Disclaimer: "I do not own Yugioh or Inuyasha."




Suddenly, an arrow, glowing pink, shot past them and hit Tea in the back.

"No, Tea." Joey yelled as she fell on the ground.

"Kagome?" Miroku wondered.

"Kikyo." Inuyasha said staring at the priestess holding the bow.

"She killed Tea." Bakura said in shock.

"No, that can't be." Kaiba mumbled slowly.

"She didn't. Look." Sango pointed out. The arrow in Tea's back was glowing pink.

"NO. This cannot be. I won't let it happen." Naraku yelled, horrified by the turn of events. He reached to grab the arrow but as soon as he touched it, he withdrew his hand. The arrow had burnt his hand.

"You should know better then to touch the purifying arrow nNaraku." Kikyo said as she calmly walked towards Tea. Naraku tried to stop her but Sesshomaru moved forward, grabbing his throat and throwing him away. Kikyo sat besides Tea and pulled the glowing arrow along with a piece of jewel shard that was embedded in her back.

"Don't you get tired of using the same tricks again and again?" Kikyo asked the angry Naraku.

"Why Kikyo? This had nothing to do with you." He asked her and she smiled.

"I refuse to let another Kikyo be born." Kikyo said and walked away.

Naraku gulped as the guys encircled him. He knew he would never be able to fight and beat them all. He was doomed. His demons had been slaughtered by Sesshomaru and the rest were too afraid to appear and help him. Kaugra had disappeared as well, leaving him alone to defend himself. He looked up to stare into the dangerous eyes of the demon lord that held no pity. Yami stood to his left, followed by Joey, Bakura, Kaiba, Kouga, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango. He was surrounded with no way out. Inuyasha flashed his sword and got ready to strike. The guy's monsters roared as well.

"Where are you going to hide now Naraku?" Inuyasha taunted.

"You have no where left to run." Yami said, his Dark Magician standing beside him.

"This ends here. Now you'll pay for hurting my brother." Kaiba said and drew a card. "Blue Eyes, come out." He yelled and another Blue Eyes appeared since his last one had been sacrificed to save Tea.

"How many of those do you have?" Kouga asked in amazement and Kaiba only smirked. His beast took its place above Naraku's head, hovering in the air.

"Attack." They all yelled in unison, the duel monsters responding to their master's call and attacking. Inuyasha attacked with his wind scar. Sesshomaru used his sword. ?iroku used his wind tunnel. Sango used her Hiraikotsu, and Kouga threw a kick tornado. Naraku's eyes went wide as the attacks hit him.

"NO. This can't be. I can't die. This can't end like this." He yelled as his body slowly disintegrated until nothing remained. The guys then turned their attention back to Tea. Yami rested her head in his lap and gently patted her cheek. Tea groaned and slowly sat up.

"What happened? Where am I?" She asked.

"Thank God you're okay Tea. You were under Naraku's control. He kidnapped you but we managed to defeat him." Yami said as relief flooded his features.

"Oh guys, thank you so much." She said and hugged him, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm just glad that things are back to normal, especially you Tea." Bakura said with a smile, moving to hug her.

"Why? What did I do?" She asked.

"You said you loved Naraku. You even hugged him and protected him." Joey said with a disgusted face.

"Eww." Tea made a face. "I'm so glad I don't remember that."

Sesshomaru stood away, watching her friends hug her and laugh together. She was safe. It was nice to see a smile back on her face. He started walking towards her, but when she spotted him, all color drained from her face and she backed away, scared of his presence. He stopped dead in his tracks, realizing that she was afraid of him. Naraku's trick had worked. He had managed to drive a wedge between them and separate them.

Even though his face displayed no emotion, her simple action hurt had him more then any injury he ever had. He didn't say a word to justify himself. Instead, he turned around and walked away.

Tea sat in the house along with the rest of the gang. Jaken had walked out the moment he heard that the battle was over and that Sesshomaru was somewhere in the woods. He hadn't gone to battle. He had been instructed by Sesshomaru to stay and protect Rin. Jaken also had clear instructions to get the medicine for Rin. Jaken hadn't allowed Kaede to touch rin, again on specific orders of the demon lord.

The gang had told Tea about Naraku's plan while they travelled back to the house, and she now knew that it was Naraku and not Sesshomaru who had almost raped her. She felt guilty for doubting Sesshomaru and reacting the way she did when she saw him, especially since he had come to rescue her. But she really had been afraid of him. One look at Sesshomaru's face brought back the horrible memory of the attack and the near rape, and caused her to shudder in fear. What was she to do now? She was afraid of him, but at the same time, she knew she cared for him.

"I have managed a lock on our frequency. I can make the portal so we can leave." Kaiba said, breaking her chain of thoughts. She nodded and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Yami asked her.

"I'm going to see Sesshomaru." She replied.

"Are you sure? Maybe you shouldn't." Bakura said thoughtfully, recalling her reaction from before.

"I have to… before I leave this place." She said and walked out. On her way, she found Jaken coming back with a frown on his face.

"What's the matter Jaken?" She asked.

"Lord Sesshomaru said he wanted to be alone." Jaken said and swiftly walked away. Tea frowned and walked towards the demon lord.

She spotted him standing alone. She slowly walked up to him.

"Hi." She whispered. He didn't turn around and she was relived. She didn't want to see his face, afraid that she might scream in fear at the memory that it triggered.

"I just came here to say thanks for saving me and doing everything that you did. I... I now know that it wasn't you who hurt me and I'm sorry that I doubted you." She said. He remained as still as possible. She sighed.

"We… we are leaving. Kaiba has created the portal to my world." He didn't even flinch or respond in any way. Tears welled up in her eyes. She moved forward and slowly wrapped her arms around him.

"I'll never forget you." She whispered and ran away from him.

Sesshomaru sighed and followed her. He wanted to see her one last time before she left forever. After the incident today, he had done a lot of thinking and had made his decision. He just hoped everyone else agreed with him as well.

Tea and the gang said their goodbyes to Inuyasha and the rest. Kagome was very disappointed since she never got to show them how good she was in combat. If she hadn't been injured, she would have been the one to get all the praises Kikyo was currently getting from Joey, Bakura and Yami. After hugging Sango, Tea went to Rin. She was asleep, still recovering from her injuries, and Tea didn't bother to wake her up. She knew Rin would try to stop her and it was already hard for Tea to leave. She bent down and planted a kiss on the little girl's forehead. After that, she stepped out of the house and joined her friends.

Kaiba opened the portal and everyone stepped in, one by one. Tea was the last one to leave. Before entering, her eyes scanned the area for Sesshomaru but she couldn't find him. She couldn't see him but she knew he was watching her. Swallowing the tears, she stepped inside and the portal closed, separating her from them forever.

Rin woke up and looked around. 'Where is everybody?' She wondered and got out of the hut. That's when she saw Tea stepping into the portal. She realized that Tea was leaving forever. She ran towards the portal, yelling and screaming at Tea to not leave. Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed her shoulders and stopped her from moving any further. Rin looked up to see Sesshomaru standing with an expressionless face.

"Why lord Sesshomaru?" Rin asked with tears in her eyes. "Why didn't you stop her?"

"Because…" The demon lord started, "she didn't belong here Rin. She was not of this world."


The end. What do you think? Should I continue the story or stop? I can bring her back to the Inuyasha world or have the Inuyasha gang go into Yugioh world. Review and let me know.