Disclaimer: Last time I checked, Gravitation didn't belong to me, think it belonged to some rich guy in Japan who lives in a gold made house….

Title: High School Troubles

Summery: Shuichi Shindou is a senior in high school. High school is hard, especially when you're gay and in love with your hot new teacher. YukixShuichi, Yaoi.

Warning: Yaoi. Don't like don't read

Speaking "Dun Dun Dun"

Thinking 'Ding Ding Ding'

BTW: This fic is AU.

Shuichi's P.O.V

Ah crap! I'm late! Again.

Oh hi! Guess I should introduce myself, ne?

Weelll… where to begin? My name is Shindou Shuichi, I'm 17 years old, in my last year at high school. I have dark pink hair, don't even ask me where that colour came from, and violet eyes, and I'm male, if you haven't figured that out by now.

Like most people, I also have a dream, a dream which I will achieve. I want to be a singer. Yup, you've heard me right, a singer. I've always wanted to sing, since God knows when. So I'm gonna finish high school, enrol for a performing Arts or singing university, graduate, and hopefully reach my goal.

One thing you should know about me now, is that I'm normally late for everything. I don't do it on purpose, honestly! Its just I normally forget about things or if it's a morning thing, then I usually sleep in.

Like today for example, I had set my alarm, had everything pre-ready for today and what happened? I slept through my alarm. Which is why I'm late today, and will probably be late for two more days in this week. Mind you, I've never been really late; at least, I can't remember being that late.

"Oi Shuichi! Hurry up! What's taking you so long?"

Ah, that's my lovely friend, the same friend that just so happens to be dragging me into my high school building!

"Hiro, I can walk yanno! You can stop dragging me anytime now!"

Guess I should introduce him to you? Well, his name is Hiroshi Nakano, everyone pretty much just calls him Hiro. He's quite tall, taller then me at any rate, he's 18, I started high school one year early, he has reddish brown hair midway to his back, which looks pretty funky, and has light blue eyes. He, just like me, wants to be a singer. We both wanna get into the same university, and hopefully start up a band together. Its both of ours biggest dream. Did I mention that Hiro and I are best friends? We met when we were kids, and have been friends ever since.

"Shuichi don't tell me you've already forgotten! We've got a new English teacher coming in, good ole Smithy finally quit, guess he had enough, and now we've got this teach who's this famous writer who's taking a one year break or something, and he's decided to teach. Plus, I don't think you've noticed but we're late."

"Um…Opps?" I try for the sweet smile, but somehow, Hiro doesn't look too impressed.

"It doesn't matter; let's just try to get to class before …"

"Hello boys, late are we?"

One thing, having a gun pointing at you first thing in the morning right next to your face is not a nice thing.

Right, guess I should explain again? This is our dear principle K, tall, blonde, American, with an incredible love for guns. I swear, weren't guns meant to banned or something? K, he's quite fond of pointing his gun at innocent students. I swear, that guy has more guns then I have clothes!

"Principle K, hi! Love to talk, but we're getting late!" I try dragging Hiro of with me, and I would have if K hadn't pulled me from behind.

"Listen up Shindou, I'll let you off this time, but next time you won't be so lucky, and lets just say that my finger might accidently slip and Bang. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" Hmm, that's the first time he's said something like that to me. Maybe I should try to cut down on being late so often. Nah.

"You see! You nearly got us into trouble with K!" Hiro starts complaining to me once we're out of K's earshot.

"But I got you out of it as well though, didn't I?" I grin cheekily at him, I've got him there!

"That's not the point! Besides, we're here anyway."

Phew, teacher ain't here yet, which means we ain't late yet.

"Hiro! Shuchi! Over here!" Ah yes, that's Shuguru Fujisaki, our other friend. He's 16, he skipped a grade I think, he has greenish colour hair and brown eyes. He also wants to perform in a band; he's really good with the keyboard.

"What took you guys so long? Your late, you're both lucky the teacher isn't here."

"It's all Shuichi's fault! He woke up late, and got me late by waiting for him!" Hiro, jumps to my defence rather well, doesn't he?

"Hey!" I try defending myself. "I wasn't that late. Besides, you didn't have to wait for me!"

"Whatever. I think we should go to our seats, the teacher might be coming any second now."

As soon as I sat in my seat, true to Hiro's words, the door handle turned and the door opened.

Wow. That was the only thing I could think off when I saw this TOTALLY hot guy walk through the door.

He's totally gorgeous. He has blonde hair, light brown eyes, a built body, and he's totally hot! Wait, I've said that already haven't I?

FYI, if you didn't know, I'm gay. Yup. I mean the pink hair should have been a clue, right?

"You may call me Eiri-san; I will be your teacher for this year."

SHIT! He's our teacher? But…but…he's hot! And young! There's no way that he can be our teacher!

Some girl in the class, think her name's Arika, puts her hand up.

"Yes?' Hot guy, aka Eiri-san, says from his desk, looking rather bored.

"Um…are you Yuki Eiri? As in the Yuki Eiri, famous romance novelist?" Immediately after, she starts blushing.

Hot Guy raises his eyebrow, and says in that oh so sexy voice,

"Yes, I am. I'm sure you've been informed that I'll be staying here for a year. Well, let's start with the lesson already."

Wow, I can't believe I've got a romance novelist, a hot romance novelist as a teacher. Looks like this year's gonna be rather interesting.


Um yea, that was my first try on a Gravitation fic. So how'd I do?

Sorry if the characters seem OOC, I've never watched nor read the anime/manga…

Well, did you like it? I hope you did! So…should I continue?

Review Pwease? I'd be ever so grateful if you did.


P.S. Sorry for any spelling/Grammar mistakes!