
Keith didn't hear the noise. His lips still embraced mine as I pushed him away slightly.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked immediately, a look of worry on his face. My smile assured him that our kissing was more than fine, and his lips formed a matching expression as he went back in for another kiss. I granted him another short one before pulling back again.

"Someone's at the door. I should probably go open it," I put my hands on his chest, feeling his strong pectorals hidden under his dark blue cotton shirt. I suddenly wanted nothing more than to rip it off and touch his skin.

"Oh...yeah, okay," he wouldn't stop smiling at me, even as I left the room. I bounded down the steps, hoping it wasn't my parents. Poor Keith would have to sneak out the window, and honestly I wanted more alone time with him.

"Steph! Are you okay? Pony told us what really happened, and I've just been such a bitch to you and…"

"I'm really sorry I told Steph, but everyone was worried and I didn't want that jerk to walk away with nothing done to him…" Pony and Jade talked at the same time. They both faded off as I began to chuckle slightly, and they saw that I wasn't the broken mess they expected. I heard heavy feet hit the stairs behind me, and then Keith's voice.

"Howdy ya'll," I could honestly hear the smile in his tone as he hugged me from behind. My heart leaped, and I was fluttering all over. I don't understand how I could suddenly be so affected by Keith, but I was. Every touch sent me somewhere else, and it was a place that I never wanted to leave.

Jade stared at us, an expression of complete disbelief and understanding simultaneously plastered to her mug. Keith moved his hands down to my hips, and he gave them a little squeeze. I leaned a bit more heavily into his chest.

Ponyboy was the first to speak, "You're okay, right?"

I nodded.

"Alright, good…that's what I wanted to hear. Now I need to go home," he turned around and began down the steps. Jade wished him goodnight.

"Wait up Pone, I'll come with you," Keith said, a wave of disappointment hitting me. He walked down to my stoop, and then turned around and faced me. "I'll um…call you, or come over, or something…" He stepped back into the doorway, towering over me. I looked up into his deep chocolate eyes, and he pressed his forehead against me, his hand gently holding the back of my neck, "No one is gonna hurt you as long as I'm around," he whispered before kissing me quickly on the lips. He walked down the steps, and wished Jade a goodnight over his shoulder.

"Night boys," I called after them before closing the door.

"So….you and Two-Bit…what's going on?" Jade asked. I was taken aback at her actual interest in the subject. I imagined she would scoff and tell me off for "stealing" another one of her friends.

"I don't really know. We were in my room and I was just telling him all about what happened with Charlie, and then we were just talking about how glad we were to know each other and then he kissed him. And we kept on kissing and kissing an—"

"You made-out with him," Jade interrupted me.

I blushed with the thought, "Yeah, I did. And it was so nice Jade! I just wanted him, more of him! I still kind of do…"


"Basically, you have a crush on Two-Bit, and by the looks of it he has a mighty big crush on you too," I thought back to our little conversation in the Love Tunnel. "Listen, he's a great guy…I hope you guys work out and stuff," I admit it was a bit un-emotional, but it was the best I could muster. Deep inside I know Steph and Two-Bit would be great for each other and that they both really like each other, but at the same time I want Two-Bit to be with someone that doesn't irritate me so much. Plus, if they start dating that means I'll have to see Steph much more than I already do.

"Thanks…I do too," she smiled. The headlights of our parents car shone through the window, "Guess they're home from the Johnson's house. Well I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight Jade."

" G'night Steph."


I whistled merrily, kicking a pebble down the street. I kept glancing at Pony every few minutes, until he finally sighed and asked, "What did you and Steph do?"

"We made out," I smiled proudly and Pony chuckled. "Probably would have gone further if you and Jade hadn't so rudely interrupted!"

"A nice girl like Steph? I'm surprised she let you get as far as you did!"

"She ain't prude, and she's a damn good kisser. Ponyboy she definitely digs me!" I grabbed his shoulders and gave him a happy shake before jumping in the air. I had so much adrenaline and happiness just pumping in my veins that I was about to burst.

Ponyboy couldn't stop laughing and he clapped a hand on my shoulder, "I'm happy for you big guy. She's a fine girl, and you two'll be happy together…if you can seal the deal that is!"

"Oh you little…!" I yelled and chased him all the way back to his house, laughing the entire way.


I lay in my bed, imagining Keith was still there. Longing for his fresh soapy smell I buried my face into the pillow, hoping the scent lingered. The permanent smile didn't leave my face once, and I just wanted the sun to rise so I could see him again.

I closed my eyes replaying the moment in my head. A weird scratching sounded from my window and I sat straight up in my bed. A hunched up figure was clinging onto the tree outside and I ran over to the window and opened it. However the boy that stepped into my room was not the one I was expecting.

"Dally?" the smell of vodka was overwhelming and his cheek was cut. Blood trickled down his face.

"Stephanie," he breathed my name, before grasping my head and kissing me.

"Dally!" I yelled as quietly as possible pushing him off me. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You're breaking me, Stephanie. I think about you all the time, and it's fucking torture. I don't like it at all. Sometimes I think the only reason I'm going with Jade is so I can pretend I'm with you."

"Dallas, what are you talking about? You're not making any sense…" I shook my head as I backed up into my bed and sat down. He stood, pacing the room, rubbing his hands across his face.

