J.C. the Wabbit: (slaps forehead) Argh! I knew I forgot someone. Thanks for the reminder Acosta….
Well, shall I continue?
The TrainEr hem…The train was halfway on the tracks when Bugs and Lola were just feet away.
"We're gonna make it!" yelled Bugs
"We're not gonna make it!" yelled Lola
They had to decide fast. Soon it will be too late to do anything. Should they pull on the reigns or kick with their spurs? It means life or death.
"AHH!" yelled Bugs and Lola together, "WHOA!"
They pulled on the reigns and their horses skidded on the dirt road. They stopped inches away from the track. The train passed in front of them just as they stopped.
"That was too close," said Lola
"Argh! He's getting away! Can't this train move any faster?" said Bugs impatiently
Copper and Joy were trotting impatiently to and fro, waiting for the train to pass so they can resume the chase. The caboose passed them but to their surprise, Sam's horse was on the other side.
"Huh? Where's Sam?" wondered Lola
They heard maniacal laughter in the distance getting lower and lower as it moved away from them.
"He's on the train!" yelled Bugs
They looked and there was Sam on the caboose waving at them with an evil grin. They both chased the train. Sam saw them coming and ran inside the train. Bugs was on one side and Lola on the other side of the train. They got in close and grabbed the bars of the train. They climbed onto them, hopped over, and landed on the floor at the same time. Joy and Copper were still running beside the train as Bugs and Lola entered the train.
The people inside were a bit surprised to see two rabbits walk in from the back door. Bugs and Lola searched the car and moved to the next one. Still no Sam. The next car was a supply car. There were wooden crates staked on top of each other and hardly any move to walk. They heard someone then stood still. Lola saw one of the boxes move, "look out!" she yelled. She quickly pushed Bugs out of harms way as it fell. "Tanks," he said. Another box fell and they dodged that one as well. A third one fell and that one nearly got them. A door on the other side was opened then shut again. They followed it.
As they walked out, they saw Sam climb over some boxes that were on the flatbed car. They followed him.
"Stop!" they yelled
"Make me, rabbits!" yelled Sam as he climbed over the logs on the next flatbed car. He turned and fired on them with his six shooters. Bugs and Lola took cover behind the crates and shot back with their own guns. Sam shot like a madman. Bugs came from behind his crate and shot Sam's gun right out of his hand. Sam then used the gun that he had left and focused on Bugs. Lola took that opportunity to shoot Sam's other gun out of his hand. Now that he was unarmed, Bugs and Lola came out of their hiding places and went after Sam. Sam then quickly cut of the harness of the logs just as Bugs and Lola were climbing over them. The logs rolled over the side of the train. Bugs and Lola jumped from log to log trying not to fall. In the meantime, Sam climbed to the top of the next car and ran towards the front of the train. As the last log rolled off, they landed on the car.
"Darn him," muttered Lola, "I lost my gun down there."
"We gotta keep following him," said Bugs
"He went up there,"
"I'll take da high road, you take da low road,"
Bugs climbed to the top of the next car, while Lola went through the door. Bugs saw Sam ahead jumping towards the next car. Bugs was quick and caught up with him soon enough.
"Stop!" yelled Bugs
Sam stopped in the center of the third car.
"You wouldn't shoot a man in the back, would you?"
Bugs aimed at him. Sam turned around.
"You're worse than I thought. You think you're the hero, well your not! You're just some vigilante! You have no respect for the law!"
"Look whose talking about 'respectin' da law'! You're da worst criminal of dem all! You betrayed dese people! All for money and power!"
"Money and power is everything! It's the only thing that matters!"
"Dere are more important tings!"
"There is nothing else! There's nothing like walking around like a king! With servants throwing themselves at your feet!"
Bugs at that instant dropped face down on top of the train.
"Like that!" said Sam. Then CRASH! He was hit in the back as the train went through a tunnel. He fell forward and onto the train, behind Bugs. Bugs couldn't move because he was really close to the ceiling of the tunnel. Sam, however, was able to slip down, and walk into the car. He dashed passed that car and the next, which all had passengers. The third was a dark storage car. He tried moving past the things inside until he heard a noise.
"W-who's there?" he asked
Then someone slammed him against the wall. He looked around, and then he was punched across the face and fell towards some boxes. He then saw a pair of piercing blue eyes before being smacked again. The train exited the tunnel, and some light entered the car. Sam was on top of a crate. Its contents caught his attention. He grabbed the item and stuffed it in his pocket, before Lola lifted him up by his shirt collar.
