Of Angels and Demons

By: CyborgAngel22

Author's Note: The sequel to 'A Powerful Mind'. I know that the ending wasn't up to everybody's expectations, but that's because I was making a sequel, and here it is. Same rules apply angsty, songfic, and all!

Disclaimer: Of course, I don't own Static Shock, it belongs to KidsWB so don't sue me for it! I only own my OOCs!

Chapter 1: Kandi's Secret

Kandi sighed as she sat in Burger Fool, waiting for Richie. Knowing him, he was off on another mission with Static. They had graduated two weeks ago, and now things were getting rocky with their relationship. Richie would often go out patrolling with Static, and Kandi was very worried about her health. Her coughs were getting worse, sometimes to the point where she would be bed-ridden. It was already hard enough for her to keep a job, but now the bills for medication and doctors were getting to her. Her cell phone started ringing and she groaned at who it was. "Dammit Richie…" she muttered

She flicked open the phone. "Hello?" she aksed

"Kandi?" asked Richie "It's me."

"Don't tell me, you have to cancel."

"Sorry, it's just that well…being who I am and all…"

"I understand, just go do what you need to do."

"Kandi I-"

She quickly shut the phone and began silently crying on the table of the restaurant. "If only I still had my powers…" she whispered

Gear sighed and looked up the moon. Kandi is pissed, big time, and he knew it. He had blown her off the third time this week, and she was trying to reach him for something. Problem was there were times when he didn't want to see her. Kandi was turning pale, her body was a bit thinner, and she was sick a lot. The doctor's couldn't tell what as wrong, but Kandi was getting worse and worse by the month. When they talked lately, she threw her frustrations on him, and he knew it really wasn't her fault, but was the medication she was taking. Static just looked over at him. "You gonna be ok?" he asked

"Yeah, fine." He answered

With that he left and Static sighed. He was in denial, and the electrified superhero knew that things were about to get worse before they got better. As soon as he got close to Gear, an explosion caught their attention. Backpack was going crazy and Gear read quickly what was going on. "This is no bang baby attack." He said

As they flew down towards Alva industries, a blast sent them hurling backwards. A silhouetted figure came out and had the physical attributes of a girl. As the figure stepped out of the fire, it was a girl, with long brown hair and red eyes. She wore some kind of Chinese outfit, and she had a few disks in her hand. "Too easy…" she muttered

A shock from Static caused her to drop them. She growled as she looked at Static and Gear, flying in for a landing. Her eyes glowed and she clapped her hands together above her head. Two large hands came out of the ground and its hands smacked together, hitting Gear. Static was fortunate enough to get away. The girl's eyes glowed again and she created a large, sharp dagger coming straight for him. Lucky for him, Static's flying skills were superior, however, Gear wasn't was lucky. After icing up and breaking the rock, he was also visited by the dagger. He was hit in the shoulder, where the shoulder and the arm connected. She looked at Static and made a barrage of rocks come down. With them occupied, she took her leave. After the dust cleared from the impact of the rocks, the girl was nowhere to be.

Kandi drove home from Burger Fool. She was already pissed off at Richie for blowing her off, but it was also hot. She stopped at an intersection and watched as people passed. She felt a chill up her back and she looked behind her. There was nothing but a bunch of cars and she got a paranoid feeling. Turning the corner, she could've sworn she saw Aragog in the corner of her eye. That almost caused her to drive in the wrong lane. She swerved before she almost got hit by a truck. She then pulled over to the side and sat there to take a few deep breaths. She leaned back into her seat and sighed. "Gotta be the heat…" she muttered

'Don't count on it.' Said a voice

She bolted up quickly and banged her head. "Dammit!" she yelled

Kandi rubbed her head and looked around. There was nothing there, but she still felt paranoid. She laid her head on the steering wheel and the sun's rays beat down on her head. "I gotta tell Richie…" she muttered, "This is starting to affect my driving…"

She started the car back up again and got back on the road. Kandi was going to go back to her apartment and take a nap. She had a test the next day, and she felt too weak to take it. She took a quick glance to the bottle of pills on the passenger side. It was the medicine for her disease. She had a new type of disease that was making her weak. She was lucky to work in a tailor shop, and her boss understood her situation, so sometimes she was allowed to take her work home to do it there while she was sick. Kandi stopped at the gate to show her ID, and then continued on to the parking lot.

