Chains of the Past

A Ranma 1/2 Tenchi Muyo Crossover

Chapter Twenty-One

A/N: It's been too long since I last worked on this fic. Been doing some cleaning and editing to the fic including inserting a chapter where one was but somehow disappeared. I replaced it with a new version.


Shampoo was not happy. Scratch that, she was pissed. If it wasn't for Spatula-girl's interference she would have had Airen by now. Now she has to reevaluate the situation at the house Airen was being held hostage by that mercenary bitch. It seems that the hold that bitch has over her Airen is so great Airen has to even attack her when she was there trying to rescue him. Shampoo was sure Airen knew the law against attacking his wife, so there has to be some big reason why he would attack her.

Shampoo was busy sneaking up to the Masaki house when a hand grabbed her and pulled her back. She quickly swung around and tried to hit the attacker with one of her bonbari, but it was blocked by a arm. "Who dares?" she yelled.

"Keep your voice down," a familiar voice stated. "You don't want to alert them to our presense."

Shampoo keep a defensive stance. "Why lazy-panda here? What lazy-panda want?"

Genma placed a calming hand up. "Just to talk. Can you do that without getting mad?"

Shampoo sneered at Genma while lowering her bonbari. "Talk. Why stop Shampoo?"

"You obviously have no idea who you're dealing with over there." Genma pointed to a spot five feet in fron of where they were standing. "You were about to activate a series of sensors that were just placed today. That would have made things very difficult in the future."

Shampoo glared at Genma. "And how lazy-panda know?"

Genma smirked. "I have been observing the house for the last month and a half. I saw the sensors being installed."

Shampoo looked shocked. "Airen left two months ago. How panda find Airen so fast?"

"I have some inside information," Genma stated with a smirk.

"So why not get Airen now?" She asked curiously.

"That would go against my plan. Right now if I would show my face or my presense that would ruin my work until now."

Shampoo didn't trust Genma. She knew that part of the reason Airen left was to get away from his father, but no specifics were given. Whatever the reason was it was big, so if he was found here Airen would run again. "If I kill panda now Airen be too too happy with Shampoo. Give Shampoo reason why not to kill panda now."

Genam shook his head. "You're not thinking girl. Would Ranma be happy with you if you stole a kill he wanted to do himself? Would you be happy if anyone took a kill you wanted to do yourself?"

Shampoo considered that line of thought for a moment. "Panda have point. Shampoo would be too too mad if kill was taken from Shampoo."

Genma nodded. "I bet you would. I bet you want to kill Nabiki, wouldn't you?"

Shampoo tighten the her grip on her bonbari. "Shampoo want nothing more than to kill mercenary bitch."

"If you charged the house now all that would happen to you is capture. You do realize your great-grandmother is there, right?"

Shampoo looked shocked. "Great-grandmother is there already? This not good. Not good at all."

Genma nodded. "Yes, that isn't good. Good for you at least. I, however, already planned for that ahead of time."

"Why should Shampoo allow Panda to complete plan? Panda want Airen."

Genma smirked. "But that's what I've come to talk to you about. All I want with the boy is about one day of cooropration. Beyond that I don't care what is done with him one bit. Now I need your help with my plan. If you help out I will guarentee both Nabiki and the boy given to you to do whatever you want. What do you say?"

Shampoo looked off to the distance towards the Masaki house for a minute.

"Shampoo listening."


Ukyo has seen some strange sights in her life-time. Being around Ranma always brought some weirdness in one form or another. Seeing Ryoga hooked up to some odd machine with tubes going everywhere looking at a screen with some... interesting pictures topped her list of weird things seen in this life-time. She approached the contraption and saw Washu next to the machine typing on some transparent screen. Washu was at the moment deep in thought. "Maybe I need a drill."

"Drill?" Ukyo asked highly curious.

Washu glanced over towards Ukyo. "Ah, you're up. That's good. How are you feeling?"

Ukyo crossed her arms. "Not so good."

Washu nodded. "It's normal for this stage. I suggest plenty of rest and liquids. And when I say suggest I mean demand."

Ukyo looked at the young scientist. "How old are you?"

Washu smirked. "Curious, are we?"

