Dear Mr. and Mrs. Darklighter,

I regret that I cannot inform you that your son is dead. I regret that you will spend years wondering what happened to him, why he never returned from shore leave that day. I wonder if you'll ever even know he jumped ship.

I regret that transmitting any sort of message to you would not only be a security risk for us, but might cause your deaths. I regret that you would be punished if it were to become known that your son died in the service of freedom and justice.

Biggs Darklighter was a credit to the Alliance, an exemplary pilot and an ace thrice over at the time of his death. He saved my life. He saved all our lives. He saved the Alliance, and he saved what hope this godforsaken galaxy has for freedom.

I regret that my best friend is dead and I can't even tell his parents, because it would endanger everything he died for.

I regret that though we can destroy a super-weapon, though we can challenge the might of the Empire, we cannot risk notifying you that your son is dead.


Flight Officer Luke Skywalker of the Alliance to Restore the Republic