This is my first fanfic guys so please be gentle. Frey from Alice 19th is in this. There is a bit of OOC, sorry about that. I know the part where they're on the road is redundant and the other POV's aren't needed during that part. The song Tatsuha sings is 'Suteki da ne' written by Nobuo Uematsu (musical genius). You would have heard it in Final Fantasy 10, when Tidus and Yuna kiss. Well wish me luck! I hope you like it. Write lots of reviews please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation or any of the characters from Gravitation. I also do not own Alice 19th or any of the characters. The song 'Suteki da ne' is not mine either.


Frey's Point Of View

I crawled out of bed as quietly as possible. I slipped on my clothes as quietly as possible. I gathered my things as quietly as possible. As I reached for the door, I hesitated. I'd gone through many one-night stands in my day. Sneaking out of girl's rooms before dawn, something I was no stranger to. Perhaps I was wrong to leave this time. I had just shared a bed with thee Eiri Yuki. The complexity of the writer's attitude isn't what kept me there. It wasn't his astounding beauty. It wasn't his fame and fortune. It was his gender as well. I'd snuck out of many girls rooms, but never any guys. I didn't know if the same rules applied. Frankly, I didn't even know how I'd come to sleeping with men. I used to love women. Somehow I changed. I know who's to blame. It's Kyo Wakamiya's fault. That's who I have to blame. One slip and an accidental kiss (which I personally think wasn't an accident on Kyo's part) started my maddening thoughts. Soon I was judging guys. Eventually I lost interest in girls entirely. Unfortunately by the time I decided to leave, Yuki was already awake. "Oh, leaving are you? Don't let me stop you," Yuki said coolly. He was pretty good at that. He lit a cigarette. I don't like smokers, but what did he care? I was leaving soon anyway, so I didn't remind him. I picked up my bag again and started to walk out. Yuki's expression remained the same. I closed the door. I walked into the living room and ran into this adorable little boy with pink hair. "Oh you're so cute! Where'd you come from," I couldn't help but squeal.

Yuki's Point Of View

I heard Frey getting out of bed. He dressed and gathered his things. I thought he was going to leave, and was relieved that he was, but he didn't. He stood by the door for a long time. I hoped he would just leave. He just stood there in my room thinking. "Oh, leaving are you? Don't let me stop you," I said at last. I lit a cigarette. I knew he hated smokers and it would get him to leave. He did what I expected. He picked up his bag and left. "Finally," I sighed when he closed the door. I was planning to go to sleep when I heard Frey squeal, "Oh you're so cute! Where'd you come from?" I knew who he was talking to. It was that damn brat Shuichi. Why now of all times? I dragged myself out of bed. "Yuki," Shuichi said love struck.

Shuichi's Point Of View

I snuck into Yuki's house. He'd kicked me out again, because I'm stupid. I thought I could apologize and make things alright once again. When I walked into his house, I found a strange surprise. It was a tall man with long blonde hair. He had one braid in the front that was longer than the rest of his hair. He was very good looking. I ran right into him. "Oh, you're so cute! Where'd you come from," he squealed. I really didn't care about him. When I saw Yuki come out of the bedroom I couldn't help shouting "Yuki!" I pushed past the strange man. "I told you to get the hell away from me you damn brat. You're too much trouble," Yuki said. They were harsh words, but it's what I usually got from him, so I didn't sweat it. "Oh Yuki it's been so long since I've heard the sound of your voice," I cried. It had actually been three weeks. "Why don't you go find some one else who's willing to put up with you?" "Yuki I could never." He pushed me against the wall. I thought he was going to kiss me. "Don't you get it? I want you gone. I'm tired of you." He pushed hard against me. He was hurting me, on purpose! He was really serious this time. I tried to escape, but he just pushed harder. I decided to wait until later when he cooled off. "I'll go," I said. Yuki didn't let up. "You don't understand. You have to go away. Forever. You can't wake up one day and decide to come back here and see me." Yuki let me go. I made it to the door before I started crying. Then Yuki said the worst thing possible, "I don't love you anymore." I ran out crying.

Frey's Point Of View

I watched the entire scene in awe. I knew Yuki could be cold, but this was harsh even for him. "I don't love you anymore," Yuki said. The pink haired boy ran out crying. "You didn't have to be so mean," I said. "Forget about it. He's not welcome here anymore." I'd hate to think what Yuki will do to me once he's done with me. Yuki sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I just shrugged and sat down next to him. There was nothing more for me to do. "I thought you were leaving," Yuki said. He didn't take his eyes off the TV. "Changed my mind," I decided.

