Silent Tears- Chapter 1:

Secrets and lies…

Karma: Hi! Thanks SO much for all the reviews but I'm going to have to start ALL over again! But, only the best for my readers! Lolz! I'm going to reply to reviews at the bottom now! Also, on YTV starting September 16th Naruto will be showing…I heard it's not so good, but I haven't even watched it yet. So, I can't just tell you it isn't any good! I've been WAY too nice lately…hope I go back before school starts, lolz.

Disclaimer: Me. Own Naruto? Yes…maybe…okay no…(sigh) Also, this is based loosely on the book "Flipped" You can read it if you want…It's N-O-T-H-I-N-G like it, okay a bit, but it changes pace later. Right, Hinata-chan?

Hinata: Hai!

Naruto Uzumaki.

His breathing got slower and slower, Hinata forced herself to look on the hospital bed that the love of her life slept…wishing, hoping, for it to be like before.

Where he would be the loud and obnoxious blond… and just different from all the rest.

And she would be shy, quiet…and weak.

He had forced himself to go beyond his limits, for people just to accept him. To acknowledged his existence, to show them he wasn't just a monster without a heart.

She didn't regret any of her memories; a person shouldn't regret their memories. Each one is precious and has made her who she was today…who he was today.

Tortured. He had been tortured; Hinata felt tears start to sting her eyes as she watched him…completely still…looks like he's snoring though, she thought to herself. Must be a trick of the eyes…

If you lock someone up…in a dark room…for a long, long time…and mentally torture them…It leaves indelible scars…

"Sasuke, that bastard…but this IS what he wanted, ain't that RIGHT Sassy Cakes?" Hinata shrieked.

Hinata started sobbing over Naruto's body, "Don't cry for me Hinata-Chan…I'm already dead," Naruto whispered.

"OMIGOSH! He woke out of the coma!" Ino squealed happily. "He was SLEEPING!" Sakura screeched as she continued to file her nails.

"Nuh UH! Sasuke tortured Naruto, for like a second. Then Hinata came, Sasuke panicked and knocked Naruto into a coma!" Ino said as she went back to her nail filing.

"Actually, he just fell asleep…torturing isn't EXACTLY my thing…" Sasuke said with a sigh, "BUT that doesn't mean NOW your better than me, I'm still better," Sasuke said pointing at them all.

"We KNOW!" Sakura said rolling her eyes, "but I think he was just asleep, no one heard the snoring?" Sakura pointed out the puddle of drool on the hospital bed.

"COMA!" Ino and Konohamaru yelled at her, "Whatever, why again are we filing our nails?" Sakura asked looking at the nail filer.

"BECAUSE! It looks cool; Karma does it ALL the time!" Konohamaru pointed out showing them his nails; "Right" Ino said nodding.

"Are we THAT bored that were doing what Karma does?" Shikamaru said turning to face them, "Well. Konoha doesn't exactly have television, and we the youth go looking around for anything," Rock Lee said shrugging.

"I WILL INVENT THE TELEVISION!" Ino yelled waving around her nail filer, "Me too!" Konohamaru said waving around his.

"I'll help nothing better to do" Kakashi said shrugging showing them his nail filer, "Let's go, Shikamaru!" Ino said as she grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"What? Why? Plus the Television has ALREADY been invented!" Shikamaru wailed, "NUH UH! How come I've never heard of it? And you don't seriously think that a beautiful blonde like me, a really old pervert, and a little kid can invent a television do you?" Ino asked.

"What do you want me to do?" Shikamaru asked "Duh! Invent the television! It's time to throw away our nail filers!" Ino said throwing hers in the trash, "Here! Here!" Kakashi and Konohamaru said throwing away theirs and leaving the hospital room.

"Wait, I need it back…it looks cool" Konohamaru muttered to himself as he grabbed the nail filer leaving the room.

"Sassy Cakes, does NOT leave this room" Sasuke said angrily as he shot Hinata a cold look but she looked kind of…dazed.

"Why exactly did you bring him to the hospital, Hinata?" Kurenai asked her, as she opened the door for her to leave the room.

"He wasn't MOVING I didn't know he was sleeping…" Hinata whispered as she clutched Akamaru in her hands, as Kiba gave his dog a thumbs up.

"W-Wait…You forgot your flower" Naruto said pointing at the rose in the vase, "That was a get-well soon present…for you" Kiba said angrily slamming the door.

