Kagome's Transformation

Chapter: 11

By: Ammeirs

---(preview from last chapter)---

' ' (Thoughts)

" " (Talking)

Why hello my fellow readers! I'm a horrible up dater and a worse speller and I just wanted to thank you for not giving up on me! So :hugs to all: And here ya'll go! Some fluff? Read to find out!

'Don't do it...Don't do it... Don't do it...Don-' He didn't have to do it. She pressed her lips onto his own. She inhaled deeply and slowly pulled away. She looked into his eyes and saw lust, want, maybe even love...

He pressed against her lips this time. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him swallow her moan. He licked her bottom lip but she played stubborn. She smiled against his lips when he growled in disapprove. He licked her bottom lip again to yet again get denied. He pulled away raising his eye brow at her. She blushed and giggled.

She was soo innocent and cute. She looked away breathing in deeply and almost said something, but his lips were on hers before she could even let a word escape. He lightly nibbled on her bottom lip. She gasped and he took the advantage to let his tongue explore her mouth. She tasted so sweet. She was addictive and he never wanted to break this habit.

She pushed him off slightly to get a frustrated growl and then a whine. "Kagome...I'm sorry... I.." She put a finger to his lips and shook her head and smiled.

"Don't. We just probably need to get going and this is not the time or place for...that." He nodded grabbing her around the waist and in one swift movement they were in the well and the lights swirled around them to take them to his time.

The silence between the two was very awkward and she knew just how he felt. Strange... She didn't want things to be weird between the two, but then again she didn't want him to think that she didn't want him to kiss her anymore...

Right before Inuyasha had the chance to jump out of the well Kagome grabbed his cheek to turn him to face her and kissed him once then smiled to reassure that they were fine. He nodded knowing exactly what she meant. He tightened his grip around her waist the jumped out of the well.

The forest was just as they had left it. So peacefully... Quite... Every thing about it was so beautiful. The flowers the trees and the animals and butterflies that fluttered all around. Kagome took in a deep breath and slowly let out.
"Isn't this so- Ah!" Inuyasha jumped at her swinging his arms. She dodged him as much as she could. She jumped back putting her hands on her hips "What are you doing!" She screamed.

He only grinned that made her heart skip a beat. "The first part of your training."

"Killing me! Let's just kill her off so I don't have to train her! Is that what your thinking?" She yelled. He laughed and shook his head.

"If the enemy can not get you then its impossible to injure you. It takes twice as much energy to swing and miss... Then to swing and hit. The only problem is that it takes a lot of energy to just keep running, but for now your going to learn how to dodge." He swung at her again. She managed to dodge him for quite some time.

That is until he launched for her and she tripped him. He just about caught himself until she grabbed him into an embrace and whispered 'sit' in mid-air. They slammed onto the ground, but it almost seemed gentle. Kagome smiled underneath him and whispered. "I think I won." He only grinned, laughed, and shook his head.

"No?" She questioned.

"No..." He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. "I win." He proudly walked off with her over his shoulder. The sun had set and the stars had come out. Inuyasha finally let Kagome walk after she admitted her defeat. He rubbed it in a little bit... Yeah right Inuyasha cant just do a little. He rubbed it in a lot! Kagome patted his back and let him have his victory right before sitting him a couple times.

"Inuyasha where are we headed to?" Kagome asked tiredly. They have been walking for hours and she was tired out from earlier.

"You'll see." Inuyasha said while never loosing his fast walk.

"Well can you at least slow down? I'm exhausted!" He stopped and waited for her to walk up next to him and scooped her up and began a steady run. She yelped and almost fought him, but she then felt a sudden safeness in his arms. She relax in his arms and dozed off.

When she began to wake again she was on the ground surrounded by grass and flowers. She in hailed and smelled cherry blossoms. It was still dark out but it was beginning to lighten up. She looked around for Inuyasha. She raised up on her elbows and still couldn't find him. She closed her eyes and tried to sense him. His aura was very small but there he was. She looked up and smiled.

