He was perfect. I had known that since the first moment I gave him the red rose. He had grown up a lot since then, but I knew, I knew deep down that he was the same just has he was nine years ago. Vulnerable, scared. I wanted to tear down his walls and hold him tight to my heart, but so much has happened. Things weren't as they were. We had gotten so far apart that only vital words were exchanged now.

I've got a crush on you.

I gazed at him now, calmly stirring my milkshake. He had always had an air of confidant and determination around him. Surrounded by girls the first moment he walked in, he had subtlety and amusingly crept out of their grasp. As clever as he was, some were more determined than others. I watched as he tossed his head back and laughed at one of the girls' joke. Something inside of me stirred, and I glanced at the girl that made him laugh so. She was tall and willowed with the grace of a model. Her hair was dark and its long strands enfolded her like a blanket. The girl sat by his right side, giving me a bad view of her face. I didn't need to, though; she was pretty. Once again, I felt it like the oceans' waves washing over me. The stir of resentment, envy…. no, jealousy spread throughout my body. I could felt it to my very soul.

I've got a crush on you.


I jumped as a voice called out to my left. Turning, I met the eyes of Andrew, leaning over the counter with both arms crossed. His eyes quickly shot a flash of concern, but I could see it as clear as day. Frowning, I didn't like the way he looked at me. "What?"

"Serena, are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

Taken back by his unexpected concern, I stared at him dumbly. What was he talking about? I felt fine. Sure I had been tried lately, but that's only because I couldn't sleep. There was nothing wrong with me. "What do you mean?" I asked, my hands slowed the stirring motion and rest at the edge of my glass.

"You don't seem to be your normal self. In fact, your face is really flushed, and you haven't even finished your milkshake yet," he stated.

"I'm fine, Andrew," I reassured him. He nodded and left, but I could still see the doubt and concern in his eyes.

Try as I might, my eyes continued its stray toward him. I couldn't get my mind off him. It revolved around him. No, my heart revolved around him, and there was nothing I could do about it. His dark bangs fell over his eyes as he talked. Gripping my hands together in a fist, I tried to resist the temptation to go over there and slip my fingers through those dark locks. The girl he had earlier laughed with, reached up to him. Her hand was so close to him. I couldn't stand it. Painfully, I dig my fingernails into my palm. Her hand was closer still. She leaned forward toward him, giving him and everyone else a good view of her chest probably. I bit on my bottom lip, drawing the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. As much as I couldn't stand it, I couldn't tear my eyes away.

I've got a crush on you.

Calmly, just as he does with everything else, he leaned away as her hand got the first slight touch of him. He smiled at her and said something. Her shoulders did a quick disappointing shrug, along with pouting lips probably, but lowered her hand to her lap. The breath I had unintentionally held released with a sigh, and my muscle relaxed. I ran a tongue over my bottom lips, once again getting the metallic taste, but I didn't care. My hands loosened its tight grip, and I could see the four crescent moons imprinted in my palm. Running a hand over it, I felt a sharp pain. It was deep. Deep enough to draw drops of blood.

I've got a crush on you.

As if feeling my eyes, he turned toward me. Letting out a breath of air as our eyes clash together, I stared into his dark stormy blue eyes. I felt naked under his gaze, striped of my courage and pride, mind and commonsense. His eyes constantly did that to me. It was as if he was looking through me to my soul. His eyes always have that depth to it. I felt that if I could fall for eternity, I could never reach the bottom. The world around me began to fade, leaving only his eyes, his telltale eyes. I felt my body slowly liquefied and sank into him. Surrounded by blue as far as the eye can see, I drowned myself in them. I couldn't bear it anymore, but I couldn't turn away. There was something that always drew me to him ever since I saw him there in that room.

I've got a crush on you.

To me, it was a long ago, but I can still remember it as if it was yesterday. I was wandering around, clutching to that bundle of roses in my hand. Daddy had told me to stay in one place while he talked to that lady in white. Now thinking back, she was probably a nurse. I was so excited, however, and had made my way through the well used hallway. I found my way up the stairs, through doors, and hallways. Only after a period of time had I realize the quiet mummers of the hospital had crease. I remember turning back, but only to be confuse some more with the many hallways. I didn't know where I was or how high I went. The low humming of some machine only helped feed my fear. Tears started to form in my eyes, threatening to fall. My legs stood frozen, but I didn't want to move anyway. My arms hanged limply to my side; the roses slightly brush my leg.

A slight whimpering sound interrupted my frozen state. It took a moment before I realized that it didn't come from me. Head raise, ears intense, I tried to concentrate on the sound, fears forgotten. My shoe made its way down the hall, causing pitter-patter sound on the tiled floor. A slit of light shined on the opposite wall. I made my way closer to it, curiously getting the better of me. The sound had gotten louder at this time, and I reached out to push on the door gently. There he was, sitting on the bed, crying. I felt something the moment I got my first glance of him. It made me clung to the roses tighter and quickened my breath. Being so young, I couldn't name the feelings, but then again I didn't pay much attention to it. All I knew was he was special. Somehow, since the time we met, he had drawn me to him.

I've got a crush on you.

He disappeared after that and I never got a chance to see him again. Not until I was fourteen, but even then, I wasn't sure if our meeting was just a dream or not. I had nothing to prove it had happened, and as time when by, he faded from my mind. Andrew had introduced me to him. It took me a while before I made the connection between the two, but, even then, things exchanged between us were never good. It made me wonder what would have happened if he was still there when I looked afterward. How would our life change? But it doesn't matter. What matter is now was the fact that the girl was still there.

I've got a crush on you.

He looked away, and I landed roughly back down in reality. Somewhat startle, I looked around. Everything was the same, yet I felt as if I was drowning his eyes forever. I stirred my milkshake again and took a sip. It tasted horrible, but manage to hold it back. The milkshake was overly sweet now that the coldness had left it. I could never drink anything at room temperature or hotter unless it was intended. It just never worked for me. Giving up whatever I had in mind, I grabbed my mini backpack by its strap off the floor and stood up. Absently swinging it over my shoulder, I made my way toward the door. Thankfully, he was sitting in the opposite direction. I didn't think I could walk pass him without making a fool of myself, and that was something I didn't need.

I've got a crush on you.