
Summary: A crossover fic of American Dragon: Jake Long, and something else I intend to keep a secret, for the enjoyment of the readers. This takes place years after "Ski Trip" except for the beginning of the prologue, and this fic is serious for the most part. And PLEASE do not ask me where this idea came from, I've got NO idea...

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone or anything mentioned in the story. As far as I can tell though, the new interpretation of the characters and events that have crossed over into this are unique, and technically mine, though they still very much echo the original events.


Prologue: Bitter Remembrance

It was a cold, bitter winter in a remote country in Eastern Europe as a man wearing very little fur cover for the bitter cold fled into the forest. The snow continued to drift down, regardless of the events about to transpire. This man held his only son close to him, a youth barely of four years of age, trying to escape from the hounds, and the men after him. He asked a friend to meet him further ahead, to take his son to safety, so that the soldiers would not take his life as well. Night was fast approaching, and the hounds were not far behind him. He soon burst from the sea of lifeless trees, meeting with his friend, covered in much fur, at the foot of a mountain path, covered in snow. He stopped, and removed his only fur covering, his only protection from the cold, wrapping it around his only family left in the world.

"Take my son and watch after him. The noble's men seek to end my life, not yours. He is safer in your hands."

"I will watch over him, I promise this. But please, let me lend you some of my fur, you'll catch your death in this-"

They were interrupted by the firing of a rifle, and the howls of the dogs. They both fled up the mountain path, seeking sanctuary, as the snow fell faster, a blizzard coming. The chase led them up and across the mountain, as the sky became black, little to guide them.

"If only your dear Cynthia remained with us. She could easily calm the ravages of nature to guide us to safety."

"This is not a time to dwell on the past. We must press on!"

As they ran further, the father fell to his knees, breathing labored. The cold was claiming another life, and they was aware of this.

"Please, you must-"

"Go! Watch over my son, and protect...pro...tect...urggh..."


The man fell to the ground, the warmth fleeing his body. He was going to die here, and both men knew there was no hope left for him. His friend gave him a solemn nod, to acknowledge he would fulfill his final request, before fleeing into the night, holding a sobbing young boy, wrapped in fur. It was not long, before the hounds arrived, bringing their masters.

"We can tell the Lord we have found Werner. He is dead."


A well-dressed young man with brown hair and eyes, nearing his 19th year, stood quietly at the bow of a large cargo ship, facing the ship's destination, yet not seeing, his mind traveling back to thoughts of the past. Shortly, an elderly man of thinning gray hair and blue eyes, equally well-dressed, walked up behind him.

"Victor? Are you well?"

Victor looked back to him, and smiled.

"Oh, yes, I am. Thank you for asking Boris."

"It was nothing Victor, no need to thank me."

Victor then looked back to the land, as they saw the Statue of Liberty ahead.

"That is the United States' Statue of Liberty? A magnificent sight, isn't it?" Boris asked.

"That it is, though the people of this country don't seem to respect it as they should. It's true name is 'Liberty Enlightening The World'."

"Very sharp of you sir."

"Thank you, Boris."

Victor then looked to the sky, and upon seeing something, he narrowed his eyes slightly.


"Something wrong Victor?"

"...I suppose it's nothing. Let's check on our cargo. I don't want our things damaged before we arrive at the Empire University."

Victor then turned away from the landscape, and headed to check on his things inside, Boris following him. What Victor had seen were flashes and shadows on top of the Statue of Liberty, caused by a battle going on...


"Yo! Watch the tail! Watch the tail!"

On top of the statue, Jake and his grandfather were fighting against the Huntsclan leader, and his right hand man...er...woman. They'd attacked the shop, and taken the Orb of Malorphis. That alone was bad, but the fact they knew where to attack...


Jake was currently fending off the female ninja. There wasn't really a better way to describe the Huntsclan footmen then as ninjas. She tried to use a jumping kick to hit his head, which he blocked, and smirked at.

"Miss me?"


She then flipped over, using her over foot to smack Jake in the side of the head, making him let go, and rub the side of his face.

"Ow! Come on baby, no need to be rough."

"How many times do I have to tell you to quit hitting on me?" She yelled, pouncing at him.

"When you quit hitting on me." Jake retorted, leaping up out of the way.

The ninja went wide-eyed, as she nearly dove straight off the statue, hanging onto one of the spikes of the crown. Jake yelped, and dove over to pull her back onto the statue.

"That's twice now you've saved my life. I'm beginning to wonder if you really are hitting on me."

"Hey, I'm no murderer, yo."


Jake then looked back to see his grandfather get blasted by a beam from the Huntsclan leader's staff.

"Hey! Back off!" Jake yelled.

"We're leaving." The Huntsman stated.


"Our client would be disappointed if this battle took it's toll on the orb." He told her, holding it up.

"Fine." The ninja agreed, leaping over.

"Hey!" Jake yelled.

Too late, as the Huntsman used his staff to warp them away. Jake and his grandfather returned to human forms. Jake was now 18, and still in his usual outfit, though larger for his body now.

"Awww man..."

It didn't help Jake's mood about losing any that he knew who the female ninja was. The only person he ever had any sense of a lasting crush on. Rose...


I have plans with this story, so you'll have to wait and see what happens. And those of you who can guess the crossover, or that I told, please don't spoil it.