long time Haruno Sakura. I see you've been reacquainted with Yamanaka-san." Kurenai said when they came over. She was still as beautiful as always with a cool air around her.

"It has been, you look well Kurenai-sensei. I see you have a new team now. What's happened to the original one?" Sakura questioned curious.

"Ah, well Hinata, Shino and Kiba are know a three man team. They complete some very difficult missions. I've chosen to stay as a teacher though. You've met Kakade, Hinata's relative. This sleepy boy is Nekowara Ookai and the boy currently mumbling to himself is Aburame Shinji." Kurenai replied as she placed her hands on the two boys.

Ookai was a droopy looking boy. He had messy black hair and drooping grey eyes. He wore a hooded grey jacket with his hands inside the pockets. His head leaned forward as he sighed. He wore dark brown pants that were tight and had bandages around his right knee. His shoes consisted of straw sandals. Next to him was Shinji who was a purple haired youth that had his hair cut short neatly under his chin. His blue eyes stared at the ground unfocused as his lips moved with unheard words. He wore a black shirt with a purple coat that stopped above his rib cage. He wore sunglasses on his head and black shorts with wooden sandals. Sakura sweat dropped at their unresponsive silence.

"Don't forget Aone." Ookai said in a slurred voice as a small white head popped out off his hood. Sakura was delighted to see an adorable kitten staring at her with dark green eyes. It stared at her intently unlike her master who swayed dangerously as he yawned.

"Just because he has a cat everyone is so delighted with him." Shinji mumbled to himself as he raised his finger and let a trail of ants go around it. A cool breeze rocked past them as Sakura sweat dropp deepened.

"Ah, well I'm Haruno Sakura. I'm pleased to meet you all." Sakura said to them and turned back to the teacher. "I hope I can run into those three."

"Well you'll see them when you attend the Missing Nin Fight. They'll actually be helping in the fight there." Kurenai answered as she looked a little past them at the teams sparring.

"Mm, the Missing Nin Fight. Saa, why don't you ask Kakashi-sensei and Shikamaru if you could fight with them?" Sakura said as she motioned to the youths behind them.

"Great ideal, let's go everyone." Kurenai said as they followed her, only Shinji stood behind for a little bit.

"They know I won't do well against Kouji or Nakabe. They are going to beat us. They even have Hoshi and her team. Everyone's against me. How rude." Shinji muttered behind them as Kurenai, Sakura and Ino paused in mid-step. Another cool wind blew past them as they sweat dropped.

"Ah-ha, uh well let's head over shall we." Kurenai said as she continued walking. Ookai dragged after with Shinji muttering behind them. Kakade bit her lip and followed them with a relieved sigh under her breath.

When they came over the two original teams had paused in fighting and they youths mingled amongst themselves as the teachers and elder shinobi spoke to each other. Sakura laughed at Shikamaru's nonchalant attitude with combining the fighting. However, she paused suddenly when she felt a chill tingle up her spine. The area around her darkened and slowly she turned her head towards the youth. For a brief moment she felt a cold, hunting instinct directed at her. A flash of cold sky blue eyes. As suddenly as it happened, it stopped and her attention was drawn back into the conversation.

"Eh? Kurenai-sensei you have daughter?" Sakura exclaimed surprised.

"Yes, her name is Ayame. You should see her one of these days. You'll like her, she only a year and a half old though." Kurenai said smiling a little sadder.

"Who's your husband?" Sakura asked and she felt what she just asked was taboo as the group frowned and looked away. Only Kurenai stared straight at her with a bitter smile.

"Ayame's father is Asuma however; he's not with us anymore." Kurenai answered softly and Sakura regretted asking. She took a deep breath and smiled brightly.

"Saa, Shikamaru I see you got roped into being a teacher." Sakura said and the conversation turned to lighter tones.

"How troublesome, I accidentally called Tsunade-sama an old lady so she decided I needed to learn responsibility and gave me them." Shikamaru sighed as he took the cigarette out of his mouth. They laughed at him and continued there small talk, ignorant to what was taken place in the middle of the field.

"Ookai you dumbass get that cat away from me! I've had a enough of cats today!" Nakabe cried as Aone popped out and started rubbing affectionately against the blond haired boy. Ookai yawned and shrugged as the cat purred.

"Shut up Nakabe you're yelling to loud. Is it bothering you Kouji-sama?" Hoshi said pushing him as she took his spot and appeared before Kouji who just sighed. Myouji, Daijou, Shinji and Hana stood a distance away chatting about the new restaurant. Kakade was fidgeting near them biting her lip.

