Note: Shonen ai warnings again, and these Inuyasha characters don't belong to me…Rushia and Awria belong to Tifa and K-chan (Lucia and Neili (Luna)(nicknames)) –huggles them both- - Oh! And two new characters are also two people I met in summer school! Another…is self explanatory…Enjoy!
Rushia: We're in this chapter right?
Awria: …?
Me: Yesh! I can't leave you two out! -
Inuyasha: Will you get on with the chapter!
Me: …Inuyasha…be wise to remember my warning…
Inuyasha: …-turns silent-
Rushia: Anyway! Enjoy chapter two of Picking Up the Shattered Pieces! Inuyasha and the Linkin Park Lyrics that are in here do NOT belong me. Again, Enjoy!
Awria: -looks around with a Bazooka-
Everyone except Rushia and I: O.O…
Me: She has a license for that I swear…
"I'll be waiting"
Sesshoumaru leaned against the wall beside the front door on the porch outside. Inuyasha was heard inside trying to gather his belongings for school. Same as any other day, the elder brother would watch for the bus, and the younger brother would take a long amount of time to get ready. He had gotten used to it though.
The front door was heard opening and closing beside him. Sesshoumaru turned to tell his brother it was a bit quicker than what he usually timed. But Inuyasha wasn't there. There stood his father with his work clothes looking to the young youkai. Sesshoumaru bowed his head to Taishou like he had always done. Footsteps were heard walking down the steps of the porch. Sesshoumaru looked up, already knowing his father had left.
The front door opened again and Sesshoumaru watched as Inuyasha hastily waved to his father in farewell with his mother beside him giggling slightly. His father, from the car, waved back to them. Sesshoumaru stared at them from behind the opened door (The door opens on the side of the wall Sesshoumaru was leaning on). His eyes were like dieing lights, flickering on and off slowly before the light is all burned out.
'I can't be here…why am I here?'
The vehicle drove off, Izoyoa turning to Inuyasha after.
"I'd better hurry up and get your lunch, you wait here" She said and quickly walked back into the house, closing the door to reveal Sesshoumaru clutching his stomach like he was going to burst.
"Onii-san (Sp)?" Inuyasha neared his brother, wondering what was wrong? Did the door hit him or something?
Sesshoumaru, hearing the voice of his brother directed to him, straitened up, pain ignored. "You ready to go?" He asked looking to a yellow bus driving along their neighborhood.
Blinking slightly from confusion of his brothers' painful look before, the honyou nodded slightly pointing to the door.
"Moms getting my lunch…" He said then looked worriedly to his brother again. "Something wrong?" It didn't look as though the door had hit him; he knew his brothers' fast reflexes would cause his arm to hold the door away from him.
"I'm fine…your mother told me you wanted a change in your schedule, what class?" Sesshoumaru said, smoothly changing the subject as they walked down the stairs to the sidewalk.
"Swimming" Inuyasha answered as his mother came out and handed him a boxed lunch. A quick thanks and farewell kiss on the cheek, though trying to ring away from it, were all that were left before the honyou got on the bus that had arrived.
Sesshoumaru sat and stared at the house he lived in from the bus window as it passed by, moving to get away from the house, neighborhood, and streets…
'Why must I be here? What is my purpose…?''
"I wanna change my schedule, this class to swimming" Inuyasha said to the guidance counselor while pointing to his schedule paper. Sesshoumaru sat in one of the waiting chairs in the room and stared at his brother, patiently staying put for the honyou to get this over with.
