Title: Fix my broken wings
Summary: Malik has no friends, and is being plagued by Yami and his friends, though he doesn't know why. Out of no-where there comes a person that is nice towards him, but can he trust him?
Pairings: I'll tell you later^_^
Warnings: Slight name calling (I guess), mild cursing and Shounen-ai that may become Yaoi.
Disclamer: Don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Nor will I ever, so live with it^_~
Fix my broken wings
The light is yet to be found
I always thought the way you moved meant that you were trying to seduce me. That you were trying to lure me into the depths of your endless eyes.
I like the thought someone tried to get my attention in that sort of way. I liked it that finally someone seemed to like me, and immediately an angelic creature like yourself. The thought that at least one person at school didn't hate me soothed all the beatings and harassments.
But all of that is in the past now. Two days ago you asked me on a dated. Of course, whom would I be to say no? Right. Later I was waiting at the point we should meet, and you didn't come. The next day at school you told me quite coolly it was all a joke. And that I was too trusting if someone was just nice towards me for a second. You grinned, told me to bugger off and walked towards my Yami. My own Yami! And you kissed him. Everybody of your stupid friends saw my mask break. And all the could do was laugh. I turned around and run away with tears streaming down me cheeks. And now, today I have to go to school after yesterday's embarrassment.
And here I am, walking down the parking lot with an heavy feeling. From almost every corner of the school I can feel people watching me. Somehow I make it to the classroom without much trouble and sink down in my seat.
'Hi Malik.' I hear my name being said and look up. I see Yugi standing next to my table, smiling. I snort and turn my head away. I don't want to talk to him, not to any of them. 'Malik? Are you mad?' O Ra! He is just way to dense or too freakin' innocent for his own damned good. I look at him and nod. Almost immediately after that an hurt expression appears on his facial features. 'O, well maybe you want to come and sit with us during lunch break?'
'Yeah, like I would even consider that. After what you and your friends did? I don't think so.' I tell him point blank. Yugi looks at me with big eyes. He almost seems stunned I told him I didn't want to sit with them.
'O-okay. What about you come to the Gameshop with me after school?'
'No fucking way, shrimp. And from where comes the sudden care of my well-being?' I ask him coldly after his stuttered statement. 'But it'll only be you and me! Yami's gone and no-one else will be there!' He almost yells and I look to him. I wonder why he thinks I'll come. 'Yeah, so? I've gotta life to, ya know.'
'Yes, but I'm sure this afternoon you'll be free. I just want to get to know you a little better, okay? So if you feel like it, please come.' He pleads me softly. After that he smiles and runs away. Probably to those friends of his. I sigh and lay my head down on the desk. Why can't life just be simple?
Author's note:
Well, this was a very short chapter… next time I'll try to make it longer.
But I need people to review. If I don't get reviews, I don't continue. Because then I don't know if people read it, and like it. So when I get a comment (if only one) I'll update as soon as possible. I hope you understand^_^
Please review.