A/N: wwooow lol sorry.. it's been a while and I missed my computer a lot! Well sorry I took so long guys! Well here's the next chapter!
:Warning: for Kenshin's potty mouth : ( eh…it's actually near the end so…yeah…)
Chapter Sixteen:
Kaoru woke up startled as the smoke detector went on. Covering her ears from the loud noise she quickly went out of her room to find smoke coming out of the kitchen. She opened the door and found Shazi covering her mouth and in her hand was a fire extinguisher. Shazi looked up with an apologetic look on her face. Kaoru sighed sleepily and decided to start cleaning up the mess.
"Sorry Kaoru-san. I followed the instructions but it still didn't work out right!" she said picking up her burnt food.
"It's okay. Just be lucky Kenshin isn't here yet. Otherwise he'd get angry." Kaoru replied with a chuckle. It had been a month since Shazi arrived and boy was she a smart girl despite her looks. She had suspected Kenshin and her as a couple but they denied it coming up with a lie. Now they had to be even more extra careful of their surroundings or the way they acted.
Just as they cleaned up the last pile of mess Kenshin had arrived. Shazi went over to him quickly asking question to no end. As Kaoru came out she smiled as she saw a worn out Kenshin.
"So how did the meeting go?" Shazi asked.
"As I said before Hiko talked to his workers and later on when I'm fit for the job I start my own business building." He said sitting down at the table.
"Are you sure you're mature enough to be the boss?" Kaoru asked with a slight tease. Kenshin gave her a glare.
"Probably after a year…then I'll take over the business." he said looking at the two. " Guys going somewhere?"
"Jogging, I've got to keep my health up ya know. Don't want to be dying too soon." Kaoru said jokingly.
"That isn't funny Kaoru."
"Sorry. But anyways we'll be back in an hour or so." She said with an apologetic smile.
Kenshin sighed as he watched the two walk out of the house. Things had been bugging him lately and most of them were about Kaoru. Her grades in school weren't too well then regularly and every time he'd have a glance at her she'd look tired or depressed. If he tried to bring up the subject she would either ignore him or tell him everything was fine. Not only that but lately it seems she was trying to avoid him..well when ever they were alone. He didn't like one bit. He was starting to miss her touch. Maybe Shazi was threatening her to stay away from him. Kenshin groaned.
"She better have not…..wait..what am I thinking…shazi wouldn't do that. This is just all in my head. I probably should just take a hot shower." ( heh heh poor kenshin.)
:Different View:
"Hey Kaoru-san?"
" I need some advice…. It's about Kenshin. And..and I still like him." Kaoru looked at her.
"Kenshin's an idiot. I'd suggest you look for someone else. I don't want to see you hurt more than you already are."
"But…so that means he has another girlfriend? Who is it? Have I met her already?"
"Ah…um." Kaoru smiled nervously.
'…oh what should I say? 'Yeah he has a girlfriend it's me! And actually we're married!' Tch..i don't think so.'
"He does have one huh?" Kaoru snapped out of her thoughts.
"I'm sorry Shazi but really, I'm not saying to get over him, I'm advising you to try to go out with other guys. I'm sure there are a lot of guys in your school that wanna date you."
"No way! The boys in school are weird! I like Kenshin only!" Kaoru sighed. She's a tough one.
"Ne Kaoru? Do you like anyone?"
"Yes. I do."
"Let's go get water! I'm kinda thirsty!" she said running to a store. Shazi followed her decided to drop the subject.
"Oh if you want anything else feel free to get it." Kaoru said picking a water bottle and ice cream. The two waited by a cross walk after paying for their things waiting for the light to turn green. Kaoru looked around to kill time finding the restaurant Enishi had taken her to their first date. It was actually a disaster. They first had to wait an hour for a table, and when they ordered they were giving the wrong plates but to top it all up one of the chef's had forgotten about his cooking causing fire, which set the sprinklers on soaking them to the bones. A small smile appeared from her lips but quickly disappeared. Her eyes widen as she saw a glimpse of a spiked white hair turn around a corner.
'….It can't be."
"Kaoru lets go. It's green" Shazi said getting her attention. As they walked across the street she looked over again at the corner where she saw the guy.
"Shazi?" she stopped to turn around.
