Yuuri put on some p.j's while Wolfram got changed also. Yuuri changed faster than Wolfram so he looked at his beautiful blond prince and thought about how different things would be without him. He just couldn't imagine not being around him, with that thought he got into bed. Wolfram followed and they both fell asleep.


In the morning Yuuri woke to his mothers shout of how 'cute' Wolfram was in her old wedding dress. Realizing he was alone in bed he got up and rushed down the stairs to find Jennifer gawking at Wolfram who was standing in the middle of the living room in her old wedding dress. Wolfram had a look of pure terror on his face. When he noticed that Yuuri had entered the room he ran over to him and hid behind him. "OH MY GOD, your mother is way to wired, please help me get away from her!"

Yuuri couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh Yuu-chan what did he say? What do you think of the dress? Isn't he just adorable?"

"Yeah yeah yeah mom he looks really cute but do you think I could talk to him for a while? We need to go find Murata anyway, I need to know whats going on."

"Oh but I wanted to play dress up with him some more. Oh well be back in time for dinner, I still have to show him all of your baby pictures." She said the last part as if she were in a fairy tale.

"What is she going on about that would make her face look like that?" Wolfram asked Yuuri questioningly as he shot her a glance.

"Oh its nothing well it doesn't really have to do with you so don't be frightend."


Up stairs back in Yuuri's room the two got changed to go out for the day, Yuuri had given Wolfram a pair of blue jeans and faided blue t-shirt to wear. He wore blue jeans and a black t-shirt nothing special for either of them.

"Thanks for getting me away from her, she was really starting to freak me out."

Don't worry about it, I can understand how you feel shes a little over esentric at times, but you cant say your mother isn't either."

"True, anyway where are we going today? I know I heard you say the great sages name. Are we going to talk to him about why we were sent back here?"

"Yeah, I also want to know when the next baseball practice is." Yuuri said without thinking owing to the fact he knows how much Wolfram hates baseball.

"Oh... ok then." Wolfram said but he muttered under his breath afterwards, "It's always about baseball even when I'm here why won't he show me around?"


It was about ten when they finaly left Yuuri's house in search of Murata-Ken. They eventualy found him at the baseball field fiddiling with the sprinklers.

"Oi Murata, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get the sprinklers to work the field is drying out, see." He pointed to a browning spot of grass.

"Oh, hey I have a few questions to ask you. Wolfram and I are sevearly confused on a few matters."

"You want to know why Shinou sent you both to earth right? Its quite simple really. The only thing is he's forbidden me to tell you why." He was almost laughing as he said this.

"What do you mean he's forbidden you to tell us why." Wolfram retorts rather rudely.

"Oh it's a surprise, all I can tell you is you'll be going back to Shin Makoku on Saturday."

"Its only Wendsday that means were stuck here for 3 more days!" Yuuri was sounding exasperated.

"It's summer, it can't be that hard to find something to do until then." Murata stated.

"Whatever, hey listen I'm going to take Wolf to the mall to get him some clothes, you wanna come?"

"Sure just let me get the sprinklers started first."

After a few more minuets of tinkering the sprinklers finaly started and they set off to go to the mall.


At the mall once they had some new clothes for Wolfram who was facinated by all the different things he'd never seen befor, they decided to go to a movie.

"So what are we doing again?" Wolfram asked quizically.

"We're going to the theater to watch a movie. I dont think you'll understand untill you watch one. We'll translate it for you if you want us to. Besides it will get us out of this crowd." Yuuri pointed to the group of people who were stairing at Wolfram both girls and guys alike.

"Ok whatever a movie is then." He said but he acctualy sounded kind of interested. "I finally get to learn about Yuuri's world. Maybe he'll pay more attention to me now and less to Weller-kyo."

"What movie would you like to see, Yuuri, I dont really pay attention so I dont know whats playing at the moment."

"Oh just what ever looks interesting, no horror though, I get enough fighting and talk about war when I'm in Shin Makoku."

"What do you mean? Our country is not all war and violence!" Wolfram said with anger in his voice, "Is that all you think about when your there, war? Your the king and you still seem to miss the finer points of your beautiful country."

"It's not that Wolf, it's just that there is way more war there than there is hear. I still see the beauty of Shin Makoku. How can it not be beautiful since you live there?"

"I hate to break this up put people are stairing at you two." He turned back to Yuuri and Wolfram who were blushing because there kiss got interupted by people stairing.

"Fine whatever, lets just get to the movie already." Yuuri said hoping that it was a somewhat romanitc movie so he could make out with Wolf and people wouldn't notice.

"Why don't we just go to the movie store and pick out a movie then if all you to want to do is make out anyway." Murata retorted sarcasticaly.

"That acctualy sounds like a much better idea to me, well owing to the fact that I dont even know what any of this stuff is, why dont we just go back to your house Murata." Wolfram said.

"Fine my parents are at work right now anyway so there wont be anyone to disturbe you to."
