You see…my beyblade stories suck so I'll try one more time and save my beyblade story writing skills (Like I have any….)

This will be in books, which means a long story…

Summary: This is during V Force and going into G Rev and after G Rev…An Orphan girl Alana was hired as a housekeeper for Tyson and Grandpa from a school for housekeeping. Alana thought it would be easier having to look after two people but what she didn't expect to see was that there more than just two people…. think of a whole team plus a girl and a nerd? (You know whom I mean?) Summary will change with each book

Summary for book one: The intros are made. Alana must get used to this lifestyle and look after a team. The Bladebreakers are dealing with thieving, stealing, evil, ugly creeps who want to steal their bitbeasts. Can Alana give a hand with her advice or will her advice fall to doom?

Small Profile

Name: Alana Tamagoki

Age: 13

Eyes: Onyx black

Hair: Long dark black hair with a plum/purple tone to it. About ¾ to her back

Personality: Alana is very quiet, soft-spoken, always saying sorry for a tiny mistake like always but when she is with strangers she is cold-hearted and distant.

Clothes: You'll see?

Likes: Housekeeping, beyblades (although she doesn't blade), old Myths and legends, and books

Dislikes: Really mean people, Physics, and Math

Alana is kinda like Tohru from fruits basket...But different…

Book one: Intros to our little housekeeper Alana

Chapter one

"I can't believe I was hired!" muttered Alana. She pushed the hair out her eyes. She lugged her to suitcases and a backpack on her back. Now she was to look for the Granger household. According to the information there was a boy about her age and he was living with her grandpa.

'Dad…I can't believe I was hired! After waiting months of waiting and working someone actually hired me!" Alana thought cheerfully. She looked into a house. 468 Maplewood Avenue. The information said this was where her new workplace would be. She walked in carefully and quietly not to disturbed. As she walked in quietly she heard a loud war cry

"Watch out below!" Alana gasped and jumped clear and fell on her ass. Her suitcases fell on to the side and she stared at the old man. Who was laughing and dusting himself

"Sorry there lil dude. You must be our housekeeper! Welcome to our humble home!" The old man said with a chuckle. Alan smiled and picked herself up

"You must be…Mr. Granger…Pleased to meet you and I'm Alana…. Um…where is the boy that lives here? Isn't her around here?" Alana looked back and forth behind grandpa and up and down as well.

"Well my lil dude went to the park with his friends. You'll meet him lil dudette. By the way…I'll show you your room and when he comes home with his homeboys you'll get know them," said the old man

Alana picked up her bags and followed grandpa. After a few minutes she was lead to a comfortable looking room. The room had a bed, a desk, bookcase, a closet and a vanity.

"Thank you Mr., Granger… She politely bowed for the old man

"Nah…. just call me Grandpa. Everyone around here calls me that…" Grandpa laughed

"Er…okay Mr.-er I mean Grandpa" Alana bowed again and left Alana by herself.

'Dad...this'll be easy…I'm only looking after two people! Not that but I meet Grandpa's grandson and his friends! This'll be no sweat' Alana thought to herself. She took out a framed picture of her father and put of on the headboard of her bed. (Those headboards where you can put your cloaks and such?) She carefully put her clothes in the closet, and her belongings where ever.

'Perfect…. It already feels like home dad!' she thought. She looked at the framed picture. She did look like her father. The hair, chin, nose, ears and shoulders but she inherited her mother's eyes. Her mother died by childbirth and her baby sister Anna died after her mother died. All she had was her father. Everyday before he died he taught lessons about everyday life. The day he died his last words were:

Always be thankful for the things you are offered in life no matter how good or bad they are.

He left. Then the call came. She was in school. The office called her. She went to the office. A man said that her father died due to a random shooting. After her father died…she didn't know where to go, her relatives were at Paris or Italy or somewhere…She enrolled at a school where they taught young women how to be good housekeepers. She worked hard and she was here! She made it…with her father being with her she worked hard and luckily landed here

'Dad…thanks for being there for me' Alana thought quietly. She stared at the picture with a queer feeling.

"Yo! Alana! My homedawg's home! Come meet them!" Grandpa shouted

Alana looked at the clothes she was wearing A simple red long sleeved buttoned dress. She was in her thoughts that she forgotten to dress to impress.

"In a minute!" Alana called out. She quickly changes into a white long sleeved shirt with a blue dress over it. Her hair was in braided pigtails. She put on some slippers and ran in the direction of Grandpa's voice, which was outside. She ran outside to be seen by Grandpa, five guys and a girl.

"Grandpa…what's with the girl?" asked one guy.

"Tyson! Not what but who…. this is our new housekeeper…. Alana!" Grandpa proudly introduced to Alana who in was in shock. Mean while she stared at them dumbfounded and stuttering non stop

"Isn't the girl going to say something…we don't have all day you know…" Said another.

"KAI! You know she's new around here! Give her some time to speak up!" A female voice shouted

"I don't really care about that…if it takes long to say one word I might as well go now" The same voice said and left. Alana bit her lower lip. She never been yelled like that

"KAI! Come back here! Oh well…Sorry about that…That's Kai…he'll be like that…I know so…And by the way…I'm Hilary…Nice to meet you Alana" Hilary smiled

"I'm Max, over there is Ray" Max gestured his head to where Ray was

"Hi Alana!" said Ray

"My name's Kenny" Said a nerdy looking boy "Tyson's over there" he pointed to where Tyson was

"Hey Alana! Nice to meet you! Hope you'll enjoy your stay with us…" Tyson grinned

"Y-Y-You m-mean…I-I-It's n-n-not j-just you? A-all-" Alana counted the people plus Kai who went off. "S-s-seven p-plus m-m-me…EIGHT PEOPLE? I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST TWO PEOPLE! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? DAD! PLEASE HELP ME NOW!" Alana was frantic and running back and forth while the others sweatdroped.

"Okay…Alana just relax…Just do things at your own pace and be yourself!" Ray smiled. This caused Alana to stop her screaming and think

An image of her father came to her. The words echoing in her mind

"Always be yourself and do things at you own pace"

Alana snapped from her thoughts and looked at Ray

"Thanks…Ray" She smiled and blushed a faint pink "Now…how bout I make dinner!"

"Sounds good!"


Chapter one of book one is done…Chapter two will come soon…

Sneak peek for chapter two

While going to a store Alana and Ray talk about…things.