Disclaimer: I do not own Escaflowne. All rights belong to Bandai and co. My writing is not for profit and any similarities with other fanfics are not intentional.

Everlasting Love

By Sincerity


The decision to meet Folken in Fanelian's ruins seemed like a good idea. Hitomi had believed his intentions were true and that everything was finally going right. But suddenly…it happened. Things changed for the worst. It wasn't safe in the ruins anymore and it seemed certain Folken had lured them into a trap!

Hitomi ran as quickly as her legs could go. There was no time to think of a plan. Van had stayed behind to distract a dragon and was taking great risk to ensure her safety. But his bravery filled her with fear.

She hesitated and nearly turned back when the sudden roar of another dragon changed her mind. It was close by. The ground trembled and her heart began to pound. Hitomi took off running down what used to be an ally way and leaped over a fallen column. The dusty street was pot-holed with sharp rocks and debris and she couldn't stop her momentum. Her feet slipped on a patch of loose gravel and she fell on her rump so hard that she bit her tongue. Beneath her the ground trembled and an ominous rumble caused the remains of a nearby wall to collapse. The dragon was drawing closer.

Scrambling to her feet Hitomi headed for a broken pillar at the bottom of a large staircase and took the steps two at a time. She had hoped to find a safe hiding place but a massive shadow beat her to the top and disappeared under the pursuing dragon. It glared at her fiercely, clearly communicating ill-intent, and began to stalk down the stairs.

Goosebumps crawled up Hitomi's spine and she watched in horror as it yawned wide to reveal two rows of machete-sharp teeth. She suddenly wondered how getting eating by a dragon would compare to a lion... or a crocodile. But these thoughts were halted as the dragon released a violent roar! Hitomi's knees knocked together and she felt her insides reverberate as she stepped back, too frightened to notice a form swiftly emerge from the shadows behind her.

Suddenly grabbed from behind she half expected to feel the sharp pain of teeth in her flesh. But instead of getting eaten, a low and quiet voice spoke next to her ear.

" Stop struggling."

Hitomi turned her head and found the impassive face of Strategos Folken. Slowly, he backed away and pulled her with him into the tangled ruins of what used to be a house. The dragon drew closer and the ground trembled with each step until it halted in front of their hiding place. Its massive body blocked out what little sunlight reached down between the support beams and left Hitomi and Folken in darkness.

They watched in silence as the dragon began to pace the length of their shelter in mounting aggravation.

" Its trying to reach us!" Hitomi realized in horror and backed up, pressing herself against Folken who rested a firm hand on her shoulder. In her anxiety she stepped on something lumpy and Folken immediately shifted his weight. She felt the lumpiness slip out from under her foot and suddenly realized it had been one of his feet! Hitomi was thankful there was darkness for her cheeks blushed red in embarrassment.

The dragon snarled and with savage determination attacked the support beams, ripping several apart. Sticky saliva splattered all over distressed wood and clouds of dirt filled the air. Hitomi covered her nose as debris settled over her face and hair. She hardly had time to catch her breath before a large snout poked its way inside. Its sudden appearance was enough to send her into a sudden panic.

But Folken anticipated this reaction and covered her mouth. Hitomi grabbed his hand and tensed as he leaned down and shushed her. The snout sniffed and snorted searching for the prey just out of reach. Its desperate rummaging kicked up dust particles that choked their lungs and irritated their eyes. It was during those moments Hitomi yearned for Van and the freedom of space denied her in the tight confines she and Folken shared. And despite the obvious danger of becoming dragon fodder she hoped for an opportunity to run away. Anywhere seemed like nirvana compared to where she stood!

The ground beneath their feet trembled as the dragon shifted and swiftly pulled away. Nervously, Hitomi eyed the shifting shadows and gasped in terror when a huge iris floated down into view. Its shiny conjunctiva reflected everything in a warped exaggeration that reminded her of mirrors in a funhouse. And while her reflection expressed horror Folken's was nonchalant causing her to wonder if he might be a greater danger than the dragon waiting outside.

