Kosmic: I am sorry for this story because I know I am ripping of some one. I am sorry for ripping of its something I was thinking on doing. I apologies for ripping you off.

Disclaimer: We all have said this before so why say it again? Well because it's needed. I do not own Xiaolin Showdown.

Truth or Dare

History - Dojo was flying the young dragons to a shen gong wu. It was near a snowy mountain. They were searching for the shen gong wu. Omi and Jack found it at the same time. A Xiaolin showdown has taken place. Omi wins but when the showdown ended an avalanche accrued. Omi and Clay were saved by dojo. Kimiko and Raimundo found shelter in a cabin but the avalanche trapped them in covering the whole cabin but the chimney.

To the Story

"With all people I am trapped with you Raimundo. Great I now know I will die here." Kimiko started to whine.

"Sorry miss tech. would you rather be with Jack Spicer then me. I don't know about you but I have gone camping and lived in a cabin before." Kimiko got angry with Raimundo for talking like that.

"What do you mean by miss tech?" She yelled at Rai.

"Well you always have some type of phone or computer on you that is why. Me and Clay have seen you always have them with you. Wait do you have your phone on you?" Rai said hoping she did.

"I do nice thinking Rai." She takes out her phone and before she put in a number to call for help she realized Rai was right. "You are right I always have one or another on me." She sat on the couch realizing she always had a piece of tech on her,

"Hay I am sorry for saying that I am. I am sorry to say I told you so." He sat next to Kim hoping she would apologies too.

She looks at Rai then at her phone. "My phone is dead. We just have to wait until Clay and Omi find us." She walks up to the fire place. She sees a piece of wood there. "Fire" She said to light it up.

Rai sat there looking at her waiting for her to apologies to him still. Kim looks at him. "What? Why are you staring at me?"

"I apologized to you now I am waiting for you to apologies back." She looks at him laughing.

"Apologies to you for what?" She kept laughing until her stomach growled. Rai looked down at his feet.

"I will see what I can do for food." Rai got up and went to the kitchen. "What do we got carrots, potatoes, and fish. I could make some soup if the water drain is not frozen up." He checks and the water drain was frozen.

"You know how to cook Rai?" Kim asked walking in. Rai looks at Kim. "Yea my mom showed me how to. I can fix up a dish of fish with a side of carrots and potatoes." He checked if the stove worked and it did.

Kimiko watched him cook. "It must be nice to have a mother. My mother passed away when I was born." She started to cry. Rai stopped and went up to Kim. "I am sorry Kim. I did not mean to hurt you. My mom passed away when I was eight years old. She was murdered."

Kim looked up at Rai he was not crying yet she did not know. "Why aren't you crying?"

Rai got went back to working on cooking. "Because my mom is still with me. She may be dead but she is always with me in my heart. My dad told me that. You are the only one person I told other then my family. Ahh" Rai burnt his finger.

Kim ran up to Rai. "Are you ok? Your burned let me see if there's any thing here for that." Kim runs around she could not find anything.

She runs back to Rai she saw him still cooking. "Its ok it's only a small burn." She looks at Rai she feels useless. Rai cooking and she can't show anything for gratitude.

"I am sorry Rai. I am useless in this matter." She sat down feeling down.

"No you are not. You started up the fire in the other room. With out heat we might already be out cold." Rai said making Kim smile.

"Thank you Rai. I am sorry from earlier. I am sorry what I said earlier about be stuck here with you." She said to Rai now hold a plate of food to her.

They sat down and ate. "This is very good Rai. You got to teach me how to cook." Kim said eating the meal.

"Don't thank me thank my mom. She was here helping me." Rai said feeling full after take a few bits.

"Want to play truth or dare to pass the time." Kim asking Rai. Kim always wanted to know more about Rai and this is her best chance to.

"Sure. Sense you suggested it you go first." Rai smiled at her.

Kim: "Truth or Dare Rai?"

Rai: "Dare"

Kim: "I dare you to say truth next time." She smiled

Rai: "Where is the fun in that? Ok sure. Truth or Dare Kim?"

Kim: "Truth."

Rai: "What do you dislike the most about Omi?"

Kim: "His ancient book on females. I hate it when he takes that book out. Ok sense you can't say dare. What do you think about every one at the temple?"

Rai: "Let me start with master Fung. He is like a second father, Clay is like a best friend, and Omi is like an annoying little brother, Dojo a lizard pet, and you someone to understand. You are the only person there that doesn't talk like master Fung, Texan, and messed up slang."

Kim smiled to here this.

Rai: "Truth or dare?"

Kim: "Truth"

Rai: "Cant you say dare. Ok let me think. What do you dislike about Clay?"

Kim: "His messed up Texan talk. He speaks broken English. I can't stand how he talks."

Rai laughs.

Kim: "Truth or dare?"

Rai looks at her. "Dare"

Kim: "I dare you to say truth next time."

Rai smacks his head. "Ok I get the hint I will say truth for the rest of the game"

Kim smiles then laughs.

Rai: "Truth or dare?"

Kim "Truth"

Rai: "Ok this game has officially become truth or truth. Ok what do you like the must about me?"

Kim: "Um well how you act. I mean must boys around me either put on a love act of some type or ignore me. You don't and I like that. What do you like must about me?"

Rai looked at Kim. "What's not to like about you? Sure you always have some tech on you but I like you."

Both Kim and Rai got up and sat on the couch before they continued. They sat at the different ends of the couch. Rai had his white long shirt with the hood on. Kim started to shack because of the cold. Rai got up took of his shirt he had two on. The other one was short sleeved shirt. He put his long sleeve on Kim.

"No you need it Rai." She said as he puts it on her. "No you do. I am the dragon of the wind I can take the cold you can't."

Kim: "Rai truth or dare?"

Rai: "Might as well try again dare."

Kim: "I dare you to kiss me."

Rai looked at Kim. He gulped as he leaned forward his lip close to hers.

"Earth" They both heard Clay out side and they quickly moved away from each other.

Clay busted the door open. "We finally found you two. Are you two alright?"

"Yea we are but we might be sick. We were both here cold." Kim said walking over to Clay.

End of Chapter 1 of 2

Kosmic: Again I am sorry I took this from some one else some what. This was the best way I could do a truth or dare. Sorry for any confusion.