Ok well this is like the fourth chapter which makes this my longest story…or most updated….either way it is longest…so far.

I would like to apologise because I recently reread my story and I found that I made a mistake. Ok at the start, they are at a hotel and have entered a tournament and in the second chapter, they are in an apartment. I do not know why I did this but I am going to tell you what happened to make the story make sense.

The Chinese tournament was cancelled but they decided to stay there and go to school etc. The main reason was Kai and Max didn't really mind…that's what happened and I am really sorry…I am also sorry but I love cliffhangers XD

Ok now on with the story and the long awaited explanation...

"Where were you?" asked Max as Kai took Tyson back to his apartment.

Max gasped when he saw Tyson and helped him in. Tyson slowly walked off into his bedroom and left Kai and Max alone.

"Where were you?" Max repeated.

"We got into a fight," said Kai, "Then I took him back to my place to get bandaged up a bit."

"Why didn't you take him to hospital?" asked Max, horrified.

"I'll explain when Tyson gets back," said Kai simply, "and I will tell both of you everything."

Kai sighed as he prepared to trust someone else with the truth, this time he hoped that the people wouldn't die.

Tyson emerged from his room a few minutes later in a pair of shorts and a baggy black t-shirt. His hat had been taken so he had just left his hair scruffy.

"Kai," said Tyson sitting down beside him, "what did they want?"

"Me," replied Kai, "Because of Ray."

"Who's Ray?" asked Tyson.

"I will tell you," said Kai impatiently, "If you stop interrupting," Kai paused as if making sure Tyson wasn't going to keep talking then continued, "Ray is one of my ex-boyfriends. He had a hit man serves where he basically kills people and hides the bodies," Max gasped but Kai continued on, "When we first went out, it was great, but then he started getting all strange. He got very possessive so I tried to break up with him. When I told him this, he went insane and started beating me. From then on, to make me not leave, he would beat me within an inch of my consciousness. So I tried to escape, a lot. But I kept getting caught. The first time I escaped, I did so quite well; I even got a new boyfriend. Of course I didn't realise that Ray had found out and he was well…" Kai gagged on his words, "was murdered," Kai felt a surge of sadness course through him, "I tried repeatedly to escape and eventually I did. I joined my band, which is a job that doesn't show up on tax's….or wouldn't if I paid any. I travel around with them and Ray doesn't know where I am going next because neither do I. He couldn't hurt my band because he doesn't know their real names, they have show names that they use most of the time, except when we are together. I don't get close to people because they get hurt, like you did, but most of them worse."

Tyson paused, "Why is he so possessive?" he asked quietly.

"I'm not sure," replied Kai, "I think it is because he was abandoned as a child and feels like I am abandoning him."

"That's awful," said Max softly.

"I know," agreed Kai, "And it is my life that I am cursed to."

Tyson had been thinking a lot about what had happened, "Where did you learn to fight?"

Kai let out a short hollow laugh, "Ray, he taught me and I got better and better, eventually I could beat him in a fight."

"Why didn't…" Max began to ask

"I couldn't, something inside me wouldn't let me hurt Ray," said Kai coldly, "But right now I wish I had taken all those opportunities to hurt him, to kill him."

"That is awful," repeated Max.

"I have scars all over my body," said Kai, "from Ray."

Max leaned I and saw the light scars on his face, "he's evil," whispered Max.

"Max," asked Kai seriously, "Could I see Tyson alone for a second?"
Max nodded and left the room, thinking about the story that had just been told to him.

"You are the first person," said Kai sitting forwards, "to see this apart from Ray and his men."

"What?" asked Tyson leaning forwards too.

Kai put his hands on his t-shirt and pulled it up. Tyson gasped as he saw a scar that was covered his whole chest. It must have been deep cuts because there was a dip in the skin where it had been cut. The thing that disturbed Tyson was that it was in a pattern, which meant that it was no accident.

"Ray did this," Kai said quietly, "It is a symbol of power in an ancient religion. I was awake when he did it. I screamed a lot but I couldn't get him and his men off me. I hate him for everything he has done to me but," Kai paused, "When I blade, the scar glows. I feel anger come through me and I can transfer it into my Beyblade, Dranzer."

"Can I," Tyson asked awkwardly, "touch it?"
Kai nodded and Tyson ran his finger over it. Tyson shuddered as he realised the amount of pain Kai must have gone through, then he sat back in his chair.