Richie leaned back in his seat and groaned. He was 22, working at Alva Industries, and he was having trouble with his love life. His life as Gear was becoming more frequent. Thieves were the usual thing for Dakota, but then there were the break-ins to the museum. It was annoying that they had never thought about the silent alarms. Richie sighed and went back to work on his component for Alva. He could remember the argument that Virgil and he had over working for Alva, but his son, Edwin had taken over, so it wasn't as bad. However, Richie couldn't understand how Edwin could hire so many people who couldn't fix such simple computer chips. Of course, he was a super genius, so that's why he was hired. He sat up and picked up his phone. He dialed Kandi's phone number and prepared for her to hang up on him. In four rings, she picked up the phone, and then hung up quickly. He rolled her eyes at her gestures and then called back three more times before she picked up the phone. "What do you want?" she asked, coldly

"I'm sorry." He answered

"Instead of making me wait, you can tell me ahead of time that you can't make it."

"I'm always on call, you know that. It's my job to-"

"Protect the people of Dakota, I know. I wish that you could just take off just once."

"Then Virg and I won't be a team."

"I need to tell you something and you're cracking jokes."

"Well then tell me already."

"Not over the phone, come and see me and I'll tell you."

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"It's a secret and I don't want you to get worried at work."

"Is it bad or good?"

"Combination of both."

"Kandice, just tell me."

"I'm not going to tell you unless you come and see me."

"Geez, you're acting like we're still in high school."

"Look, if you don't want to talk to me, then just hang up right now and don't come and see me."

"Quit being a brat."

"What! Did you just call me a brat!"

"If the shoe fits…"

"Foley!" said a voice

Richie looked up to see his supervisor looking over at him with a menacing glare. "Kandi, I'll be over around 8 or 8:30, I love you but I gotta go, bye."
He hung up the phone quickly. His supervisor walked over to his station and looked at his work. Howard was a man that really hated Richie. He worked hard and always got his work done. The only flaw he had was his long conversations on the phone with his girlfriend, and the fact that he disappeared at times. "Foley, you know our policy on personal calls." Said Howard

"Yes sir." Said Richie, "It's just that-"

"No more excuses! I don't' want to see you on that phone making personal calls unless it's an emergency, got it!"


"Good, now get back to work!"
As his supervisor walked away, Richie flipped him off. 'Jackass…' he thought

Kandi lay on her couch and stared up at the ceiling. She was waiting for Richie, but she knew not to keep expectations up. He was always on call, and disappears when he was needed. Telling her big two secrets was going to take a lot to do. She knew that she had to talk to Riche alone. If she told during work, then he would go ballistic. A knock at the door made her tumble off the couch and onto the floor. "In a minute…" she said, flatly

She got up and opened the door. There stood Richie with a bouquet of flowers. She rolled her eyes, knowing that he was only buying them to say that he was sorry. She invited him and she shut the door behind him. "Bouquet for the most beautiful woman in Dakota." He said

She kissed him on the cheek and took the bouquet into the kitchen. "Make yourself at home." She said, "Not that you don't do that anyway."
She grabbed a vase and began filling it with water. "So what's so important that you couldn't tell me at work?" asked Richie

"In a minute." She said

She picked up some scissors and began cutting off the stems. "Well I went to the doctor…" she said

"So?" asked Richie


"Ok…just kidding around."

"Anyway, I went to my…lower checkup doctor and she had some interesting news…"

"Is it bad?"

"Depends on how you're gonna take it."
Kandi walked out of the kitchen and stood there in the doorway. "Well…the doctor said…I…I'm…." she started

"Kandi?" he asked

"I'm pregnant ok!"

"Is that all? I thought that you were...pregnant! How did that happen!"

"Well, a man and woman get together and-"

"I know that part! I mean…wow…I'm gonna be a dad…"

"So…you're not mad?"

"Why would I be? That is the greatest news I've ever heard!"

"You shouldn't be too happy because-"

Richie opened his shockvox and answered it. "Richie! Come in!" said Virgil

"What is it?" he asked

"I need you right now. Something really freaky is happening at the museum."

"Give me a moment, bro."
He ran up to her and kissed her. "I love you…and our son…or daughter…" he said

"But Richie-"

He pressed a finger to her lips and hugged her tight. "Tell me later." He said, "Don't worry so much."
He ran out quickly and shut the door behind him. She sighed and looked at the door with a sorrowful look. "I'm dying…" she whispered