I prayed for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is . . .



"It's been . . . great seeing you all again, guys," Wes said, softly, "I'm sure gonna miss you." He leaned over and embraced Lucas in a brotherly hug, patting his back before moving onto Katie and kissing her cheek, both playfully and tenderly. "Take care."

"You too, Wes," she whispered, "we'll be checking up on you."

Wes nodded, looking to his side and seeing Jen standing there with her arms folded, looking much the same as she had when they first met years ago: Her hair pulled tightly back, her face severe, and tears glistening in her wide, brown eyes. "Come on now," Wes said, smiling in spite of himself, "don't look so miserable! God knows this probably isn't goodbye so much as a . . . see you later."

"You might be right." She wiped at her eyes, furiously. "But maybe not."

"Don't talk like that," Wes sighed, "you'll jinx us."

He wrapped his arms around her and held her body tight against his, burying his face in her soft hair that smelled so sweet, fighting back the hot tears that were now burning in his eyes; it wasn't cold, but he was shivering, and he could feel her trembling beneath him. "Is it selfish to hope that someone will try to take over the world again?" he asked, softly.

"Yes . . . but I kinda' hope the same thing," she replied, pulling out of his embrace reluctantly. "Alex said to tell you 'goodbye', he and thanks for everything you've done."

"Tell Alex it was my honor."

She nodded. "Goodbye, Wes."

Wes swallowed the lump in his throat, blinking quickly. "Goodbye, Jen." Not giving himself the chance to watch them leave, he turned around and began walking further up the coast of the small beach, already spotting the black SUV parked on the side of the road; vaguely, he heard the roaring engine of the timeship and felt the wind slap against his back just as he reached the driver's side window and it rolled down to reveal his partner staring at him.

"So that's that," Eric Myers said, firmly.

"Yeah . . . move over."

Eric scowled, but scooted to the passenger side, allowing Wes to slide up into the seat; he paused for a moment, his hands resting on the steering wheel, his eyes gazing out the windshield.

"So anyway," Eric broke into his thoughts, "your dad and that Stephanie chick seem to work well together---I have no idea what it is they're working on, but it seems to be going well."

"Yeah? That's good." Wes released the brake and they began rolling onto the street. "She seemed nice."

"Yeah, whatever." The Quantum Ranger shrugged one shoulder, averting his gaze. "I think you'd like her . . . y'know, she seems like your type."

Wes laughed. "How would you know what my 'type' is?" he questioned.

"I don't know . . . she just seems right, I guess."

"Well, Mr. Matchmaker, I'll keep that in mind."

They drove the rest of the way in uncomfortable silence, Eric purposefully looking away from his stonily silent partner, whose grip remained tight on the wheel, his knuckles turning white; their ten minutes passed that way, before they pulled into the circular driveway of the Collins estate and parked directly in front of the wide doors. Alan Collins was already standing outside, a welcoming smile on his aging---yet still handsome---face, his arms open for his only son as he came bounding up the steps and to him.

"Thank God you're okay," Collins whispered.

"I missed you, Dad."

As Wes spoke, he stepped back and looked over to see a young woman emerging from inside, the sun reflecting off the red locks of hair tumbling down her shoulders, and . . . once again . . . he was struck by her beauty; she paused, hesitating as if uncertain where she fit into the touching reunion, her green eyes watching him carefully . . . the only word he could think of to describe them was simply alive. They looked so alive and fierce. With an inward smile, he realized: Just like Jen's.

"Stephanie, isn't it?" he said, politely.

Stephanie Williams smiled. "Yes . . . welcome back . . . uh, Mr. Collins."

Eric snorted, and Wes smirked. "'Wes', please," he said, "I don't think I'm that much older than you!"

Color rose to her prominent, high-set cheekbones and Wes smiled at the flush it brought to her face, momentarily wondering what she would look like after a day spent out in the sun, just relaxing . . . maybe Eric was right, he admitted. His smile growing more and more gentle, he took one of her soft hands and held it for a moment, shaking it ever-so-slightly so it didn't seem inappropriate, but enjoying every second that her skin was against his.

