Author's Note: Okay, so here's the epilogue, by demand…I actually had a different one, that I wrote while I was supposed to be writing an English essay, but it was really strained and retarded, and didn't really clear anything up…of course…this one may also do the same thing, and I'm pretty sure that by having this ending, I'm leaving myself WIDE OPEN for a sequel, which strangely, I am now considering…maybe. I dunno…

It's short…sorry…

The point is, ENJOY!







Eiri stared at Shuichi in awe. He had forgotten how cute the boy looked when he was sleeping. Sighing, the writer wished that they were some place a little more private - they were currently on a plane back to Japan. Shuichi, having fallen asleep almost immediately, was now curled up against Eiri, not relinquishing his death grip on the writer's arm.

The past few weeks had gone by like a dream for Eiri, ever since he'd had those frenzied phone calls, and realized that he really was dealing with his boyfriend. He'd ran as fast as he could to the park, only to find some assholes were trying to hurt Shuichi, who had been in some sort of catatonic state. At that point, the anger that had been building since talking to Tohma took over his body, and from there he only remembered flashes.

Hitting that kid square in the face, and the sickeningly satisfying noise.

Trying to talk to Shuichi, only to have him pass out.

Collapsing to the ground, hugging Shuichi's limp body to his, afraid that he'd lost him again. The tears and ragged sobs that wouldn't stop.

Some blond kid coming up and seeing the unconscious boy, screaming at him, and running to get the police and an ambulance.

Trying to explain to the police what had happened. Not letting go of his love until the ambulance men pried him away.

Seeing the blood on his hands, and then blackness.

The next morning, he'd waken up in a hospital bed, to the welcome sight of Shuichi leaning over with a gigantic smile from ear to ear He was practically radiating happiness. In addition, a man wearing a doctor's coat and strangely, (although considering Shuichi's apparent involvement, not so strangely) there was a mass of children crowded around the bed, all staring at him.

Despite this, Eiri had no qualms about pulling the singer down into a long due kiss. The familiar taste of Shuichi was like a drug; he deepened the kiss. Surprisingly, the singer didn't struggle, instead he participated willingly, making it clear to Eiri that he'd been missed too.

When they finally came up for air, it was to find that all the children, who didn't have Dr. James convering their eyes with anything available – ranging from hands, arms, his coat, papers, and even a foot – staring at the with half fascination, half-disgust.

Finally, the silence was broken by one of the girls. "Ewww! Kissing!" This seemed to voice most of the other children's opinions, because they agreed heartily. Except…

"Are you a girl?" One of the older boys pointed at Eiri, to the writer's horror.

"No! Do I look like a girl to you, brat?"

""But…if you're both boys…" He let his sentence trail off.

"If you love each other, that's all that matters," Shuichi replied firmly, snuggling down in Eiri's side. The boy nodded, and opened his mouth to speak, but Dr. James interrupted.

"Well," he said loudly, "It's about time for us to get going kids. Say goodbye to Tai…you might not see him again." The kids gasped dramatically, and threw themselves onto the bed to mob Shuichi. Even Eiri got hugged a few times, and then just as suddenly they were alone in the room. Looking at each other awkwardly.

"So…I guess we need to talk…"






Eiri smiled at the memory. The "talking" had ended up leading to more kissing, which had led to no shirts, which had lead to…well…not much actually. Shuichi had still been sufferering from a concussion, and a mild infection in his arm.

Instead, the writer had ended up down in the lobby, phoning Annie, and telling her everything that had happened, and then found out that she was moving out of her apartment to live with Chase…that day in fact.

When he'd gone back to his apartment to collect his stuff and say goodbye, she was already gone, her apartment empty save a last farewell note to him.






Shuichi stirred from the comfortable spot. The familiar pillow of Eiri almost lured him to sleep again, but turning slightly, he felt something poking into his side, which turned out to be a cell phone. Toby's cell phone. Shit. He hadn't worn this jacket since that night when he'd run into Dan and Greg.

