Ouch….over a year since my last update. That is my worst record ever. :( I want to apologize and thank all my patient readers who have hung on waiting for this to update. I hadn't given up on it…it just sort of got pushed to the back of my mind and started collecting dust… Once again, I'm so sorry. I hope there aren't any inconsistencies in it due to my long break away from writing this fiction.

This chapter was to be posted on New Year's Day. Unfortunately, my luck plummeted, and when it was partially written, my brother did something to the computer that caused it to crash completely. I nearly lost everything on the harddrive. Luckily I had a portable harddrive for most of my important information, but the chapter was on the main harddrive that crashed. The computer repair guy managed to get my information back finally a couple of days ago. I was so scared I'd have to rewrite the chapter. And it's never as good when it's written for a second time.

Chapter Eight: Redemption

Itsuki stumbled back from the force of the blast. The air was practically vibrating from the energy that was surrounding Lafayel and Amou. Amou's expression was calm and clear as he regarded his nemesis.

Naoya got to his feet again, and felt a hand descend on his shoulder. Gabriel's voice sounded beside his ear.

"Leave this fight to Israfel. We have another task that must be done."

And with that, Itsuki was grabbed from behind and suddenly he was lifted in the air. His eyes widened as the ground traveled farther and farther as Gabriel flew. He saw the mindbreaker and other fighter retreating from the scene of the fight between the ERASERS, which was rapidly becoming a dangerous battlefield of blasts and light flashes.

"Where are we going?" Itsuki asked, slightly chilled to be held up so high by the ERASER. Gabriel had only to let him go, and Itsuki would plunge to his anticipated death.

"To find Israfel's lost…companion," Gabriel replied, hovering high in the air, his sharp eyes scanning the rooftops.

Itsuki sensed some bitterness in the winged angel's voice. Suddenly, he lurched to the side as Gabriel began speeding downwards. The breath left him, and the sheer terror of falling overcame Itsuki, even though Gabriel's arms still held onto him tightly.

Gabriel landed with a surprising lightness onto the school rooftop. Itsuki opened his eyes as he was set down, his feet gratefully on a solid surface again. His gaze moved to follow the ERASER's. Tomonori was unconscious on the ground at the feet of a formidable looking psychic taking a slow drag from his cigarette. The power emanating from him was familiar to Naoya.

"You're from the EGO faction!" Itsuki stated in realization. "So there are other guys..."

The dark haired man blew smoke out of his mouth and flicked to cigarette away. "My name is Mizunagi. Don't bother to introduce yourselves, because soon you will cease to exist."

Itsuki brought his arms up to create a barrier as a crushing force spread out from the psychic, kicking up an immense wind followed by an explosion.

Amou didn't hear the blast. He was immersed in his fight with Lafayel. Throughout their parried blows and clashes, images of past memories played through his mind like a distorted movie. He saw himself sneering, hurting, killing. Bound up to wires and instruments that sent painful electrical tremors through his body. Tears splashing down and mingling with blood. Lafayel, always in the background, with such a look of hatred; forgotten, ignored, insignificant. Israfel was the truly prized weapon. He was the perfect killing machine, bred for destruction and raised with violence. If only his soul wasn't so weak. It was nothing that electrical shock, physical punishment, and brainwashing couldn't cure, at least for a short while.

Amou was always afraid when he came out of what felt like a dream, to find himself once again stained with another's blood. He was disgusted with himself and his powers, yet couldn't deny the sickening sense of glee he got from hurting others. As the centuries went on, he felt himself conforming to the system and giving in to the tortures and sadism. It was Gabriel who served as his remedy, and let Israfel remember his true self that hated fighting. He was the only truth in a tainted, corrupt existence.

Now looking into Lafayel's eyes, Amou could see himself reflected. He had created the monster that was Lafayel's vengeance, from years of cruelty and contempt towards the lesser ERASER. The hatred in Lafayel had grown to such a degree that it had permanently stained his wings as black as his loathing soul. 'Being what we are, our emotions are very closely connected to our physical states,' Gabriel had said. Lafayel had become what Israfel could have been, if not for his saviour, Gabriel.

