KDZ: Sorry for the late update! Now enjoy Sasuke the red-eyed pony! You'll see what I mean...

Disclaimer: If you're going to forget that I don't own Naruto, write it down somewhere!

Warning: I re-wrote this whole story, so I lost that song I made up…I'm trying REAL hard to remember the song, so sorry if the song isn't as good.

Silent Tears

Chapter 6: Meet R.O.S.E.

"Hey, maybe it IS love! I mean why would I be guilty? I mean Hinata isn't all that bad looking, kind of cute…but, they're probably right. I mean Shikamaru DOES have an I.Q. over 200! And Iruka's still a Chuunin" Naruto said nodding, trying to figure it out.

"Yes, that Nara must be right! I am in Love…oh but what to do? I mean does she even like me?" Naruto said thinking about it.

She probably does…I mean what's not to love about Naruto?

Deep in his thoughts, he was cut off by ear pounding pop music… "WHAT THE HELL?" Naruto shouted, covering his ears.

"Whoops" came Sakura's voice as the volume suddenly went down.

Your all alone, in your own little world…no one to give you hugs

Your more alone than Shino, but the dude has got his bugs.

Naruto turned around to see Sasuke in a long black trench coat at the back was a large red rose, he wore black pants that seemed to make him look very depressed…as if he didn't want to be even doing what he was doing.

A single red rose was between his teeth, which made it hard for him to sing. Why he wouldn't remove it was beyond Naruto, I mean who knew what really went on in the Uchiha's head.

You realize that you've got a crush, and maybe you're in love

I think it's about time you've been struck from cupid up above!

Konohamaru wore a black shirt, with the words: Rely On Secret Ever Lasting Love and a picture of roses were on the back of his shirt. He wore black shorts, and seemed to be a bit cold…it was kind of chilly and he was wearing shorts.

Don't try to comprehend why we are even trying to help you

Guess we're just feeling really bad for you

Naruto just stared in complete shock at Rock Lee who had a rose in his hand, he wore black spandex…which Naruto wished he hadn't.

If that wasn't creepy enough, Rock Lee gave him a wink, hopefully not seductive and sashayed around.

'Woo…that's a 9.9 out of 10 on the creepy scale…' Naruto thought staring in shock.

Now let's think big, let's think make over

Let's think sparkles, glisten, and some faux fur

Ino sang, as she squealed happily at the thought of makeovers! How it filled her with glee! It rocked her socks, now it's time to make sure Naruto rocks Hinata's world…

"Makeover?" Naruto said confused, "What the hell are they talking about?" Naruto said still trying to make sense of this Broadway scenario.

Hey! Hurray!

Sakura sang happily, sitting on Neji's shoulder waving around pompoms.

Hurt Hinata and you'll pay

Neji said trying to sound menacingly, but a small groan of pain came out…I mean Sakura was no feather! And whose idea was it to put her on HIS shoulder?

But Hey Hurray!

Sakura sang, standing on Neji's shoulder on one foot. Neji looked in pain, which made Naruto laugh.

He remembered when he had to carry around Sakura to what Kakashi called build upper body strength, but Naruto was grateful! I mean…


"WHEEE!" Kakashi said laughing as Sasuke just tried not to sob, carrying around a 29 year old was not cool…lame. Lame as they go…Sasuke carrying around Kakashi as if he was a queen LAME! But, that's actually what happened…


"How come NARUTO only carried around Sakura for an afternoon! I mean it's about nine o'clock in the night, why am I still carrying you around?" Sasuke hissed angrily at Kakashi, "You are a NINJA! Ninja's do NOT complain! Now get me to the Mask Shop before it closes! Giddy up Uchiha my red-eyed pony!" Kakashi said hitting him.

"ARRRGH!" Sasuke said as he walked to the Mask Shop, "If you don't hurry up I want my thousand yen back" Kakashi said angrily.

"You're not paying me" Sasuke shot back, "Well now you know WHY, I mean honestly! Do the words giddy up mean NOTHING to you?" Kakashi said with a bored sigh.

"ARRRRRGGGHHH" Sasuke said yelled to the heavens, how he hated Naruto.