Two wolf demons standing to his left, and two human boys sitting in chairs to his right. The two wolves were dressed in jeans, white shirt and the other brown with wordings on it that said 'Im with stupid' having a arrow underneath pointing to his friend. Those shirts seemed to be very popular every time he went with his brother to buy new clothing, which wasn't that often. Their hairstyles were odd, one having a black and white hairstyle, one side black and the other white. The other had a Mohawk, which would most likely be called about during the school times. 'Rebellious teens I'm guessing…' Sesshoumaru thought while looking to them, then looked to the human boy who sat silently beside what seemed to be a blood relative. He could easily tell that they were brothers because of the scent and similarities in looks. The one next to him was the younger one, having spiky black hair; black T-shirt and baggy jeans sat silently waiting while listening to his MP3 player. His brother had the same spiky black hair but wore glasses and had a black shirt with blue fiery designs on it; his jeans were dark blue and baggy.
"He's a half breed…right?" Sesshoumaru turned to hear the voice of the Mohawk haired wolf.
"Yeah…look at his ears…and you can also tell by the smell of him…" The other agreed.
Sesshoumaru looked to Inuyasha to see if he had heard this, though it was normal to be spoken of by others, the honyou still couldn't help but react. Inuyashas' ears drooped down, as if trying to hide themselves in his silver hair. Sesshoumaru shook his head slightly. Hopefully he wouldn't react more than that.
"He's like the only honyou in this school right? Usually the Benigasumi (Red Fog: Name of the gang) gang would get rid of all of them after school started…" Continued the talk of the wolves.
"The poor pups gonna probably commit suicide before even meeting the Benigasumi" The other replied.
Inuyasha spun around and stomped toward the two, claws twitching slightly. 'Oh, great' Sesshoumaru said looking to the three.
"What the hell is your problem? You got something against honyous!" Inuyasha growled. The people around started to stare and whisper on what exactly Inuyasha was doing.
"N-no! We were just talking about-"
"About honyous you jack ass! Don't think I couldn't hear you just because I'm a half-breed!" Inuyasha growled more. Sesshoumaru sat there looking to the three. Though the two wolves were taller than his brother, Inuyasha looked more like the one to win the fight with the claws extended and fangs ready.
"Hey mutt face, stop making yourself look bad. You've heard what they said, now except it and move on!" Was the voice of the wolf that had just stepped in. Sesshoumaru looked to the desk where the snake demoness that helped Inuyasha stood with his new schedule. He stood up and went around the four towards the desk, taking the sheet of paper and looked it over.
Inuyasha glared at the wolf in anger for interrupting and insulting him.
"Shut the hell up!"
"No, now get to your first class before the deans are called up here to come get a half-breed, pup!" Kouga commanded, glaring down at the silver haired honyou.
"You scrawny wolf! Yo-" Inuyasha was silenced when he saw his brother walk over to them with a sheet of paper in his clawed hand.
"Kouga, you don't mind taking my brother to his new class do you? Its third period time and it's the same class you're taking. Swimming" Sesshoumaru said expressionlessly, handing the wolf the paper to look at. Kouga looked it over and nodded, smirking as he looked down at the honyou.
"No problem" Was the response before the paper was handed to the honyou and the wolf retreated out of the Guidance Office.
Inuyasha blinked a few times before all the information ran through his head a few more moments.
"What! I have to be stuck with that scrawny wolf?" Inuyasha yelled, turning to his silent brother. A tap on the shoulder made him turn –again- to see a human boy about his height.
"Hey, are you Inuyasha?" The boy asked. He was the younger of the brothers that had sat with Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha nodded in reply to the question. Of course everyone there would know him now due to all the yelling.
"Well, my names Dante ("Dawn-tay"). Awria told me a lot about you" He said looking to the honyous ears as he remembers the girl speaking of them. Awria and her friend Rushia would talk of anything cute, playful, fun, and strange. Oh, and guns.
"Oh…" Inuyasha said 'The girl that glomped me along with Rushia yesterday…' He thought in remembrance.
"I go to the same class as you, so you won't have to be stuck with that 'scrawny wolf' all day. Rushia and Awria will be there also" Dante shook the honyous hand and turned to his brother, who ignored them and went straight to the guidance desk. "I'll see ya around then"
Sesshoumaru pulled on his brothers' hoodie on his dark orange sweater he had been wearing to the door and outside.