"Take this with you and go on home without me. I-I have somewhere I need to go. If Kenshin asks tell him I with my brother." Kaoru said giving her the plastic bags and quickly left.
"But…Kaoru hey! Where are you going?" Kaoru ignored her quickly running towards the direction that led to the park. Running past the swings she followed a walk path that led to a small stream. She ran down the hill passing by a few trees until she finally arrived at the river. Trying to regain her breath she looked around in search for who she thought it was. Kaoru plopped down to the ground looking at the stream. It was just a wild goose chase.
'What was I thinking?...Did I really want to see him that bad? I knew it was just my imagination yet I still ran anyways.' Kaoru sighed and slowly got up dusting her pants. This was where they'd usually hang out watching the sun go down till it was dark. Kaoru turned around and took a step forward only to pause. Leaning on the tree with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed stood Enishi.
"….I was hoping you didn't catch me but I guess I was too slow." He said opening his eyes.
"…E-Enishi." He stared at her for a second then turned to leave. Hearing her running towards her he stopped as she appeared in front of him with anger.
"Baka…baka baka baka! Baka!" she yelled pounding her hands on his chest as her yelling's turned into sobs. Enishi looked down at her with pain knowing he hated to see her cry. He lifted his arms and slowly wrapped it around her bringing her closer.
" You jerk!" she whispered. ", You didn't have to leave like that!"
"You had Kenshin." He said jokingly.
"I thought of you everyday!"
"You shouldn't be saying that. Kenshin would be jealous if he heard that." Kaoru smiled and wiped her tears at the thought.
"I didn't think you'd come back."
"I couldn't leave things the way they were." Enishi replied moving a step backwards to look at her. ", Your marriage was too much of a shock for me and it angered me. That's why I left without telling you."
"Your human…it's natural."
"…How's Kenshin treating you?"
"Don't worry he's treating me well." She said as Enishi examined her.
"Aoshi sent me an e-mail and told me about your symptoms. It looks like you have gotten a bit paler."
"The medicine is helping though. It's nothing to worry about. I'm not gonna let it kill me that easily. The doctors say if I exercise and keep a positive attitude I can live a little longer than the due date." Enishi looked at her with a serious face and caressed her cheek with his hand.
"I'll have you know that I'm still very much in love with you."
"Enishi I-I …" guilt suddenly poured down through her for having doubt in her reply. It had only been a year and her feelings had changed so suddenly. He had been with her for years, helping her through everything and yet she still had doubt. It was funny how a guy like Kenshin could change her feelings in a year. Guilt had really weighed down on her.
"It's fine Kaoru. I understand."
"n-no it's not okay yo-"
"I really shouldn't have said that. I'm stressing you out." Kaoru looked at Enishi with shock, she knew he wasn't good with words when it came to emotions and understood what he was trying to say. Tears slowly streaming down her face. Kaoru wrapped her arms around him once again. She was truly grateful she had met and fallen in love with him.
The two stayed in each others arms as silence filled the air not knowing what to say and unaware of a presence that had seen them.
:Different view:
Kenshin sat at the dinning table trying to write an English paper that was due tomorrow. He tapped his pencil and picked up an English dictionary looking for a word that suited the paragraph that he started. He looked up to find Shazi still watching TV since she arrived though she was a bit quiet. She explained where Kaoru was but she stayed out so long, it was already twelve noon. He was just glad Shazi hadn't bugged him yet. Kenshin looked at the clock again and back at his work.
'Ah damn it! I hate this…when will Kaoru get back? Stupid English…it's not like I'm going to America.'
"Tadaima!" Kaoru said closing the door.
"It's about time. I need help with this paper. I've been working on it forever!" Kenshin said as she entered the living room.
"Shazi your not bored are you? I have some other movies you could watch." Shazi looked up at her with a smile.
"Sure! What's your favorite? Oh you know what I'll just look by myself, you go help that complainer over there." She said with a tease. Kaoru nodded and went over to Kenshin.
"Okay okay. Move you lazy butt lets see what you need help on." Kenshin rose up as Kaoru sat on his seat looking through the things. Kenshin watched her as she looked over his work. A grin escaped his lips and looking over at Shazi who was watching some movie intently. He moved a little closer to Kaoru and lowered his face next to her ear.