"I've been in Nerima for too long to assume everything I see is true."

Washu chuckled. "I have to visit this place one day from what I have been hearing. As to your question, I'm over twenty-thousand years old."

Ukyo's eyes bugged out. "Wha-what?"


Ukyo quickly regained her composure. "Well, I was guessing you were about fifty or so, but twenty-thousand..."

Washu shrugged. "You get used to it. At least you went as young a fifty. That's a complement. Nabiki guessed one thousand when we first met." Washu noticed Ukyo's sudden shift to a subdue look. "Too soon to mention her name?"

"I really screwed up didn't I?"

Washu summoned two chairs for them and motioned her to sit down. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"There's no hope for me and Ranma, is there?" Ukyo asked disheartendly.

Washu sighed. "You may not want to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyway. Ranma and Nabiki are in love."

"How could someone like Nabiki love at all?" Ukyo said with a sneer.

Washu raised an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?"

"You don't know much about her, do you?" Ukyo chuckled. "I can see why she wouldn't want to say much. Let me give you some details. She's called the Ice Queen of Furikian High. I hate to say it but she's an excellent business-woman. She sold pictures of her younger sister and Ranma's girl form to the boys at Furikian for quite a sum of money. Hell her best customer was a guy named Kuno Tatewaki. He is obsessed with both her sister Akane and Ranma's girl form."

Washu rested her chin on her hand. "Interesting. Go on."

"She's done just about everything from blackmail to gambling pools. Hell when she was engaged to Ranma she rented out Ranma to me, Shampoo, and Tatewaki's sister Kodachi to take us on dates. She also rented us time with him during a Christmas party a few years ago."

"Why would she do all that?" Washu asked.

Ukyo shrugged. "I don't know. I do know she wasn't the one who was intitally engaged to him from the Tendos. I heard she and her older sister Kasumi pushed the engagement upon their younger sister Akane."

"And this was how long ago?"

Ukyo thought about that for a minute. "A few years ago."

Washu nodded. "I see. You know people can change over time Ukyo. Why is it hard to believe Nabiki can change as well? Or is it you don't want to acknowledge the fact that she can change?"

Ukyo curled up into a ball. "All I wanted was for Ranma to be happy."

Washu got up out of her chair and went up next to Ukyo. "And I'm sure he understands that. But you have to understand that he loves Nabiki and they have gone through a lot together."

"He and Akane went through a lot and they're not together now," Ukyo pointed out. "Hell Akane got kidnapped on several occasions by many different people. What makes the time he spent with Nabiki any different?"

"You will have to ask him," Washu answered. "I suggest talking with Ranma tomorrow. I will however state that don't expect to break up him and Nabiki. It won't work."

"But I love him," Ukyo protested.

"Do you?" Washu countered. "You really need to ask yourself that. Is it love you feel, or is it something that was placed with what Genma feed you?" Washu sighed. "That's why I hate to deal with narcotics. They screw with the mind and distort your perception. Plus with people commonly mistaking obsession for love makes things like this tricky." Washu looked into Ukyo's eyes. "When you talk to Ranma tomorrow I suggest you sort out what you felt for him and see for yourself what you actually feel. Now you better get some sleep. You look very tired."

Ukyo nodded and left the room. Washu smiled. "Now to get back to Ryoga." She pressed a button and some of the clear liquid shot into Ryoga.

He woke up a few seconds later. "Wha-What happened."

"Hello sleepy-head," Wash said cheerfully. "Time to show you a new picture."

Ryoga made the mistake of looking at the screen and passing out froma nose-bleed yet again. Washu gave Ryoga a hooded-look. "She still had her bra and panties on you dolt. How do yo ever plan on getting anywhere with a woman?"


Shampoo thought about Genma's plan. "Panda sure it will work?"

Genma nodded. "I know the boy well. It will work."

Shampoo looked towards the Masaki house. "One month is a long time to wait. Panda sure we can't do it now?"

Genma shook his head. "There are timing issues that make it impossible to do it any other time. It has to be during the wedding."

Shampoo nodded. "Shampoo see. Shampoo will help."

Genma smiled. "Excellent."

A/N: Usual rant. Questions, comments, concerns, complaints, let me know. Until next time Peace!