Pity and sorrow filled Amou's eyes as he watched the other ERASER as they broke away momentarily from their blows.

"Don't look at me like that!" Lafayel shrieked, seething at Amou's expression. "I don't want your pity. I know who you truly are."

Amou said nothing, and brought his hand up. Glowing feathers sprung from his palm, pinning Lafayel into the wall. Already, Amou's consciousness was slipping back into the abyss of automatic response. There was one task: to destroy the enemy. All memories of the past and guilt slowly slipped away as his head became foggy. It was getting harder and harder in this form to not become the weapon he was created to be. And those instincts clouded his senses as he slowly walked up to Lafayel, wrapping his arms around his pinned form.

Lafayel let out a gurgling scream at the energy flowing through him, causing his body to convulse in pain. Israfel lowered his lashes, speaking into Lafayel's ear calmly as the other was wracked with painful shocks.

"My softer side does pity you. But I do not. You have crawled back begging for more punishment. You've threatened those close to me. But surely you don't think you could match me, lowly Lafayel?"

The black-winged angel struggled to speak, but could only manage a pained gasp as Israfel's onslaught continued. He couldn't move, think, or breathe properly through the pain.

"You are a fool," Israfel breathed, in a tone of lightly chiding a naughty child. "Did you really expect to win by challenging me?" His cheek brushed against Lafayel's tear soaked one. "Hush now. Save your tears. This will not be a slow death for you."

And thus he gripped onto the shaking Lafayel tighter, forcing him to endure the prolonged torture.

Itsuki's barrier shattered away from the force of the explosion, and he opened his eyes, surprised to find himself still alive. Feathery wings partially obstructed his vision, and he saw Gabriel standing in front of him with a mysterious golden glow encasing the ERASER.

'They really do look like angels,' Itsuki thought, watching Gabriel's unearthly aura.

Gabriel drew his wings back in, and Naoya saw Mizunagi approaching without fear. There was a sadistic grin on his face; clearly he was itching for a good fight.

"Be careful of Tomonori-sensei," Itsuki reminded Gabriel. The priest was unconscious only a few yards away, and Itsuki didn't want him to be accidentally killed by a stray blast.

Gabriel gave a simple nod, his eyes never leaving the oncoming threat. Itsuki readied himself too. This was going to be one hell of a fight, even though they technically had the numerical advantage. Still, if something happened to Amou, along with trying to keep Tomonori unharmed, Lafayel suddenly showing up would very easily re-tip the scales.

Gabriel's arm lashed out in mid-air, his fingers making complicated patterns. A golden light streaked up in an arc, before crashing down on top of the enemy psychic. But Mizunagi was no long there. He had fragmented out of the air, disappearing as the attack hit. The entire rooftop quaked with the force of the blast, which had left a large crater in the cement of the rooftop.

Naoya whirled around, his guard up as he sensed a presence behind him. Mizunagi was thrown back by the force of Naoya's psychic power as he attempted to approach what was thought to be unsuspecting prey.

Itsuki instantly took advantage of Mizunagi's lowered guard and sent blow after blow to his opponent so that Mizunagi didn't have time to do anything but defend. Gabriel was quick to act, and shards of light rained down, piercing Mizunagi's arm and shoulder. The dark-haired psychic gritted his teeth, but the grin was still on his face. He outstretched his uninjured hand and closed his palm into a fist. Itsuki felt the ground beneath him shift. He tried to jump away, but the concrete had already encased his foot, immobilizing him.

Gabriel flew up, diving at Mizunagi to distract him from Itsuki. Naoya cursed, thankful for the diversion, and was given enough time to shift the concrete away. The whole action, however, gave him an idea. While Gabriel was attacking the overconfident Mizunagi, Itsuki placed his hand on the surface of the roof, concentrating his energy into it. The concrete rippled in a straight path towards the psychic, and the rooftop under his feet gave way, making him fall into the story below. Gabriel, in the air, was unaffected.

There was a crash of desks as Mizunagi hit them. Itsuki wasted no time, and ran over to the gaping hole, drawing his energy to the desks now, which pinned the stunned psychic. Itsuki used the same trick Mizunagi did for his foot, and caused the desk legs to fuse to the floor, effectively pinning their enemy. Itsuki made sure the psychic's hands were well restrained so that he couldn't use his powers.

