A/N: On Aug 28th and Oct 3rd I received a review from Kag'sBF that reminded me that I needed to get my lazy fingers a-moving and write a new chapter. That was my first semi-flame, and it was funny. Thanks for the inspiration Kag'sBF! I've started a reviewer response journal at livejournal under the name kawaiidemons.

Love's Gotten Stranger

Chapter Two: You Put De Lime in De Coke

Disclaimer: I don't own anything mentioned here, so don't hate.

The TV was on a local channel, showing a commercial to no one in particular.

"You put de lime in de coke…"

Three paces west, three paces east. That's how it went for over 45 minutes as Kari thought about what just happened. How in the world could she be so careless and not remove that damn wedding picture? The plans were shot; the plans were dead. What could she do now?

"You put de lime in de coke…"

Turning to the TV, she frowns.

"I hate this commercial."

Jumping when there was a knock at the door, Kagome slows down her thumping heart and tries to get herself together.

"Who is it?"

"Open the door Kagome."

"You put de lime in de coke…"

Fear grips her body as she hears the male voice through the door.

"I'm sorry, there's no Kagome here. Maybe you have the wrong room."

"Kagome, open this door, now."

"I said this isn't her room! Go away before I call security!"

He chuckles.

"And they would stop me how onna?"

She pales and slides down to the floor. The man calls out to her more soothingly this time.

"Kag, I know you're in there. Why won't you let me in so I can help you? I know what you're thinking. Let me help you through this."

Sighing in defeat, Kagome stands on wobbly legs and goes over to the door. Taking a deep breath, she swings back the door and faces the tall man in front of her. He smirks.

"What are you smiling for you big jerk? You're not the one caught up in the middle of all this. You're not the one who has to deal with two men fighting over you. You're not the one that..."

She looks at him looking at her with a smirk.

"What the hell are you standing there like that for? I'm serious!"

"So am I. Here, maybe you need to relax some."

"Relax! How can I relax when there are two men who're chasing after me because I married them both? I have a child by them both, or so they think, and now…"

She stops her rant once she sees that his gaze and attention is elsewhere. Kagome turns and looks at the TV, her eyes narrowing instantly.

"You put de lime in de coke…"

"I hate this commercial!"

He chuckles while stepping inside and shutting the door.

"Actually, it's one of the few that I am quite fond of. It makes little sense, yet amusing."

He turns back to her.

"Like you at times."

"Why you…"

He cuts her off with a kiss.

"Don't worry; just continue playing the role of the confused amnesia patient, things will stay on course."


Fifteen Minutes Earlier

Inuyasha knocks on his brother's door heavily as Sesshoumaru takes his time opening it. When he does, the 6'3" man looks down at the 6' one.

"Inuyasha, must you act a fool whenever you are out in public?"

Said brother scowls and pushes his way into the room.

"Whatever Sess, I just came to pick up Dontè."

"So tell me, what happened at the bar?"

"I saw her Sess; I saw Kagome."

"So why isn't she with you? Why are you still down about your life?"

Inuyasha shakes his head in anger and takes a seat on the couch next to his slumbering son.

"That fucking doctor brainwashed her. He gave her a new name and then married her."

Sesshoumaru looks at is brother from across the room.

"So take back what is rightfully yours."

"I want to…so bad, but they have a child too."

"So because they have a child, you refuse to take your wife back?"

He flicks on the TV to a commercial.

"You put de lime in de coke…"

"Hell no!"

Sesshoumaru raises a silver eyebrow.

"That's what it sounds like to this Sesshoumaru."

Inuyasha jumps up.

"You put de lime in de coke…"

"No! I'm getting her back! She's my wife, not some woman named Kari Youko!"

"I saw your wife as well Inuyasha."

"Where? When?"

"Here. She was at the front desk getting a room key. I suspect that she is staying here in this hotel tonight."

"Did you hear her room number? Did you follow her?"

"You put de lime in de coke…"

"Does this Sesshoumaru look like a stalker to you little brother?"

"Damnit Sess! She could be on any floor in here!"

"So very true, but I do not have time to worry over your matters. I have an engagement to attend to."

"What the hell could be more important than helping your family!"

"I have helped you. I gave you a tip, now it's up to you to find her."

"You could of at least followed her."

"You put de lime in de coke…"

"The last time I checked, my name was Sesshoumaru Keith; CEO KeithCorp, not Sesshoumaru Keith; stalker for my younger sibling."

Inuyasha scoops up his son and heads for the door.

"Whatever. I'll just have to kill him then."

"You put de lime in de coke…"

He glances at the TV.

"And turn this dumb ass commercial off!"


Kikyou rubs her arms as she remembers what happened in her lawyer's office. There was no way in hell that he could've known she was coming. How did he get there and where was her real lawyer? She could still feel the cold blade of the sword against her neck. It was days ago, but it still felt like today.

Walking into her suite at the InterContinental Hotel, she kicks off her shoes and turns the TV on as she passes it by. The Infamous Coke commercial is on.

"You put de lime in de coke…"

Opening the mini bar to grab something to munch on, she sighs.

"Was letting them get married a mistake? Should I have stopped it? What will Inuyasha say if he finds out that I knew? That I was there to witness it?"

"You put de lime in de coke…"

Truth be told, she was a bit scared to still be in New Orleans. What if he came after her again before she could get into Inuyasha's arms? Kikyou dared not to even speak his name, hence he should magically appear in her room and kill her where she sat. Nevertheless, she had to keep operation 'marry my brother-in-law' up. For the sake of securing her financial future of course.

Pulling a notepad from the table beside her, she starts to draw up new plans.

"You put de lime in de coke…"

"If I keep them apart, even after the fact that they know about each other, long enough…Inuyasha will be bound to give up. That's just how he is."

Taking a sip from her Lime Coke she looks at it.

"You put de lime in de coke…"

"They're right, this is good."

A/N: I'm soooo sorry that it's been so long! I got distracted by this stupid thing called life. Now that I'm back, I'm going to start back on this story and finally update A Hole Through My Heart… So please review and leave your ideas for something you'd like to see in here. Oh yeah, and I happen to like that commercial for Lime Coke, lol.