This is a story about Tyson/Kai and slightly Ray is in there somewhere too. Well I would like to point out that Kai (or who ever does Kai's voice) sing the beginning song in the beginning of Beyblade the cartoon. Cool huh?

By the way, debauchery will come in this story...I don't know when but it will come!

This story is dedicated to Susan Tinny.


Tyson went into the club with Max to have some fun after practicing all day. They had entered the tournament together and were foreigners in China. Max moves towards the bar to get some drink that will make him hyperactive and dance like a lunatic. Max loved to dance, he said it made him feel free. Tyson watched the blonde move over to the counter and he made to find a couple of seats for them. Scanning around he found some near the dance floor and claimed them by putting his coat on the seat he wasn't sitting in. He began to feel self-conscious and attempted to flatten his bouncy, black hair.

Someone walked up to him and said "You that Tyson boy aren't you."

Tyson turned around to see a boy, younger than himself, staring at him with ice blue eyes, "Yeah, why?" asked Tyson trying not to turn scarlet.

"Well," said the boy putting one hand on his hip, "I heard you were going to try to become the ultimate Blader."

"I am," said Tyson.

"But that means that you will have to beat Kai," said the boy.

"Who's he?" asked Tyson, beginning to feel the heat rise up the back off his neck.

"BESHIDO!" some one called from the crowd.

"Gotta go," said Beshido.

"Wait Beshido!" Tyson called, but the boy walked into the crowd.

Aw crap, Tyson thought, who the hell is Kai?

"Hiya Ty," said the bouncy voice of Max, "Sup?"

"Nothing," replied Tyson, "Have you been drinking already?"

"A little," Max giggled. Tyson grinned at him and took the drink for him off Max.

"Thank ya Maxy," said Tyson, trying to relax. He looked at the strange blue liquid inside the glass and then stared at Max

"Its raspberry flavoured," said Max, then he took a large gulp of what he assumed to be a strawberry flavour drink.

Tyson took one last look at the drink before taking a large gulp. He felt the room spin.

Tyson finished his drink and then tried a blueberry flavoured drink. It was lovely. Then was dragged to the dance floor by a hyper Max who had had enough to drink not to be aware of anyone else, but hadn't had enough to impair any movement.

Tyson giggled as Max danced his heart out on the dance floor. It wasn't that he was a bad dancer, but the way he leap around in time to the music was funny for a slightly pissed Tyson.

Then the bouncy, happy song was over and Max suddenly stopped dancing. He walked over to Tyson and giggled.

"Was I good," Max giggled.

"Amazing, Maxy babe," Tyson replied, giggling as well.

Suddenly there was some one on the stage at the far side of the dance floor calling for people's attention.

"Wanna go check it out?" asked Tyson.

"Oky dokey," Max said, still giggling.

They moved through the crowd until they were right in font of the stage.

The man turned his mike on and said, "We have a very special treat for all of you tonight! We have the one…the only…PHOENIX!"

He walked off the stage and the crowd cheered. Tyson and Max didn't know who 'Phoenix' were but stayed to find out. They had to be good if the crowd went that nuts.

The spotlight went on the front of the stage and the lights everywhere else dimmed. The drummer took his spot, then the guitarist, then the keyboard player. They began playing a bouncy kind of tune and Tyson was confused. Where was the lead singer, he thought. He looked around to try to see of a lead singer was coming from anywhere He looked back at the stage and saw a figure walking slowly towards the mike.

He got closer and the crowd cheered. Tyson stared. He was perfect. His face was milky white and had blue triangular tattoos on his cheeks. His blue and grey hair fell perfectly into place everywhere it should. He bounced in time to the music as his red lips mouthed the words that Tyson wasn't hearing any more, he was captivated. He was perfect. That was all that was running through his mind. He a long, black flowing coat that moved elegantly behind him every time he moved.

Tyson stared at him the whole way through the song. It was a lovely song called '7 days' but Tyson was still staring at him. He was an angel, in black.

Max was the one to take Tyson out of his trance.

"Hey Ty," Max said leaning on Tyson, "That was a good song, huh?" He smiled at Tyson who wasn't looking at him.

"Yeah," Tyson said not taking his eyes of the boy, "Great."

Max looked at Tyson, then where Tyson was looking, then back at Tyson. Max began to catch on; even when he was drunk, he loved interfering in people's lives.
"OIH!" Max called to the boy.

Tyson clamped his hand over Max's mouth and hissed in his ear "What the hell do you think your doing."

Max pulled Tyson's hand away from his mouth and said simply, "Helping."

All of the band were watching them, including the boy, and smiling. Tyson let go of Max and blushed deep red.

He began to walk away and turned his back to avoid the boys beautiful red eyes.

"Come 'ere," Max said from behind him.

He slowly turned around to see Max signalling for the boy to come over to see him. Tyson didn't know what to do. Well he had four options, 1. Run away, 2. Go and grab Max and walk out, then scream at him for interfering, 3. Wait here to see what happens, and 4. Go and stand beside Max, wait it out, and then leave and never go back to the club.

He didn't have time to choose. Max was chatting to the boy and leading him towards him. Tyson stared at the boy as he walked. He was so elegant, with his black coat flowing behind him, every step perfectly placed.