In The Studio

Hiro's Point Of View

Shuichi came into the studio looking depressed. It wasn't anything new and we all assumed it had something to do with Eiri Yuki. Yuki had said he needed space so Shuichi hadn't seen him for three weeks. My guess was Yuki wanted just a little more time then that. "Cheer up Shu," I said. He didn't want to cheer up I knew that. "How can I cheer up? My life is over." He walked hunched over and let his knuckles drag. "Did Eiri kick you out again?" He nodded and whimpered. "It's okay Shu. He'll take you back eventually and you know it. So does he." "No he won't. He told me so. He doesn't love me anymore. He doesn't want anything to do with me." "He always says that and always takes you back. What makes this any different?" "He was so mean," Shuichi sniffed. I hugged him. Fujisaki and Mr. K decided it was safe to come in at last. "Ready to sing Mr. Shindo," Fujisaki asked. Shuichi sang, but I knew he wasn't really in the mood.

At Yuki's house

Yuki's Point Of View

Frey the freeloader stayed and watched TV all day. At least Shuichi had a job…sort of. I stayed in the living room to work on my latest novel. Frey barely moved or said anything. It was a nice change from the over hyperactive Shuichi. I decided to do something I hadn't for a while. I picked up my keys, a pack of cigarettes, and a can of Wud Biser off the counter. "Where are you going," Frey asked finally taking his eyes off the TV. "For a drive," I said leaving.

Frey's Point Of View

Yuki just left me. Perhaps he thought I was being to lazy or boring or something. I had a rough night, he should know. I laid my head down on a pillow on the couch. It smelled sweet like that pink haired boy. The pillow had been signed by several people including the very famous (and cute) Ryuichi Sakuma. I couldn't help but squeal and hug the pillow. Just then I heard some one at the door. I was getting up to open it, but who ever it was had a key. It was Yuki, but his hair was black. "Yuki what were you thinking dying your hair that color!" "I'm not Yuki! Where's big bro? Where's Shuichi?"

On the Road

Yuki's Point Of View

I saw my brother's car pulling into the apartment parking lot. I didn't have time for his, or anyone's games at the moment. I figured Frey would be gone bye the time I got back. I knew he wasn't as rude, persistent, or reckless as Shuichi. He would get the hint that I wanted him gone. Unlike that damn brat. Why can't I get him out of my head? Frustrated I pushed hard on the gas pedal. I could see Shuichi's partner Hiro in the rearview mirror. I wasn't sure if he was following me, or just happened to be there. He sped up as I did. He kept up with me well. I slowed so he could pull up next to me. "STOP," he yelled. He veered off to the left and waited for me there. I went a little ahead of him and parked on the side of the road. "I didn't think you'd stop. Did I keep up all right," he asked with pride. "Not bad for the piece of junk you're riding," I said knocking him off his horse. "Hey it's not a piece of junk! You insult my bike you're insulting me. I'm not gonna stand here take that just 'cause Shuichi loves you. You've got some nerve just 'cause you've got that fancy car!" I couldn't help but notice all of the grammatical errors he made. He sounded like Shuichi the way he complained. "You are becoming a pain," I said. I desperately needed a cigarette, which I had left in the car. I moved to open the door and Hiro grabbed my hand. "Don't you think you can just drive away from me." I pushed his hand away and opened the door. "Oh," he said surprised. "You should really quit, it's bad for you," Hiro said. "Did you come here to lecture me on my bad habits?" "Well yeah, but different ones. What do you think you're doing playing with Shuichi's heart the way you do?" "And so our knight Hiro comes to the rescue," I blurted. "Damn right! Shuichi's a pain we all know that, but." I cut him off at but. "So then tell me why I'm going to bother wasting my time with that damn brat." "You bastard!" Hiro went to punch me but was stopped. "Don't you even dare attempt to do damage to his beautiful face. It's his bussiness you know." "What he's not a geisha!" "Frey, unlike Shuichi, I don't need anyone to come to my rescue." "Just thought I'd repay you for last night," he said with a smirk and a wink. "After all Shu's done for you," Hiro said shaking himself free. He looked disappointed. Well that was too damn bad for him.

Hiro's Point Of View

I couldn't believe this Eiri Yuki guy. He knew how Shuichi felt for him just as well as I did. How could he just turn away from like that? I followed him from his home. I pulled up to his car on the freeway and yelled "STOP!" He got the message and pulled over after I did. "I didn't think you'd stop. Did I keep up all right," I asked with a sense of pride. "Not bad for the piece of junk you're riding," he said. "Hey it's not a piece of junk! You insult my bike you're insulting me. I'm not gonna stand here take that just 'cause Shuichi loves you. You've got some nerve just 'cause you've got that fancy car!" I knew I sounded like Shuichi. I think it bothered him. "You are becoming a pain," he said. He moved to open the door and I grabbed his hand. "Don't you think you can just drive away from me." He pushed my hand away and opened the door. "Oh," I said surprised when he picked up his cigarettes. "You should really quit, it's bad for you," I advised said. "Did you come here to lecture me on my bad habits?" "Well yeah, but different ones. What do you think you're doing playing with Shuichi's heart the way you do?" "And so our knight Hiro comes to the rescue," he remarked. "Damn right! Shuichi's a pain we all know that, but." He cut me off at but. "So then tell me why I'm going to bother wasting my time with that damn brat." "You bastard!" I was about to punch him but was stopped. "Don't you even dare attempt to do damage to his beautiful face. It's his bussiness you know." "What he's not a geisha!" "Frey, unlike Shuichi, I don't need anyone to come to my rescue." "Just thought I'd repay you for last night," he said with a smirk and a wink. "After all Shu's done for you," I said shaking myself free. I couldn't believe he was being such a jerk.

