Hey, guys! I'm back with the much anticipated movie! And who should I pick? Pick on is more like it. Howz-about some cheap shots at the evil people that keep changing the YYH schedule, or taking the uncuts off Adult Swim and forcing us to watch the hacked down versions, or starting the series over when it gets to the good part, and then there was replacing it with Zatch Bell... I think my point is heard... Here it is!

I own nothing. Enjoy!

'Oh no...,' Kurama thought.

The narrator's first words told him what this movie was. They confirmed it, at least. The "Cartoon Network" logo on the screen before the picture started had already told him, but he was praying he was wrong. Now, the narrator had taken his hope and crushed it, with a few simple words...

The city of Townsville...

Since his mother's marriage, he had acquired 4 new step-cousins, the youngest 3 of which, were girls. When they had visited, he had been forced to watch this show every waking minute. It was cute the first million times, but after a while, the giggling and other girlish things this show forced his cousins to do, had him silently begging the Lord to send a wave of demons to attack the city, just so he could get away! Now, he was trapped, with a giggling Botan, who may well have been 5 times as "bubbly" as his baby cousins.

'Help. Me.'

Although he couldn't hear him, he knew that somewhere deep down, Yoko was either cursing, or laughing at him. The greatest thief Makai had ever known, watching The Powerpuff Girls Movie...

'If Yomi could see me now...'

While Kurama was wondering how a legendary bandit could come to this, Touya was wondering about a few things, himself. As soon as the logo had popped up, he had been thinking 'Cartoon Network? Oh, how original... Don't these humans even try to come up with good names? That would be like Pepsi just naming it's company Soda Distributor...'

As he watched, he was perplexed even further. There was a pink, fur-covered creature, with two antennas, holding up a cashier with a shotgun. He thought that they didn't know about such creatures... then, there was a group of green-skinned boys in the parking lot causing trouble. Common back home, but, how did the humans know about such occurrences?

A few minutes later...

'Sugar, spice, and everything nice? These people have no originality! And this is what they teach human children? And Chemical X? Whatever happened to names like Kryptonite?' Touya was thoroughly confused. Did they really expect people to believe that that's what little girls were made of? Obviously these people had never sat through a week of demonic PMS... He shuddered as he thought back to that time he and Jin had been trapped with Ruka after that cave in...

After seeing how girly this movie was really going to be, let alone the fact that it was a cartoon movie, the two boys began growing embarrassed. Just sitting here was degrading, really. They exchanged sympathetic looks, and their eyes made the silent pact "I won't tell if you won't..." Thank God none of their friends knew where they were...

Just then, a group of girls walked in, and began looking for seats. "Oh, we're not that late. It's just starting." "Let's sit here." "Hey, does that guy look familiar?" "Oh yeah! That's Suichi! From second period Science! Hi Suichi!" The first girl waved to Kurama, and sat down between her other two friends, who immediately leaned in to converse. "He's watching the Powerpuff Girls?" "I knew there was something strange about him..." "Wait till we tell the girls about this..."

The girls didn't realize that Kurama and Touya's ears could detect every murmur. Touya fought a laugh. Kurama glared at him. Touya responded to the glare with an innocent "I didn't do it" smile. Touya turned back to the screen, still fighting the laughter, and smiling from ear to ear. 'Well, at least one of us gets to hang on to some dignity...'

Back at Genkai's...

Jin thought he was sober. Whiskey couldn't keep an Irishman down for long... or could it?

'What? Are me eyes broken? Or did I just see two polka-dots runnin' past me?'

As strange a question as this might have been, Jin could have sworn he had just seen a blue dot, followed by a red dot, running across the floor. No one else seemed to notice. They were still trying to move Kuwabara out of the floor. Well, two of them were. Kayko was trying to preserve the peace between Suzuka and the team of Shishi and Rinku, who were still taking cheap shots at Suzuka's singing voice.

'Now how do ye ask someone if they've ever seen a polka-dot runnin' before? Ye don't, stupid!' he answered himself. 'But I know I spotted it with me own eyes! But I don' wanna be the one to say it first! Hmmmm... I know!' "Hey Biggie, pull up some ground," he said, motioning for Chu to sit down beside him on the karaoke stage.

As Chu sat, Jin saw it again! Two little polka-dots running across the floor. They seemed to be heading back-and-forth on the same path. He looked around.

'Be needin' somethin' close... Aha!' "Ever notice Rinku's shoes?" he asked his still partially-buzzed and easily-amused friend.

"Yeah... What about 'em, mate?"

"Well... Have ye noticed how fast he kicks 'em off for that serpent yo-yo kick?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Wellll... Howzee do it? They're laced up tight, they are!" Jin tried to make this debate sound interesting. He just had to keep him looking in that direction.

"Hmmm, ya'know, now that ya mention it..." Chu rubbed his chin, a sign that he was in deep thought. He continued to stare at the boy's shoes while he did so. And then...

"Whoa! D-d-d-d-" Chu stuttered as he pointed past Rinku's shoes.

"What's with him?" Shizuru asked. Seeing all the commotion, she stood up from her crouched position beside Kuwabara. He was still breathing. Good enough. He'd wake up eventually...

Jin translated Chu's stuttering with "Biggie says he just saw two lil' polkie-dots runnin' right past lil'n."

Chu stopped his display and looked, wide-eyed, at Jin. "Mate, yer good at this! I didn't even know what I was sayin'..."

Jin blushed. "It's a talent...," he said, trying to keep a straight face.

Everyone turned their attention to Chu. Expressions of "what the?" covering their faces.

"I think it's time we set some rules about drinking," an exasperated Suzuka said.

"Yes, I agree," Shishi said, pausing to change into his larger form before finishing. "We should make it mandatory if you're going to take the stage."

"AAAALRIGHT!" Chu hopped to his feet for a small celebration, but was cut short when Jin floated up beside him to say "He didn't mean it, pal." He groaned as he sat back down, putting his elbow on his knee, then allowing his chin to plop down into his upstretched palm.

Rinku, meanwhile, was thinking 'Well, at least he didn't throw up this time... Or dance... Or do his koala impression... Just seeing things... I hope he doesn't see Pinky again...' The boy shuddered as he thought about all the times Chu had tackled him, saying that he had saved him from being sat on by that damned elephant... Polka dots were a new one on him, though...

Kayko was thinking that all they needed now was her soon-to-be mother-in-law...

"This is the last time I drink with demons... or relatives," Shizuru said, giving her brother a light kick with that last part. She turned her back to Chu and Jin, putting a cigarette in her mouth. She pulled out her lighter, but just as she got ready to light it, her cigarette hit the floor. 'Did I just see what I thought I saw?'

Shishi and Rinku looked at Shizuru. She was still holding the button on her lighter, making flames rise, but her cigarette was on the floor, and her mouth was slightly agape.

"Huh?" the two said, and followed her line of vision to the wall. "What the?" Rinku said. Shishi just stood, dumbfounded. 'I knew hanging out with this group was going to get to me, sooner or later! Now, I'm seeing figments of their imaginations!'

Kayko and Suzuka exchanged blank looks. Apparently, they were the only sane ones left...

Sorry to cut this one short, folks, but everyone I know has decided to stop by and visit today. Every time I get started writing, the doorbell goes off. You'll just have to wait a day or two to find out what's gonna happen. Anyway, pleasepleaseplease review till then!