He stopped and kneeled down in front of me, holding my thighs, "Don't you understand a damn word I'm saying. I've got something real bad for you, real bad. Trust me, I don't want to feel this way and I certainly don't want to fuckin' admit it to you, but I ain't got no other choice. I just beat that no good prick half way to hell, the whole time get angrier and angrier that he took advantage of you. It was like when Johnny gets hurt, how I get all fuckin' emotional about it. But you ain't like Johnny, he's someone I need to protect cause he's like a little brother. You ain't that, you…you're much more."

I started crying and shaking my head, "Don't do this to me Dallas, not now."

He stared at me incredulously," You think I fuckin' want this? I go around building my rep up that I don't give two shits about broads, they're nothing more than play things. Now I get you in my head all the time, and everything about you sets me off. You think that's what I want? Cause it's not sweetheart, it's the last thing I want."

"Then why are you fucking telling me?" I shouted, and he put his finger on my lips.

"Don't you dare wake your sister."

I put my hand around his wrist and pulled his finger away; he looked at me so wildly, it was so terrifying and intriguing at the same time. The next thing I knew we were kissing again. It was so much different than Keith; this was desperate, savage. He pushed me back onto the bed with his body weight, and he threw off his jacket. His kiss was rough and his hand explored. He reached under the bottom of my nightgown and pushed it up around my waist. I couldn't help but tug his shirt off, and run my hands down his toned torso. His lips left mine and he nuzzled himself into my neck, kissing, biting, sucking. A moan escaped my lips as his rhythm got faster. His hand traveled up to my breast, as my own sat on his belt buckle, ready to unleash him. A sudden wave of morality hit me and I pushed him off me. We panted, and he stared at me bewilderedly.

"I'm with Kei—with Two-Bit. I can't do this, not to him…and not to Jade." He ran his fingers through his hair and swallowed. I tugged my gown back down to my knees. "I'm sorry Dally…I like you…obviously, but you're dating my sister. We just got onto good terms and if she finds out about this, we'll never be the same. And Two-Bit, oh God, please don't say a word to him! It would ruin everything."

"What do you mean you're with Two-Bit?" he finally said, looking out the window. His naked torso shone in the moonlight and I couldn't help but admire him.

"I mean…we both realized we have a thing for each other, and are taking steps towards…you know…a relationship." He didn't even look at me, and instead pulled his t-shirt roughly over his head, and tugged his jacket on violently.

"What makes you think I give a fuck about you and Two-Bit 'caring' about each other. I don't even care about your sister having fucking feelings for me," he walked bitterly towards my window. I ran in front of him, and pressed my hands against his chest, forcing him to stop.

"Dallas Winston you better not break up with my sister. She deserves better than that," I sighed, "Dally what brought all this on? Huh?"

He rolled his eyes at me, "I might go to jail, Stephanie, for you. But you don't care because I'm just another hoodlum, right? I pulled a knife out on that Charlie Vanner kid, and I sliced him up real good. Don't give me that fuckin' look I didn't kill him. He'll be fine after a hospital trip. But I fuckin' did it for you." He pushed passed me, tossing the window open, "It's funny, me and Two-Bit are probably going to end up falling in love with you, and really, who are you? Nothing but a stuck up bitch who's too good for hoodlums, and just likes to play with them. You ain't better than anyone, and we're probably going to ruin our friendship fighting over you."


I collapsed on the Curtis' couch after chasing Pony inside. He's a fast little devil. Everyone was there except for Dally, and I excitedly filled them in on what happened. I may or may not have exaggerated the exact contents of my time with Steph but it's not anything we won't eventually do.

"I knew it man, since day one! Didn't I Soda, I said 'it's only a matter of time for good ol' Two-Bit to fall for that nice girl.' Good for you man," Darry shook my hand and handed me a congratulatory beer.

"Where's Dally?" Ponyboy asked.

"Beats us, he ran off after our run in with the Socs," Steve shrugged.

"How'd that go?" I asked. Soda and Darry exchanged worried looks, and Johnny shook a little. "Guys…what happened?"

"Dal went a little too crazy on that Charlie guy. I mean, Dal was pretty drunk, and had beat the tar out of him, but then the guy was on the floor covered in blood, his entire face swollen and Dally takes out his blade…"

"Wow," I was shocked. I know Dal loves a good fight, more than any of us, but to go that far seemed unreasonable.

"He ran off with a bottle of vodka that the Socs had in their car after. We just hope the fuzz don't pick him up," Darry finished explaining.

"Speak of the devil…"Steve muttered as the flimsy door to the Curtis home swung open. Dally stood in the doorway, looking dangerous and drunk. The smell of alcohol filled my nostrils, the strength of it almost stinging my eyes.

"Can I lay low here for a little bit?" his voice was lower than usual. Darry nodded, and Dally proceeded to go into the back bedroom that Darry usually occupies. On his way there he glared fiercely at me.

"Is he fuckin' mad at me for not going? Why did he just give me that look?" I demanded once he was safely out of ear shot.

Soda shook his head, "He didn't seem to care that you weren't there. He didn't say anything about it. Don't worry about it Two-Bit, he's probably still steamed up." He ruffled my hair as he passed by and I scrunched my eyebrows in disapproval. I looked at the clock, 3:30 a.m; only a couple of more hours until sunrise and I could see Stephanie again. Completely forgetting about Dallas' look, and lost myself in visions of her beautiful green eyes. Bidding the fellows goodnight, I traveled home, whistling merrily and kicking a pebble down the streets.