Frey's Point Of View

I found them just before the boy with long red hair punched Yuki. I wasn't going to let him harm my Yuki. I grabbed his fist. "Don't you even dare attempt to do damage to his beautiful face. It's his bussiness you know." "What he's not a geisha!" "Frey unlike Shuichi I don't need anyone to come to my rescue." "Just thought I'd repay you for last night," I said giving a flirtatious smile. "After all Shu's done for you," the boy said yanking his arm away from me. It seemed like people were making too big a deal of something that was in the past. I figured someday I too would be part of Yuki's past. Better to enjoy the ride.

Shuichi's Point Of View

I was walking down the highway trying desperately to clear my head. What is it I could have done this time? I really didn't know. Cars whizzed past me. Some people yelled out the window at me. One girl screaming "I LOVE YOU SHUICHI SHINDO!" The famous life was a good life, but life was nothing without my Yuki. I felt so lost it was unbearable. I looked ahead and almost couldn't believe my eyes. Hiro and Yuki were driving next to each other. Hiro swerved of to the side of the road and stopped. I jumped behind the bushes and watched. They were talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Then Hiro made a fist. He swung at Yuki, and I was about to yell stop, but realized I couldn't. As if he could hear my thoughts, his fist stopped in mid air. Then I realized the guy with the braid was holding it. Hiro jerked his hand free and sped off on his bike. The guy and Yuki got into Yuki's car and left. "Hiro," I said to myself astonished. He was sticking up for me. He was going to hurt my Yuki for me. My Yuki. The words rang in my head. I remembered why Hiro was defending me and it made me sad. I walked to the park. Lucky for me there was no one there. I slumped down on the park bench. I heard the sound of an acoustic guitar playing. A soft male voice started singing along with the tune. "Tsuki ga yureru kagami ni. Furueta Kokoro. Hoshi ga nagare, koboreta. Yawarakai namida," the voice sang soft and sweetly. It was a love song. I had never heard it before. It was written in Japanese the words meant: 'The moon, a shaking heart in an unsteady mirror The stars, gentle tears in an overflowing stream.' It was beautiful. I wondered who had wrote it. Who did this beautiful voice belong to? It continued to sing low and sweet. "Suteki da ne. Futari te o tori aruketa nara. Ikitai yo. Kimi no machi, ie, ude no naka." I was mesmerized. Then the voice went higher pitched. Innocence rang sweetly with in his tone, he sounded almost like a child, no, more like an angel. "Sono Kao. Sotto Furete. Asa ni tokeru. Yume miru," he finished sweetly. He plucked the strings of the guitar a few moments longer. Finally, I couldn't take it. I followed the sounds of his footsteps. I was very surprised when I at last saw his face. It was Yuki's younger brother, Tatsuha. "Tat…Tatsuha," I stuttered. He winced looking a little embarrassed to be found. "You have such a beautiful voice Tatsuha," I complimented. He shrugged it off. "So do you," he cooed. I nearly melted. He looked like Yuki, but he was so much sweeter. Yuki never complimented my singing. He only said mean things to me. "Why, tha…tha…thank you Tatsuha." "I simply speak the truth. So, how are things with you and Eiri doing?" "You didn't know? They're not good. Once again he says he doesn't want to be with me." "Would you like to know what I think?" I didn't answer because I figured he'd tell me anyway. "Well do you." I nodded slowly. "Okay. I think that you're to good for Eiri. He's a player. He has no consideration for anyone else but himself." "Ain't that the truth," I agreed. He looked at me astonished that I let him get away with saying something bad about Yuki. "Well then, find someone better. Someone who can, treat you right," Tatsuha suggested. "But I don't want anyone else. I love Yuki." "And he loved you too. What did you do this time, it's probably not as bad as it looks." "I don't know what I did. You know how fickle Yuki can be. One day I'm his lover, the next day he's kicking me out again. I just don't understand." "Eiri is a complex soul. There's nothing you can do to make things okay anymore. Do you have a place to sleep right now?" "Not really. I was staying at Hiro's but uh, I don't want to go there right now." "Why don't you come stay with me for a while?" "Okay." He walked me to his car. He said nothing during the walk to the car. Nothing during the ride to his home.