"Hey Sesshy?" Rushia asked, nudging the youkai slightly. The second class had not yet started and the students were talking, lazily walking around, or just sitting and waiting for the class to start. Sesshoumaru was tiredly resting his head on the desk when the girl had asked for his attention. He turned his head to her, not removing his head from the comfort of his arms on the table.
"Hn?" He responded. The wolf girl was sitting in the seat next to him since she knew only Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha in the class. Awria was taking another class…what was it again? Sesshoumaru couldn't remember, something about guns most likely...
"You okay? You seem out of it today, and its just day two of Hell…A.K.A School…" She said, whispering the word of the underworld. Only the second day? Guess he wouldn't make it after all. How he managed to get through summer was that he would have the opportunity of walking outside and away from everything that seemed to discomfort him. But that also become useless when he found out that he was to take up his fathers place soon. His emotions were beating everything out of him every time he turned a corner, looked to the bright sky who used to proclaim a new and good day, spoke with others, looked at his house, wandered his school in the morning…even looking to his own brother made him feel down.
'Its like everything that tries to make me happy only causes me more pain…' He thought. He buried his head into his arms again, trying to hide himself from everything. At least he wishes he could. Why did everything good tear him apart?
"Rushias right, maybe you should go-" Came his brothers' voice, which Sesshoumaru noted to be in a tone of pity. Not what he wanted. He hated when his own brother had to feel pity toward him. Who in their right mind would want their own younger brother to pity them when they were supposed to uphold the family honor?
"No, I'm alive aren't I? Besides you should know that demons do not get sick like humans and honyou's such as yourself" Sesshoumaru could see Inuyasha flinch slightly at the word mostly others used on him. The honyous' head lowered slightly, seeing the floor to be very interesting at the time. Recognizing his words, Sesshoumaru sat up and-
Inuyasha quickly walked down the row of desks until he came upon his own seat -in the far back of Sesshoumarus' row. Sesshoumaru would have excused his actions, but seemed to be too late. Rushia, now making herself known again, punched Sesshoumaru in the shoulder slightly, but that didn't seem to make the Inu youkai recoil or react at all. It was just a warning punch though.
"How can you be so mean to him? Now there's definitely something wrong. Meet the others and I at lunchtime okay?" Rushia, being the kind and protective female rubbed the shoulder she had hit, making it a 'sorry about hitting you' gesture. Sesshoumaru sighed and nodded to the wolf girl, who smiled to him warmly in return like she always did when it came to her friends and family.
It was Rushias 'destiny', as some said, to be the nurse she always wanted to be. Many said the job would come naturally to her because of her personality and talents such as writing.
Sesshoumaru had read some of Rushias writings during his spare time in his room (She would print out her stories and let her friends read them). She also wrote poems that he'd always want to read. They had some of the emotions he had written in those tiny words she wrote (Yeah, she writes in tiny lettering, and fast…and her poems so rock dude!). One of his favorites was 'My Angel'.
Class began, making the teacher come out from tiredly sitting at his desk to the board.
Glancing back at his brother, the youkai wondered why was it that when he was never happy he had to bring others down with him…
Exactly after third period, Sesshoumaru walked over to the school pool where he knew his brother and his two wolf friends –and another human- would be. Down the large hall, through the closed doors, entering the pools main area where some students were still getting out of the pool. Inuyasha was easy to spot though…very easy.
"YOU DAMN WOLF!" The honyou was heard yelling from the other side of the pool Sesshoumaru stood at. Standing beside the honyou were the two girls –who were now clothed and dry- along with the human. Inuyasha stood pointing down at the wolf who was still in the water and accusing him for-
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU GET ME WET FOR!" The honyou added to his shouting before trying to kick the wolf.