And, to his surprise and pleasure, she smiled right back.






Memorandum concerning position at Special Forces HQ:

You have been under consideration from the board and have passed the initial qualification exams, therefore, based on our knowledge of your superb performance in the line of duty, years of experience, and powers as a Ranger---you are hereby promoted to the position of Commander, Head of Unit Alpha-Tango Four, TF Special Ops. This is a voluntary position, time is of the essence, and your decision must be made within the week.




Alex cringed as he scanned through the details of the piece of paper he found laying on his desk, Jen had forgotten it upon going to the kitchen, leaving it out in the open to his curious eyes---eyes he was silently damning for finding such a letter, something he had hoped he wouldn't see at all. That's selfish and you know it, he scolded himself, Jennifer deserves this position just as much as you ever did. If not more. But he knew it wasn't just jealousy that was haunting him now, it was much more . . .


He turned to see Jen standing a few feet away holding two glasses of wine, wearing one of his old Time Force sweatshirts and finally letting her hair fall down around her face, it was still wet from her recent shower, and just by looking at her Alex felt his desire for her burning fiercely. "I can't believe you can make that look so good," he said, softly.

She smirked. "What can I say? You have good style." She rolled her eyes as she tugged at the shirt, sitting down on the couch and folding her legs up to her chest while holding a glass out to him. "Have a drink . . . relax."

Relucantly, he joined her and took a sip of the red wine, closing his eyes as he tasted it's first sweetness, then the deep aftertaste it left in his mouth, one that was quickly replaced by her own taste, her mouth covering his; her nimble hands worked his taut shoulders expertly, and he felt the tension draining from them almost instantly. Just as quickly, he was startled from the moment when she mistakenly placed her hand on his injured leg and pressed lightly, but just enough . . .

"Ow . . . damn."

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Jen blushed furiously, immediately sitting back.

"It's okay," he managed a pained laugh, "believe me, it was worth it." He leaned in, the paper he had placed on the table in front of them forgotten for the moment. "Let's do it again."

She smiled slowly and went forward to another kiss, but her eyes grazed upon the letter and she stopped short: "Alex . . . there's something I need to tell you. Or . . . ask you."

Damn it. He sighed, placing his drink down on the table and picking up the letter in it's place, then placing an arm over the back of the couch, around Jen's shoulders . . . that were shaking almost unnoticeably. "I read it," he said, quietly, "I know I shouldn't have . . . it's none of my business. Just the heading caught my eye and---"

"Alex," Jen cut him off, "forget it. I would've read it, too, if it had been your letter."

With a reminiscent smile, Alex recalled her reading the letter that had announced his candidicacy for the Ranger powers, before he'd had a chance to discuss it with her. "Can't argue with that." He paused. "You got the letter two days ago . . . did you, uh, make your decision yet?"

"Yes, I have."

He moistened his lips nervously, watching her smile in recognition of the gesture, he had done the same thing only seconds before he proposed to her . . . odd that something like that would come back to him after so long, and in such a moment. "Are you going to keep me in suspense forever?" he prompted, then raised both his hands, smiling. "Never mind, I know."

One thin eyebrow arched skeptically. "Oh, do you?'

"Yes, of course!" Alex insisted, "you must've accepted it. We've talked about this, you've wanted this for a long time now, and it's a great opportunity." He nodded encouragingly. "You'd . . . have to be a fool . . . to pass it up."

"A fool?"

"Well . . . yeah."

Her laughter surprised him, and he stared at her wide-eyed, openly confused, till she planted a loving kiss on his forehead, followed by one on his cheek, and finally his lips; her hand came up to rest on the side of his face, cradling it tenderly as she whispered into his ear: "I turned it down, Alex. I'm not going back."

Thank the gods . . . whomever they may be! His first thoughts, but trailed quickly by another set: No, she can't do this. She can't give up on her life, her job, because of me. "Jennifer," he said, quickly, "this is your dream! You told me you wanted to go as far as you could, to be as successful as anyone as ever been." He smiled. "To be the first woman Head of Special Ops."

