Smeagol and Deagol

The two cousins roll at their grandmother's feet, dirty from a day's adventuring and full of tales.

"We went to the caves today," Smeagol tells her eagerly. She tries to hide her worried frown.

"Why did you do that?" she asks, indulging her grandchild. Smeagol smiles his winning smile at her.

"Because I wanted to," he says simply.

"We went to the caves today," Deagol says to her, more calmly that Smeagol, "And on the way back I picked you some daisies." He holds up a fistful of rather battered flowers. Smeagol rolls his eyes and digs at the ground.

"Do you know Smeagol has never gone fishing?" Deagol says to her, "One day, I will take him fishing."