"There you are." She said quietly. "Inuyasha... What are you doing up there and where are we?" He jumped down.

"I was waiting for you to wake up and this... I used to come here as a child." She slowly got up and looked where he was staring. She took a gasped. There was a pond surrounded by flowerets and trees and the sun was rising creating a beautiful image of colors dancing on the ponds surface. The colors seemed to form together making blues and greens and reds. It was beautiful.

"It soo pretty..." Kagome mumbled under her breath.

"Yeah... I always wanted to build a hut out here and just settle. Well that was my dream when I was younger. Feh! Now all I want to do is get that damned jewel!"

"Right... are you still going to become full demon?"

"Why in the hell wouldn't I? I thought we talked about this already."

"I don't know. For Shippo... our friends... me?"

"It will still be me... just stronger..."

"No it really wouldn't though..." She wrapped her arms around her self and looked down. "You wont be my Inuyasha any more." She whispered. He placed an arm around her.

"Kagome just because you turned into a wolf your still Kagome... Just because I'll turn into a full dog demon... I'll still be... your Inuyasha."

"Promise?" She asked under an whimper. He pulled her close into an warm embrace.

"I promise." She hugged him back. He then looked at her. "Hold on." She nodded. He jumped into the tree and placed her in his lap wrapping his arms around her protectively.

"We should get back to Sango and Miroku." She laid her head back on his chest just relaxing into him.

"Shippo is probably throwing a fit from not being able to see you." Kagome nodded and giggled.

"We don't have to leave yet. Right?" Kagome asked with hope that they could stay together.

"Right." He said nudging her head.

"I like this..."

"Yeah its nice out here." He said after clearing his throat.

"Yes this is nice but being here with you is the best part." Inuyasha blushed as well as Kagome did and he nodded. "I wish this could never end... Time could just stop and we wouldn't ever have to worry ever again."

"Worry? Are you scared to be with me?" He asked almost sadly

"No. Just worried about our friends since Naraku is still out there some where. I wonder if they found anything."

:Miroku and Sango:

They were feasting for breakfast and talking with the elders of the village. Shippo had eaten too much and was on his back moaning and groaning. Miroku was staring at the lady's dancing and Sango's energy must have hit Miroku straight in the face and it said 'I'm angry!' which made him change the subject.

"So tell me elder do you know anything of the presence of a demon in those forests?" The old man put a hand to his chin and tapped it.

"Yes deviled eggs do sound yummy..." The old man mumbled to himself while nodding. Miroku and Sango looked at each other and giggled.

"No not eggs. Demons." Sango said nicely.

"Demons! Where!" the old man looked around nervously.

"No there's none here!" Miroku yelled. "Do you know of any?"

"Yes. There's one in that there forest." Miroku sighed and shook his head in aggravation. Sango patted his back and whispered into his ear. "Let me try." Miroku nodded and walked out side to get some fresh air.

"Elder?" Sango asked sweetly


"Do you know of the demon?"

"The one in the forest?" The elder asked dumbly.

"Yes that one." She nodded.

"Hmm...Hmm..Yes I do believe so." Sango smiled.

"Can you tell us about him?" She asked excitedly

"About who?" asked the elder as he got up and walked away. Sango took in a deep breath and let it out very slowly. A young man around the same age as herself took a seat next to her. He was very attractive. He had short black hair that was flowing around his shoulders. His eyes were beautiful almost a shade of purple.

"Don't worry about him." Sango jumped. "Oh I didn't mean to scare you."

"No that's fine." She smiled placing a hand on her heart.

"You and your husband were asking about the demon."

"Huh?" She blushed.

"The demon."

"Yeah... and he's not my husband..."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Its okay. So what do you know about this demon?"

:Kagome and Inuyasha:

They just left the tree hand in hand and slowly walked threw the forest. Nothing would ruin this moment. Well, that is except a giant human eating spider.

Okay there's your chapter enjoy! Its summer so I hope I can write more! Love all ya'll's! Ammeirs