But after several moments past by uneventfully the eye blinked and pulled away, finally allowing sunlight to filter through. For several moments Folken and Hitomi remained still and listened to the fading rumbles of the dragon's steps. The growing silence stretched on for several minutes until it was obvious no other signs of danger were forthcoming.
Only then did Folken uncover her mouth and loosen his hold. Hitomi released a sigh of relief and moved forward. But suddenly his metal grip tightened and she glanced down at her arm in surprise. Folken's face wore a dark frown and it only took one glance at his expression to cause new panic. In vain she struggled against him even when he grabbed her with both hands.

" Let me go! Let me go!" she shouted and pulled against him with all her might.

" Hitomi…stop…fighting me."

" The dragon left! What do you want!"

Folken tried to calm her but she was being unreasonable. " Stop struggling!" he commanded with no small amount of frustration.

While he wrestled with her arms Hitomi kicked back to hit his shins. And there was a brief moment of hope when her left sole hit hard enough to make him grunt. But all her efforts ended abruptly when he raised her off the ground.

" Are you ready to listen to me now?" He asked with an undertone of chastisement that instantly filled her with guilt.

Hitomi nodded and let him set her back down. But instead of releasing his hold he turned her around to meet his gaze. She stared at him with dread and felt hot tears trickle streaks down her dirty cheeks. Folken stared at her for a long moment and took note that she was trembling. With a heavy sigh he finally released his metal hand and watched her eyes follow its descent until it hung, unmoving, at his side.

" I want you to trust me." he explained in a voice that was absent of any cold confidence she expected to hear. In fact, it was surprisingly disarming. Hitomi stared at him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe he asked such a bizarre request.

" Huh?" came her intelligent reply.

Folken bit his bottom lip and turned his face away for a moment as if reconsidering what he said. Hitomi didn't know what to do or what to say. She couldn't tell if he was being sincere or just playing a role. Her thoughts danced around the possibility of Nariya, a servant and close friend of his, having told her the truth. The cat woman had stated that all Folken wanted was a peaceful world... could it be true?

Folken turned back to her questioning gaze and released his hold on her completely. He leaned down very close and Hitomi felt a sudden, overwhelming urge to cower. He was closer to her than what was necessary and she could clearly see every feature on his face. But it was also in this moment that she noticed his eyes held an inexplicable kindness. It was the same look Van shared with her many times and she felt her heart pound in her chest.

" Hitomi…I'm asking you to trust me." his voice was just above a whisper.

" Why me? Why not ask Van?" But deep down she already knew the answer. Even though Van was Folken's brother he held a boiling bitterness against him. The wounds between their relationship ran deep…perhaps too deep for any reconciliation.

" I want to…but he's not ready to listen. You are."

Hitomi was impressed and unnerved by his observation. Her surprise retarded a quick reply and when words finally did form, a vision interrupted her thoughts. She squeezed her eyes shut and staggered back with a gasp.

" Van!…No!"

Folken watched in confusion as she looked up at him with startled eyes.

" Van's in trouble! We have to help him right now!"

Hitomi didn't wait for a reply and ran outside as fast as she could. Folken followed close behind as she ran through the ruins, zigzagging around columns and fallen walls before coming to a sudden halt at the lip of a high ledge. Down below Van found himself trapped in the belly of a large ravine. The ledge met his back and two dragons reared themselves for the final attack. Hitomi moved to climb down but Folken pulled her back.

" No! It's too dangerous."

" But the dragons will kill him!"

" I know what to do. Wait here."

Folken unclasped his leather shirt, hurried past Hitomi's startled gaze, and stepped off the ledge. The familiar thrill of sudden weightlessness rushed his senses as he unfurled his magnificent ebony wings. His descent was swift and he did not hesitate to stand between the dragons and his brother. Folken's sudden appearance startled Van who almost ran his sword through his back!

" Van, put down your sword." Folken commanded as he stretched out his wings, fanning out every feather in an instinctive effort to double their size. Van gaped in astonishment and momentarily forgot the command.