"It's not fair. Kouji is always popular and animals love Nakabe. I really hate them." Shinji muttered but all of them heard his voice. He pushed his two index fingers together to allow the ants to crawl over. Hana burst out laughing as they all sweat dropped.

"Hoi, Shinji-teme! Stop muttering about me!" Nakabe yelled as he pointed at the quiet boy. Shinji shrugged and turned around muttering some more. Nakabe continued to yell louder at the 'bug boy' as he deemed him as a vein was working itself on Kouji's forehead.

"Shut up you idiot! You too!" Kouji bellowed at his teammates as Hana laughed even louder and Nakabe glared. A thin line of competitive thunder passed between them as Nakabe placed his forehead on his rivals.

"Eh? You have a problem with me?!" Nakabe yelled and Kouji glared.

"Yes, you're breathing!" He bellowed back infuriated. A giggle interrupted them as they turned towards Kakade.

"Eh, why are you laughing Kakade-chan?" Hana said her eyes narrowing.

"Sorry I find idiots funny." Kakade said but then paused, as the gazes grew larger. "Oh crap, that ruined it."

The Hyuuga child drew out a kunai as her lavender eyes darkened into a sky blue. An evil grin ruined the effect of innocence she was trying to portray. The group immediately backed up as they felt saw her amused stare look slowly at all of them.

"Saa, I don't think Sasuke-sama will be to mad if I kill you all." She said as her voice deepened slightly into a young boy's voice. Before any of them could say something, their throats closed up and they dropped to their knees by an inexplicable force. The elder shinobi paid no mind to what was happening.

"I was surprised that you came over since you're usually taking your team out into the forest." Shikamaru commented as he raised an eyebrow.

"Mm, I was a bit surprised myself but Kakade was so admit about pointing you out." Kurenai answered showing surprise in her tone. Sakura paused.

"She's not usually like that?" Sakura questioned her voice intent. Kurenai shook her head as if realizing just how odd the thought seemed.

"Yes, usually she doesn't ask for anything. She's like a second Hinata." Kurenai replied her voice thickening, as she grew more confused. When Kakade had asked about them and if they could go over, why hadn't she found it weird?

Sakura immediately tried to turn her gaze but found when she did she only turned back towards her friends. They stared at her questioningly as she shook her head and tried to look over again. She stopped what she was doing and stared forward with a deep frown. Someone was toying with her and using Genjutsu. The illusion was strong but not strong enough for Sakura.

"Genjutsu Kai!" Sakura exclaimed pressing her hands together in the hand movements. The other shinobi jumped back as the scenery around them melted and they looked over.

"Aw damn. I thought since I tricked Kurenai the supposedly master of illusions I could get away with all of you being tricked. I didn't know there was someone who specialized in disbanding them." laughed the young boy currently standing over the group of kids. He had discarded Kakade's image and instead showed himself as a young boy with an angelic face and beautiful blond hair. Insanely amused sky blue eyes stared at them with interest.

"Who are you?" Kurenai shouted angrily as she drew her kunai and got into position. The others did the same as the kids on the ground struggled to fight.

"Ah me? I'm Hikabi. That's what they call me at least. Ah, you pink haired girl! As expected from Sasuke-sama's warnings. I wonder if I should kill you? That might make him happy, and I like making him happy." Hikabi answered turning fully towards them with a happy grin that contradicted with his cruel words.

"Sasuke? So he's behind this?" Ino said angrily.

"Let the kids go. We'll be happy to fight you." Kakashi said as he glanced towards the kids who were struggling against the binding jutsu.

"YADA! I want to fight Pink Haired Woman! That or I kill Mister Fan boy here." Hikabi said laughing as he drew out matching curved white blades. The handle had black wrap around them. He picked up Nakabe and held the blade to his neck. Kakashi tensed slightly and drew himself into the position to attack. He stopped though when an arm stopped him.

"Kakashi-sensei, Kurenai-sensei, Shikamaru, Ino. Stay back. Don't worry about them. I won't let them be hurt." Sakura said not looking back at them. Ino stepped forward to protest. "Ino stay back!"

"So tough, so tough but are you really strong?" Hikabi asked laughing as his blond hair flew around him. Nakabe struggled in his grip. Sakura stood there her pink locks spilling over her face.