"Where do you think you're going, shorty?" she said
"Let me go!" he yelled trying to pry her grip open.
"Now you know I can't do that. You're going to pay for what you've done to Sherrock!"
"Grr…" grumbled Sam. He then grabbed her hand and sunk his teeth into her hand.
"Ahh!" she yelled as she flung him off. She held her hand, then glared at Sam.
"YOU DOG!" she yelled as she ran to him and kicked him like a football. She sent him flying through the door, over the coal car and onto the engine. Where the conductor and his assistant were shocked to see him. Sam was dizzy as he got up.
"What happened to you?" asked the conductor as he and the assistant tried to help him.
Bugs had appeared from the top of the storage car and jumped onto the coal car. Lola emerged from the storage car and climbed onto the coal car following Bugs.
Sam saw them coming. He shook off the conductor and his assistant.
"It ends here!" yelled Sam. He took out a bundle of T.N.T sticks from his jacket pocket.
Bugs leaped into the air, grabbed the top of the car and kicked Sam as he swung from it. Sam hit the controls as he fell. He saw the fire inside and lit the dynomite. He was about to throw it at them, but it slipped out of his hands. It fell right into the engine's fire.
"Oops…" muttered Sam
It exploded and they were all blasted onto the coal car. Sam was out. The others shook themselves and looked at the damage the blast created. The engine was on fire, but it was still going.
"Oh no! Runaway train!" yelled the assistant
"We have got to do something!" yelled the conductor, "If we don't make the switch at the fork that's coming ahead, we'll go over the rotten bridge and fall to our deaths!"
"We got to unlatch da engine from da train!" said Bugs
They all climbed off the coal car and towards the storage car. Lola and Bugs used all of their strength to unlatch the car. They then unlocked it and the train was released from the engine and beginning to slow down. At that instant Sam appeared and tried to attack them with the coal shovel.
"No!" Bugs was the first to react by grabbing the shovel before it struck Lola. He pushed him off, but Sam pulled Bugs into the car with him.
"Bugs!" yelled Lola as she was about to jump after them, but the conductor stopped her.
"No! You'll never make that jump!" he begged. He was right, the gap had gotten to large to jump over.
Bugs was on his own.
Bugs and Sam were still struggling with the shovel. They were in a power war. Bugs had the obvious advantage, because Sam was worn out. Bugs punched him, and Sam fell on top of the coals. Bugs knew he had to escape. He was about to get out when Sam struck him on the head with a coal. Bugs slipped and fell onto the coals. Sam was about to strike again, but an explosion from the engine knocked him down. Time was racing…
Even though the train lost its engine, it still had a lot of momentum and was moving fast (darn physics!). They were approaching the fork in the track.
"You have a gun?" asked Lola to the conductor
"Yeah," he said handing it o her. Lola steadied herself and aimed at the switch. She fired and the switch changed. The train went safely onto its rightful course. Lola blew the smoke away from the gun and handed it back to the conductor.
"Thanks," she said
"Nice shot," he said dazed
The train was slowing down. Lola looked over the side and whistled. She looked back at them and winked, before she jumped off the train. They quickly looked over the side and saw that she was riding her white horse in the other direction.
"I wonder who that blonde beauty was?" asked the conductor
"Yeah," answered the assistant
Bugs recovered from the blast only to find that they were approaching the bridge. Sam got up and tried to fight Bugs again. Bugs only blocked Sam's weak punches.
"Sam, we got to get off!" said Bugs
"NO! I'll…never give myself up!" said Sam obviously tired out
A rumbling was heard. The bridge was starting to collapse! The engine trembled as the bridge was giving in under its weight. Bugs had to take measures into his own hands. He grabbed Sam by his shirt and jumped off the car and onto the tracks. He ran towards the cliff. The bridge finally gave way and the burning steamer fell into the abyss below. The rest of the bridge was collapsing. Bugs had to keep running. He was feet away from the cliff when it collapsed underneath him. He jumped and he held onto a foundation that was still attached to the cliff. He was hurt but was he holding on with all his strength. He still had Sam by the collar.
"Why don't ya just let me fall, rabbit? Wouldn't you want to see me die?" muttered an exhausted Sam, "Isn't that what you want?"
"No!" said Bugs, "Dat would be too easy."
"You still have too pay for what you've done here on oit," (J.C.: He means earth…)
Bugs was holding on. But the foundation was giving way. It was cracking apart.
"Hold on!" yelled Bugs
The foundation broke and they both were falling into the dark canyon; until a rope came from above and lassoed around Bugs' feet. He looked up. It was Lola!
