Ok, to start off, I don't own anything but the plot. Ok, there I said it. Now this is going to be a short chapter. I just want to get a feel for what you all think of it. So, I don't care if you like it, hate it, or think it has potential, please leave a review. I need to know if I should continue this.

The Awakening

Chaos sighed as he looked down at the mortal world. It seemed that Order was making her play for control of a core world. The planet was a central point of the universe's power. If she controlled it, the balance of power would shift dramatically in her favor. Her pawns were the Sailor Senshi, protectors of the solar system. He had an Avatar himself once, a long time ago. But he had been banished by those he sought to protect. They had feared him even more than the Senshi of Saturn, the one said to bring Silence and Destruction. It was because he wielded the power of the Void, more powerful than any other power. He had been exiled, even though he had been of the Royal House of Serenity. But that had been ten thousand years ago, and his Avatar had been reborn again. His life hadn't been easy, in fact, it had been hell, but he had survived. As he looked into the near future, he saw that his Avatar was going to be needed, so he started the process of awakening him. As he did, he wondered about Order's preference for women. Maybe there was something more into that… hmm, then again, maybe not.

Ranma was fighting not just for his life; he had to get Akane the magic water in order to save her. It wasn't that he was doing this because he loved her or anything; it was just that his honor demanded that he protect her since she was his fiancée. But he was fighting a losing battle and he knew it. Nothing he did even fazed Saffron. Ranma was trying everything he could when Saffron suddenly retreated back into the air and formed a huge fireball, easily bigger than a house. Ranma backed off as well, taking the chance to his breath.

"Give up, mortal. You cannot beat me. I am the Immortal Phoenix!" Saffron shouted as he threw the fireball at Ranma.

Ranma quickly dodged out of the way, realizing as he did that his family was behind him. He turned in mid-air to try and get to them before the fireball did, but he couldn't. He watched in shock as the fireball exploded, killing his whole family. Genma, Soun, Akane, Ryoga, Shampoo, Cologne, Ukyo, even his mother had all followed him to their dooms. Ranma ran over there, hoping that there would be someone still alive, but when he got there, all there was left was ashes. As he fell to his knees, he scooped up what was left and shed a tear.

"It's all my fault," he muttered sadly. "If I hadn't been so selfish, they'd still be alive. I had to come make sure that I could get cured, not caring about what would happen to the others."

"Giving up, human?" came a gloating voice from behind him.

Ranma growled in anger, and a dark mark appeared on his forehead, in the shape of a circle with three points curving to the left surrounding it. He slowly got to his feet, his back still to Saffron.

"It is time for you to die, you overgrown turkey," Ranma told him fiercely.

"How dare you mock me, human? I will crush you!" Saffron roared in anger as he formed two fireballs, one above each hand.

"Not this time, Saffron," Ranma whispered as he turned to face Saffron. He calmly watched as Saffron threw the fireballs at him, raising his right hand in front of him. "Void Shield!"

A black bubble appeared around Ranma just as the fireballs hit him. Saffron smirked as he knew that nothing could take that type of hit and still be alive. His smirk faltered as he noticed that the bubble was still there as the smoke cleared. The bubble disappeared shortly after, leaving Ranma standing there completely unharmed.

"How is this possible?" asked Saffron in shock. He had been so sure that that blast would kill this pesky mortal.

"You cannot defeat me, Saffron. I am the Void," Ranma told him as he powered up. A black aura appeared around Ranma, hiding him from view as his clothes changed. When his aura disappeared, he stood proudly, wearing his new clothes. He now wore black leather combat boots and a black leather jacket. His pants were black, but they were made from an unknown material that was tougher than ultra-thick Kevlar, but was as light and flexible as silk. He wore a silver tee-shirt underneath his jacket that was skin tight. On the back of his jacket was his symbol, the silver standing out against the black. He looked over at Saffron and smirked, not his normal, infuriating smirk, but one promising death.

"Time to die, little bird," he said as if discussing the weather. He then tightened his black, fingerless gloves.

Saffron was now a little worried. This puny human was radiating an aura that was far more powerful than him. He decided to destroy this pest quickly.