"No, little boy the question are you?" Sakura whispered into his ear as she suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind the angelic devil. His eyes widened a fraction in shock as she grabbed his arm and twisted it kicking Nakabe away with her foot. He fell to the ground on top of Shinji and Ookai.

"So cool." Hikabi said before he slipped out of her grasp and slashed his blade at her. Sakura fell back barely dodging the attack. She fell backwards to the ground and swept her feet towards Hikabi who jumped up and dodged. He laughed as he sent his blade into her face.

"Little boy, you don't have time to be complimenting me. Or rather you don't have the skill." Sakura said dully as she landed a blowing kick onto his back. The clone on the ground and she appeared above him. He slammed into the ground only to disappear into smoke. He reappeared in front of Sakura laughing.

"Is that all you have?" He said grinning; he was shocked to see her sigh in annoyance.

"I didn't want to use this, but this is best for this kind of situation. Hanabira no Koodori." Sakura said her hands motioning in a barely visible jutsu. The last thing the other shinobi saw was Hikabi's shocked face before petals flew around them.

The next thing they saw as their vision refocused was Sakura standing with her foot imprinting Hikabi's face into ground and her holding his blades. Her face was tense with displeasure. A vicious ripple of power filled the field for a second before disappearing all together and Ino suddenly understood. Sakura hadn't held back at all. She hadn't even fought with Ino.

"You're so strong!" Hikabi laughed insanely as he moved his face away from the dirt coughing. Sakura frowned as an unidentified look passed on her face. She removed her foot as she sighed.

"You don't know the meaning of strong. Besides, you held back as well. Here, get up." Sakura said as she leaned down and grabbed his arm pulling him up. He allowed himself to be pulled up to his knees. He stared up at her with a dull expression.

"What do you mean?" he asked as his breathing became faster.

"Nothing you would understand. You should get up you're soiling your yukata." she replied but she did not look at him, instead she stared off into the distance. The young shinobi were starting to get up but she looked past them.

"Sasuke take him back. He's had enough for today. I've cut off his ability to use his chakra at least for today." Sakura said shaking her head. From behind the trees appeared Sasuke followed by a red haired woman with strange hairstyle. One side of her hair hung long and combed while the other hung short and unkempt. She had a face filled with anger as she looked at them from where she was.

"Oi, Hikabi you brat what are you doing? I can't believe you lost to her!" The red head yelled angrily as she looked at Sakura with utter hatred.

"Shut up Karin-baba." Hikabi replied angrily. He was stopped from speaking as he felt Sakura pick him and begin to dust him off. He was surprised to feel the pink haired woman slip his weapons into the fold of his yukata.

"You've gotten stronger Sakura." Sasuke commented nonchalantly as he looked at her handy work.

"Eh, this is Haruno Sakura! No wonder she's so ugly." Karin said snorting. Sakura shot her a cool glare and she returned it. However, she moved back when she saw the glare that was meters away suddenly appear before her face.

"Shut up you idiot. Sasuke, it doesn't matter if you want to fight but," Sakura said throwing Hikabi at Karin who fell back unbalanced. Sakura spun on the balls of her foot and came nose to nose with Sasuke. "If you attack these young ones I won't forgive you."

Before he could reply Sakura took a single step back and before he realized she was back in her original spot. His eyes narrowed further as he let out a hiss under his breath. She turned her back on him as she began helping the children up.

"It's time to go. Karin, Hikabi come." Sasuke said as Karin stood up ready to protest. However, his footsteps silenced her as they indicated he would leave them behind. Hikabi hurried to his side and she followed after but they were stopped in mid step as he spoke up again.

"You've gotten faster Sakura but your strength is enough to make me worry. You're still a weak, annoying girl." Sasuke said before he started to walk again. He was stopped by a bitter laugh.

"And you Sasuke are still a vengeful genius who needs to understand his limits." Sakura said as she helped Nakabe up. They didn't really begin to move until they felt the three shinobi's chakra disappear.

"You're strong." Nakabe stated shaking as Sakura straightened him up. Kouji and Hana stared at her with same look, one of half admiration and half disbelief. The other kids were trying to recollect what they were doing. Pink locks fell over the pretty face once again creating a dark shadow.

"You kids have no ideal what strong is." she replied sighing. She looked up at them and gave them a bitter smile.