Gabriel raised and eyebrow and nodded. That at least got their threat temporarily out of the way. The principal would probably have Naoya's neck from all the damage he had caused, but Itsuki could deal with that later. He ran over to the fallen priest, supporting him in his arms. A trickle of dried blood ran from his temple down his chin, and blood completely soaked the fabric around his chest. "He's badly hurt," Naoya said to Gabriel.

Gabriel kneeled down by Tomonori, an inner battle being waged behind the crystal-blue eyes. Finally Gabriel shut his eyes with resolve and placed his hand on Tomonori's chest. There was a strong glow as Gabriel healed him. When the ERASER removed his hand, Itsuki couldn't see any difference, but did feel a new ease in Tomonori's breathing.

"You did it," he smiled, looking over.

Gabriel was leaning against the wall of the structure that had the door leading up to the rooftop.

"He was very hurt," Gabriel said. "He is fine now, but the fight and healing has drained me."

Itsuki noticed a reduction in luster in Gabriel. His eyes and hair were not as radiant as before, and his skin was pale.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asked in concern. Before, he didn't trust Gabriel as far as he could throw him, but the ERASER had saved them both.

"With time. I just need rest. Take me back down to Israfel…he needs me." Gabriel said slowly, even the words costing him precious energy.

Itsuki nodded. "We'll go down through the school, as long as we stay out of that classroom. It'll take him a little while to get out of that."

As he spoke, the priest moved in his arms, gradually opening his eyes.

"Amou?" he whispered, before his vision had fully cleared. Even so, it was fuzzy from his lack of glasses, and as he looked up at Gabriel he thought he saw Amou standing before him. He groaned and reached into his pocket, searching for his glasses, but they were gone. The splitting pain had left, but he still felt sore. He reached into another pocket, and his fingers recoiled a little at the feeling of the blood on his clothes. "What happened?"

"You were attacked and taken by an old rival of Amou's," Itsuki explained to the best of his knowledge.

The priest sat up more fully, pulling out his case with his contacts and sliding them on. The world cleared, and he saw to his dismay that it was Gabriel standing there, not Amou. Fear clutched at his heart.

"Where's Tsukasa?"

"Down below, not far," Itsuki said. "He's in a fight. We need to help him."

Tomonori was instantly on his feet. "Show me the way."

Naoya nodded, moving to help support Gabriel, and they made their way down the stairs and through the building to the location where Amou had been left with Lafayel.

"Does it hurt? Do you want me to stop?" Israfel crooned, feeling Lafayel's strength drift away bit by bit. The dark angel could no longer respond with even a grunt, his pained face and screams silenced from strain. "It will be over soon…but perhaps not soon enough for your liking."

Israfel turned his head at sounds of approaching people from the other end of the alley. Tomonori was racing over, worry and fear etched in his face, and Itsuki was following as fast as he could, with a fatigued Gabriel using his shoulders as support.

Tomonori was struck dumb for a moment at the foreign look on Amou's face. It was like staring at a complete stranger. There was no feeling or emotion in his eyes. They were as hard and cold as ice; his expression was merciless and unforgiving. Israfel almost looked bored, even.

"Amou?" Tomonori called, in disbelief.

Israfel didn't bat an eyelash. "The end draws near."

The priest focused on the feeble body of Lafayel, supported only by Israfel's arms. Tears had long since dried on Lafayel's face, no more left to cry to express the misery he was wracked with.

"You're killing him!" Tomonori exclaimed, rushing forward. He recognized the victim as his attacker, but he had always been taught forgiveness (DARKLOREs being an exception)…and this, this was going too far. He was thrown back by a lash of air brought up by a mere flick of Israfel's feathered ear.

"Stay back!" Itsuki warned. "He's not in his right mind. He's dangerous."

Gabriel watched his lover with saddened eyes. His emotions didn't connect with the hardened weapon Israfel, and reaching out with them, they were cast aside as easily as the priest. Israfel ignored them and turned back to his prey, the last bits of lifeforce gradually leaving Lafayel's broken body.