He led the boy up to Tyson and said, "This is Tyson. Now excuse me while I go get another drink." Then he walked off.

The bastard, Tyson thought, he just left me and a boy I have a crush on, alone together, while he gets more pissed.

"Hello," said the boy

His voice was as perfect as the rest of him, "Hi," Tyson managed staring at him.

"Um…I am Kai, you are Tyson?" Kai said.

Tyson stood there in shock. Kai. The amazing Beyblader. He fell in love with his opponent. Crap. "Yeah…eh…" Tyson wanted to say are you a good Beyblader, but he realised how weird that would sound really weird.

"What is it?" Kai prompted.

"Well…are you a Beyblader?" Tyson said hating himself after he had said it. Tyson thought of himself in his position, he would probably walk away but he didn't.

"In my spare time," Kai said and winked.

Tyson felt awkward, "Are you any good?"

"Alright," Kai said, and the drummer let out a laugh that he tried to turn into a cough, "Are you the beyblader Tyson?" said Kai without looking even remotely awkward.

"Yeah, are you the Beyblader Kai?" said Tyson grinning.

Kai smirked then said, "Yep, well now at least we know each other's names."

Tyson opened his mouth to say something back but was cut of by the guitarist, "Come on Kai, we're going now," he called.

"Coming!" Kai called back, "I would really like to get to know you better, here's my number." He gave Tyson a card with his name and number on it.

"Thank you!" Tyson said, "I'll call you soon!"

"Bye Tyson," said Kai.

He waved then walked away.

"Bye Kai!" Tyson called back enthusiastically.

Tyson stood there smiling thinking of Kai and meeting him later.

"Did I do good?" asked Max from behind him.

"Excellent Maxy," said Tyson turning around, "Let's go back to the hotel."

"Okay dokey," said Max leaning on Tyson.

They went back to their hotel (complements of Mr Dickinson) and slept like a couple of logs.

Kai's POV:

Kai walked away feeling happy and well, as much as he hated it, giddy.

"You were nice to him and smiled!" said the keyboard player.

"So," said Kai, returning to his cold self, "What's you point Yoku?"

"Nothing, it's just that you have never been nice or smiled at anyone since I have known you. That's one of the only times I have seen you smile without being pissed out of your head, that's all."

Kai realised this but he couldn't help it, he had wanted to smile and be nice when he was around Tyson, "So what, Kai had said that more sharply than he had meant to, "Maybe he makes me want to smile! Maybe I have a reason for not smiling!"

Kai stormed off. He didn't know why he had been so mean to Yoku but he hadn't wanted to talk about his mood.

Kai walked quickly back to his flat and lay down on his bed. He fell asleep.

Kai's dream:

Kai was waiting in the living room, in his pyjamas waiting for him. He was out late again and hadn't left a note, again. Kai was very tired and tears were leaking from his eyes His apartment was the same but a bit cleaner. Kai held his head in his hands and began to sob.

"He doesn't love me! He is just using me! He wouldn't care if I died!" Kai cried.

Kai sat upright and looked around. He walked into his room and got his few thing that were actually his and packed them in a backpack. Kai was leaving.

He got to the door when he walked in. He was drunk and looked unwell.

"Where are you going you shit?" he asked harshly.

"I am leaving you and never coming back," said Kai determinedly. He looked over his body, every feature cat-like, "You are always rude and mean to me so I am leaving you Ray"

Ray hit him hard across the face making him fall to the floor.

"You are not leaving so go put your stuff back!" shouted Ray.

Kai climbed onto his hands and knee's then slowly stood up, "I am leaving because," he paused "You are a bastard."

Ray hit him again on the face then kicked him in the stomach, "Don't call me names! Now go put your things back and go to bed!"

Kai felt like he was going to be sick, but he still climbed back up onto his feet and looked Ray in the eyes. He was clutching his stomach where it had been kicked and glared at Ray, "No" he said strongly, "I am leaving."

Ray looked at him for a moment before jumping and kicking Kai hard in the ribs. Kai went flying across the room. Kai lay there holding his ribcage, gasping for breath. He ran his hand over his ribcage and felt a couple of broken ribs. Ray walked over to him and crouched beside him.

"I love you," he said even though Kai knew this was a lie, "I will see you in the morning." Ray hit Kai on the face again and knocked him out cold.

When he woke the next morning he was on the couch, ribs bandaged up, with Ray cleaning around the house. Memories flooded back from the night before. Kai suddenly felt trapped. He knew that if he left Ray would follow him to the end of the world. He knew he had to leave, but he didn't know how.
Ray walked into the room and saw that Kai was awake.

"Let that be a warning," He hissed at Kai, "Don't ever leave me."

Then Ray left the room.

Kai awoke, sweat dripping of him. He felt like he was going to be sick. He climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He turned on the light and headed for the sink He splashed his face with water and looked at his face in the mirror. He looked at the scars on his face. There wasn't many and hardly anyone ever noticed them, but Kai hated them. He ran his fingers over them, traced them, wishing that they would go away. Ray had given him them and all they did was remind him if Ray.

Kai suddenly looked in the mirror, he stared at the scars in horror.

What have I done, Kai thought, I have let him into my world! Ray will find out and then who knows what! I have got to break thing of before they start, I wont let Ray hurt anyone else I love.