"Hang on!" she yelled
"Don't have much of a choice!" he shouted with a grin
"Come on Copper, Joy! Pull!" commanded Lola
Lola and the two horses pulled on the rope. Bugs was lifted up along with Sam safely towards the ledge of the cliff. With a final pull, they were safely on solid ground. Sam was out cold, but still alive. Bugs untied the ropes from his legs and Lola helped him up.
"Thanks for coming back, Lola," said Bugs
"Aww, don't mention it," said Lola with a smile
They embraced each other and were about to kiss when Copper came and pulled on Bugs' vest.
"Hey dere, Copper," he said petting him, "I know you were worried about me. Thanks old friend."
They laughed at Copper's display of affection.
"Let's go back," said Lola, mounting Joy.
Bugs picked up the unconscious Sam and placed him on Copper. Bugs mounted Copper and they all rode back to Sherrock.
Later in Sherrock…
The people rejoiced upon the sight of Bugs and Lola entering town with their capture. They took Sam, Canasta, Smith and other members of Sam's army to the jail. Daffy slammed the jail door and locked it up.
"Ha ha!" grinned Daffy, "You're under arrest for being the worst criminals this town has ever seen!"
"Finally! Justice will be done!" exclaimed Sylvester
"We've waited so long for this day," said Lola
"I though I'd never live to see it," said Pa
They all walked triumphantly out of the jail. Sylvester then addressed the town.
"People of Sherrock, we are finally free of Mayor Sam's evil rule!"
"Yay!" cheered the crowd
"It was truly a sight to see all of you band together for a single cause. It goes to show that we all can make a difference. We have liberated our town!"
"Yeah!" they cheered
"Now, only two things remain. First we must choose a new mayor,"
The crowed looked amongst themselves.
"We must choose someone with bravery, skills, honesty, and must be good looking," said Sylvester being all full of himself
"Oh yeah he's talking about me for sure!" said Sheriff Daffy
Melissa rolled her eyes, while Bugs and Lola shook their heads.
"Thank you thank you! You're too kind!" said Daffy coming up to him and shaking Sylvester's hand
"Actually I was thinking…someone like m.."
"BUGS BUNNY!" yelled the crowd
"WHAT!" yelled Daffy
"I guess Bugs would be a better choice..." mumbled Sylvester
"Me?" said Bugs, "Oh but I'm so unimportant…" he said coyly
"Unimportant? Bugs, you're very important to us, to me," said Lola
"Thanks you guys, but I can't accept,"
"Cause I think there's someone more qualified to be mayor of Sherrock than I am,"
"Now the rabbit is talking sense," said Daffy
"Well, who is qualified? Wink wink nudge nudge…" said Sylvester slyly
"No one is more qualified than Milton Bunny," said Bugs
"Who?" they said together
"Oh! Him?"
"Why me?' said Pa
"You've been fighting for the town longer than any of us. You've been fighting for years, and I've been fighting only for a few days. Someone with as much dedication and heart as you should be the leader of this town," explained Bugs
Everyone looked at each other then nodded. They all applauded in approval. Bugs and the others clapped as well.
"It's unanimous!" said Bugs
Pa stepped forward.
"Very well. I Milton 'Pa' Bunny will do my best as Mayor of Sherrock,"
"Yay!" cheered the crowd
"For my first act as Mayor, I will appoint a deputy mayor. For this I choose…Sylvester the Cat,"
Sylvester rushed to his side and shook his hand.
"Thank you!" he said, "We'll make a great team!"
He wrapped his arm around Pa and they did a victory pose. Daffy sulked.
"For my second act, I will grant the Sheriff a new jail and a better salary,"
"Now we're talkin'!" said Daffy gleefully as he shook Mayor Milton's hand
"Now that the first issue is dealt with," said Sylvester, "we have the second issue to deal with…Let's party!"
"Yee haa!" cheered the crowd
The people partied and celebrated their freedom. There was music and dance everywhere. They created a bonfire in the center of town.
"Lets show them how to party!" said Petunia
"Let's d-d-d-boogie!" said Porky
All of the Hamotas started to dance around the bonfire in their traditional dance. Some of the townspeople even joined the dance.
"Eh heh heh heh," laughed Elmer as he was pulled into the dance. It was quite the party.
Sheriff Daffy was admiring his brand new Sheriff's uniform in his office.
"You hunk of feathers you," said Daffy in front of a mirror. He then got bright eyed when he saw Melissa's reflection in the mirror. She giggled when he turned around.
"How long were you there?" said Daffy
"Long enough…" said Melissa still giggling
Daffy chuckled in response. Melissa approached him and tickled his chin.