Sesshoumaru sighed inwardly and made his way to where the others stood. Rushia waved slightly to the elder brother and whispered to him what had happened. It had seemed that Inuyasha had not gotten in the pool today because he was new to the class and didn't bring anything to change into. Why was the honyou all wet now? Well…
"Keh. You're an easy target," The wolf answered, only making the drenched honyou growl. The wolf smirked at the reaction. This pup was just too easy and fun to tease. To add he looked very beautiful with all the water soaking him –Beautiful? The honyou? 'Keh!' Kouga growled in his mind, blue eyes wandering over the honyou. His silver hair clung to his body and the once 'standing-up' ears on his head were drenched and low. His expression was childish, like one complaining that some one was making fun of him -which was exactly what Kouga was doing. His orange sweater was stolen –by some one he would have to talk to later on- making the honyou have to reveal his white long-sleeved shirt. The water that was splashed on the honyou made the white shirt cling to him –which also revealed flesh it was supposed to hide. This made the wolf unconsciously lick his lips hungrily. 'Alright…he's beautiful…' He sounded defeated in his mind, eyes still on the younger honyou. 'Ugh…how can I say THAT about that honyou twerp…and he's MALE!'
"Inuyasha…lets go please? I don't want to stand around here all during lunch…"Awria growled slightly, having seen enough of the fighting during the class.
Sesshoumaru walked over to his brother, who still glared down at the wolf, and pulled him by the arm to get out of the building. These two were just going to make these school days very hard to forget…
Inuyasha wrapped himself more with the towel he was given.
"Damn…th-that wol-lf…" He said with shivers running through him. He was outside with the group all sitting at a bench. Even Sesshoumaru. But he wouldn't be staying long; the honyou could tell by the way his brothers eyes stared at the ground in thought. 'He's thinking about that jerk yesterday isn't he?' Inuyashas thought questioned.
A hard poke on his shoulder made him growl and glare at the person who had done so. It was a female neko-youkai (Cat Demon), her light brown, short, straight hair hiding the sides of her face, a white bandana with Japanese writings all over it. The words were 'Shonen ai' which made Inuyashas eyes go wide, his face turning a slight red. All her white clothing covered her dark tan skin. White long sleeved shirt -sleeves hiding the hands-, white baggy jeans, white sneakers –which was barely see-able under the baggy and long pants-, and white spiked collar. The only difference in her colors was the red and black heart in the middle of her shirt, the black looked as though it was suffocating all of the red of the heart. In her right hand, which she had also poked him with, was an orange hooded sweater.
"Hey! You're the one who stole my sweater!" Inuyasha yelled, getting to his feet. The girl simply stared at him with those emerald eyes.
"Do you want it back or not?" She asked flatly, raising a brow. Inuyasha snatched it as Kouga came up to the two.
"I was just about to talk to you about that, Riku (Ta da!)" Kouga spoke, crossing his arms over his chest. Riku smiled innocently, that easily changed back to an 'I don't give a damn' look, then flicked her long cattail at his leg. That was her usual 'Hi' greeting. She didn't care where she hit anyone though, as long as it was painful.
"You know her?" Inuyasha asked, holding the towel tightly around him as he tried to hold it and the baggy sweater. Kouga nodded, still looking angrily at the girl.
"She's a bitch when you either get on her bad side or when you just met her…she's only nice to you when you don't get on her bad side…" Kouga informed him "Or if you're not an easy target…"
"I'm not a bitch…that word would be used for his kind only…I am a neko" Riku said while smirking to Inuyasha, eyes narrowing.
"WHAT!" Inuyasha yelled, extending his clawed hands to hit the girl, only to be stopped by a certain wolf youkai who was holding his arms tightly.
"Damn it, Riku! You returned his sweater, now le-" Kouga paused as he heard another females voice.
"Hello Riku-chan!" Rushia chimed, wrapping an arm around the females' own arm and dragged her away from the two males. "What's with the change of color?"
