Disclamer/ Author's note I don't own any of the characters featured in this story. The only thing I do own is the plot.
I want to warn readers that this story is slash fiction dealing with rape and incest and if you don't like that you shouldn't read past here but if you wanna read it go ahead but please don't be mean because u were warned of the content.
That being said, ttfn.
I know he didn't mean to hurt me like that. He's my older brother and he loves me, although after tonight maybe a little too much…
It all started with baking cookies, Mum had stepped out for a few minutes and I was supposed to go check on them when I smelt them upstairs.
The scent wafted under my door and I was hooked, I dropped my book and stood up and went to go out the door. The door flung open and there he stood looking really serious something, which on most occasions was not my brother.
"Hey Wy! Whaddya want?" I asked, not knowing at the time that, that question would change my life forever.
"You…" He said stepping through the door, "Always you." He pushed the door closed and I could hear the door lock. Instantly something told me that this was not good.
"W, what?" I asked.
I was starting to panic as his advances backed me into the wall furthest from my door, it was as if the world was closing in and pushing him closer.
I looked into those crystal blue eyes and saw something that will haunt me for the rest of my life, Wyatt…my own brother…wanted me. And not in a good way.
Every instinct inside me was screaming for me to orb but somehow I couldn't. Something in me wanted to stay. He ran his hands along my shoulders slipping the open shirt onto the ground. I can at that time so clearly remember searching for a way out but Wyatt was blocking the exit. I began to feel more and more caged. I could feel his vice like grip on my shoulders; fear welled up inside my throat. I was terrified.
"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed as he looked at me with a crooked smile.
"This." He said, brushing his lips softly against my own.
I was squirming in his hold, "Wyatt stop it! Get Offa me!"
"Oh dry up." He said, his grip tightening to the point of pain. I looked into his eyes, trying not to cry. I could see some regret there but I knew he wouldn't give up that easily. He then smiled almost lovingly, I didn't know whether to smile, cry or throw up.
"Shhh…" He hushed, "It's okay."
"No Wyatt… Please, don't, don't hurt me." I begged.
I raised my hands to his chest and pushed as hard as I could, he staggered back a few feet and I bolted, but soon Wyatt regained control. He looped his arms around my waist and whirred me around slamming face first back into the wall.
He pushed himself against me whispering, "I want you Christopher." My body went stiff… I was mortified.
"No." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
He stepped back just a little and turned me around, I didn't fight. But when we were facing each other I couldn't look him in the eyes, how could I? I knew what I would see.
He cupped a gentle hand under my chin and tilted my head up so I was looking at him, tilting his own head a little he leant forward and kissed me, it was slow at first. He tried to use his tongue for what reason I'm not sure, I have to admit that I was caught up in the desperate passion of the kiss and succumbed. But when I realised what it was I was doing I stopped, and twisted away.
"No." I pleaded as his kisses advanced up my neck, "Wy, please. Stop it." The unshed tears flowed like burning rivers down my cheeks. He kissed me again, I could feel his hands running down my chest and coming to rest they began to work on my jeans, they slid under my jeans and my boxers pushing them down. I remember gasping in shock, as I suddenly became completely naked and Wyatt's hands slid around to my backside. I was struggling but I realised that it was only bringing me closer to him.
My legs gave way and I collapsed onto the floor, all I wanted to do was stay right where I was, for this nightmare to end. It wasn't to be. Wyatt pulled his own clothes off and then focused on removing the rest of mine.
I felt his arms on my shoulders, pulling me up, urging me to stand. As I did I felt something hard rub against my leg, at that point I actually thought I would be sick. He pushed me down onto the bed on my stomach, I could feel my legs being spread then suddenly something was in me. It was slow, like it was searching for something. I couldn't believe he was using his fingers!
Every muscle in my body began to contract until his fingers found what they had been searching for, it was like an explosion running through my body, every muscle relaxed and an intense feeling of pleasure ran through my body.
The fingers moved outward, widening the entrance for something bigger, I tried desperately to close my legs but he only forced my legs out further and then it happened, he was inside me.