"Hey, if you had Sakura…you'd have a harder time getting her off your back" Kakashi said in a singsong voice. "Well you don't seem to be jumping at the chance to get off now do you?" Sasuke shot back.

"FOR FREAKING GODS SAKE YOU BETTER CANTER BEFORE I- I'll let your imagination run…" Kakashi said angrily, as Sasuke started to pick up the pace.

"YEE HAW!" Kakashi said happily.

End of Flashback…

Too bad Neji didn't have that training…then again, he'd probably be stuck with Gai-Sensei…Insert shudder here!

You gotta stay cool, You gotta stay coy!

'Cuz were here to help ya boy!

Konohamaru and Rock Lee sang together, as Kakashi made a glam entrance…he was in a huge brown fur coat, with rose petals appearing as he was walking…some Ninjutsu HE was using…

We are R.O.S.E.!

No less, no more!

Kakashi sang in a deep voice, as Ino continued.

We are here to open a door!

Whatcha see is whatcha get!

Ino sang as she started dancing Broadway style with Kakashi.

Sometimes I wish we never met…

Shikamaru sang in a sad tone.

But you see we're already friends…

I guess we can't watch this relationship end!

Sakura and Sasuke sang, as Sakura wiped away a fake tear.

Look at your clothes, your style, and your hair!

Do you take SHOWERS? I doubt you take care!

Rock Lee said disgusted, Ino took this as her cue:

Well since we're so nice!

All sugar and spice!

We're gonna make ya purdii

Your gonna look so fly

In a tux, shirt, and tie!

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Naruto said as the music scratched to a halt, "Umm…singing?" Konohamaru guessed.

"STOP IT! It's sick and wrong!" Naruto yelled angrily, "Naruto-kun! Chill! It's JUST singing" Sakura said shocked.

"I wasn't talking to YOU! I was talking to Rock Lee! Your outfit is sick and wrong, Rock Lee! Sick and WRONG!" Naruto said disgusted.

"It's pretty much the same outfit I wear everyday…except black spandex suit and red leg warmers" Rock Lee said hurt, "I know!" Naruto shot back.

"Look! It took TIME and dedication to make this song for you! You better have freakin' enjoyed it" Sasuke said angrily, "Try 15 minutes and a snack break" Kakashi said nodding.

"TIME and DEDICATION!" Sasuke yelled again, "PFFFT! I doubt it was 15! Give or take 10!" Rock Lee said shaking his head.

"Did you count the snack break?" Kakashi said confused, "yea" Rock Lee said nodding. "Snack break took like more than 5 minutes…maybe 'cuz Sasuke eats so SLOW" Konohamaru said angrily.

"Everyone knows one must chew their food a hundred times, so you don't get fat" Sasuke shot back, everyone just stared at him shocked.

"W…well, I guess a fat Sasuke isn't very nice, is it?" Sakura said grimacing, Ino gasped in horror.

"You chew your food two hundred times! And only eat Atkins bars! A fat Sasuke! The horror!" Ino shrieked in horror. "O…kay" Naruto said backing up, "I best be going home, ya know! Catch some Z's…it's been real" Naruto said trying to run away.

Wait! Come back!

Naruto turned around, to see them singing to him again…Oh no! Here we go again! Naruto thought sadly.

You need a tic-tac!

Naruto just stood there dumbfounded, what the hell was a tic-tac? Naruto was soon taken out of his thought when Ino smiled as she popped something into his mouth.

It slowly burned, "what the?" Naruto said shocked.

Not a tic…

Ino just smirked as she popped another pill in there.

Not a TAC…

Ino bumped Naruto to Sakura who smiled sweetly at him.

"I just want to take you in my arms…" Sakura said in a soft voice as she suddenly yanked on his jaw, "AND PRY YOUR MOUTH OUT AND STICK THESE BREATH MINTS INTO YOUR THROAT, RAMEN BREATH!" Sakura shrieked angrily as she threw it all in.

But the whole damn pack…

"What the hell?" Naruto said choking on the orange pills, Konohamaru led him to Rock Lee and Sasuke who were smirking evilly.

Sorry to be mean, but you need some Listerine…

"I need WHAT?" Naruto said as Kakashi yanked his head back painfully as they threw some Listerine…into his EYES!