"Mother said to wear something else and threatened to take away all my black clothes –which is all I have…besides this one she bought me…" The girl answered quickly, a smile gracing her lips as she saw her two friends.
'Arigato, Rushia' Kouga mentally thanked to the wolf girl.
"That little…" The honyou hissed while getting out of Kouga's grasp and sitting back down an elbow seated on the lunch table and his head resting in his hand. Kouga chuckled slightly at the childish inu again, sitting himself next to the honyou.
Inuyasha sighed and glared at the now empty seat in front of him. 'I knew he'd leave…' the honyou said, his dog-ears –now dry- lowered sadly. He wished his brother would talk to him more. All he had been able to do now was ask him for favors and call him brother. 'He's been really low ever since school started…maybe I should talk to him today after school…'
The inu-youkai wasn't in the mood for talking today though. He was sitting with his back leaned against the tree he had been to last time. The black and silver CD player was all he had out of his backpack for the time. The song was 'Somewhere I belong' from Linkin Park, which he was listening more often to lately. His eyes were closed, not wanting to see anything that would interrupt him while he listened.
/I want to heal
I want to feel
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I've held so long
I want to heal
I want to feel
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something I wanted all along
Somewhere I belong/
'Where do I belong?' He asked himself while the music still played. Though, it was not a matter of belonging. He couldn't choose, wander, or seek. He had a place to stand in and it seemed that to everyone else, it didn't really matter. Like a job you couldn't quite or get fired from.
A snatch of the headphones from a hand of another brought the silver haired youkai back to reality. Looking up to the girl he found it to be a female demoness. Her hair was up in a small ponytail, sphere-like earrings dangled from the pointed ears of hers, she wore a red short-sleeved top and a brown sash that hung off her hip. Her white jeans matched her bracelets with black spikes on them.
"Sesshoumaru?" She asked, her voice sounding as though she really didn't care if he was or wasn't that person she was looking for.
"Yes, who's asking?" He said taking back the headphones quickly. She put her hands in her pockets while he placed his CD player in his backpack.
"Oh…great…now a guy?" She mumbled to herself, an eyebrow raised "Um…yeah, do you know a guy named Naraku?" She paused after the question.
"Yes…" He said slightly ticked at the 'name game' she was playing.
"Well, here's his message, meet him at the gym during lunch" She said, patting his head in what seemed like pity "I've done my job, now, bye!" And with that, she left the youkai to choose to go or stay.
'Like I have anything better to do…' He thought, getting to his feet and grabbing his backpack 'Another small fight won't hurt anyway…'
Footsteps echoed throughout the empty gym as Sesshoumaru entered it, the door opened wide and then closed loudly behind him. He had not actually been in the gym, only in the dojo that he went to for sword fighting.
"Naraku?" He called out as he stopped in his walking, finding that no one was there. Looking behind him to check and see if this was a trick…no one. 'Won't even meet his own planned meetings…' He thought. Finding a desk near the benches, probably where the judges sit to watch the games and such. He placed his backpack on top of the desk and stood still looking to the gym wood, glazed floor.
Out of nowhere a hand clasped over the inu youkais' mouth, another grabbing his left arm and holding it behind him. Any mortal would have started panicking and struggling.
Youkai were different. Sesshoumarus' free hand grabbed the wrist of the hand that was held over his mouth, digging his claws in them. But no reaction or loosening of the captor came, even as blood started pouring from the wound, some of which Sesshoumaru could feel flow on his face. In return instead, was Sesshoumarus' left arm being pulled back further into a pained position. Quickly, the inu youkai jammed a back-kick into his captors left leg. This time there was a reaction…they both fell. Sesshoumaru ended up falling on his back on top of the unknown person. When he tried to turn over to see the face, he was pushed over so that he was now on the ground, some one hovering over him. Dark raven hair flowed down from the others shoulders, crimson eyes glowing down at his 'prey', a smirk showing on his face.
