Hey this is my first fanfic, please be gentle. I hope you like it! Hermione has just started her seventh year.

anyway on with the story . . . .

The classroom door to the transfiguration classroom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry swung open and a petit girl with unruly brown hair entered the classroom. She wore a black and white uniform like the other students with a gold and red tie gracing her neck, showing she was a member of Gryffindor house. A worried and apprehensive appearance adorned her face as she struggled to hold onto her book bag, which was over flowing with scrolls and ink bottles.

Ms. Granger may I ask why you are fifteen minutes late for my class? Asked Professor McGonagall raising an eyebrow.

"I am so sorry professor, I over slept." Replied Hermione.

"All right Ms Granger, since this was the first time you have ever been late for my class I will not take points from Gryffindor. Please take a seat next to Mr. Malfoy.

Hermione quickly walked down the aisle towards the vacant desk and reluctantly sat down beside the boy with light blond hair and grey eyes. He had become very handsome over the years. It was almost impossible to believe that this was the boy that had made her life a living hell for the last seven years. After the death of his father the year before he had ceased taunting her as often as he once did. He also wore his hair naturally instead of using gel to slick his hair back. She would be lying to herself if she didn't think he was handsome. If it wasn't for his awful personality and snide remarks she would probably be head over heels in love with him just like most of the female population at Hogwarts.

Turning around she noted Harry and Ron were seated at the far end of the classroom and were hastily taking notes from the blackboard. Hermione found this rather unusual and wondered why they had a sudden interest in their studies. Come to think of it she really didn't know what they did these days. She was always so preoccupied with her work she rarely had anytime to talk to them anymore. Turning back to the front of the room she quickly began writing down notes.

He looked at the bushy haired brunette who was seated beside him. She was frantically writing down notes from the blackboard. Glancing over at her piece of parchment he noticed how neat and precise her handwriting was. He also saw that her hands were calloused and rough. He guessed it was caused from carrying so many books over the years. Draco also noticed that her finger tips were covered with numerous ink stains. She was the only girl he could never understand. At times he hated himself for liking the bushy haired know it all. It wasn't like she was drop dead gorgeous or anything, but she had an inner beauty that captivated him. She had a small heart shaped face dominated by large brown eyes. She was a little on the chubby side. Not to say she was overweight, she was somewhere in between. Her unruly hair reminded him of her wild and fiery personality. Ever since first year he had been denying the feelings he had for her. Mostly because he feared how his father would react if he discovered that his son was in love with a muggleborn. Not that is mattered much now. His father had died in his sixth year and his mother had been overwhelmed with grief and had began drinking. Turning his head to the front of the classroom he quickly finished copying his notes. After a few minutes Professor McGonagall stood up from behind her desk and began to speak.

"Now as you know this is a very important year, NEWTS are fast approaching and we expect everyone to work hard and try their best. To encourage hard work and consistent results Professor Dumbledore has decided he will award the top-scoring students from each house a full scholarship to any university of their choice.

Scholarship? This certainly sparked Hermione's interest. She wanted to pursue a career in healing. With this Scholarship she could possibly attend Richmore University of Medicine and Healing; it was the most prestigious and expensive wizarding University of Medicine in Europe. Her parents could never afford to send her there on their wages. She decided she was going to get this scholarship even if it was the last thing she ever did.

"Now I have decided to place you all in pairs, both of you should meet at least three or four times a week to help each other study from upcoming tests and so on. Now I expect everyone to show some improvement in their test scores and assignments, is that understood?

Loud groans emitted from the students as well as a few nods.

"Alright, now I have paired each of you based on your current grades and results from all of your classes. I tried to pair each of you with a person whose weaknesses are your strengths and vise versa. When your name is called, please move so you are seated next to your partner."

The students didn't look pleased with this arrangement. The Gryffindor's and the Slytherin's looked at each other with the most utter disgust and loathing.

As the names began to be called out Hermione became very eager and nervous. She didn't really know why but she had a distinct feeling that she would be paired with Malfoy. Call it intuition if you will but she knew he did well in his grades and exams. They were pretty much head to head with everything. She couldn't be paired with him. If she did she would never be able to achieve the results needed to win the scholarship. He was an arrogant lazy bastard who didn't care for anyone but himself.By the look on his facehe didn't seem too bothered by the whole partner thing. His arms were crossed over his chest and his face held the same emotionless expression it always had. But then again why would he care about the scholarship? He could probably afford to study anywhere in the world. His family was after all one of the richest in Europe.

Finally Hermione heard her name be called.

"Hermione Granger and ... "

Hermione held her breath and prayed to the Gods that she wasn't partnered with Malfoy.

". . . . . Draco Malfoy. . . . . "

As soon as Hermione heard the second name her jaw dropped and she noticed Draco became very pale. The entire class ceased all movement and collective gasps and cursing could be heard from some students. After all everyone knew of the rivalry between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.

"WHAT" exclaimed Hermione who quickly leaped up from her chair?

"Miss Granger do you have a problem?" Asked Professor McGonagall.

"Yes, I will not work with him. I refuse to work with that arrogant prat" Shouted Hermione.

Draco glowered at the brunette and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Ms Granger please calm down."

"I will not calm down; I refuse to work with that narrow minded jerk."

"Ms Granger if you have a problem with this arrangement please speak to me privately after class."

Sitting back down Hermione tried to fight the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She felt sick and frustrated. Out of all the people she had to be paired with, it just had to be Draco Malfoy. She would never get that scholarship now, what was she going to do? Folding her arms over her chest and sinking down into her chair she tried to think of a way to get out of this arrangement. Five minutes later the class ended and Hermione quickly collected her belongings before walking over to Professor McGonagalland plead her case.

Draco eagerly waited to hear his name be called by Professor McGonagall. He actually felt really nervous. Not that anyone would ever know, his father had taught him how to hide his emotions.

"Emotions will make you weak boy. Family, religion and friends are the three demons you must slay in order to succeed."

It was something he was taught from a young age and it was usually pretty useful on occasions.

Draco was brought out of his thoughts when he heard McGonagall read out a certain name.

"Hermione Granger and ... "

Holding his breath he silently prayed he was her partner. This would finally give him a chance to get to know her without the interference of Pothead and Weasley.

". . . . . Draco Malfoy. . . . . "

Yes! Yes! Yes! He wanted to jump and down in joy. He could almost kiss that old bat for pairing them together. But that quickly ended when he saw Hermione leap out of her chair and begin arguing with Professor McGonagall.

He found it rather funny; he knew for a fact that when Professor McGonagall made a decision it was final and seeing Hermione argue with the old hag was quite amusing. Trying his best to look annoyed and disgusted with the entire arrangement he couldn't help but notice just how cute Hermione looked when she was angry. Her eyes burning with rage and her face all flushed.

Finally she was forced to sit back. When the class finally ended he watched Hermione grab her things and walk to the front of the room towards Professor McGonagall. He laughed inwardly; he was tempted to stay and watch the entire fiasco, but decided against it and opted to go to the Great Hall for lunch. Grabbing his bag he walked briskly out of the classroom and down the hallway.

Do you like? Well please review it would mean a lot to me! I have a few plans with this story!

"Family, religion and friends are the three demons you must slay in order to succeed." I stole this line or at least some of it from an episode of The Simpson's I saw once.

I do not own any of these characters. J.K. Rowling does. I do not own that Simpson's quote either, Matt Groening does. Please don't sue me! I should update in a day or so.