"But it's right to say you're stronger then these kids and that brat Hikabi." Shikamaru said as he stared at the girl. Her movements were much faster then even his eyes could see. He had a feeling the other three were the same. However, he had not seen her hands move to make shadow clones. Then again he hadn't seen her hand movements to create them in the earlier part of the fight. His genius mind reeled with this concept.

"Great way to put it. As expected of the genius Shikamaru." Sakura said her bitter smile growing until her eyes glistened with what looked like tears. However, she blinked at it vanished completely. A little ways off Kakashi stared at her intently. From what he saw that bitter smile told of something that Sakura was not proud of. That bitterness was to similar to his own, to Naruto's, and to Sasuke's. Finally, they were all on the same page of bitterness. Only the boys had always silently agreed they never wanted Sakura on that page.

"Saa, let's go to that new restaurant near the Hokage Tower." Sakura said straightening up and looking off into the distance as if seeing something, they could not.

Well that's it.

Then again, darlings if you can't tell, that's not it as indicated by the scrolling bar which tells how long the page is and the fact there is still more writing underneath the line. I'm just joking with you all. I wanted to give you all a long chapter since I've been so rude to you all.

Well this was a brief intermission by the author of this fanfiction!

"Ah, there back." chuckled the white haired ? man as he leaned against the doorway. A sword leaned next to him as he tapped his fingers on it.

"Suigetsu? What are you doing? You're suppose to have been at your Missing Nin fight." Karin lectured angrily as she pushed her fists onto her hips.

"Ah, it was super boring. I finished those idiots off in minutes. I wanted to pick one of the higher level Chuunin or Jounin but they would only let me play with the lower level Chuunin because I didn't give a specific place as to where I was." Suigetsu sighed as he straightened. An eyebrow rose as he glanced at Hikabi who looked unfocused on the doorway. It was clear he was lost deeply in his thoughts.

"What happened to him?" Suigetsu questioned poking the kid on his head breaking his train of thoughts. He was met with a sharp glare but then it fell into an insane grin as his blond bangs fell over his eyes.

"A really strong woman. Really beautiful and really strong. I only felt it for a minute but her blood lust is amazing. She pummeled me so bad but I couldn't tell at all." Hikabi said as the hand holding onto his broken arm shook. Suigetsu smirked as Karin stiffened. Sasuke walked into the house without a word a shadow over his face.

"What's the girl's name?" he questioned. Hikabi looked up his eyes dark with insanity.

"Haruno Sakura." he said.

"That was delicious!" Sakura commented as she and the Team Seven group walked down the path of Konoha Village. The other teams had disappeared after the restaurant. In the middle of the meal the real Kakade had appeared. Apparently, she had come to the restaurant when a kind young boy gave her one of the free meal tickets. She had wanted to invite the rest of her teammates but she found herself coming to the restaurant and having a meal by herself. Sakura was pleased to meet her as the young girl was just as shy and sweet as her

"Um, Haruno-san that power you showed." Kouji started but was stopped by a sharp hit in the ribs. He glared at Hana who skipped on ahead.

"Ne, Sakura-san can I take a picture of you?" Hana said as she skipped in front of Sakura and walked backwards. Sakura paused in surprised.

"I guess that would be nice." Sakura replied smiling. Hana gave her a brighter smile as she pushed Sakura towards her teammates and got her camera ready.

"Say Cheese!" she exclaimed getting the picture ready. However, a voice interrupted just as she pressed down on the button.

"Haruno Sakura you are wanted at the Missing Nin grounds. I will lead you there." the voice said as they turned towards it. It came from an ANBU with a dull mask. Sakura sighed and rubbed the back of her head.

"Already? Well, it looks like this is our parting. I hope to visit you guys again." Sakura said as she turned around and smiled at the Team Seven. Kakashi nodded as he pulled out his book.

"Aw, well we will see you again. I promise to give you this really pretty picture of Kouji and Nakabe kissing!" Hana said cheerfully as Sakura sweat drop.

"You witch! I thought you destroyed that picture!" Nakabe and Kouji yelled grabbing onto her as she smiled cheerfully.

"I'll see you guys around." Sakura said and she nodded towards the ANBU and they were off.

"This is the meeting room." The ANBU said as he led her into a building near the fields. From what Sakura could see there were Missing Nins of all kind fighting against the shinobi of Konoha.

"In here you will register and they will explain to you." The ANBU said before disappearing. He left her in a great hall were many hooded and intimidating figures lined the wall. At the very front was a register with three ANBU sitting there. Shrugging the pink haired girl walked towards them.