"Naraku…" Sesshoumaru growled at the youkai. The dark haired male just chuckled slightly at the hate voiced in that name.
"Good to see you, too" He said, not moving from his current position, his eyes wandering over the youkai below him.
"Get off…" Sesshoumaru growled. There was no response from the other demon. Amber eyes finally locking, with anger, with crimson eyes.
It was strange. This was one strange demon. He never seemed to fear Sesshoumaru or feel the need to. Usually people would take one glance at him and see only his father, not for who he was. He was not another person. But Naraku acted as though he didn't really care or know his father. 'I've never been treated like I was…someone' Sesshoumaru thought. Closing his eyes for a moment to get those thoughts out of his mind, Sesshoumaru was caught off guard.
At that moment, Naraku had captured Sesshoumarus lips with his own. Causing the youkais eyes to widen.
The bell, at that moment, was unheard for the two. Sesshoumaru didn't really know how to react to this. His hands were trembling as they tried to decide on whether or not to push the other youkai off.
Naraku lifted his head to where it was hovering over the silver haired youkai, lips hesitantly parting from the other.
"See you later…" Naraku said before kissing the youkais' moon marked forehead and rising to his feet. Sesshoumaru sat up and watched as the other youkai placed something on Sesshoumarus bag and walked off, stopping at the door to turn to him.
"I'll be waiting"
Arriving at home, Sesshoumaru rushed into his room, much to Inuyashas confusion, and closed the door shut. Rummaging through his backpack he grabbed the folded paper that was given to him by the youkai. He opened it and saw that it was his poem that he had written. On the back was writing of Narakus' own.
I know it's only the second day,
But just think over it and I'll be waiting.
I'll meet you a lunch again tomorrow.
P.S.- Yes, in short I'm asking you to go out with me.
Guy on guy scare you?
That's fine with me.
Sesshoumaru stared at it for a moment longer and wondered about what kind of decision to make. He had only met Naraku. He knew nothing of how to 'go out' with anyone. He had no experience in the field what so ever.
'Maybe Naraku wouldn't mind…' He thought. He wasn't scared of any guy on guy thing. He was just scared that the youkai would only use him…
'This is too risky, especially after seeing what happened to Inuyasha…' He thought 'Father wouldn't allow it, Inuyasha would be disgusted, Inuyashas mother might even be affected some how…' These were the things that always held him in place. Sesshoumaru wouldn't be allowed to do anything without thinking of the effects it might have on the family.
'Just try it!' Spoke another voice in his head.
'Go out with him! Just try it and see how it works out. That's not a bad thing!'
'I guess…but wh-'
'You liked his kiss damn it! And y-'
'ALL RIGHT! I'll just try it out then and see how it goes from there…'
'That a boy! A bi boy, but a-'
'Just shut up…'
Sesshoumaru plopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling in thought, without the annoying voice. Was this really such a good idea? He wasn't quite sure. Would his family ignore him? He didn't want to know. Would being with the other youkai be so bad? He didn't know, but was quite curious to find out. He would just have to wait until then. He turned over on his stomach and wrapped his arms around his pillow, thinking over what happened today. Feeling his face burn up at the remembrance, he groaned and dug his face further into the pillow.
'You know what I think that was no ordinary kiss. It was a French!'
Inuyasha: BAD VISIONS!
Me: -glare- Kuso honyou…
Sesshoumaru: You made me to be the uke!
Me: Yeah! Duh! You're sexy, shorter than Naraku, and your cuter that way.
Naraku: -nods in agreement-
Sesshoumaru: …riiiiight…--
Me: -
Inuyasha: -twitch- O.o…
Kouga: -Pats the inus' head-
Inuyasha: And YOU! –Points to Kouga- Thinking dirty thoughts now HUH!
Kouga: …-lowers head in shame-
Rushia: How can you be so mean to him! He only likes you, geez!
Inuyasha: …--…