"No, you will die!" Saffron yelled as he formed a fireball five times bigger than the one that had killed Ranma's family and friends.

"Flames of the Void!" Ranma shouted as he threw his hands forward. A stream of black flames shot from his hands and headed towards Saffron.

"Fool, I am immune to flames!" Saffron shouted as the flames approached him. However, once the flames hit him, he started howling in pain. Those flames hurt!

Ranma then leveled his right hand at Saffron.

"Chaos Bolts!" Ranma said as black lightning came from his hand, striking Saffron and making him scream louder. Saffron's concentration on his fireball wavered and it disappeared.

Ranma then concentrated on his powers, his right hand glowing black. He clenched his hand and a three foot blade of shadow appeared. He then looked up at Saffron who was recovering from Ranma's previous attacks. Ranma's eyes were now pitch black.

"Shadow Strike!" he yelled as he dashed forward, his form blurring. He came to a stop a few yards behind Saffron, his sword still glowing in his hand. Saffron tried to move, but found that he no longer had the ability to move. He then heard the sound of his doom.

"Don't bother trying to move, Saffy. That last move destroyed all your motor functions. You are now a sitting duck," Ranma told him as he walked around so Saffron could see him. "You shouldn't have killed them, Saffron."

Ranma's aura flared to colossal proportions, easily dwarfing any aura Ranma had ever produced. He then focused it all into his hands, his shadow blade disappearing. Saffron started struggling even more, but all he could do was move his head. Once his aura had been completely focused in his hands, Ranma threw his hands forward, calling out his attack.

"Void's Embrace!"

A baseball sized ball of shadow flew from Ranma's hands and struck Saffron. Saffron didn't even have time to scream as he was engulfed by shadows. There was an enormous explosion as the ball of shadows exploded, leaving a huge crater. At the very bottom was a giant egg. Ranma contemplated going down and killing Saffron forever, but decided against it. He had enough of Saffron. He turned back to the ashes of his family and friends, said a few prayers, and left to go back to Japan. As he left, his clothes reverted to how they were before.

Ranma told the Tendo sisters how their father and sister were killed at Jusendo. Nabiki's Ice Queen mask slipped for the first time since her mother died, and Kasumi took her in her arms where she cried her heart out. Kasumi then turned to Ranma.

"You are no longer welcome here. Leave," she told him softly.

Ranma nodded and left to get his things, which wasn't much. He came back downstairs a couple of minutes later. Before he left, he turned to Kasumi.

"I am truly sorry about what happened, but take some comfort in knowing that they have been avenged," he told her before turning back to the door and leaving forever. The two remaining Tendo girls just held each other well into the night.

Ranma headed to Juuban, thinking about what he was going to do. He was a seventeen year old with no high school diploma and no real job skills. He certainly didn't feel like that though. His memories of his former life had been awoken back at Jusendo, leaving him feeling like he was over thirty years old. As he got to the train station, he decided to get an apartment, a job, and to finish school. He also had to keep his eye out for his sister. Knowing her, she'd probably be up to her neck in danger when he found her.

Void Shield – An impenetrable shield made from shadows. It could even withstand a star going nova and Ranma can keep it going with minimal effort.

Flames of the Void – Ranma takes actual void material and shots it from his hands like flames. It is both super-hot and super-cold. It can melt even the toughest of materials.

Chaos Bolts – This is when Ranma turns the void into electricity and shoots it at his enemies. This can be used on multiple foes. (Think of the Force-Lightning from Star Wars)

Shadow Strike – Ranma creates his shadow sword and dashes forward. He is moving so fast that he leaves afterimages. With this technique Ranma can do any number of things, but what he did this time was to break certain vertebrae and destroy several energy lines running through Saffron's body.

Void's Embrace – Ranma's final attack. Ranma takes almost his entire aura and focuses it into his hands. When he throws the ball of shadow at his enemy, it is only a small ball. But when it hits them, it expands to surround them, then it explodes with the force of a thousand suns going nova. It is extremely draining on Ranma and he can only do it once before he needs to rest for a while. Ranma was only able to walk away this time instead of collapsing because he only had one enemy and didn't focus his entire aura into the attack.