"I love a Duck in uniform," she said lovingly
"You do?" said Daffy getting a little nervous
"Yeah" she said before kissing him on the beak.
Daffy went crazy. "WOO HOO!" he cheered as he bounced off the walls until he floated down gently to earth. He shook his head, grabbed Melissa casanova style and said, "Come here, baby!" They then shared a passionate kiss.
There was a great feast and everyone was chowing down. Roadrunner was enjoying some corn on the cob. Little did he know someone was watching him from atop a building.
"Sorry, little friend," thought Wile E, "but our contract is null and void."
He was going to use his new bow to launch himself at Roadrunner. He readied himself and placed an arrow head on his nose. When he aimed, Roadrunner was gone. He looked around. Then…BEEP BEEP! Wile E. was startled and he released himself, he flew and went straight into a pole. Wile E lifted a sign that read, "OUCH!" Roadrunner cocked his head then blew a raspberry. He lifted his leg, then zoomed off again. Beep beep!
Pa appared from his office, wearing new clothes, followed by his new deputy mayor, Sylvester. They walked amongst the crowd, shaking their hands.
"So, what do you plan to do for the town, Mayor?" asked Sylvester
"Well, lowering taxes is a priority. Also, we should rethink how we manage the money around here," replied Pa
"As was I, I already devised a new financial plan. Look here," he said handing him a paper
"Hmm…looks interesting. But, we shouldn't be working, we should be celebrating today!"
"You're right!"
"I wonder if my granddaughter is enjoying herself…" said Pa
Bugs and Lola were in an alleyway, all alone. They were currently in another lip-lock session.
"Mmm," they groaned
They released the kiss and looked into each others eyes.
"I don't want this to end," said Lola
"Me neddur," replied Bugs
They were about to kiss again when a shout interrupted them.
"I say it's a great! I say great day! Hey you two! Hey you kids come out from that dark alley way! Come out to where everyone can see ya! I say come on! Come on out!" shouted Foghorn as he spotted the two figures in the alley. He then got a good look at them.
"Hey! Is that…"
BONK! Bugs wacked him with a mallet to shut him up. He and Lola then picked him up and threw him into an empty barrel.
"Hey you guys!" shouted Sylvester as he found them
Bugs and Lola turned around quickly and tried to look casual.
"Come on! Their serving the 'good stuff' over at the mayor's office! Let's go!" said Sylvester pulling them towards the office
They went over to the office and there were serving the 'good stuff' all around. They drank and celebrated well into the sunset.
"I'd like to make a toast!" said Pa, "To Sherrock!"
"To Freedom," added Sylvester
"To Justice," added Bugs
"To Love," added Lola
They held their glasses up and drank. Sylvester was getting really drunk, as were some of the others around.
"Hey Bugs," said Sylvester putting an arm around him, "you want some more?"
"Nah, I'm ok doc," answered Bugs
"C'mon! It's our victory celebration! Have some more!" he said filling up a glass with an unsteady hand. Pa was a little concerned.
"Sylvester are you ok?" asked Pa
"Heh heh…" chuckled Sylvester before collapsing
"I think that's a little bit too much partying for you," said Pa
They both picked him up. After helping Sylvester, Bugs looked up.
"Where's Lola?" he asked
"She never liked it when men got drunk," said Pa
"Hmm…where'd she go?" wondered Bugs
Bugs got up to look for her. He looked around, until he finally found her. She was sitting atop the stables, where Copper and Joy were trotting around, she was looking at the sunset.
"Hey," he called
"Hey," she answered back
He sat next to her on the fence.
"What's up doc?" asked Bugs
"Nothin' just had to be alone for a moment," said Lola
"The sunset, our first free sunset,"
"Oh, right,"
"Now, it seems even more beautiful than before. No longer worrying about being harassed by Sam,"
"Yeah, it's a relief,"
"I can get used to this," she said before pausing, she let out a little disappointed sigh
"What is it?"
"There's only one thing wrong with this," she said looking away from him, "now that's all over, you have no reason to stay here."
"You're wrong about that. I do have a reason to stay," said Bugs turning her face to look into her eyes, "you."
She smiled in response. He brought her in close and kissed her tenderly.
"Hey! I say! Why did you do that!" said Foghorn as he found them. They ignored him. "You kids are as bad as….OW!" yelled Foghorn as Copper kicked him. Foghorn fell backwards and little Tweety birds circled his head. That's what he gets for being a loudmouth!
As we look upon the town, we can see that all's well that ends well.