I remember opening my mouth and screaming it was like I was being impaled, and Wyatt's heavy weight on top of me also hurt like hell.
He began to move up and down rhythmically, I remember clawing at the sheets, hoping to escape although deep down I knew there was no way out, not until he was ready anyway.
I could hear Wyatt's heavy breathing above me, feel his hot breath on my neck, soon, and despite myself rapture seemed to take over. I cried out in pain as his nails raked down my back, what disgusted me more then the fact it was him doing it to me was the fact that I felt it stir something within myself.
Liquid fire seemed to spread underneath me, and then as if some divine force had heard my prayers Wyatt withdrew. I remained perfectly still as he climbed off me, disentangled himself from the sheets and left my room. I have no clue how much time I spent just lying there. I couldn't move, I was scared, I lay face down in my own filth and waited incase he returned.
Phoebe's POV
Paige and I walked into the manor to check on the boys Piper had gotten held up at the club and wanted to make sure the boys were doing their stuff.
"Anyone home? Chris? Wyatt?"
Paige saw the note on the table,
Gone to Jack's, be home around eleven.
Love Wyatt.
"Chris?" She called again.
Suddenly I was hit with an overwhelming sense of pain, taking a deep breath I walked upstairs to Chris room, "Sweetie? You in?"
Slowly I opened the door and saw what will stay in my memory for the rest of my life. I haven't told Piper yet.
There he lay completely nude face down on the bed. I could see blood trickling down his back, from where I stood I couldn't even tell if he was still breathing. I walked up to the bed, "Chris?" I asked softly reaching out and touching his shoulder. He pulled into a tight ball.
"No." He whispered, "No! Don't hurt me! Not again Wy! Please!"
"Baby, it's Aunt Phoebe."
"Auntie P?" He asked, his voice shaky.
"Oh. Can you pass me a blanket?"
I reached down and pulled his favourite blue one over him.
"What happened Chris."
"What did Wyatt do to you?" Paige asked from the door.
Paige's POV
He was just lying there, I knew something wasn't right.
Phoebe was sitting beside him and I could tell by the look on her face that he wasn't good.
So I repeat myself, "What did Wyatt do to you?"
There was a long silence, "He didn't do anything."
"Okay, we'll lets get you cleaned up and we'll go out for tea."
"Okay." He said quietly.
Phoebe helped Chris up while he kept the blanket wrapped around his middle, slowly we walked him to the bathroom, gingerly he lowered the blanket and let us wash his back. I held my hand over it and it began to heal.
Chris sat back up, "Thank you." Climbing up he went back to his room and got changed, "So where you wanna go?" He asked doing up his black shirt like nothing had happened.
"How about the pier?" Chris smiled at that. He's always had a smile that could make anyone melt, but now, I don't know if Phoebe could see it but I could. My innocent nephew had been tainted, it was like I was staring at the older Chris we'd known all those years ago.
Wyatt's POV
I'm a monster and I know it. Chris is my innocent baby brother and I went and did that to him. I don't deserve to live and that's why I'm down here, the underworld is where monsters live so I guess I'm right at home here.
Eye of god POV
Chris smiled brightly despite the pain, "Guys, I just wanna say thanks for this evening."
"You sure you're okay sweetie?" Phoebe went to place a hand on his shoulder but he jerked away.
"Yeah, I just need some sleep." He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Chris." Paige said gently, "We can stay."
"No, I said I'm okay." He snapped.
Chris looked at them apologetically and said, "Sorry." He turned and ran up the stairs. The sisters could hear the slam of his door, seconds later they saw the flicker of flames outside. Paige ran out and saw the burning sheets on the grass flaming high into the night sky. She looked up and saw her nephew watching from his bedroom window.
"Chris?" the dark haired boy shut the window.
Chris sat in his room the whole night crying, Piper came home at around twelve in the evening, she knocked on Chris' door.
"Baby, can I come in?"
She heard a grumbling noise from inside. Slowly she opened the door and saw Chris sitting on the window seat, "Chris, what is it?"
