Disclaimer: Phaerie still doesn't own it. She's waiting patiently for the opportune moment to seize control of Harry Potter and Co. Beware, JKR, beware.

As To Where the Chocolate Went

A Continuation of My Knight in Shining Armor

By Phaerie

Zip. Zoom. Ziddle-doo. Ron looked around him, searching for the source of the odd sounds he kept hearing. His paranoia was growing quickly as his eyes roamed over the pitch – no sign of anything, so far that he could tell.

Next thing he knew, something had rammed into the side of his head. Rubbing the smarting spot, Ron looked down at the spastic something as it jittered and jattered in little circles over the grass. After three grabs at it, he finally ensnared his assailant and was astonished to find that it was a chocolate frog, its wrapper enchanted.

Now, why was there an enchanted chocolate frog roving the pitch? Tearing open the plastic and thereby removing the spell, Ron caught the magical chocolate as it hopped out of the wrapper and popped it into his mouth. A quick glance revealed yet another Dumbledore card, how drab. His eyes began searching the pitch again for whoever had enchanted the sweet.

He heard a distant THUD and turned his head toward the Ravenclaw stands that the noise seemed to come from. Rushing over, he quickly ascended the steps and burst into the top box only to back-pedal in a terrified shock at the sight of the snogging couple he'd stumbled upon.

Harry and Ginny, distracted by the sudden noise the intruder had made, turned to see who it was, albeit slowly as they were too busy staring into each other's eyes. Ginny's gaze immediately fell to a hand encasing the crumpled wrapper of a chocolate frog – her chocolate frog. "My chocolate frog!" she shouted indignantly.

"Er, Gin? I think that should be the least of your worries right now," Harry shakily whispered to her. She looked to him in confusion, then followed his gaze to the face of the evil chocolate frog stealer – Ron.

"Oh dear," she muttered, throwing her brother a sheepish grin.

The ground shook, the water in the lake quivered, and all the birds in the surrounding areas took flight at the resounding: "POTTER! What the bloody hell are you doing with my sister?"

A/N:D After posting the first part, I realized I'd forgotten to add in what happened to the chocolate, which I had meant to do while revising it. And then charmingly-holly commented on the lack of explanation as to what happened to the chocolate, so I felt obliged to unravel the mystery. Plus, I got to add Ron in, which is always fun! Once again REVIEW!