"Good Afternoon. I'm registering as Haruno Sakura once part of the Konoha village." Sakura said to the shinobi she stood in front of. The ANBU looked up at her and nodded as she put two sheets of paper in front of her.

"Alright, you have a choice. You can either fight ten low level Chuunin. Or one high level Chuunin or low level Jounin." She said as she showed the two sheets of paper. It each had lines of words however; Sakura only paid attention to the main points. The line for signature and the line indicating her choices. A pen was laid between them.

"Saa, I'll pick a high level Chuunin. You guys are really tough on Missing Nin." Sakura said as she picked the pen up and signed with a flourish. The ANBU quickly picked it up and filed it away.

"Please go down the hallway to the fourth door. You will be given further instructions there." The woman said as she nodded towards the door. Sakura sighed and followed the direction past the hoodlums. The hall was white and there were a number of doors lining the hall.

She opened the door to the fourth room to be greeted by a large white room with far fewer people. Sakura looked around for the place she would take her next instructions but all she saw were blank walls and Missing Nin standing idly around.

"S-sakura-san?" stuttered a voice behind her. Sakura knew that stutter anywhere and turned around to come face to face with none other then the Hyuuga Heiress herself.

Hinata had certainly grown as she was Sakura's height now. She had grown from the cute timid girl into a gorgeous timed woman. She had flowing raven hair pulled back in a low ponytail. She wore a sleeveless version of her old jacket only the jacket was cut above her chest and held up by fishnets. The jacket accented her curvaceous body that Sakura could not help but envy now and underneath she wore short black shorts. Her sandals wound themselves around her legs to her knees.

"Hinata, it's been a long time." Sakura said cheerfully as the other woman smiled back with the same cheerfulness.

"Ah, Sakura-san are you here for your Missing Nin fight?" Hinata said as she led Sakura aside. The pink haired woman noted the absence of her stutter with delight.

"Yes, but I'm a bit confused as to what I'm suppose to do." Sakura replied laughing nervously.

"Well, you will be fighting either a High level Chuunin or a low level Jounin. Over there," Hinata said as she pointed towards a desk that had missed Sakura's gaze. "That has the files on people who have volunteered or been volunteered to help with this. In a minute you will reach into there and take one of them whoever you get will be your opponent."

"Ah, that's a bit." Sakura trailed off has her eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you on the list?" she continued tapping her chin thoughtfully.

"Mm, yes I am. Numerous members are on that list. I hope we don't fight though." Hinata said shyly as she fidgeted a little.

"Me neither." Sakura said giggling however; she stopped in mid sentence as she felt a chill. She looked over to see the door she had come from open. Her eyes widened as she saw a man she had thought she would never meet. A man who had caused the break in the Team Seven's teamwork by rooting the word revenge in the mind of her cold ex-teammate.

Uchiha Itachi


A/N: Sorry everyone but this is the real end for now at least. I'm sorry for the long delay but I've finally reached one of my "Inspiration" moments. Also known as the times I'm in my highest moods and I believe I write the best. That and I've loaded up the sugar and my mother's sandwiches so thank them for me! I swear I'm bi-polar. Not to offend anyone who is. Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Be on the look out for Weak I'll be uploading a new chapter for that soon. I'm hoping I'll stay in my high point again so I can spend all of tomorrow typing my butt off to finish a chapter of Weak and another chapter for this.

All right, here is a little poll since I do not really understand the new systems poll thing.

Sakura will either fight:

Hyuuga Hinata

Hyuuga Neji


Aburame Shino

Inuzuka Kiba

Rock Lee

Please choose for one of these. I really don't know which one to have fight her.

WAIT! We still have to explain some of the terms in here!

"Gi"- I am way to rusty on my Japanese knowledge and language. If I remember correctly a Gi is the top part of one of those samurai outfits. I don't remember so you might need to check me up on that.

"Genjutsu Kai"- For all avid Naruto fans you should know this is a techinique used to dispell Genjutsu's also known as Illusions but everyone knows Genjutsu is such a cooler name.

"Hanabira no Koodori"- I hope you guys remember this from last chapter! It translates into Dance of the Petals. I'll give you guys a hint this is also a Genjutsu but it's also a ninjutsu.

"Karin-baba"- If I remember correctly I do believe this calls her an old lady. I'm hoping so at least because I'm getting rusty in my japanese.

"?"- Yes, the question mark is to ask the views what the heck is this dudes hair color?

So everyone, keep reviewing and reading please!