"Nothing mamma." He said quietly, "Just can't sleep's all."
"It's nothing okay. I just had another nightmare." He said, hugging his legs to his chest.
"Do you know where Wyatt is?"
Chris flinched ever so slightly, "No, he went to a friend's place Paige said, I think it was Jack's."
"Chris is something wrong?"
"Mum, there is absolutely nothing wrong."
"So why haven't you been anywhere near your bed?"
"I have so."
"No, you haven't."
Chris kept staring out at the night sky, "I just want to be left alone."
"You would tell me if there was anything wrong right?"
"Right." He pulled the blanket up over himself, leaning his head against the windowpane.
"Night sweetie."
"Night mum."
She got up and walked out, opening Wyatt's door she sighed, "I'll kick your ass when you get back."
Chris closed his eyes and began to dream,
Wyatt sat down before the demons, "Listen to me very carefully. The Charmed ones must not be hurt. Do you understand?"
"But sire…"
"BUT NOTHING!" he shouted, "Just bring me the boy."
Chris woke up screaming for his mother, the door flew open and Piper was by her son's side, "We have to find Wyatt mamma, he thinks he's bad for what he did, we can't let him stay down there! I can't lose him again, please!" He begged.
"Chris, what do you mean? What did Wyatt do?"
Chris didn't respond but Piper put two and two together and started to make four, the sheets were stripped, burnt on the lawn. He flinched at the mere mention of Wyatt's name. Had Wyatt hurt his little brother?
"Chris, did Wyatt hurt you?"
Chris turned around and stared wildly at his mother, "Mum…"
"Did he hurt you?"
"I can't…" She saw the tears in his eyes.
Piper looked at him sadly, "Chris please tell me."
"He didn't hurt me or nothing, he just did it. But that's not the issue here. We have to find Wyatt."
Piper went and checked Wyatt's room, "He's not there."
"He's in the underworld."
"You stay here and your dad and I'll go down there."
"No, he doesn't want you. He wants to see me, it will be the only way to get him to come home." He orbed the phone into his hand and called someone.
"Bianca it's Kit, I need your help with Wyatt, can you come over?"
Seconds later she was there and instantly noticed that there was something wrong, "Chris…"
"I'm fine B, we just have to find him okay?"
Bianca shimmered the two of them to the underworld, "Any idea where he is?"
"It was a large room, like huge, and there were fires burning along the walls."
"I know where he is." They shimmered again, Chris felt a little woozy then he saw his older brother talking to demons.
The blonde turned and stared at him, "Chris…"
"Wyatt I forgive you okay, just come home."
"I can't… Not after…"
"If you don't come with me now I will never forgive you." Chris threatened.
Wyatt stood up and with a sweeping gesture the demons that had surrounded him burst into flames.
The underworld seemed to go in slow motion as Wyatt moved to his brother's side. Chris could feel the fear rising inside him but buried it deep inside him, Wyatt stepped before him, "Chris…I'm sorry."
Wyatt wasn't expecting Chris to do what he did. The dark haired witch pulled his brother into a hug, "It's okay Wy, I forgive you."
"How can you?"
"You're my bro, I don't want to lose you Wyatt."
Telepathically he said to Bianca, "I know I told you I didn't want you to do it but could you?"
Bianca plunged her hand into a very surprised Wyatt's chest.
Chris folded his arms around himself, hanging his head slightly he said, "It's just for the moment. You can have them back when I'm ready."
"When you're ready?"
Chris nodded slightly he couldn't say anything else. Bianca looked at Chris and nodded, reaching out she grabbed Chris' hand and blinked them back to the manor.
Wyatt collapsed on the floor gasping desperately for air, "Thanks Bianca, you can go now."
Chris knelt down beside Wyatt, "It isn't forever Wyatt. The pain will subside in a minute or two, you just need to relax."
Before Wyatt could say anything Chris waved his hand and orbed Wyatt to his room. When Chris was alone in the attic he sank down and pulled his legs to his chest and began to cry.
A/N: Would people please let me know what they think and if they think I should go on with it?