"Very young and idealistic dreams, wouldn't you say?"

"No!" Alex scooted closer to her, his hand up on her thigh now, rubbing it urgently, yet comfortingly. "They're just within your reach now."

For what seemed like forever to him, she was silent and contemplative, staring at him through her round, brown eyes that somehow managed to reveal nothing of her thoughts, her inner turmoil. "Maybe my dreams have changed," she said, "I want something else now . . . someone else." Discreetly, she placed a hand into the pocket of the oversized shirt she wore. "Success isn't determined by how much money you make, you know that, Alex. And it's not whether or not you have this---" she gestured to her morpher "---or if you have more brass on your shoulder than anyone else.

"My success in life, Alex," she whispered, "is you. You are my greatest achievement in life. Having you by my side is what I really, truly want. Forever." She removed her hand from her pocket, and Alex nearly gasped aloud when he saw that she was holding the clear box he had placed her diamond ring in almost two years ago; but he couldn't withhold his exclamation of surprise when she lifted the lid, and the ring was still there, sparkling under the dim lights in all it's glory.

"Jennifer . . . "

"Alex . . . " she removed the ring now, and placed it in the palm of his trembling hand " . . . will you take my heart into your hand, again, and promise never to crush it?" Her eyes were moist, her voice quivering. "And will you place this ring on my finger, again?" He tried to kiss her, but she stopped him mere inches from her face. "Alex, will you marry me?"

Alex gripped the ring tightly in his hand and kissed her forcefully, knocking her onto her back on the couch, with him falling on top of her, their lips never parting; but she interrupted their kiss with a playful laugh, her eyes now dancing with excitement. "Wow now . . . is that a 'yes'?"

His face broke into a grin, and then he slid the ring onto her finger. "Yes, Jennifer. I will marry you."


It was a spring day, the sun was out and the sky was free of clouds, birds flew peacefully from tree to tree singing their songs, while the humans below stood together and watched the quiet ceremony taking place; a young man standing with a young woman, their hands clasped in front of each other, their eyes locked in a gaze that was completely unaware of the many guests surrounding them. The elderly priest spoke in a hushed tone, his words only meaningful to the couple in front of him, though both found it hard to concentrate on them . . .

" . . . take her to be your lawful wedded wife, in sickness and in health, in happiness and in sorrow, for richer or poorer, better or worse . . . to love and to cherish her, for all the days of your life?"

The groom smiled through the tears that now blinded him from his bride standing only inches from him, his hands gripping her's as if she were a lifeline, it took a moment for him to find his voice, and when he did it cracked with emotion: "I do." Again, he drifted off into another land, staring at his wife-to-be with unabashed wonder and love, memorizing how the tiniest of lines creased her face when she smiled, and how her tears made her eyes sparkle so magically.

" . . . take him to be your lawful wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in happiness and in sorrow, for richer or poorer, better or worse . . . to have and to hold, for all the days of your life?"

She nodded quickly, blinking as a tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. "I do."

Lucas stepped forward and held out the rings placed carefully on the carrier, the groom took his first, holding it to his fiancee's outstretched hand and whispering: "I didn't know I loved you the first time I laid my eyes on you, but I knew right away you were someone special . . . someone I'd never be able to get out of my mind, and definitely someone I wanted to get to know better. And I'm so glad I did. You are unlike anyone I've ever met before, and I'm sure there's no one else in the world like you . . . everything about you, does something for me. Your smile lights up the room, and lights up my day. Your voice is always there to comfort me. Your ears are always there to listen to me whine."

At that, a member of the guests snickered.

"And so much more . . . " the young man continued, "that I can't say in front of all these people." He smiled when he saw her blush a deep shade of red. "But it all comes down to this . . . I love you, baby. More than I've ever loved anyone before. More than I'll ever love anyone again. This I swear to you." He slipped the ring onto her finger, and waited as she took a deep breath.

"I'm not good at this public speaking," she began, "I never have been. And I'm not so good at telling people how I feel, even in private. But with you it's always been easier . . . because I want you to know just how special you are to me. You made me who I am today. I was a grown woman when we met, and I thought I knew who I was, who I would be for the rest of my life, but you showed me another side that I'd never been to before. You showed me how to laugh . . . how to just let go and live in the moment . . . not care what anyone else thinks. Just you."

