Blaise's eyes went wide as I asked him the question. He looked at me a little funny before laughing. He walked towards me, chuckling and then put his hand on my shoulder. I felt shivers run down my spine as his hand rested against my skin. I breathed in raspy and tried to gain my composure. Part of me was looking at Blaise differently and I could feel that thick sour taste in my mouth. I licked my lips and stared up at him.

"What kind of question is that Kenny?" He said looking back at me, seemingly unfazed.

"It's a game Blaise. Pick one." I said hoping he'd choose before his time ran out.

He grinned broadly, a grin he wouldn't show most people outside of the confines of the Slytherin dungeons where it was still quite rare. "All right. Hmmmmm Dare then." He said sitting on my bed.

My shoulder seemed empty without the contact of his strong hand. I looked at him, now was the hard part. It had to be something he normally wouldn't do and it had to be shocking. I turned from him. His smile was causing me to melt inside and I had to shake myself. He's your best friend. Get a grip! I yelled internally. I coughed and thought. I smirked as I came up with something.

"During the quidditch game today, I dare you to kiss the guy hard on the lips, with tongue, who catches the snitch." I said swallowing. I turned to face him, knowing that the flush in my cheeks was nice and red.

Blaise was just staring at me like I was crazy and shook it off. "You know I wonder if all this school is getting to your head Ken." He said patting me on the back. I took a sharp breath in and he looked at me. "Anyway I was wondering if I could borrow some hair gel."

I just nodded and ran to my private bathroom. I got the bottle of gel for him and watched as he slicked that gorgeous dark hair back. He handed me back the bottle and walked out the door. "Ken you really are weird." He said walking out and chuckling about the dare I had given him. I gulped and wondered how to take care of this issue.

I thought about the dare that I had just given him and wondered if it had been too much. As I was usually an outgoing person it felt strange to be so flustered. But then again this wasn't an ordinary thing. I had just dared my best friend to kiss another boy. I rushed to my dresser and pulled out the scroll again and fell back on my bed reading it. My eyes skimmed the worn parchment as I thought of my Blaise. The effects of the dare were to take place immediately, so I knew that as soon as the snitch was caught he would either be snogging the catcher or laughing at my problem.

I paced my room as I pulled on an outer Slytherin robe. I pulled my hair back into a tight pony tail and let the blonde dangle there. My mind was so wrapped up in the fact that I would see Blaise Zabini, gorgeous amazing sweet, dark and incredibly handsome Blaise Zabini either kiss Harry Potter or…..I gasped as I realized that the other option to the dare was none other than the prince of Slytherin himself, Draco Malfoy.

The thing to realize about Draco Malfoy is that his sexuality was really unproclaimed. He'd been with, I'm sure, just as many boys as he'd been with girls. Along with that Draco Malfoy never kissed in public. I was actually curious if he kissed lips at all. I pulled my shoes the rest of the way on and sighed wondering. Now Potter usually caught the snitch so it would most likely be Potter that Blaise would be kissing. For if Zabini kissed Malfoy, the sparks would fly, and not in a romance made for novels type of way.

I lastly grabbed my scarf and locked the drawer my sacred souvenirs were in before dashing out of my chambers. I snuck my way down to the pitch and took a seat in the back of the Slytherin crowd. The stands were full of cheering and jeering students ready to watch their particular side slaughter the other in a conventional brooding house match. I on the other hand was focused on only three people.

The three boys who's fate rested in a tiny golden ball were poised. Draco was laughing to his crony's as he mounted his broom and gave a death gorgeous smirk to his cheerleading squad sitting on the front row. Potter looked a bit nervous. I'd noticed through the time I'd known Potter that he always got a tad nervous before a game. This was in fact due to his fifth year ban from Quidditch by a teacher who was undeniably the worst woman to ever roam the face of the earth. I think Potter still worried that she would pop out of the crowd at any moment and scream his face off for playing an illegal game.

He gulped his way through the crowd and gave Ron Weasley, who was also preparing to fly, a pat on the back before retrieving his broom. Finally my attention turned towards Blaise. He was putting on his beater gloves and holding his bat under his armpit. He tossed one leg over his broom and all the players took their positions.