Hitomi watched anxiously and grasped hold of the pendant hanging around her neck.

" Put it down!" Folken repeated without bothering to hide the anxiousness in his voice.

Van quickly obeyed and dropped his sword. The dragons wavered uncertainly for several moments before finally deciding to lumber away. Hitomi's relief was echoed by Van, who leaned his back against the rocky wall and wiped the sweat from his brow with a heavy sigh. Folken retracted his wings and knelt down to retrieve the sword.

A shuffle behind him signaled Van's approach and he turned to confront his brother. Van was staring at him with an odd expression.

" Your wings. They're…black!"

In more favorable circumstances Folken might have indulged Van with an explanation. In a more favorable life he would have spent the past ten years teaching Van everything he knew. An image of a five-year-old boy shimmered in Folken's mind and a reminiscent twinkle gleamed in his eyes. And without thinking he began to speak to Van in Fanelian.

His words were impossible for Hitomi to understand and she sighed with frustration. It was hard enough to hear anything they said from her position. She turned away and began to search for a safe place to climb down while they talked. " Besides," she thought, " they're probably having a private conversation anyway."

As she walked along the edge Hitomi suddenly felt odd, as if she were being watched. But before she could banish the feeling a firm hand found her mouth and a strong arm lifted her off the ground. She kicked at the air in a frenzied panic as the edge of the ravine disappeared from view.

Pebbly gravel fell over and down the rocky wall causing Folken to glance up. He paused for a moment and scanned the upper rim. There was no sign of Hitomi and just as he was about to call for her Van retracted his attention.

" Why are you doing this?" he asked and reclaimed his sword from Folken's grasp. He purposely spoke in Gaea's common tongue. It was an act of detachment, an emotional barrier meant to alienate his brother. His purpose was not lost on Folken whose heart reeled from the blow even when he understood why Van did it.

" Ziabach's purposes are wrong." he began carefully, " My judgment was blinded and the consequences of my actions will find me soon enough. But now that I am able, allow me to help you and the allies win this war." A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

" What?" Van asked as he glanced warily at the metal fingers with a deep frown. He didn't like the sight of a happy Folken. It was too reminiscent of an uncomfortable moment on the Vione and he rubbed the back of his neck in remembrance.

" You were right to resist me. There can be a better Gaea, a brighter hope for tomorrow. But it will not be found through Ziabach."

Van stood up a little-bit taller at his brother's admission and brushed aside his bangs with annoyance as a strong gust of wind blew through the ravine, disturbing loose dirt and rustling through the soft waves of Folken's hair. It sped around the sharp twists and turns of the rocky walls and teased Hitomi's skirt before rejoining the sky. Hitomi was doing her best not to cower as she found herself staring at the wrong end of a very sharp sword.

" No tricks. Keep your arms down at your sides and start walking. Don't stop until they see you."

Hitomi gulped and did as her captor instructed. She prayed that Van and Folken would finish their conversation so that they would look for her above the ravine and escape being discovered. But as she drew closer to their location it became apparent that their voices were growing louder. They were still conversing! Hitomi felt her heart sink. The butterflies in her stomach were making her nauseous and beads of perspiration glistened on her forehead. She walked as one being led to her own execution.

Van watched Folken raise his metal hand in a gesture of friendship. It was a moment he never thought possible. The man before him was not the same man who tried to lure him into a black coach at the end of a bridge in Palas. How Van wanted to believe his brother's defection! But trust did not come easily to him anymore. Folken had betrayed him twice. Far be it from him to be betrayed a third time! Van resolved to remain cautious.

" How do you intend to gain trust now that you have defected? There are many people who would like to see you executed."

Folken's reply died on his lips when he noticed Hitomi walk into view. She was moving with an unnatural stiffness and it took him by surprise when he realized she was being ushered, at sword-point, into their presence. When Hitomi realized she had their attention she stopped her march and stood in place. Within moments Van and Folken found themselves surrounded by Ziabach soldiers.