A/N: This story has been rewritten and is now Butterflies and Snakes

Disclaimer: Yay. i don't own nothin'. Don't ask I don't except for my characters. J.K own's Potter world(lucky her) and fox owns Buffy(I would know).

Summary: What would happen if Harry and Hermione had changed a lot? What would happen if they were both slayers? What would happen if they found out they were really twins and related to their watchers in a way, who were also twins? Who are their watchers? One of them is someone they thought they knew, but it turns out that they weren't the only ones that had changed over the summer.

There is swearing, be warned. Dark spots. Suicide, torture, the whole shebang. So you are warned. Debating sex at this point, don't know if I want to write it so we'll see. Ok I think I said everything that needed to be said so let the craziness commence.

Twin Slayers, Twin Watchers

The summer days had started off pretty normal for Hermione Granger, well as normal as they could get for a witch. Ok, maybe they weren't all that normal.

Hermione had been going to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry for 5 years now, each year had been a living nightmare, fights, monsters, Voldemort, nearly getting your head chopped off by a 7-foot living replica of the queen piece on a chess board. No matter what the difficulties, whatever the challenge, Hermione and her friends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, had found that it would follow them everywhere. They never went looking for the trouble of course, it always found them. Ok that was a slight lie… they did look for trouble once in a while. Well they couldn't help themselves really; they were all natural born trouble makers. Harry was the offspring of James Potter, one of the notorious Marauders of Hogwarts; Ron sibling of, also notorious, Fred and George Weasley also know as Gred and Forge. Hermione, well Hermione was the Gryffindor book worm, goody-two-shoes, studious, bossy, and sensible one of the group. Little did any one know however that Hermione hadn't become a know-it-all until Hogwarts. Hermione to say the least was a little bitch during her young life, excuse my French. Hermione was terrible, she would bite, and scratch, tear, and even blow up whatever she could get her hands on. Hermione has also been a skilled professional pickpocket since the age of 3. She acted like a teenager when she was 6, locking herself in her room all day, refusing to go to school, instead playing video games all day and watching dirty movies she found under her dad's bed, wearing black everything, although she has lightened up a bit now at the age of 16, she now expresses her childhood that see missed (she wears all dogs go to heaven, Trix, my little pony, and Barbie shirts underneath her black everything). Yes, Hermione definitely isn't the little Gryffindor good girl that she pretends to be.

She needed to shop.

With that she grabbed her jacket and the keys to her black BMW.

Harry Potter, Boy-who-lived. Fuck that.

Harry hated his life, it sucked. Every year since he started going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he along with his friends were put in mortal danger. It all started when he was a baby and led its way to Hogwarts were he battled lots of things whether it was Voldemort or Fluffy or Snape or Malfoy, he still was tortured. Fudge, the Minister of Magic, hadn't helped any, printing things in the daily profit about how he was "deranged" and "attention-seeking". He made Harry out to be some crazy murderous lunatic who cared about no one but himself, and all he wanted was more limelight. Harry was pissed at this because well…VOLDEMORT WAS BACK AND FUDGE SAW IT AND HE'S STUPID AND SELF-CENTERED! Harry was more then pissed.

Harry's life had been no cup of tea before Hogwarts either; the Dursley's made sure of that. When Harry was dropped on their doorstep that fateful night they had hated him but because the great Albus Dumbledore had a little mysterious word with Petunia Dursley, they kept him instead of sending him to an orphanage. Personally Harry would have rather been sent to the orphanage then to be beaten, pushed around like some sort of slave, and even locked in a closet for 11 years of his life. Then again that would make him even more like Voldemort, so maybe it wouldn't have been that great. Harry had been beaten upon returning every year from school. He had bruises all up and down his body now. He was sporting a nice big one on his left cheek.

Harry's loss of his godfather, Sirius Black, convicted murderer but innocent, illegal animagus, one of the Marauders of Hogwarts along with his father and Remus Lupin and the man that sold his parents to Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew. Ever since Sirius fell through the veil in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry, Harry had been depressed as hell. He dressed differently now, more like a greaser but not quite.

He was going to be turning 16 in a few days so his Hogwarts life was almost over that would mean he could get away from the Dursleys forever.

He really needed to get out of this house.

And with that he grabbed his leather biker jacket and the keys to his new motorcycle.

A/N: Well ha ha I guess I should start writing the next chapter I hope you review, good or bad it doesn't matter to me. Well I know that Hermione is a year older then Harry really seeing as she was 12 when she started according to J.K so I think I should believe her. But you she if I had made Hermione 17 then it would have defeated my whole purpose. So on to my next chapter...