My forehead was sweating from the anticipation of the game. I sat alone in the back and held my hands tight and fastened. The new MC, Dean Thomas, called out the plays as the quaffle was tossed into the air. I was nearly dying from all the problems I knew I was facing. I watched as the quaffle went through the hoop behind the Slytherin keeper and felt my anticipation become thicker.

The game dragged on for a good 3 hours. I had never been so on edge for so long my entire life. The dare was taking its time. I looked at the score board. Gryffindor was ahead by a good 160 points. Gryffindor would win the game right now even if Slytherin caught the snitch. I groaned and moved down towards the front of the stands. I pushed Pansy Parkinson out of the way and gave her a nice view of my middle finger with flare and stared into the sky. I had to find the snitch and see which boy was closest to catching it. I stared and saw the gold flicker. I wasn't the only one.

Two boys dove towards the golden ball….two robes flew behind them. Two hands out stretched. Two crowds stood and cheered. Half screaming "Draco" and the other half screaming "Harry". I just stared at Blaise. His eyes were watching the dive too and I could tell that part of him was thinking about the dare. I shut my eyes as half the crowd went up in cheers. I knew it had been caught. I knew one boy was going to be kissed by Blaise. The question was…..which one? I gulped and opened my eyes.

I looked at a pale creamy hand holding onto the snitch. I followed that hand up and arm to a neck and to a smirk. I gasped as Draco landed to the ground. Gryffindor had one the match 170 to 160 but Draco had caught the Snitch. I looked as Harry and the Gryffindor team landed and shook hands. I stared at the slow descent of the Slytherin team and of Blaise.

Blaise climbed from the broom and walked towards his friend Draco Malfoy. He gulped and looked at his feet as if he didn't know what was going on. He stopped in front of Draco and grabbed the boys arm. I couldn't look away as my best friends lips closed around Draco's and started kissing the prince. His tongue darted into Draco's lips and for some odd reason I could have sworn it looked like Draco was kissing back. I opened my eyes wider as Blaise pulled away and stared at Draco. The entire stadium was silent and I knew I'd started something I had no control over anymore.

Blaise ran from the pitch and I headed towards the locker rooms after Blaise as Draco smirked and announced. "I know I'm good but you think some people could keep their hands off of me." I just kept going and landed at the opening of the locker rooms. I saw Blaise against a wall in a corner and I approached him.

"Blaise?" I asked and he looked at me.

"What the hell was that!" he fumed and stalked towards me. "I couldn't help myself! You made that dare earlier, was their some kind of curse to it!" He ranted at me and I finally took his hand and headed back to my dorm.

He sat on my bed as he read it and I explained. "I thought it was a joke. I didn't know it would actually work." He looked at me thoughtfully.

"So you're telling me that with a simple phrase I can dare someone to do anything?"

I nodded. "Or transform them. I figure that transform must effect the physical state of something and dare will effect behavior."

He just stared at me blankly.

"I sighed. Pick transform k? I'll show you."

He nodded as I asked "Transform or dare?"


I thought. Now I had to pick something. "I want your hair to transform into the same color as mine." I looked at his dark brown hair and watched as blonde creeped up from the roots. He jumped to my mirror as his dark Italian hair became bright golden blonde. It looked somewhat sexy to watch his hair change to the same color as mine in seconds.

When I'd come out of shock I said. "That's what it is I guess." I spent 10 minutes telling him about the game and he smiled.

"So you're in control? But I can ask who ever I want now a transform or dare?" He asked.

I nodded. "Whoever you want." He stood and moved quickly out the dorm towards the great hall where dinner had already started. People game him looks at the blonde hair but it looked hot on him so they were good looks.

He burst opened the doors and made his way to the Gryffindor table. "Hey Potter!" He screamed. I blushed furiously.

This is how it all started. This is how Hogwarts turned into a mad house. With one simple phrase to Harry Potter.

"Hey Potter, transform or dare?"