"Amou, stop!" Tomonori shouted, running to him again.

Itsuki cried out in alarm for the priest to stop, but he did not. Tomonori couldn't allow Tsukasa to do such a thing that he would regret. Enemy or not, he would not watch the child he had raised stain his hands with blood. He wanted to protect him from all of this. He had sworn to himself that he would.

Thrown back again, Tomonori kept picking himself up, and forcing himself forward against the unrelenting gusts. Israfel turned his head once more to regard this persistent annoyance. "Don't interfere." Even his voice was strange and alien, ringing with tremors that Tomonori had never heard in his life. Onward, he braced himself, until he managed to make it up to Israfel. Defiant of the consequences, he wrapped his arms around Amou from behind, holding him close.

"Don't do this," he pleaded with the unfeeling angel.

Israfel cast the barely living shell of Lafayel aside, and turned, grabbing onto Tomonori's head. Tomonori didn't release him, burying his face in the ERASER's shoulder. He knew that his life could be snuffed out in an instant, but still held his angel close, unwilling to let go.

Itsuki couldn't believe his eyes, frozen in place. Tomonori must be mad… Gabriel watched quietly. He wondered if the priest has the ability to bring Israfel back to his senses. It was that or be destroyed, and either option wasn't entirely adverse to the ERASER. The only worry he had was how Israfel would react when he came out of his trance-like state to discover two newly-killed bodies.

Something flicked across Israfel's face. Confusion was settling in. He tried to shake it away, and tightened his grip on the priest's head, but still the man did not let go.

"Tsukasa….you're Tsukasa Amou," Tomonori whispered with a fierce passion. "No matter what. We're family."

The ERASER's eyes stared, and then slowly softened as he looked at the priest. Slowly, his grip on Tomonori weakened, and in a flurry of feathers, Tsukasa passed out and crumpled to the ground. Tomonori caught him, holding him close with trembling arms.

Gabriel watched the preist's relief as he held onto Amou, stroking his head with such tender care that Gabriel could almost see his own past actions being replayed by the human. Itsuki looked over to the stoic angel, surprised to see a flurry of emotions dancing across his blue eyes.

A light groan came from Amou's lips, and Tomonori cupped the back of his head, stroking his cheek lightly. Amou's eyes opened, and widened, his lips upturning into a small smile.

"Tomonori…you're…here…" he whispered softly, reaching out and touching his guardian's face, as if verifying his presence.

"I'll always be here," Tomonori said with conviction. "I promise."

Amou turned his head, looking at the crumpled body of Lafayel beside him. "….I did that, didn't I?"

"He provoked you first," the priest said, trying to ease Amou's mind.

"No," Tsukasa said softly, then more firmly. "No. I did. I was the one who started it." He shut his eyes. "I need to accept responsibility for my actions. No more running away. Because it all will catch up to me, regardless." He carefully stood up, assisted by Tomonori. "But I think it can come to an end now."

"He knows better than to tangle with you," the priest said.

"Perhaps." Amou kneeled down, placing his hands on either side of Lafayel's head. A golden glow came from his fingers, his wings coming out to let him draw from his powers. But this time, Amou was careful to not lose himself and focus on the task at hand. Colour returned to Lafayel's face, but his expression too was calmed. The lines of rage and frustration softened, and Amou drew back his hands, his feathers once again disappearing.

"What did you do?" Itsuki asked. He had been watching closely.

"I erased his rage, pain, and sorrow that has been building up and consuming him for years," Amou explained. "Now….he can finally be free, and move on."

Gabriel smiled, though it was tinged with many emotions. "And now you will be able to move on, Israfel, and live the life of freedom and caring that you longed for."

Amou went over to Gabriel, throwing his arms around his friend, lover, and savior. "Moving on doesn't mean forgetting the past. I've been down that road. It means accepting the past and all of who I am. And you're part of that."

"I am," Gabriel said, cupping Amou's chin. "But now there's more, isn't there?"