"AAAKKK! IT BURNS! IT BURNS, I TELL YOU! IT BURNS!" Naruto sobbed, "Whoops! I missed" Sasuke said with a smirk.

Not a sip…

They sighed as they yanked his head back again, as they poured some of the stuff into his throat.

Not a gobble…

"What have I ever done to you?" Naruto sobbed, as they pulled his head back again with a sigh, throwing all the contents in there.

But the whole damn bottle…

Naruto painfully swallowed the blue liquid in agony, "I don't think he was supposed to swallow it…" Konohamaru said worried. "Ah well! Who cares? It won't kill him" Rock Lee said with a shrug.

Naruto was fighting tears on the floor, "Be a man!" Shikamaru said kicking him, Neji just watched ashamed…couldn't take Listerine?

"Shut up! It just burns a little" Sasuke said disgusted, "have some thrown into your eyes and it'll hurt like hell" Kakashi said with a laugh.

"Anyways, now that we've shown you how good we are…" Ino said happily, "Good?" Naruto hacked up orange tic-tac.

"That's right, GOOD" Sakura said angrily, "Yea…I knew that" Naruto said backing off.

"So? We're settled? You meet Sakura-Chan and me here at 6:00? For the first step of your make over?" Rock Lee asked him. "Make-over? What?" Naruto said confused, "problem?" Sakura glared.

"You said six right?" Naruto said laughing nervously, Rock Lee smirked. "We'll work on his nasty hair next" Ino said disgusted.

"His hair needs Shampoo, Shampoo, and oh my! MORE Shampoo!" Kakashi said grimacing as he looked through his hair.

"Hey! I make the plan! Go home, Naruto! You need your beauty sleep!" Shikamaru said with a laugh, "Hey! I get 23 hours of beauty sleep a week!" Naruto said hurt.

"Make it 24" Rock Lee said with an Tsk, as he started to walk away.

"That was bitchy" Naruto said upset, "Ah! It's okay…he thinks 'cuz he reads Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, their gonna stop being the fab five, and become the six pack for him" Neji said with a smirk.

"The six pack? OHOHOHOHOHO!" Konohamaru said leaving, "Oh dear…you'll be gorgeous after I'm through with you" Ino said with a sophisticated flick of her hair as she walked out.

"Good luck Naruto…you'll need it" Shikamaru said sadly, "SHIKAMARU!" Ino yelled. Shikamaru grimaced, "coming" he muttered as he went to walk with his teammate.

"See yahz" Kakashi said disappearing, "Oh…bye Naruto" Neji said in a quiet voice as he walked off.

"Bye Neji" Naruto said with a sigh, as he turned the other way to his house.

Tomorrow was going to be one hell of day…you can count on THAT!

KDZ: Done with this chapter…anyway, reply to reviews!

Anime/Manga lubber: Yea! The story has barely begun! Thanks for the reviews!

-16-BrokenWings-16-: Thanks! And yea, I like the couple Naruto and Neji too! I have a story with the couple… "Will you be my girl?" that's what the story is called, anyways! Thanks for the review and I'm glad you like my story!

Kunzite7: LMAO! Thanks…I prefer the Naruto characters crazy, don't you? I mean Hinata actually WAS crazy in one of my stories too (Driver's Ed: Naruto style)…and so as a bunch of other people, lol. Thanks for the review!

Danny-171984: Thanks! It really is Vice Versa…ah well, and Naruto/Hinata are one of my favorite couples too! Only girl that doesn't…well in this story she does, but in the normal storyline the only girl that thinks he isn't a deadbeat. Thanks for the review!

Angel6 aka trinigyal: I was joking…OH! You know that I was joking; okay…I see now, lol! Yes, this is not the last installment…a 5-chapter story? Please…LOL! Thanks for the review. And Jesse IS in fact short for Jessica. I checked myself.

Majia: Whoops! Sorry, I'm hoping that this story isn't confusing anymore! It was before, so I had to re-write it. The pairings? Hmm…you'll see! LOL! Sasuke wasn't so cool in this chapter, carrying around a 29-year old as "Sasuke the red-eyed pony." Haha! Sorry, I'm not Sasuke's biggest fan…anyways, thanks for the review!

And, so ends the reply to reviews! Now...review for this chapter too, please?