"So…what have I done wrong?" he asked huskily. Kaoru slammed a book on his face with a giggle and got up.
"Finish your work you horny man. Your work seems fine so far." She said putting her hands on her hips. Kenshin moaned rubbing his face.
"That hurt damn it!"
"Heh heh it serves you right. You should be concentrating on your work not me!" she replied lowering her voice down so Shazi wouldn't hear. ", hmm I'm kinda hungry. What would you like to eat?" she asked going over to the kitchen.
"What I'd like to eat is you." He mumbled and went back to his work.
People hurriedly closed their lockers as the bell rang. Kaoru paid no attention to it though, she just opened her locker put her stuff in and took off her shoes off putting on the other pair of shoes in her locker. ( they have special shoes for school in japan so ya..if your wondering..dont know why but that's the way it is..) Kaoru sighed for what seemed like the millionth time. Only two more classes left then she could go home and sleep. She had trouble sleeping for one thing Enishi was on her mind and she felt guilty not telling Kenshin she talked with him. Kaoru slowly walked up the stairs that led to the classes and slid the door open. The teacher, who was in the middle of a lecture, stopped and turned to Kaoru.
"Nice of you to join us Mrs. Himura, but please come a little earlier next time kay?" Kaoru nodded and headed for her seat. Sano, who sat next to her, moved closer to her.
"Hey you seem a little tired. You okay?" he asked whispering as the teacher continued the lecture.
"Yeah. Couldn't really sleep last night." Sano mouthed an 'o' .
"I would appreciate it if you two wouldn't talk during my lecture." The teacher interrupted.
"Sumimasen.." they both replied. Kaoru took out a piece of paper and started to write. Once she was done she crumpled the paper and threw it at Sano accidentally hitting him in the face. Kaoru held back her giggle and mouthed a sorry. Sano glared at her and opened the paper.
So how are things with you and Megumi? Anything I should know::wink wink:
Sano rolled his eyes and replied throwing it back at her.
Since my feelings are still unstable, we're friends for now. But we are dating, as in going out to eat but seeing other people.
A smirk appeared on Kaoru's face and she wrote a few on the paper before hading it back to him.
I see..heh heh. Looks like Sano is about to get his first girlfriend! Don't worry I approve!
A cough interrupted Sano's thoughts and looked up to find their teacher looking at him.
"Would you two please step outside?"
Kaoru and Sano leaned against the wall as the teacher closed the door and continued his lecture. Sano sighed staring out the window.
"Sensei's lecture was boring anyways." Kaoru laughed.
"I have a feeling we're going to be assigned for the clean up duty this week."
" You don't need to stay after school I'll clean up instead." Sano replied.
"What if he comes in?" she asked looking at him.
"That's not possible. Today's Monday so that means his girlfriend is visiting." Kaoru put a finger to her mouth.
"Hmm..your right. Almost forgot about her." Kaoru smiled and hugged Sano. ", Thanks! You're the best!"
"Don't push it. It's only for today since you're tired. So is there a reason you couldn't sleep last night?" Kaoru stayed quiet debating if she should tell.
"Actually…yesterday….Enishi is back."
"I saw him while coming out of a store and talked with him."
"Why'd he come back?"
"He felt guilty for leaving without saying goodbye." Sano sighed.
"Kenshin doesn't know does he?" Kaoru shook her head.
"Please don't tell him. I feel guilty enough for not telling him. Besides nothings going on between Enishi and I. We've settled everything yesterday so we're friends now." Sano stared at her intensely.
"You really are in love with Kenshin. Not even Enishi could…….looks like you two are destined to be together." Before Kaoru could reply the bell rang and students came out.
"Finally! Lunch time! I'm starving."
The two seated at their usual place where everyone else was. Megumi sat next to Sano blushing a bit as Kaoru and Misao snickered at them. Sano angrily ate his food ignoring the two weirdo's. Kenshin smiled and took a bite out of his lunch.
"Hey so when is Shazi going back home Kenshin? It's been a month already." Misao asked looking at him. Kenshin shrugged.
"Probably soon."
"Yeah…I bet it's been hard for ya huh? Kaoru's there but ya can't touch her. Haha" Megumi hit Sano as Kaoru stayed quiet with a blush.