Maybe he could mail it back…or come back for a visit. Smiling, Shuichi remembered how that day at the hospital, when Eiri had left, Toby had come to say goodbye.

The blond boy had desperately tried to make small talk for a few minutes - which Shuichi had gone along with, even though Toby kept calling him "Tai" – but eventually they had nothing left to say that was safe, so Toby took a deep breath, and lunged into apologies.

He was sorry that he hadn't believed him

He was sorry that he hadn't come right away to protect him.

He was sorry about what had happened…about the kisses.

As Shuichi watched him talk, he realized that Toby was really just a confused teen, like he'd used to be...well, not quite like him, but maybe how Yuki might have been, in another life. He reassured the blond boy that everything was okay, it was all forgiven, and Eiri wasn't even mad about it, given the circumstances. Although, he didn't bother mentioning a similar incident between Eiri and some Texan hooker….

Then, Toby had stopped talking for a moment, and shuffled his feet around, staring intensely at the floor.

"Is something wrong?"



"Uh…well…it's actually my birthday soon…really soon…in about a month."

Shuichi didn't understand the implications of this comment, so instead he waited for the boy to continue.

"…And…um…well, then I'm leaving the orphanage…I'll be too old…"

"Oh…" The singer frowned. But this meant that he wouldn't have a home, or anything! Toby would have to live on the streets, or something just as bad! He'd have to sell himself for money, and—

"Uh, Tai…er…Shoe…er…whatever, hello? Are you there?" The blond boy waved his hand in front of Shuichi's face, who was deep in panic mode.

"I was just saying that I have this guy who I'm going to share an apartment with, but he has to wait for his lease to finish up, it's not for about six months, and then he's gonna get me a pretty good job as a bartender where he works…"

"Oh, so you have somewhere to stay," Shuichi breathed out a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"Well…actually, I don't. Not until about six months. And Ms. Hift is really eager for me to leave…something about me not fitting in…" He grinned at Shuichi, who smiled back, sharing the joke.

"So…what are you going to do?"

"Well, I was hoping that you could help me there…"

About an hour later, Eiri came back, and they immediately settled in the long, tedious process of proving Shuichi's identity, and clearing up all the legal mess with it. It had taken weeks, but finally everything had been cleared up, and that brought it to now, flying back home on an airplane.

Twisting his neck slightly, Shuichi peered in the space between the seat to check up on Tobias. The blond boy was sleeping awkwardly with his head on Tatsuha's shoulder. Everyone, (except Eiri suspiciously) had been surprised when the monk had shown up in the New York airport, to come home with them, and it seemed that despite the language barrier, Tobias and the black-haired teen got along pretty well. In fact, they were going to be sharing an apartment in Tokyo, under Eiri's name, as it turned out that Tatsuha needed someone to share with while he attended private school in the city.

Although Shuichi was very cautious about leaving Tobias alone with Tatsuha, he figured that the blond boy could fend for himself, as a New Yorker, and besides…Tobias was honestly enough like the monk that maybe Shuichi should be worried about Tatsuha…

In any case, it was going to be an interesting six months…

Plus, Shuichi was nervous about going back after everything. He had been warned about people accusing him of faking his death for publicity, but he thought he could handle it. It would be weird to see everybody again though…would they act strange around him? Even Hiro and Suguru? Shuichi smiled; he missed his best friends so much…would they be mad? Would they think that it was all for publicity? He hoped not…

But for now, he pushed those thoughts from his mind. Looking up, Shuichi saw the elusive smile of Eiri's, and grinned back. He didn't need to be nervous; he had Eiri back and that's all he needed now.


Author's Note: Alright, finally, an ending. It doesn't go any further than this, nope it doesn't. I know, this is shorter than the other chapters, but epilogues usually are...I think…So anyways, thank you all my wonderful reviewers, I love you so much, and I'd name you, but I'm afraid of the authorities…but you'll hear from me in your review replies! hands out 'wonderful reviewer award' to you all

Thanks guys!