This is my first fic ever, so bare with me. This is and Violet/Klaus fic, so if you don't like, then don't read. I do not own anything to do with the asoue books or movies...etc.etc. Thanks for reading, I will try to update asap, please review, and enjoy!



She peered through the darkness and all she could see the glimmering moonlight that cast wistful beams upon a filthy desk and chest of drawers that were covered in dirty dishes and soiled garments.

A window was open a crack and it let in frigid night air, which caused her to shiver, so she rubbed her bare arms to keep warm. She wore only a thin cotton chemise, and was blanketed by a light bed sheet. She rolled from her side to her back, which was beginning to ache, because of the firm mattress; this movement caused a sudden stirring in the corner of the room. The sound was followed by louder footsteps that made the floorboards groan in protest, and finally the squeak as a figure plopped down on the bed.

She tried to move, to scream, but to no avail, she just lay there frozen. All of the figure she could make out was the shiny, shiny eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness.

Then, the situation that felt like it could not get any worse, did. As she lay there in total shock she felt clammy hand upon her leg. Slowly the figure traced the outside of her thigh, caressing her soft skin and ever-so slightly moving towards her inner thigh. As the hand drew closer and closer to her most private part, she tensed and went terribly cold. The figure's gentle fingers inched closer and closer and closer and closer, until…

Violet Baudelaire woke with a start, her heart pounding, her body shaking and her breath coming out in ragged gasps. It had only been a week and a half since she and her siblings had moved in with their new guardian, and already the nightmares were starting to wrack her dreams.

She felt a sudden urge to wake up her brother Klaus, but she decided against it because he was lying peacefully on the floor of the children's room. Violet glanced over to her infant sister Sunny, just to make sure she was all right, and she too was sleeping calmly like her brother. Since she did not wish to wake either sibling from their comforted dreams, Violet just turned over, facing the other direction and watched them sleep, breathing steadily, until she felt at ease again.

A small smile crept across her lips as she gazed upon her younger brother. She wished that they were younger, back when their parents were still alive; she used to get nightmares sometimes, and would instead of running to her parents for comfort Violet would ust creep into Klaus' room and climb into his bed, where he would often tell her stories or spoke calming words until she fell asleep.

Oh, how she longed to go over to him now and have him hold her and rock her gently, whispering happy thoughts and memories about their past. But lately their usually close relationship hadbeen strained, and, for lack of a better word...weird. Though neither of them knew what was causing this to happen. She sighed and looked back at Klaus, who had turned to face the opposite direction, so Violet followed suit, turning to her other side and tried to fall asleep.

What she didn't know was that Klaus, who had appeared to be sleeping when she looked at him, was actually pretending to be asleep so his older sister would not know that he had been watching her for most the night. Watching her small figure as it tossed and turned in a fitful sleep. And as her soft features contorted in a nightmare-filled slumber.

What Violet also was unaware of was the fact that Klaus had wished as well, that he could go over to her and hold her on the disgusting mattress that she called her bed, and protect her from whatever evils that had haunted her nightmare. But he was sure she would take the gesture of kindness the wrong way and think that he was a creep. So he shook off the thought, and turned to his other side. But even then, thoughts of their strained relationship made his head spin, and he got an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. These frustrations soon tired him out and he fell into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning Violet awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. She scanned the room, and was surprised to see her siblings missing. So she wearily climbed down from her bed, stiffly dressed, and made her way downstairs.

As she descended the stairs Violet began to smile, seeing her brother at the kitchen sink, but when she set foot on the hardwood floor, her smile vanished. There she saw her guardian sitting at the kitchen table, his feet propped up on it rudely and worst of all, he was smiling an evil smile that made Violet's stomach turn.

'Count Olaf' she thought angrily as she stepped quickly over to where her brother was standing, hoping that the Count would not notice her entering the room. To her dismay he most certainly did.

"Orphan, where's my fo- Oh! Violet, what a pleasant surprise, come you're just in time to join me for breakfast." Both Klaus and Violet were shocked by Count Olaf's sudden generosity. They stood there mouths open, eyes widened, until Olaf clapped his hands loudly.

"Come on now, we haven't gotten all day!" he stood up and pushed the eldest Baudelaire towards the nearest kitchen chair. Klaus rushed over to the stove and then he returned to see his sister sitting bolt upright, and their guardian his hand on hers to calm her down (not that it would help.)

Klaus' eyes narrowed, and he became suddenly a lot more protective of his sister. He plopped the plates on the table, and stood there, watching over the two, hardly blinking. Count Olaf shifted his gaze towards the middle Baudelaire,

"You can go clean-up the living room, it is filthy from last weeks party."

Klaus slowly turned and began to walk towards the kitchen door when Olaf called after him "I want that room spotless, because my troupe is coming over for a rehearsal tonight!"

He then turned his attention to Violet who had gone pale and was slightly shaking. He flashed that grin and dug into his breakfast, though his eyes never left Violet.

As Klaus stuffed beer and wine bottles into a large bag, he tried to listen to the conversation taking place in the kitchen. After all the garbage was picked up and the furniture was dusted, Klaus crept over to the wall that connected the living room and the kitchen. He pressed his ear against it, straining to pick up any of what Count Olaf and VIolet were saying. But all he could make out was indistinct mumbles.