Tsukasa turned and looked at Tomonori who was watching him with a small smile. Amou started towards him, thinking he saw a tear in the priest's eye, but Tomonori held his hand out and placed it on Tsukasa's shoulder, stopping him momentarily and arm's length away.

"You mean the world to me, more than you could imagine, Tsukasa. You're an angel sent down from heaven that I will always cherish and protect." He swallowed, regaining some composure, and was able to look back up at Amou. "I love you, but I'll only end up breaking your heart with our forbidden love. Still, I'll forever be there as your friend and family."

Tsukasa's eyes brimmed with tears and he threw his arms around his guardian, burying his face in his chest and holding onto him. "Me too…me too…" was all he could manage through his sobs.

Gabriel looked at the priest in surprise. For the first time, understanding and acceptance passed between both their gazes. Gabriel could give a love that Tomonori could never bring himself to fully express, to protect Tsukasa from oppression and alienation by society. Here on Earth, Amou was just a young boy, not a powerful millennia-old ERASER. Tomonori could love, cherish, and protect him to the fullest as a guardian, but never as a lover.

There was a noise from behind, and Itsuki turned to see Gabriel's mindbreaker leaning against the wall and watching the scene. He walked over to him.

"Why didn't you help us during the fight?" he asked. Naoya could feel the power of this mindbreaker just standing next to him. No doubt he could've beaten both Lafayel and Mizunagi using Gabriel single-handedly.

The mindbreaker shrugged his shoulders casually. "It wasn't my fight, and Gabriel wanted to do this on his own. I just stood back and let him. I have faith in his abilities."

"You're really different," Itsuki stated, not quite sure how to wrap his mind around the boy's casual demeanor. The war had always been a power-struggle, and this was one of the few times, except with Mana, that he had met someone who wasn't the least interested in domination.

"Tell Gabriel that I'll be down by the track when he's finished," the mindbreaker stated, turning away and walking off.

"What a strange guy," Itsuki muttered, watching him leave.

Tsukasa's tears had finally subsided, and he smiled up at Tomonori. "Let's go home," he said softly, taking his guardian's hand.

Tomonori nodded and gave a small smile to Gabriel. "Would you like to join us for dinner?"

Gabriel paused and then nodded. "I would be honoured."

Amou's face lit up happily and he looked at Itsuki. "Will you be coming too?"

"Nah," Itsuki waved his hand. "Thanks, but I've got to get to a job. I'm two hours late already. Oh, and Gabriel, your master is at the track if you need to find him."

The ERASER nodded his thanks, and Itsuki watched the three walk off. Somehow, this experience had given Itsuki a strange feeling of hope. Maybe life wasn't just an unending battlefield. There was light at the end of the tunnel, and a true chance to find happiness. He and Mana could free his sister, and they could live in a world that Itsuki was no longer ashamed of, now that he was able to feel that there was hope. With a content nod, Itsuki turned and walked away.

Lafayel awoke suddenly, sitting up and holding his forehead as he stood. What had just happened? The surroundings gradually came into focus as he stood and stumbled slightly, and was met by a grey puff of smoke.

"You finally woke up?" Mizunagi stated, regarding him with a raised eyebrow. It was dark now, and some stars were becoming visible in the inky blackness of the sky. A full moon cast light on the rubble-strewn alleyway.

The ERASER opened his mouth to say something, but wasn't sure what was going on. He paused for a moment again before speaking. "Mizunagi…where am I?"

"You're here," Mizunagi stated unhelpfully. "Alive." He smirked, tapping the ashes off his cigarette. "White looks good on you."

Lafayel's eyes widened, and he reached back, feeling his wings. They curled around him, not charcoal black, but a pure, bright white. "What happened?!" he exclaimed.

Mizunagi shrugged. "Does it matter?"

The angel stared at his wings more with stunned surprise before a small smile graced his lips for the first time in eons. "No. I suppose it doesn't." It felt like a massive burden had been lifted from his shoulders, though Lafayel couldn't place what the cause of it could be. But like Mizunagi said, it didn't matter. The sun would rise tomorrow on a new day.


Thanks for reading. :3 It's finally finished. Once again, thanks for everyone's support, patience, and reviews. I could have never finished this without you.