The sky was beginning to darken as the sunset began, and a breeze swept through them, bringing goosebumps to the couple's arms.

"I love you," she went on, "and that's all there really is to say. I love you like no other, and I know you're the only man I will ever love like this for the rest of my life. This I swear . . . to you." Without another word, she slid her ring onto his finger.

"Now," the priest said, his round face lit with a smile," by the vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife . . . you may kiss your bride."

Eagerly, he swooped down and kissed her passionately, as if there were no others present, and they were alone in their bedroom once again; they held the kiss as long as possible, till both pulled back, nearly gasping for air, to the amusement of everyone around them. They turned to face them, faces beaming with joy as they began walking down the flower pedal aisle and heard the priest announce:

"Ladies and gentlemen . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Collins!"


"Come on, baby, you're doing good . . . that's it, that's it."

Her gut-wrenching scream cut him off as she rose up again in the bed, her hands clenching into fists that gripped the sheet, her legs pulling up higher as she strained and pushed till it seemed she had no strength to do so anymore; as the contraction subsided, she fell back into the pillows, gasping for her breaths, tears in her eyes that she was determined not to show. But the doctor at the foot of the bed was smiling, despite the situation that had her husband on the verge of tears himself:

"You're almost there! The baby's crowning!"

"Can you see it?" the exhausted mother-to-be asked, anxiously.

Steeling himself for what he was about to see, the husband peeked around the sheets and observed what the doctor had described, at first he felt his stomach tighten threateningly, till he realized what exactly it was: "Oh my god . . . that's the baby?"

"Yes, and it's coming fast!" the doctor laughed, "come on, just a few more pushes."

Only a second later, another contraction gripped her, this time her husband grabbed her hand and allowed her to squeeze his as hard as she needed to, but she was focusing all her energy on something else now, and hardly seemed to notice his attempts at comfort; she pushed without falter, now more determined than ever, her body's instincts taking control and guiding her through it without even the doctor's encouragements. More cries . . . more gasps . . . stretching and bleeding . . . all for that moment when she fell back, completely exhausted, and vaguely heard the cry before her.

"A boy!"

Alex's tears now spilled over his cheeks as he took his newborn son into his arms, laughing at the boy's screams of protests coming from the bright red face all wrinkled and glaring up at him through squinted, blue eyes. "Shh, now," he soothed, "it's okay. I know, I know . . . it's cold and bright, isn't it? You're fine."

"Alex!" Jen laughed, "can I see my son now?"

"I think you've earned that right." He sat his hip down on the edge of the bed and gently handed the infant over to his mother's waiting arms. "He's got your freckles."

"And your eyes . . . " she barely breathed, "oh god, Alex, he's so beautiful."

"Yes, he is." He kissed her sweaty forehead. "Thank you, Jennifer."

She smiled, but her eyelids were already drooping and he could easily tell she was about to fall asleep at any moment, with a smile, he took their son again and kissed her. "You were wonderful . . . I love you."

"I love you, too," she murmured.

"We'll be here when you wake up," Alex promised, "you and me . . . and our little one."

With her eyes closed, she smiled in contentment and whispered: "Forever . . . "



Many, many thanks go out to my reviewers: Shirley, Myriah, Cammy, Rick, White Time Ranger, Giannola, TimeForce101,and BrandonB! You guys are absolutely awesome. Your patience and understanding are way beyond reproach, thank you SOOO much.

I will be going home on leave this month (YES! FINALLY! It's been almost 8 months since I've been home, hehe . . . ) so definitely no postings for the month of February. I'm hoping sometime mid- to late-March being able to post the first chapter of Jennifer along with a couple short stories. Again, Jennifer will be updated as often as possible, but no guarantees. It will definitely be a long one though (for a reference: Look at my story Alexander) so I'll have plenty of time!

Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed, a little corny? Yes,I think so...but a happy ending for a change, at least!
