This is not a complete chapter. I found it lying around and thought I owed it to those who author alerted this story (such optimism! Bless you!) to upload what I did manage to write before all inspiration for this story died. I am sorry I never finished it, and I'm sorry I never will. I know there are those who enjoyed it and stuck by it for so very long (you have the patience of saints). Unfortunately this does mean that I am officially breaking my promise and discontinuing this story. A thousand apologies.
If, however, you are desperate for a conclusion to this story, then I am happy for you to continue it yourselves, and I will post the chapters on here with full credit given. I'm sure that's not really allowed, but I'll do it anyway because I hate abandoning this fic.
Anyway, here it is. Chapter Nine as it was going to be:
It was the morning after the night before, and Draco was most definitely suffering from involuntary post-orgasmic flashbacks. He had to fight to keep an elated grin from becoming permanently plastered to his face, and if he listened to anything his teachers said that morning, he certainly didn't remember it. Images of last night's romp in the prefect's bathroom were on an endless loop in his head and he was finding it impossible to concentrate on anything. He never thought it would be that fun to submit like that to anyone…but then Blaise was turning out to be far from anyone. Merlin, just thinking about him sent shivers down Draco's spine!
The shivers were regrettably short-lived, however. Draco was just making his way to the dungeons when he spied Potter and the Weasel hassling some first-year, demanding to know where he was. That could only mean trouble.
"Are you sure you haven't seen him?" Potter was looming over the child in a surprisingly thug-like way. He was almost putting old Goyle to shame…
The first-year shook his head violently and scurried off, and Potter watched him go, looking at least a little ashamed. While his head was turned, Draco attempted to seize the opportunity and turned in the opposite direction, but it was too late. The Weasel spotted him.
"Oi! Ferret-face! We want a word with you."
"What is it?" Draco sighed, somehow keeping his voice steady while his hand went straight to his wand.
"What's the deal with you and Neville?" Potter demanded, slipping back into his surprising thug stance.
"I don't know what you mean." Draco replied, ignoring the dramatic increase in his heart rate.
"We know there's something going on." said Weasley. "He's been acting weird ever since you two were paired up in Potions."
"And we think we know why." Potter added.
Draco tensed immediately. He had been so distracted by Blaise recently that all previous Neville-related fears had been momentarily forgotten. How careless!
"You're in love with him." said Weasley, with an accusatory tone. Draco blinked. Twice.
"That's ridiculous!" he scoffed. It wasn't a lie, and the truth of his denial must have been apparent in his voice because Potter and the Weasel faltered.
"But..." Potter spluttered, "That night in the dormitory..."
"And you're being all nice to him all of a sudden..." Weasley added.
A great sigh came from behind them, announcing Blaise's presence.
"You Gryffindors are so simplistic." he drawled. "You're confusing love with a stupid boyish crush."
Draco could only gape, hardly believing his ears. What on earth was Blaise trying to do to him? He tried to search his face for some trace of an answer, but only saw an unreadable smirk. Was that a smirk of triumph, or reassurance?
Blaise laughed. "Stop panicking Draco." he said, genuinely amused at the shocked faces that surrounded him. He glanced at Potter and Weasley. "They're not going to tell anyone. They're just concerned about Longbottom and whether or not you're a threat to him."
"And is he a threat to him?" Potter tentatively asked. Again, Blaise simply smirked.
"How can we know for sure?"
At this, Blaise's smirk widened and grew feral.
"He's had a better offer." he growled. Draco barely had time to register what was happening before he felt a hand pull roughly at his neck and a pair of lips press hungrily against his own. He stood, helpless, as Blaise thoroughly kissed him in front of the two Gryffindors, and despite his best efforts he couldn't help but allow a deep, guttural moan to escape from him when Blaise shoved him up against the stone wall of the corridor. This was the trigger to finally snap Potter and Weasley out of their stunned stupor and, coughing in a very manly fashion, they both made a very hasty exit. Satisfied, Blaise pulled away and disappeared through the secret door leading to the Slytherin common room, grinning. Once he regained the ability to think straight, Draco followed him on shaky legs.
On their way back to the Gryffindor tower, Harry and Ron exchanged looks of horror and bewilderment.
"What the hell do you think of that then?" Ron asked. "I thought they were supposed to hate each other now?"
"I don't know." Harry replied. "They deserve each other though."
"Yeah, they're both complete gits. Match made in heaven really. And at least Neville's out of the picture."
Harry frowned. "I hope so." he said. Seeing Blaise kiss Draco had thrown him, and he wasn't so sure he knew what to make of it. Draco and Blaise had been bad enough on their own, but together...well he just didn't know what to make of it. Not at all.
Thank you for reading! Email me if you think you can finish this...