Warning: This chapter contains violence and gore.

Trigon stood there, and instead of attacking, he was intrigued as to what was unfolding.

"This may be more fun that I originally expected." The four-eyed devil chuckled as he called forth even more minions to his whim.

The Titans and Justice League paired off to fend off their attack. Superman went with Cyborg, Batman with Robin, Wonder Woman with Starfire, Green Lantern with Beast Boy and Hawkgirl with Terra.

Splitting into these smaller groups proved to go in favor of the last defense for Earth as they staved off the first wave. Although they were exhausted from the previous battle, the Titans were actually having the time of their lives. The heroes they respected and tried to model themselves after their entire careers were fighting alongside them; all of them accept Robin though.

To him, it brought back bittersweet memories. It was good to fight alongside the man who taught him everything he knew, but he was frustrated because he wanted to break away from being under the Dark Knights' wing. Every time he looked in Batman's direction, he still felt that he was still calling him a kid.

"I'm not a kid!" He thought angrily as he destroyed another demon.

For what seemed like an eternity, they kept fighting and each time it seemed that they made a dent in Trigons' army, another squad came at them.

"This is getting us nowhere!" Cyborg exclaimed as he threw a demon to the ground, then put his sonic cannon to its head and blew it off.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" Superman asked.

Cyborg looked up at his T-Car. "As a matter of fact, I do." He smiled. "Can you lift me up to my car?"

Superman punched a hole in another monster and ripped it in half, before taking his Cybernetic partner to his car.

Cyborg got in and pressed a series of buttons which caused the T-Car to adjust its shape. The wheels moved out, then under it to lift it up, then it turned around and opened up to reveal a huge sonic cannon with Cyborg in the main seat.

"I had this built in case we were attacked by another threat like Brother Blood or Slade. Tell 'em to get clear!" He yelled as he powered it up.

Superman pulled out his communicator and told all of them to get out of the way. When Cyborg saw it was clear, he pressed the fire button on each side causing the newly formed T-Car to vibrate then shoot an immense blue beam that obliterated nearly everything in sight.

All of them were completely astonished by the damage that it did, and even Trigon was surprised as well; but he smiled again as he spawned more of his followers.

"Can it fire again?" The Man of Steel asked.

"Give me twenty seconds."

The Justice League and Titans did just that and gave him another shot as Raven and Flash joined the fray also. Nothing was left after that blast, and the same was the power in the T-Car. It was obvious though that Trigon was annoyed and raised his hand and fired a blast above Cyborg. The impact loosened up several large boulders that fell on him and crushed him.

All of them looked in horror and Ravens' father smiled delightfully at the carnage he caused.

"Now that that nuisance is gone, I think I'll have some fun." He chuckled as he began to shrink in size.

He called off the remaining hoard and told them that he would handle the rest himself. All four of his eyes shined blood-red, as did Raven's.

"I want you." He beckoned as he pointed at the Man of Tomorrow.

Superman responded by popping his neck and knuckles before flying at Trigon and punched him right in the face. The impact caused a slight shockwave that sent the demon flying into the nearby mountain.

The others were standing back getting their breath. They knew that Superman was practically the only one who had a chance of stopping him, so they made sure to give him his space. Trigon popped out from the rubble and landed a punch as equally devastating as the one he received.

"He hits as hard as Doomsday! Maybe even harder!" Superman thought as he regained his composure in mid-air.

Batman watched as both engaged in a test of strength, when he suddenly felt a warm, piercing sensation coming from his abdomen. He looked down to see a spear sticking through him and shakily turned around to see a four-eyed Raven smiling at what she had just done.

"W-Why?" He gasped as he fell over.

All of them except Starfire were engrossed in the colossal battle unfolding in front of them to notice what happened.

"Why would you do such a thing Raven?!" She asked as she flew towards her friend, only to see that it wasn't Raven, but a full-demon Raven.

The possessed Raven smiled again and grabbed Starfire's throat and with incredible demonic strength, she choked her former friend out and broke her neck. She dropped Starfire's limp body and moved to her next victim.

Green Lantern sensed something was amiss as the other demons began attacking again, but when he tried to use his ring, it sparked, signaling that it was out of energy. Raven picked up an axe and morphed it with her newfound powers and sliced him in half from behind.

Flash saw what happened and dispensed of the demons around him and headed for Raven, but before he could attack her, she used her powers to grab hold of his costume and held him in place while some other demons mutilated him.

His screams of anguish made the others look in his direction, only to see pieces of him fall to the ground.

Wonder Woman was torn between wanting to stop her or help out Superman because she saw he was losing the battle against Trigon. Her eyes widened when she saw Ravens father split into two forms of him to take out her long-time friend and rushed to his aid.

Hawkgirl cried out in anger as she bashed each demon that blocked her path towards Raven. She swung her magical mace with great fury as she came closer and closer to her target, but before she has a chance to do anything, Raven threw a well-timed sword that sliced her head off.

It was all down to Robin, Beast Boy and Terra. They were running on fumes and were surrounded by demons as their friend slowly walked closer to them. Terra was used to running away all her life, but her body was too weak to do what her mind wanted to do.

Beast Boy sensed it and hugged the girl he cared more than anything about. He looked into her eyes and held her tightly. He knew that it wasn't Raven and he couldn't fight someone who had been there for him for so long. So he welcomed death for both of them as a pack of demons slaughtered them.

Robin was now by himself. The only ones who could help him were fighting for their lives against Trigon. His costume was torn up and blood leaked from the cuts he had all over his body. Blurred vision also made it hard for him to even stand and for the first time in his life since becoming a Titan, he gave up.

An eerie smile crept across Raven's face as she raised her hand and charged a blast to kill him, but just before she fired, her eyes went normal. The red and black mixed energy turned white, then back as it fired and went right through Robin's heart. He slowly fell down as Raven looked on.

Wonder Woman used her lasso to tie up one of the Trigons, then lifted him up and slung him into the mountain, then the ground and repeated it several times. She then lifted him up by his blood-soaked hair and prepared the final punch, but Raven used her powers to bind Wonder Woman's bracelets together and gave her father the chance to finish her off, which he did by hitting her in the stomach so hard that his arm went through her. Her Amazonian blood rolled off his arm after he pulled her limp body off of it and slung it to the ground.

A trickle of blood escaped Trigons' lower lip after a powerful punch from Superman. Both beings were to the brink of exhaustion, but they flew at each other again and as if it was a remake of the battle between Doomsday and Superman, they both hit each other with a force so strong that it caused a shockwave that went as far as the eye could see. They both stood there for a few seconds; neither of them moved, until Superman groaned and fell to the ground. Trigon, who was out of breath, moved over for the kill, but saw that he wasn't moving, Superman literally died by fighting until his heart exploded.

Seeing that there was no one left to stop him, he merged back with his other self and waited for his daughter to be standing next to him. He moved his broken jaw back in place and shifted some broken ribs in place as well.

"That one put up quite a fight. I would never have expected so much from him. He truly was a good challenge." He said in-between breathes.

Raven walked up next to him, then he turned around and with a multitude of dead bodies laying in an ocean of blood, they headed for the nearest civilization—Jump City.