A/N: This is my first Fred/Angelina fanfic, I hope everyone enjoys reading it. Please review, it would be most appreciated and I'll return the favor.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I only own the actions expressed in my fanfic.
Fred Weasley looked around the too familiar detention classroom. George was snoring, Professor Binns was sleeping, and a group of First Years were huddled in the corner, afraid to say one word and get in trouble. Fred was seated next to Angelina Johnson, who was quietly studying her Transfiguration assignment. Fred looked at the clock and at his sleeping brother. He was bored out of his mind.
"Oh Canada..." He sang.
"Merlin! Fred! Shut up!" Screamed Angelina.
"What? You don't adore my singing voice?"
"I'm not in the mood."
"Well I am." He said as he continued to sing.
"Shut up! Have some respect for the other people in the room."
"Oh yeah," He said sarcastically, "I'm really disrupting everyone from their natural behavior."
"Just shut up please."
"I'll tell you what, you try one of my Weasley Wizard Wheezes Magic Beans, and I'll shut up."
"How about you shut up before I punch you in the mouth."
"I'm offended Angelina. You're supposed to be my best friend, but now, I don't know what to say I'm so offended." He said, bursting into fake tears.
"I've known you long enough to not fall for your Weasley charm."
"Oh c'mon. Admit it, you've fallen for it before. And you like it!"
"Fallen for it? Yes. But like it? Your pestering and annoyance? No."
"Sure...just admit it. You're crazy about me." He said jokingly.
The truth was, she didn't mind falling for his charm. The only person that knew that was Alicia. And she wasn't about to tell anyone. Especially Fred. She did kind of like it, but he was more like a brother to her. An annoying, pestering, irritating brother and nothing more. Or so she thought.
"Oh Yes Fred! I have to admit I love falling for your charm! I'm in love with you and there's no turning back now! Kiss me you fool!" She said dramatically, attempting to scare Fred. Or at least to gross him out.
"Uh, uh, uh...maybe we should wait until we're in private." He said, pinned to the floor.
"Oh yeah Fred, that's exactly what I want. Alone, with you, in a closet." She laughed.
"What? Are you saying I'm no good? A bad kisser? Not boyfriend potential? Is that what you're saying? I could too make out in a closet. I might miss if it's dark but I could."
"Uh, did I interrupt something?" asked Alicia.
"Oh," She said, getting up. "No. Just pinned him to the ground to make him shut up."
"Oh, well in that case, you don't mind if I borrow your playmate do you Fred?"
"Not at all." Said Fred, picking himself up off the ground.
Angelina walked outside the classroom with Alicia. Who was ready to burst.
"Having fun in detention were we?" She laughed.
"We were joking. He's an annoying prat."
"Yeah sure Ang, like I'm gonna believe that, laying on top of that big... strong... red-headed..."
"Ok ok. Put a bad mental picture in my head why don't you."
"Oh c'mon Ang! You like him. Admit it."
Angelina put her hand over her friend's mouth.
"We can talk about this when he's not just around the corner." She said through her teeth.
"Fine. Well, anyway, before I was distracted by your..." She glanced at Angelina and laughed out loud, "Little love session..." She looked at Angelina again.
"Shut up! I do not like Fred Weasley!"
" Ok ok! I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to Hogsmeade with Katie and me on Saturday."
"Saturday? I wish I could, but I'm partnered with Fred in Potions. We have to get the potion just right so we can ace the exam."
"Are you sure that's all you'll be doing?"
"You git!" She said, pushing her friend lightly.
"Ok I'll stop. But face it you fancy him."
Angelina's eyes got wider and she gave Alicia a you-better-shut-your-mouth-before-I-clobber-you look.
"I do not!" She whined.
"Ok, well you better get back to Fr- I mean detention. Before Professor Binns catches you missing."
"Oh you're right." She said rolling her eyes, "He's probably pacing, wondering where I am."
"Well, just go. It's only fifteen more minutes anyway. I'll see you at supper."
"Bye Alicia." She said, giving her friend a hug.
Alicia just laughed and walked away. Angelina walked around the corner and was frightened by an eavesdropping Fred Weasley.
"Merlin! Fred you scared me!"
"So who don't you like?"
"You were listening to my conversation?"
"Well, sort of. Through the crack over there, but I couldn't really hear everything because of George's snoring."
"Geez Weasley! Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?"
"So tell me Ang, who don't you like? Or do like."
"Do like? I don't like..."
"Well when someone repeats over and over that they don't like someone it usually means they do."
"Well I don't like who Alicia was accusing me of liking."
"Who was she accusing you of liking?"
"None of your business Weasley."
"Pleeeeeeease?" He said, giving her his pathetic puppy-dog face.
There goes the Weasley charm.
"No. It's none of your business anyway."
"So you do like someone."
"Honestly Fred!"
"What? It's natural for someone to be curious of who their best friend likes."
"Well, I'm not telling you. Now move so I can get back to my seat."
"It's because I'm a boy isn't it?" He said, crossing his arms.
"You girls go and giggle about who you like to your girl friends. And us boys never know what the heck all those damn giggles mean."
"You have a sister...you should know."
"Are you kidding me? You women and you're five hundred laughs. One for each word in the dictionary I swear. And when you point and laugh or flip your gosh darn hair. What the heck are we supposed to think?"
"Well at least we have expressions and we can have fun in front of everyone. You boys stand all together and try to act 'cool'. You won't say anything because you're to concerned about what your 'homies' think of you. And all you bloody talk about are the body parts of women."
"I do not. I happen to want a women with a great mind."
"Oh really? And I suppose big breasts wouldn't hurt either."
"Well...what do you look for in a guy miss perfect?"
"Someone who's a good Quidditch player, a good dancer, can make me laugh, inventive... oh yeah...and a great mind." She said, realizing she just described Fred.
"Oh and someone who can carry you off into the night like a damsel in distress wouldn't hurt?"
"I can take care of myself, thank you very much."
"Yeah? So why was I the one blocking that buldger from your head? Huh?"
"Because you're a beater and I'm a chaser."
"Oh yeah. But still..."
"Give it up Weasley you've lost this battle." She said, walking out the door.
"Oh yeah...well...yeah. I'll come up with a better comeback later Johnson." He said, flustered and embarrassed that he lost a stupid verbal fight to a girl. He grabbed his books and walked to the Great Hall.
A/N: So
what did ya think? Please review! Thanks for reading. If you like it
I might put up another chapter, I'm not sure, please tell me what you think.