Never Got Along

By: neen

author note:

Set in 5th year as you might notice. It's the beginning of Lily's hate for him

My own character: Penelope Walker. She is a Gryffindor, who is also in 5th year and is basically Lily's best friend.

Yes, James has recently asked Lily out before this opening scene (the 1st time as well) and Lily refused him and gave a reason of studies being more important. Then Lily notices his personality and attitude and greatly hates it.

Chapter One

They never got along. Just ask any random person at Hogwarts (excluding the Slytherins, of course) about James Potter and Lily Evans and they'll respond immediately, "Hate each other." Then in an undertone, "Cute couple thought, don't you think?" In fact they were so used to Lily Evans and James Potter, they promptly ignored them as they entered yet another row.

On one particular day though, people gaped as Lily Evans stormed down the stairs. Usually they would either ignore her as they were used to her, or they would nudge the person next to him, commenting in a whisper, "Potter better watch his back." However, today Lily was so livid, no description of the anger she had could fit it. She was going to that James Potter prick and settle this. No one could steal her robes and get away with it when she was going to try to impress her crush.

Lily raged up the stairs of the boys' dormitory, her normally gorgeous green eyes blazing almost black.

"James Potter, you bloody toerag! I know you have my robes! I need them right now! We have a Hogsmeade trip today, you know!" Lily screamed with absolute fury.

A lanky, messy-haired boy scanned his hazel eyes over Lily's face, whose disheveled, flaming hair matched her now red complexion.

"Morning, Evans! What brings your joyful yell this early in the morn? Some people do sleep, y'know," The boy stepped out of the boys' dormitory.

"Potter, you know good and well why I'm here!" Lily spat out angrily, her pretty face distorted with anger.

"Actually I don't Evans, so don't accuse everything on me when things go wrong for you. Have a nice day at Hogsmeade," James's smile disappeared and he went back into the dormitory in a brisk and cold manner.

Lily was left on the stairs alone and was watched intently by at least twenty pairs of eyes. Suddenly, Lily's friend, Penelope Walker entered, carrying some freshly-washed robes.

"Lily! What are you doing up there? That's the boys' dormitory! I just got our laundered robes from the house-elves. You did want them washed for today's trip right? Come down, Lil!" Penelope held out Lily's robes at the end of the stairs. Lily flushed at the sight of her robes. She knew that every single person in that room was staring at her.

"I can't believe it! I thought he'd stolen it! Oh, Pen! I feel bad now," Lily sighed, ignoring the faces glancing at her as she talked quietly with her friend at the bottom of the stairs.

"I think you should go and apologize to him. You really shouldn't have rushed to conclusions on him like that…and he's really not that bad once you get to know him, Lil. That's just his front. He's supposed to live up to his reputation you know," Penelope said softly.

Lily nodded, agreeing with her friend, "All right. I'll go apologize."

However, as she walked up to the door, she hesitated. She was not one to call out somebody and then apologize to them in front of so many people. She had her pride to think of. Finally, after struggling with her mind, she knocked softly. Out popped James's playful best friend, womanizer Sirius Black.

"Hello, milady! What can I do for you today? A hair brushing, perhaps?" Sirius gave a small smirk as he noticed some of Lily's hair sticking up in the back.

Lily had on a stiff, forced-smile expression on her face as she requested to see James Potter.

"Prongsie, dear! Your lover's come!" Sirius called out rather loudly, flashing Lily a smile.

Lily went red from embarrassment. There were many whispers going on downstairs in the Common Room. Great. Just great. Now people were going to think that she liked the git.

"Come to say sorry, I s'ppose?" James asked calmly, his figure leaning against the doorway. His hazel eyes bore into Lily's eyes. Even though Lily wouldn't admit it then, she thought him very fit and attractive like that.

Lily ignored his comment and sighed impatiently. "Listen, Potter, I'm sor—"

James held up his hand. "No need. You might regret it later, Evans." James had a twinkle in his eye as he shut the door in Lily's face.

Lily gaped at the door and walked back, confused. Normally the James Potter way to act would be to make her beg a while or make her agree to do something for him. But her apology had actually been refused today. Not even taken smugly. What had the world come to?

She was halfway up the stairs of the girls' dormitory when suddenly, she heard an amplified voice exploding from the middle of the Common Room.

"Ladies and gentlemen! May I have the honor of having your undivided attention?"

Lily whirled around, flying down the stairs, and squeezed between the numerous people to see what was happening. She knew that voice. It belonged to that prick. As she reached the open, her eyes got huge.

James Potter had her diary.

author note:

Thank you for being such a wonderful person and reading this! Yes, I know I'm not the greatest writer, so please give reviews and constructive criticism! It doesn't really help if you write 'this story sucks.' You can write that, of course, but please add why it does, so I can improve. Thank you! The next chappie will be up soon and as always, you can make requests or send in ideas and I'll do my best to see what I can do. Oh yes, I'm not a big fan of long chapters, because I think you might get bored to death (if you aren't already) of my story. Thanks again.

Much love,
