So, You've Fallen Into The World of Gundam Wing!

The Mini Survival Guide!

A Helpful Guide for those suffering from Mary-Sue/Portal/Dimension hopping/Time travelling problems!

Hello and welcome to another edition of the "SYFITWO" series, my name is Bee and I shall be your guide for the duration of this booklet.

So! You appear to have "fallen" into the world of Gundam Wing! This may have slight reprocussions such as time line/fate alteration or in some extreme cases death by Hiiro (Heero)/ Wufei/OZ/Preventers/White Fang/Random space shuttle/Bodyguards/Relena/Asphyxiation brought on by believing you can breathe in space or Rabid lion. We are assured that the last case was a freak accident that had occured due to a million in one chance, but we all know million in one chances crop up nine times out of ten. But lets ignore all that and get on with why we're really here, stalking!


First off it'd be a good idea if you checked where you were and how you got this booklet (Although saying that this dimension appears to have the phenomenon known as "spandex-space" so don't worry too much about it). Paying the shop keeper would be a good idea, although if you feel up to it nick the book and run round the corner, lose yourself in a crowd and then casually walk away. Err... Not that we endorse stealing or anything but we all know you're going to go and pay them back as soon as Quatre Winner becomes your boyfriend and lavishes his fortune upon you... Not that you're here to seduce anyone. Nope. Not at all, it was a huge mistake on your part.

Right, anyway. You've aquired your mini survival guide! ... Or you're in prison! Sucks to be you!

Look around, see any Newspaper stands? Huge billboards/Televisions stating the date? Military uniforms? Huge robots burning, pillaging looting and generally making a big to-do?

The authoress humbly urges you to seek shelter if its either of the last two options as she likes to know her readers will be alive to buy more of her books. Otherwise try and see what part of the time line you're in. Due to the Random Allocation Dilema (AKA "RAD") we'll just use a general guide of who to avoid, what to wear and what personality to adopt. Unless you want to be totally original in your approach.

Scan your immediate surroundings for any of the following:
Giant Robots
Angry Men With Guns
Angry Boy With Gun
Angry Boy With Sword
Silent Boy With Uni-bang
Shocked Blonde Boy
Boy With Braid
Pink Princess

See any? Yes? Then I would suggest running.. unless weapons are involved in which ase point to this book and look puzzled saying "The book says policemen are helpful, yes?" in any foreign accent you care to muster. Running from the last 4 categories is suggested, actually its mandatory, Run! What're you doing? RUN! Got it? Get it? Good!

In our next chapter the main personalities will be covered, along with saftey procedures, why you Never touch the braid, mention the Zero System or Declare that Pacifisim is for sissies.

Hey, standard disclaimers apply, I own nothing and if anyone else has already used this idea.. well.. sorry D

customer feedback will be welcomed aswell as any past travellers seasoned experienced ;)

in plain language thats reviews, beta reader, anyone?
