Ranma Fanfic: Wedding Chpt. 2


I do not own any of the characters from Ranma 1/2.

C&C is welcome

Email to: dan(underscore)s(dot)comments(at)att(dot)net

. . . By popular demand, said demand 'Explain this or die!' and that's the cleaned up version. The prequel of The Wedding.

. . . Kasumi hummed delightedly to herself as she set out the wedding dress and the tuxedo. This was going to be the happiest day of her life, until she was the one wearing the dress for her own wedding. She heard Nabiki approach and stand in the doorway.

. . . "I think you're risking a lot on the idea that they won't attack you once they realize what's happening," Nabiki told her.

. . . Kasumi smiled, her younger sister worried so. "Wouldn't Ranma and Akane look beautiful in these?" she said quietly.

. . . "Yeah, Ranma would look great in either," Nabiki said, as she stood there frowning, "And the JSDF told us what would happen to us, the next time we tried to get those two hitched."

. . . "Ranma and Akane?" Kasumi asked.

. . . "Chained up in the dojo, I warned them what would happen if they removed the gags before we come back."

. . . "Father . . . our fathers?" Kasumi asked with a wan smile.

. . . "Still chained up, they know what even trying to escape means." Nabiki shuddered at the threat that Kasumi had suggested.

. . . "You distributed the invitations?" Kasumi asked, "And got the powder."

. . . "Everybody got an invite. Cologne figures that you'll need two of you to clean up the mess from this latest attempt. I already mixed it up," Nabiki said, and removed the thermos from the bag she'd left outside the room. Before she handed it over, she favored Kasumi with a worried look. "I know it's temporary, but . . . "

. . . Kasumi gave her a warm smile as she tipped the water of the Instant Chuanshontsuniichuan Spring of the twins over her head. Two Kasumis stood where one had been. One lifted the wedding dress, the other the tuxedo.

. . . "Oh, my!" the Kasumis said, "Nabiki you must take the groom to your room. It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding." Both Kasumis giggled as Nabiki left with the one carrying the tuxedo. "A proxy wedding is so . . . romantic," Kasumi said as she began changing into her dress.