Sorry about the long time… long story and many sorry… here you go guys

We wind up behind some boy with a visor over his eyes. He reminds me of the guy from Star Trek.

"He looks like he has something stuck up his ass." I say.

Rogue comes up behind us and caught my comment. "He does," she laughs, "He's the 'fearless leader' haha." She walks away.

I pull out a deck of cards that Remy gave me. A present, he had said. I turned a car into a remote controlled car only without the remote. John gasps as he sees what I can do. I put one finger on my lips and then put the car on the ground. It drives off to the leader. It hits his foot and bounces back and hits it again.


"What Scott?" So that's her name.

"Are you doing that?"

No, I'm not controlling it."

Just then she sees us. We roll from the couch that we were underneath. "What are you two doing?"

"Looking for dust bunnies." I say matter-of-factly.

"We get five dollars if we find one," says John following my lead. "We found dust balls but no bunnies."

She walks away shaking her head. We burst out laughing. "She's real gullible isn't she?" I say with a laugh. Meanwhile we see the car still chasing Scott. I walk up to him and say, "Hello my name is Ana Maria. What's yours?"

"I'm…" hit "Scott." hit "Welcome" hit "Stupid CAR!"

"You seem to be having car troubles." I picked it up and take off the Scott homing device. "Weird car." I set it back down and walk towards Johnny.

Scott sighs and walks off. I jump over the couch and land next to my iron giant.

"Hey baby doll, what's happening?"

He turns and glances down at me. "Nothing too much, and yourself."

"Just torturing at random." I say with an innocent smile. I grab John's arm and drag him out of the room. "I'm bored."

"Wanna play with fire?"


Logan pops out of nowhere. "NO!"

"Fine." I soon fall asleep next to John. When I wake up, it was because Remy is shaking me awake. "What Remy?"

"Remy thought you wanted to keep dat a secret."


"Your thing…" He says pointing to my head.

"Shit." I grab a nearby rock and transform it into a makeup kit. I cover it up and lay back down. "HA! Now let me go back to sleep."

"Okay Chere."

I try to go back to sleep but damn Cajun woke me up.

Ana Maria, would you please come to my office?

I don't know where it is.

"Ahhh!" John yells waking up. "Yeah, you're right, opps."

"John will you take me to Wheel's office?"

"Sure!" When we get there John starts to walk away.

"John I want to talk to you too."

"Uh oh." We walk in.

"I've heard you two have been making trouble."

"No more than usual sir!" says John.

"Ana Maria, what is your power?"

"Isn't that like asking if you could see proof of their natural hair color?"


"As horrible as that was, no it would be like asking what color your eyes are."

"Uh huh. Well my powers are to transform any solid into anything of my choosing."

"That explains the car."

"Are you spying on us?"

"No, Scott told me." He looks straight at me. "I don't spy or pry or read anyone's mind without their permission."

Hmmm let's test that. Random sexual or bad word of your choosing !

"I can't help it if you project things to me. Please don't do it again."


"What did you do?" Asks John.

"Doesn't matter." Wheel's says. "Now please stay out of trouble."

"Hey," I say, "You wanted me. Now you got me, and I don't change for anyone." I turn to walk out.

"Wait one more minute Ana Maria." I turn around. "You start school tomorrow."

"What!?! Damn."

I start walking away when I run into Piotr.

"Hey tin man! Lost your oil again?"


"Never mind. You look sad."

"Its nothing little one."

"Which girl is it?"

"How did you know it was a girl?"

"The look on your face."

"Oh well her name is Kitty."

"Say no more." I start walking away.

"Wait! What are you planning?"

"What do you mean luv?"

"You hang out with John to much." He says shaking his head.

"NEVER GIVE IN!" I say as I sprint away.

So now for the reviews.

jordy.girl thanks for reviewing… yeah I kinda fell into a funk with this story… I lost all the pages that I had written so I'm in the process of rewriting it. Thanks! I love your passion too no worries. And I will start up again if I receive a lot of reviews. 

thanks Rynx for the review.

zobmz64 just keep me updated… I cant wait to see what you come up with!

o-dragon yay logging in! hehe you make me feel cool… thanks

She wasn't hitting on him… just flirting… there is a difference :P