"Is he STILL angry about the farting in the face, because that was TOTAL accident" Naruto said with a sigh getting out of bed.

"Anyways, I better get home" Naruto said quietly, "What's wrong?" Sakura asked as she saw him stare at the rose.

"What? Oh…nothing" Naruto said grabbing the rose, "Hmm…okay. But no more torture games?" Sakura said pointing at him.

"No more…definitely no more torture games" Naruto left the hospital room.

"…He stuck us with the hospital bill didn't he…?" Kakashi muttered as he looked up from his book, Sakura and Sasuke nodded meekly as the others ran out of the room, hoping not to be conned into paying the bill.

A nurse walked in, handing them the bill…Sakura's eyes widened in fear as she saw the price on the bill.

Sasuke smirked as he saw the price, "Is this the price or my phone number"

Sakura leaned down to look at the paper, "It's your phone number for emergency contact," she told him as she walked out the door waving.

"Oh…bye Sa-SAKURA! THE BILL, YOU FORGOT TO PAY THE DAM…," Sasuke sighed, knowing she was LONG gone.

"Hmm, Well…I guess that just leaves me and you, Ka" Sasuke looked around the room for his Sensei, but Kakashi too was gone. Leaving the Uchiha to pay Naruto's bill.

The Nurse walked in again, "Will that be cash or check?" she asked him as she took the clipboard from his hand.

Sasuke sighed as he fished through his pocket, "Cash," he told her.

He left the hospital, muttering how he was going to "Chidori" everyone's Asses off.

"Chidori? Oh, Must be one of them Ninja's" the nurse said to herself as she took a 40 out of the small roll of money he had given her, pocketing the rest.

Karma: FINALLY! I'm done! It's kind of different from the first one…but not so much really, but kind of different. Okay, time to reply to reviews before the first chapters even posted! (Lolz, somehow that's V. Funny to me…lolz) Are all my old reviews going to go?

Danny-171984: I re-wrote it so forget about all of those confusing parts! Hope the first chapter is good!

Violently-cheerful: Thanks and I know about the sequencing, that's why I re-wrote the story! And for the makeover, I will use the classy look! Thanks for voting, and I hope its okay to use the whole tie thing!

Ridemylightningx: Thanks! And the classy look wins!

Ellie: HELLO! You do know that I'm a Rock Lee and Tenten fan right? Lolz! So that's really good news for me and I already told you this on the phone didn't I…anyways, NEJI CAN'T DO NOTHING! NEJI WILL DO NOTHING! MUWAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for the review!

Rlnaruhina: I don't like flames, so I hope that wasn't a flame…plus, lolz, I like my stories Creepy and just plain wrong. Uh oh…I forgot to read it… But I PROMISE I will read your story because you asked! Thanks for the review!

Hopeless-flame: Thanks, but I had to re-write the chapters due to horrible sequencing, but the song WILL come back! Better than ever! Lolz, so keep reviewing please!

Anatta: Yay! I was going for fun! Thanks for the review hope you like the re-write of the first chapter!

Angel6 aka trinigyal: WHAHAHAHAHA! I'll die laughing if I read another one of your reviews! Ah HAH! Horoscope IS right; you are bored out of your mind! Sure, I'll let you edit this chapter…make sure it comes back QUICK and if it doesn't you have hell to pay! Please and thank you!

XL: Aw, you're so sweet! Hahaha! You even made me sound nice, which I am…sometimes. (Angel6: do NOT even think about saying that I'm not nice in the next review or Ellie! Because, sometimes I can SO be nice!) Hope your reading this chapter! You're the one who made me update quicker! Thanks for the review!

P0isNous-Ink: Sorry but the computer wouldn't let me put capital N and K in 'Ink'…About Naruto dying, that's actually what I was going for! Thanks for noticing and the review!

sirgraq5858: Thank you! But seriously are you okay? I you need help or something? Can you not breathe from the laughing because that's a compliment, or are in serious trouble? Okay, maybe I'm overreacting...but, thanks for the review! My story is weird isn't it...?

Karma: Omigosh! That was a lot of people! Thanks for the reviews keep on reviewing…please? The next chapter is "The sweetest thing!"…It's not even in the old version but people said it progressed WAY to fast, and I TOTALLY agree! So, I won't be able to do the song until Chapter 5 (Karma bursts into tears) Remember to Review!