So determined to find out what was going on in the next room, Klaus slipped out the window, and scurried, as quiety as possible, to the next window on the house's exterior.

As the middle Baudelaire peered through the window he was shocked out of his mind. Kluas Saw Count Olaf get up from his chair and move into the vacant one next to Violet, then he placed a hand on he thigh, and grasped her hand with the other.

Even from outside the window, Klaus could see the shiny, shiny eyes that haunted his dreams. He looked away, unable to watch his sister's pain, but no! He had to look. He had to watch her; protect her; hold her close...

When he gazed back through the dirty glass he saw Violet run out of the kitchen crying, while Count Olaf had the evilest, most unnerving, stomach-turning grin upon his lips

"Vi?" Klaus knocked on their bedroom door softly, as if it were not a door, but a living creature. There was no answer, just some mildly loud sniffs. Klaus slowly turned the knob and opened the door to reveal his older sister sitting in the corner, holding her knees. He was crushed with sorrow for Violet, so he walked over and sat down beside her, draping an arm over her shoulders. She turned her face up to his, and smiled, though tears still ran freely over her blushed cheeks.Klaus wiped the tears from her face with his thumb. Violet sniffed then spoke up,

"Where is Sunny?" Klaus smiled; he loved that about her, the way she looked out for her siblings, even when her problems were far worse.

"Don't worry about sunny, I took her to Justice Straus' this morning before you woke up." He stopped momentarily, taking in a deep breath. "...Vi...are you okay?" Violet nodded in response, then gently wrapped an arm around her brother, and leaned her head against his shoulder.

The two sat there in comfortable silence for awhile until Violet noticed Klaus beginning to tense up, and the silence became a little more awkward. Finally he said, "Violet?"

"Yes, Klaus."

"Please tell me what happened this morning in the kitchen." His words were quiet, but demanding. She stared at him in shock and horror, and before Klaus could take back what he had said she began to sob. Soft and gentle at first, then they began to wrack her whole body with tremors of pure emotion.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" He tried desperately to calm her down. "Take it easy Vi, everything is going to be okay!" Violet did stop crying, but it was not her brother's consoling that silencedher, it was something else; someone else to be exact.

Count Olaf was coming up the stairs that lead to where the two eldest Buadelaires now sat, huddled together on the dust-covered floor. Violet buried her face into his chest, and Klaus tightened his grip on his sister. Thump,Thump,Thump, THUMP...silence...Creak. The door swung open, and there stood the tall, gangly figure of the dreaded Count Olaf.

"What's going on up here orphan?" His words were sharp, and stung like a slap.

"Nothing..." Violet replied in a small voice, trying hard not to begin crying again.

"Well then, if nothing is 'going on', then it's time to get back to work...both of you" he snarled. Klaus' eyes narrowed angrily as he clutched his sister. Olaf sighed theatrically and answered,

" can both work together, but you have to work out in the backyard...and...yes, i think that every sunny day you can work out there in the 'Forest' as I like to call it, while my troupe and I practise...yes, practise, that's it." Brother and sister exchanged a look of alarm but kept listening. "Weeding, planting, watering for a few hours...and afterwards you can each do an individual job for me."

Klaus could see Count Olaf eye Violet, and he could feel her trembling wildly in his arms. "Do we have a deal?" he added sticking out his hand. The middle Baudelaire looked questioningly at his sister who gave him a fearful smile, and turned to Olaf, reluctantly shaking his clammy palm.

"Good," he grinned, heading for the door. "Oh, and don't worry about your darling sister, I've arranged a "daycare" for her. So she will be home at around ten or eleven tonight. Ta ta!" The door swung shut and the awfully awkward, and unhappy silence once again filled the room.

Violet spoke first.

"Where is he sending Sunny?" Her voice sounded anxious and scared.

"I'm not sure." Klaus replied truthfully, though he wished he did know. "Well at least we have eachother, and we get to work together in the garden away from Olaf." As hesaid this, his stomach began to throb, that same feeling he had had the previous night. Violet smiled but she kept her gaze fixed on her hands. It looked like she was studying them intently. Klaus too looked away and did something he rarely did, he blushed. 'Why?' he thought.

He was beginning to feel a little weird about sitting so close to her, but before he could move away, Violet reached up and gently placed a kiss on his cheek, letting it linger a few moments too long. Klaus felt as if a fire was burning through his body, and he turned to look at his sister, whom he thought would be shyly lookingin another direction, but to his shock and utter disbelief she was staring right at him, her eyes sparkling, and her face less than a foot from his. He couldn't believe it! The moment over took him, so he lead his head towards hers, inching his lips towards those he most wished and dreaded to kiss.

He leaned closer, and closer, until their noses were almost touching, and their lips aboout to meet when...

"ORPHANS GET DOWN HERE I HAVEN'T GOT ALL DAY!" The shouts of Count Olaf made them jump back and scramble away from eachother. They both had beet-red faces and their hearts were racing. Small shy smiles were upon their lips as they cast uneasy glances at one another.

"I guess we should head downstairs." Klaus finally blurted out. Violet didn't speak, she just nodded in agreement and they both left the room where something so wrong, yet at the moment felt so right just about happened.

A/N - Thanks for that took awhile to type out! haha, anyway please R&R and I will have the next chapter post soon.