"He is sick," said Tyson slowly, "that is just too far."

"I think he saw it as branding me," said Kai pulling his t-shirt back down, "Marking me as his own."

Tyson shook his head.

"It's not safe for you or Max here anymore," said Kai, "Ray will know where you live."

"What?" asked Tyson, "You mean we have to move?"

Kai nodded, "Yes, I am afraid that I made a very large mistake. I left my scarf soaked in your blood at my apartment. He will check there and find it. Then you will be caught and killed…to hurt me."
There was a silence then Max walked back in.

"What's wrong Tyson?" asked Max gently, "Why are you upset?"

"We have to move," replied Tyson flatly, "We have to go with Kai and run."

Max nodded his head, it seemed that he had been thinking about it, "He will know where we are and hunt us down. But where will we go?"

"Russia," said Kai, "I was born there and I think I will be able to hide us until Ray has check, then we have to change our looks, name credit cards and so on."

"That's a long way away," commented Max, "It will be expensive to travel."

"I have money," replied Kai, "Phoenix has got a lot of money in it. I'll just leave and take my share."

"What will you band do?" asked Max, "Will they break up?"

"I don't know," Kai said, "and right now I don't really care. When will you be able to get all your things together?"

"A couple of days," replied Tyson, glancing at Max, "What about you?"

Kai smiled, "I never unpacked. My band travels so right now I am in a hotel."

"I thought you were at your apartment?" asked Max, becoming confused.

"I can't go there," said Kai patently, "Ray checks there, I see him sending men in every week."

There was a silence then Kai reached into his pocket.

"This is Dranzer," he said taking out his blue Beyblade.

"Wow," said Max admiring it, "He is beautiful."
Kai nodded then said, "May I see you Beyblades?"

"Sure," said Max, picking Draceil up and handing him to Kai.

Tyson froze, "no," he mumbled under his breath, "It…no…it can't be…"

"What?" asked Max putting his hand on Tyson's shoulder.

"Dragoon was in my trousers," said Tyson quietly, his face forcing back tears, "Ray has Dragoon. What will we do Kai?"

Kai's face was even more horrified then Tyson's, "we have to leave him," Kai was even more shocked because he knew what Ray could do to Dragoon.

"I can't," cried Tyson, tears flowing freely down his cheeks, "He is my best friend. I love him like he was my brother. I can't let Ray have him! I can't and I won't! I am going to get him back. Kai, I need him."

Kai knew how he felt, Kai felt the same about Dranzer. He had kept Kai going when he had nothing left.

"Tyson," said Kai softly, "we would have to go into Ray's home to get it. We would have to get past layers of security and guards. We would have to risk our lives. That is what he wants. He is expecting us to go running to save Dragoon."

"Then he will get what he expects," said Tyson stubbornly, tears still leaking from his eyes, "I will go to Ray's home and I will get pasted all the security. I will risk my life; I ask nothing of the sort from you and Max."

"If you go I go," said Max smiling.

"Tyson," Kai replied, "I am not letting Ray get some one else I care about. I am going too."

"Then it's sorted," Tyson smiled, tears still dripping slowly from his eyes, "We will stand our ground. We are going to fight. We are going to win."

"We are going to need help," said Max thinking about the plan, "A lot of help."

"I know some people in Russia that I know would help," replied Kai, "And they would be very useful."

"I know someone who could help us train," said Max thinking carefully, "I met him on my way home today. He is called Beshido and appeared to be very good at martial arts."

That name sounded familiar to Tyson but he was still thinking about Dragoon and what Ray would be doing to him.

"Where are we going to have base?" asked Tyson quietly.

"Here?" suggested Max, "How many people would be coming from Russia?"

"Four," said Kai, "Five if you include me. We could sleep in the living room."

Tyson nodded then began discussing saving Dragoon with Max. He was talking about sending in a scout, getting a map, and generally beating Ray.

Kai got lost in his own thoughts. This is almost impossible, almost…

YAY another cliffhanger (Jumps for joy) Ok I love cliffhangers and I am sorry that this chap is so short but it is because the next one is going to be longer than most of the others. I hope you enjoyed reading Debauchery so far. Please R&R…I will update as soon as I can…but I am going to update some others first, sorry. Anyway, I am going to stop saying sorry and get on with other stories.

Bubi Grufflump