" Hey I was just kidding! Ouch! Stop hitting me!"
"You perverted fool!" Megumi hit him once more.
"Yes. But you like this perverted fool." He said with a grin. Megumi was about to hit him again but instead she ate her food quietly trying to hide her face from everyone. Kaoru smiled and shook her head.
"Kaoru-chan?" a voice called out. Kaoru looked up and found Suzume, a girl from 5th grade and also used to baby-sit.
"This is for you." She handed her a paper and left. Kaoru opened the paper as the others waited for her to read it out loud. Kaoru's eyes widen and quickly stood up.
"Um…I'll be back. There's something I forgot in a class." She turned to leave before anyone else could ask accidentally dropping the paper. Sano got up and took the paper.
"What does it say? Heh heh is it a love note? Aww Kaoru's got an admirer." Misao said happily.
"That idiot…." Sano turned around. ", Um it's nothing." He crumpled the paper but before he could put it in his pocket Kenshin somehow snatched it away from him.
"Kenshin! You shouldn't read other people's business!" Sano said trying to grab it away from him.
"Kaoru is my business." He said coldly.
Hey if you have the time, meet me at the rooftop. –Enishi-
Megumi and Misao why Kenshin was so quiet and stood up to see what was written on the paper.
"Hey why so quiet?" Megumi asked. Kenshin turned to Sano and looked at him with deadly eyes.
"Why is he here?" Sano stayed silent not knowing what to say.
"I didn't know he was here either."
"How long has this been going on?"
"Kenshin- hey! Kenshin wait! Let me explain!" Sano yelled as Kenshin ran off towards the rooftop. ",Damn it."
Kenshin quickly ran down the hall and up the stairs quickly catching up to Kaoru. He grabbed her hand pulling her with force. Kaoru looked at him in surprise at the sudden force trying to get her hand out of his grip.
"Why is he here?" he hissed as his amber eyes staring deeply at her.
"Kenshin let me explain…let go your hurting me!"
"She said to let go Kenshin. You're hurting her." Enishi called out making Kenshin loosen his grip.
"So you really are here. What the hell do you want?"
"Kenshin!" Sano yelled out as Misao and Megumi followed. Kenshin looked over at Sano then back at Enishi.
"Enishi!" Misao blurted out. ", Your back." Enishi sighed putting his hands in his pockets.
"Maybe it wasn't a good Idea coming here."
"Damn right it wasn't." Kenshin replied hotly.
"Kenshin wait. Listen to me. He came back because he felt guilty for leaving like that. I'm sorry for not telling you but I had a feeling you'd get angry."
"And I am! I don't care if he's guilty. Ever since he left he made you cry for the past few nights adding more stress to you!"
"I know that but I've forgiven him." Kaoru pleaded trying to calm him down.
" Well I haven't! The coward is only going to leave you again."
"Kenshin he was hurting."
"Hurting? That's bullshit! He's hurt you more than once! Or have you forgotten he cheated on you ever since he dated you!"
"Everyone makes mistakes.." Kenshin looked at her with denial.
"Fine. Whatever. I don't care what you guys do. You guys still love each other so might as well fuck for all I care. I never really liked you anyways." He then walked away not realizing he hurt Kaoru greatly. Kaoru sank to the floor still in shock of what he had said. Misao kneeled down next to her rubbing her back.
"Kaoru are you okay?"
"H-how could he say such a thing? I-I've never seen him so angry before." Enishi went over and helped her up.
"Give him some space. I'm sure he didn't mean it Kaoru. He was really angry about my presence though I don't blame him for hating me. I now realize he's fallen for you hard."
Sano looked at the direction Kenshin left and mumbled before he went over to Kaoru.
"Kenshin you idiot."
: TBC…….
A/N: well…that's all for now. I know it seemed I made Kenshin…how do you put this was out of control? But just wanted to point out Kenshin really loves her and didn't want to see Kaoru hurt ( but you probably already knew that , yes I'm an idiot.) and as for Enishi well he loves Kaoru as much as Kenshin does and wants her to be happy… that's why he's acting the way he is. Other wise he'd steal hear away from Kenshin if he knew she didn't love Kenshin. I really don't know why I'm pointing this out…just wanted to do that..okay I'm leaving now! Plz review! I wanna know how this chapter was ja,